        /// <summary>
        /// Main ctor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discreteSurface">The discrete surface ie 2 dimensional.</param>
        /// <param name="forwards">The forwards to be used for calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="xInterpolation">The basic interpolation to be applied to the x axis.</param>
        /// <param name="yInterpolation">The interpolation type for the y axis</param>
        /// <param name="allowExtrapolation">Not implemented in EO.</param>
        protected ExtendedInterpolatedSurface(DiscreteSurface discreteSurface, ParametricAdjustmentPoint[] forwards, IInterpolation xInterpolation,
                                              IInterpolation yInterpolation, bool allowExtrapolation)
            : base(discreteSurface, xInterpolation, yInterpolation, allowExtrapolation)
            var values = discreteSurface.GetMatrixOfValues();
            var x      = discreteSurface.XArray;
            var width  = values.ColumnCount;

            if (forwards != null)
                SpotValue = (double)forwards[0].parameterValue;
                var length = forwards.Length;
                var fwds   = new double[length - 1];
                for (var index = 1; index < length; index++)
                    fwds[index - 1] = (double)forwards[index].parameterValue;
                var fwdcurve = new LinearInterpolation();
                fwdcurve.Initialize(x, fwds);
                ForwardCurve = fwdcurve;
            if (yInterpolation.GetType() == typeof(SABRModelInterpolation))
                var y      = discreteSurface.YArray;
                var length = values.RowCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    //interpolate each maturity first (in strike) with SABR
                    var yinterp = (SABRModelInterpolation)yInterpolation.Clone();
                    yinterp.ExpiryTime = x[i];
                    if (Forward != null && Spot != null)
                        yinterp.AssetPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(Forward);
                        var fwd = ForwardCurve.ValueAt(yinterp.ExpiryTime, true);
                        yinterp.AssetPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(fwd);
                    yinterp.Initialize(y, values.Row(i).Data);
                    var curve           = new DiscreteCurve(y, values.Row(i).Data);
                    var interpolatedCol = new InterpolatedCurve(curve, yinterp, true);
            else //o.w interpolate at each strike point (in time)
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    var interp = xInterpolation.Clone();
                    interp.Initialize(x, values.Column(i).Data);
                    var curve           = new DiscreteCurve(x, values.Column(i).Data);
                    var interpolatedCol = new InterpolatedCurve(curve, interp, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main ctor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columns">The column values.</param>
        /// <param name="forwards">An array of forwards to the expiry dates. The length of this array is + 1, as the first element is the spot value.</param>
        /// <param name="values">The discrete surface ie 2 dimensional.</param>
        /// <param name="xInterpolation">The basic interpolation to be applied to the x axis.</param>
        /// <param name="yInterpolation">The basic interpolation to be applied to the y axis.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">The row values.</param>
        public ExtendedInterpolatedSurface(double[] rows, double[] columns, double[] forwards, Matrix values, IInterpolation xInterpolation, IInterpolation yInterpolation)
            : base(new DiscreteSurface(rows, columns, values), xInterpolation, yInterpolation, true)
            var width           = values.ColumnCount;
            var discreteSurface = new DiscreteSurface(rows, columns, values);
            var x = discreteSurface.XArray;

            if (forwards != null)
                SpotValue = forwards[0];
                var n    = forwards.Length;
                var fwds = new double[n - 1];
                for (var index = 1; index < n; index++)
                    fwds[index - 1] = forwards[index];
                ForwardCurve = new LinearInterpolation();
                ForwardCurve.Initialize(rows, fwds);
            if (yInterpolation.GetType() == typeof(SABRModelInterpolation))
                var length = values.RowCount;
                var y      = discreteSurface.YArray;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    //interpolate each maturity first (in strike) with SABR
                    var yinterp = (SABRModelInterpolation)yInterpolation.Clone();
                    yinterp.ExpiryTime = x[i];
                    if (Forward != null && Spot != null)
                        yinterp.AssetPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(Forward);
                        var fwd = ForwardCurve.ValueAt(yinterp.ExpiryTime, true);
                        yinterp.AssetPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(fwd);
                    yinterp.Initialize(y, values.Row(i).Data);
                    var curve           = new DiscreteCurve(y, values.Row(i).Data);
                    var interpolatedCol = new InterpolatedCurve(curve, yinterp, true);
            else //o.w interpolate at each strike point (in time)
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    var interp = xInterpolation.Clone();
                    interp.Initialize(x, values.Column(i).Data);
                    var curve           = new DiscreteCurve(x, values.Column(i).Data);
                    var interpolatedCol = new InterpolatedCurve(curve, interp, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calcs the forward vols.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="times">The times.</param>
        /// <param name="vols">The vols.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        double[] CalcForwardVariance(double[] times, double[] vols)
            int n = times.Length;

            double[]      quadvar  = new double[n];
            List <double> quadvar0 = new List <double>();
            List <double> quadt0   = new List <double>();

            double[] quadvar1 = new double[n];
            double[] fwdvols  = new double[n];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)
                quadvar[idx] = vols[idx] * vols[idx] * times[idx];
            //create List quadvar0 of quadratic variations and associated times,
            //dropping negative fwd vols
            int jdx = 1;

            for (int idx = 1; idx < n; idx++)
                if (quadvar[idx] > quadvar[idx - 1])
            //interpolate cut down list to original time vector
            for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)
                double time1 = times[idx];
                var    li    = new LinearInterpolation();
                li.Initialize(quadt0.ToArray(), quadvar0.ToArray());
                double y = li.ValueAt(time1, false);
                quadvar1[idx] = y;

            //convert back from quadratic variatons to forward vols
            fwdvols[0] = vols[0] * vols[0];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < n - 1; idx++)
                double vol0   = quadvar1[idx];
                double vol1   = quadvar1[idx + 1];
                double fwdvol = Math.Sqrt((vol1 - vol0) / (times[idx + 1] - times[idx]));
                fwdvols[idx + 1] = fwdvol * fwdvol;

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function used to initialise the private fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="volatilityCurve">The Bootstrap engine
        /// that contains the results of the bootstrap.</param>
        /// <param name="expiryInterpolationType">Type of the expiry
        /// interpolation.
        /// Example: Linear interpolation.</param>
        private void InitialisePrivateFields
            (VolatilityCurve volatilityCurve,
            ExpiryInterpolationType expiryInterpolationType)
            // Initialise the Calculation Date.
            _calculationDate =
            // Set the x and y arrays for the one dimensional interpolation.
            var results
                = volatilityCurve.BootstrapResults.Results;
            IDayCounter dayCountObj = Actual365.Instance;
            var         tempXArray  = new List <double>();
            var         tempYArray  = new List <double>();
            var         count       = 1;

            foreach (var expiry in results.Keys)
                var timeToExpiry = dayCountObj.YearFraction
                                       (_calculationDate, expiry);
                // Record the first and last time to expiry and available
                // bootstrap Caplet volatility.
                if (count == 1)
                    _firstExpiry     = (decimal)timeToExpiry;
                    _firstVolatility = results[expiry];
                _lastVolatility = results[expiry];
                _lastExpiry     = (decimal)timeToExpiry;
            double[] xArray = tempXArray.ToArray();
            double[] yArray = tempYArray.ToArray();
            // Initialise the one dimensional interpolation object.
            switch (expiryInterpolationType)
            case ExpiryInterpolationType.CubicHermiteSpline:
                _expiryInterpolationObj =
                    new CubicHermiteSplineInterpolation();
                _expiryInterpolationObj.Initialize(xArray, yArray);

            default:     // Linear interpolation
                _expiryInterpolationObj = new LinearInterpolation();
                _expiryInterpolationObj.Initialize(xArray, yArray);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute a one dimensional (piecewise) Linear interpolation. Extrapolation is flat-line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xValues">One dimensional array of x-values. Array is not required to be in ascending order.</param>
        /// <param name="yValues">One dimensional array of known y-values. Length of the array must be equal to the length of the XArray parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Value at which to compute the interpolation.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double LinearInterpolate(Double[] xValues, Double[] yValues, double target)
            if (xValues == null)
            if (yValues == null)
            var li = new LinearInterpolation();

            li.Initialize(xValues, yValues);
            return(li.ValueAt(target, true));
        public void TestLinearInterpolation()
            Random r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

            var interpolation = new LinearInterpolation();

            interpolation.Initialize(_times, _rates);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                double time       = (i + r.Next(-10000, 10000) / 10000);
                double interpRate = interpolation.ValueAt(time, true);
                Debug.WriteLine($"interpolatedRate : {interpRate} Time: {time}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function used by the master initialisation function to
        /// initialise the one dimensional interpolation object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discountFactors">The discount factors.</param>
        /// <param name="offsets">The offsets.</param>
        private void InitialiseDiscountFactorObject
            (double[] discountFactors, int[] offsets)
            // Convert each offset to a decimal type.
            var numOffsets = offsets.Length;
            var xArray     = new double[numOffsets];

            for (var i = 0; i < numOffsets; ++i)
                xArray[i] = offsets[i];
            // Instantiate the object that will provide the one dimensional
            // interpolation functionality.
            _discountFactorObj =
                new LinearInterpolation();
            _discountFactorObj.Initialize(xArray, discountFactors);
        public double Value(double trialAdjustment)
            // Set the adjustments
            // Adjust the rates with the answer
            if (_spreadStartIndex == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i <= _spreadEndIndex; i++)
                    _adjustments[i] = (decimal)trialAdjustment;
                int startDays = _days[_spreadStartIndex - 1];

                // if there is only one point then don't interpolate
                if (_spreadDays == startDays)
                    _adjustments[_spreadStartIndex] = (decimal)trialAdjustment;
                    var x             = new double[] { startDays, _spreadDays };
                    var y             = new[] { (double)_adjustments[_spreadStartIndex - 1], trialAdjustment };
                    var interpolation = new LinearInterpolation();
                    interpolation.Initialize(x, y);

                    for (int i = _spreadStartIndex; i <= _spreadEndIndex; i++)
                        int days = _days[i];
                        _adjustments[i] = (decimal)interpolation.ValueAt(days, false);
            double valueForAdjustment = RateCurve.CalculateImpliedQuote(_logger, _cache, _nameSpace, _baseDate, _properties, _instruments, _rates, _adjustments, _spreadAssetId,
                                                                        _spreadAssetValuation, _fixingCalendar, _rollCalendar);

            return(valueForAdjustment - _valueForZeroAdjustment - _spread);