/// <summary> /// Draws the month header row. /// </summary> private void DrawMonthTitle(MonthInfo month, ref float topOffset) { // calcs the rect to draw the month title row SizeF monthTitleRowSize = CalendarData.GetMonthTitleRowSize(MonthAreaSize); RectangleF monthRowRect = new RectangleF( CalendarArea.X, CalendarArea.Y + topOffset, monthTitleRowSize.Width, monthTitleRowSize.Height); float borderWidth = CalendarData.MonthTitleBorderStyle.LineWidth.ToTwips() / 2; // get month name to draw string monthTitle = string.Format(CalendarData.Culture, CalendarData.FormatString(new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, 1), CalendarData.MonthTitleFormat)); // fill the area using (BrushEx brush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(CalendarData.MonthTitleBackcolor)) Canvas.FillRectangle(brush, monthRowRect); // draw month title string var font = CalendarData.MonthTitleFontStyle.CreateFontInfo(); using (BrushEx brush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(CalendarData.MonthTitleFontStyle.FontColor)) { RectangleF titleRect = new RectangleF( monthRowRect.X + borderWidth, monthRowRect.Y + borderWidth, monthRowRect.Width - 2 * borderWidth, monthRowRect.Height - 2 * borderWidth); // HACK: we should consider the issue with drawing string later. the issue comes about in the designer when caledar has small width to fit titles. --SergeyP Canvas.PushState(); Canvas.DrawString(monthTitle, font, brush, titleRect, ToEx(CalendarData.MonthTitleStringFormat)); Canvas.PopState(); } // draw the borders using (PenEx pen = LineStyle.CreatePen(Canvas, CalendarData.MonthTitleBorderStyle)) { pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Center; DrawRectangle(Canvas, pen, monthRowRect.X, monthRowRect.Y, monthRowRect.Width, monthRowRect.Height - borderWidth); // shift the bottom border to avoid overlapping } // set offset topOffset += monthTitleRowSize.Height; }
/// <summary> /// Draws the appointments of a specified week. /// </summary> private void RenderAppointments(MonthInfo month, IEnumerable <DayInfo> days, SizeF dayCellSize) { const float ImagePadding = 0.02f; for (int week = 0; week < CalendarData.WeeksInMonth; week++) { DateTime weekStartDate = month.GetDateOfDay(week, CalendarData.FirstDayOfWeek, CalendarData.FirstDayOfWeek); DateTime weekEndDate = month.GetDateOfDay(week, CalendarData.LastDayOfWeek, CalendarData.FirstDayOfWeek, true); CalendarData.AppointmentLayoutHelper layoutHelper = new CalendarData.AppointmentLayoutHelper(CalendarData.FirstDayOfWeek, CalendarData.AppointmentGap); foreach (Appointment appointment in CalendarData.GetAppointmentsInWeek(month, week)) { int apptWeekDaysCount = appointment.GetDurationInPeriod(weekStartDate, weekEndDate); Debug.Assert(apptWeekDaysCount > 0, "The appointment should belong to the rendering week."); DateTime appStartDate = appointment.ArrangeStartDate(weekStartDate); DayInfo appStartDayInfo = DayInfo.FindDayInfo(days, appStartDate); Debug.Assert(appStartDayInfo != null, "Day have to be found in the collection."); SizeF appSize = CalendarData.MeasureAppointment(appointment, weekStartDate, weekEndDate, dayCellSize); float appOffset = layoutHelper.Add(appStartDate, appStartDate.AddDays(apptWeekDaysCount - 1), appSize.Height); RectangleF appointmentRect; if (!_rightToLeft) { appointmentRect = new RectangleF( appStartDayInfo.Bounds.X, appStartDayInfo.Bounds.Y + appStartDayInfo.HeaderSize.Height + appOffset, apptWeekDaysCount * dayCellSize.Width, appSize.Height); } else { appointmentRect = new RectangleF( appStartDayInfo.Bounds.X - ((apptWeekDaysCount - 1) * dayCellSize.Width), appStartDayInfo.Bounds.Y + appStartDayInfo.HeaderSize.Height + appOffset, apptWeekDaysCount * dayCellSize.Width, appSize.Height); } AddActionToInteractivityMap(appointment, appointmentRect); using (BrushEx backcolorBrush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(appointment.Backcolor)) { Canvas.FillRectangle(backcolorBrush, appointmentRect); } // draw image! Image img = CalendarData.GetAppointmentImage(appointment); RectangleF appTextRect = new RectangleF(appointmentRect.X, appointmentRect.Y, appointmentRect.Width, appointmentRect.Height); bool drawImage = appointment.StartDate >= weekStartDate && appointment.StartDate <= weekEndDate; if (img != null && drawImage) { var imageStream = new MemoryStream(); img.Save(imageStream, ImageFormat.Png); imageStream.Position = 0; using (ImageEx image = Canvas.CreateImage(new ImageInfo(imageStream, "image/png"))) { float imgHeight = Math.Min(CalendarData.GetAppointmentImageSize(appointment), appointmentRect.Width); float imgWidth = imgHeight; float imgLeft; if (!_rightToLeft) { imgLeft = appointmentRect.X; } else { imgLeft = appointmentRect.Right - imgWidth; } float imgTop = appointmentRect.Y + ImagePadding; //Fix for case 44294 Canvas.PushState(); Canvas.IntersectClip(new RectangleF(imgLeft, imgTop, imgWidth, imgHeight)); SizeF imgSz = CalendarData.GetAppointmentImageRealSize(appointment); Canvas.DrawImage(image, imgLeft, imgTop, imgSz.Width, imgSz.Height); Canvas.PopState(); if (imgHeight == appointmentRect.Width) { appTextRect.Y += imgHeight; appTextRect.Height -= imgHeight; } else { if (!_rightToLeft) { appTextRect.X = appointmentRect.X + imgWidth; } appTextRect.Width = appointmentRect.Width - imgWidth; } } } // HACK: we should consider the issue with drawing string later. the issue comes about in the designer when caledar has small width to fit titles. --SergeyP using (StringFormat sf = Components.Calendar.CalendarData.GetAppointmentFormat(appointment, _rightToLeft)) { TextStyle fontStyle = new TextStyle(appointment.FontFamily, appointment.FontSize, appointment.FontStyle, appointment.FontWeight, appointment.FontDecoration, appointment.FontColor); Canvas.PushState(); var font = fontStyle.CreateFontInfo(); using (BrushEx forecolorBrush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(fontStyle.FontColor)) { string value = CalendarData.FormatString(appointment.Value, appointment.Format); Canvas.DrawString(value, font, forecolorBrush, appTextRect, ToEx(sf)); } Canvas.PopState(); } LineStyle borderStyle = new LineStyle(appointment.BorderColor); using (PenEx pen = LineStyle.CreatePen(Canvas, borderStyle)) { pen.Width = 1; // HACK: temporary hack because the width is turned off for appointments DrawRectangle(Canvas, pen, appointmentRect.X, appointmentRect.Y, appointmentRect.Width, appointmentRect.Height); } RenderAction(appointment, Canvas, appointmentRect); } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the days. /// </summary> /// <param name="days">a sorted list of days to draw</param> private void RenderDays(IEnumerable <DayInfo> days) { foreach (DayInfo day in days) { RectangleF dayRect = day.Bounds; var headerBorderPath = new PathEx(); var borderPath = new PathEx(); { // create day-box area borderPath.AddLines( new PointF[] { new PointF(dayRect.X, dayRect.Y), new PointF(dayRect.X + dayRect.Width, dayRect.Y), new PointF(dayRect.X + dayRect.Width, dayRect.Y + dayRect.Height), new PointF(dayRect.X, dayRect.Y + dayRect.Height), }); borderPath.CloseAllFigures(); //Fix for case 44962 headerBorderPath.AddLines( new PointF[] { new PointF(dayRect.X, dayRect.Y), new PointF(dayRect.X + dayRect.Width, dayRect.Y), new PointF(dayRect.X + dayRect.Width, dayRect.Y + day.HeaderSize.Height), new PointF(dayRect.X, dayRect.Y + day.HeaderSize.Height), }); headerBorderPath.CloseAllFigures(); // fill day-box area using (BrushEx brush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(CalendarData.GetDayBackcolor(day.DayKind))) { Canvas.DrawAndFillPath(null, brush, borderPath); Canvas.DrawAndFillPath(null, brush, headerBorderPath); } // draw the day label TextStyle fontStyle = CalendarData.GetDayFontStyle(day.DayKind); var font = fontStyle.CreateFontInfo(); using (BrushEx brush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(fontStyle.FontColor)) { float borderWidth = CalendarData.GetDayBorderStyle(day.DayKind).LineWidth.ToTwips() / 2; RectangleF dayLabelRect = new RectangleF( dayRect.X + borderWidth, dayRect.Top + borderWidth, day.Bounds.Width - 2 * borderWidth, day.HeaderSize.Height - 2 * borderWidth); // HACK: we should consider the issue with drawing string later. the issue comes about in the designer when caledar has small width to fit titles. --SergeyP Canvas.PushState(); Canvas.DrawString(day.Label, font, brush, dayLabelRect, ToEx(CalendarData.GetDayStringFormat(day.DayKind))); Canvas.PopState(); } // draw borders using (PenEx pen = LineStyle.CreatePen(Canvas, CalendarData.GetDayBorderStyle(day.DayKind))) { Canvas.DrawAndFillPath(pen, null, borderPath); Canvas.DrawAndFillPath(pen, null, headerBorderPath); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the week day names. /// </summary> private void DrawWeekDays(ref float topOffset) { // calc the rect of the week day names row SizeF weekDaysRowSize = CalendarData.GetDaysOfWeekRowSize(MonthAreaSize); RectangleF weekDaysRowRect = new RectangleF( CalendarArea.X, CalendarArea.Y + topOffset, weekDaysRowSize.Width, weekDaysRowSize.Height); SizeF dayCellSize = CalendarData.GetDayCellSize(weekDaysRowSize); using (BrushEx brush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(CalendarData.DayHeadersBackcolor)) Canvas.FillRectangle(brush, weekDaysRowRect); // draw the week days how they represented in month var font = CalendarData.DayHeadersFontStyle.CreateFontInfo(); using (BrushEx brush = Canvas.CreateSolidBrush(CalendarData.DayHeadersFontStyle.FontColor)) using (PenEx pen = LineStyle.CreatePen(Canvas, CalendarData.DayHeadersBorderStyle)) { for (int i = 0; i < CalendarData.DaysInWeek; i++) { RectangleF dayCellRect; if (!_rightToLeft) { dayCellRect = new RectangleF( weekDaysRowRect.X + (i * dayCellSize.Width), weekDaysRowRect.Y, dayCellSize.Width, dayCellSize.Height); } else { dayCellRect = new RectangleF( (weekDaysRowRect.X + weekDaysRowRect.Width) - ((i + 1) * dayCellSize.Width), weekDaysRowRect.Y, dayCellSize.Width, dayCellSize.Height); } var borderPath = new PathEx(); { // create day-box area borderPath.AddLines( new PointF[] { new PointF(dayCellRect.X, dayCellRect.Y), new PointF(dayCellRect.X + dayCellRect.Width, dayCellRect.Y), new PointF(dayCellRect.X + dayCellRect.Width, dayCellRect.Y + dayCellRect.Height), new PointF(dayCellRect.X, dayCellRect.Y + dayCellRect.Height), }); borderPath.CloseAllFigures(); // the day name to draw string weekDayName = CalendarData.Culture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(CalendarData.WeekDays[i]); // HACK: we should consider the issue with drawing string later. the issue comes about in the designer when caledar has small width to fit titles. --SergeyP { Canvas.PushState(); Canvas.DrawString(weekDayName, font, brush, dayCellRect, ToEx(CalendarData.DayHeadersFormat)); Canvas.PopState(); } Canvas.DrawAndFillPath(pen, null, borderPath); //RenderUtils.DrawRectangle(Canvas, pen, dayCellRect.X, dayCellRect.Y, dayCellRect.Width, dayCellRect.Height); } } } // set offset topOffset += weekDaysRowSize.Height; }