protected void btnPrintSelected_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strCommand; LinkButton lb; CheckBox cb; GridViewRow gvr; string printContent = ""; string divContent = ""; bool rowClosed = false; bool PrintAll = false; int rowNumber = 0; int lblCount = 0; string VendorLine; string ShipAddr2, ShipAddr1, ShipName, ShipCity, ShipZip, ShipState; string Model; // const string quote = "\""; lb = (LinkButton)sender; if (string.Compare(lb.ID, "lbPrintAll") == 0) { PrintAll = true; } // Get header record information for the labels // Read Header Fields string sqlCommandSrc; SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DMTargetConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DMSourceConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlDataReader sdr; sqlConnection2.Open(); sqlConnection1.Open(); sqlCommandSrc = string.Concat("Select * from POORDHP where PHPONO = '", lblPO.Text, "'"); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommandSrc, sqlConnection2); sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.HasRows) { sdr.Read(); ShipAddr2 = (string)sdr["PHSAD2"]; ShipAddr1 = (string)sdr["PHSAD1"]; ShipName = (string)sdr["PHSNAM"]; ShipCity = (string)sdr["PHSCTY"]; ShipState = (string)sdr["PHSSTA"]; ShipZip = (string)sdr["PHSZIP"]; VendorLine = string.Concat("Vendor: ", DataClass.GetVendor((decimal)sdr["PHVEN1"]), "<br/><hr/>"); } else { sdr.Close(); sqlConnection1.Close(); sqlConnection2.Close(); lblMessage.Text = "Critical Error: Order Header Information Not Found"; return; } sdr.Close(); sqlConnection2.Close(); // Setup print content header printContent = string.Concat("<head><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"Labels.css\"></head><body>"); for (int i = 0; i < gvPrinting.Rows.Count; i++) { gvr = gvPrinting.Rows[i]; cb = (CheckBox)gvr.FindControl("cbPrint"); // If we can't find a checkbox, next row if ((cb != null) && (cb.Visible == true)) { // Are we printing this label? if ((PrintAll == true) || (cb.Checked == true)) { // Generate actual label text into divContent // cb.Tooltip has the SN of the label we are printing strCommand = string.Concat("SELECT SL_Labels.LabelSN, SL_Labels.BulkSN, SL_Labels.SkidSN, SL_Labels.PackingSeq, SL_Labels.PO, SL_Labels.Description, SL_Labels.Seq, SL_Labels.Skid, SL_Labels.BulkCarton, SL_Labels.Carton, SL_Labels.Status, SL_Labels.PrintStatus, SL_Labels.Line, SL_Packing.Component, SL_Packing.Item, SL_Packing.ShipQty, SL_Packing.BOMQty FROM SL_Labels FULL OUTER JOIN SL_Packing ON SL_Labels.PackingSeq = SL_Packing.Seq WHERE ((SL_Labels.Vendor = ", VendorList, ") and SL_Labels.PO = '", lblPO.Text, "' and SL_Labels.LabelSN=", cb.ToolTip.ToString() + ")"); command = new SqlCommand(strCommand, sqlConnection1); sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.HasRows) { int CartonCount, MinCarton, CurrentCarton, BoxNo; int SkidNo; int BulkCarton; decimal CartonSN; decimal BulkSN; decimal SkidSN; string PrintCarton; string LineNo; sdr.Read(); SkidNo = (int)sdr["Skid"]; BulkCarton = (int)sdr["BulkCarton"]; CartonSN = (decimal)sdr["LabelSN"]; BulkSN = (decimal)sdr["BulkSN"]; SkidSN = (decimal)sdr["SkidSN"]; LineNo = sdr["Line"].ToString(); CurrentCarton = (int)sdr["Carton"]; // Check if this is a skid label, pre-pend 'S' if it is if ((SkidNo > 0) && (CurrentCarton == 0) && (BulkCarton == 0)) { PrintCarton = string.Concat("S", SkidSN.ToString("000000000")); } else if ((BulkCarton > 0) && (CurrentCarton == 0)) { PrintCarton = string.Concat("B", BulkSN.ToString("000000000")); } else { PrintCarton = CartonSN.ToString("000000000"); } //// Check if this is a skid label, pre-pend 'S' if it is //if ((SkidNo > 0) && (CurrentCarton == 0)) //{ // PrintCarton = string.Concat("S", SkidSN.ToString("000000000")); //} //else //{ // PrintCarton = CartonSN.ToString("000000000"); //} CartonCount = DataClass.GetCartonCount(lblPO.Text, LineNo); MinCarton = DataClass.GetFirstCarton(lblPO.Text, LineNo); BoxNo = CurrentCarton - MinCarton + 1; // If we are printint a Skid label, set the box # to 0 as well. if (CartonCount == 0) { BoxNo = 0; } // Start generating the label content divContent = VendorLine; // Check if our Item is null, will be a skid label in this instance. if ((SkidNo > 0) && (BulkCarton == 0) && (CurrentCarton == 0)) { divContent += "<p style='text-align: center; font-size: 3em; font-weight: bold'>SKID " + SkidNo.ToString() + "</p><br/><br/>"; } else if ((BulkCarton > 0) && (CurrentCarton == 0)) { divContent += "<p style='text-align: center; font-size: 3em; font-weight: bold'>BULK CTN " + BulkCarton.ToString() + "</p><br/><br/>"; } else { if (System.DBNull.Value.Equals(sdr["Item"])) { Model = (string)sdr["Description"]; divContent += string.Concat(Model, "<br/>"); } else { Model = (string)sdr["Item"]; divContent += string.Concat("Model: ", Model, "<br/>"); } divContent += "Finishes: <br/>"; divContent += string.Concat("Qty: ", sdr["ShipQty"], "<br/>"); divContent += string.Concat("Box: ", BoxNo.ToString(), " of ", CartonCount.ToString()); if ((BulkCarton != 0) && (BoxNo != 0)) { divContent += string.Concat(", Bulk #", BulkCarton.ToString()); } if ((SkidNo != 0) && (BoxNo != 0)) { divContent += string.Concat(" - On Skid: ", SkidNo.ToString()); } } divContent += string.Concat("<br/><hr/>"); divContent += "Ship To: <br/>"; divContent += string.Concat(ShipName, "<br/>"); divContent += string.Concat(ShipAddr1, "<br/>"); if (ShipAddr2.Trim().Length > 0) { divContent += string.Concat(ShipAddr2, "<br/>"); } divContent += string.Concat(ShipCity, ", ", ShipState, " ", ShipZip, "<br />"); divContent += "Load: <br/>"; divContent += string.Concat("PO NUMBER/LINE#: <B>", lblPO.Text, " / ", LineNo.ToString(), "<B/><br/>"); divContent += string.Concat("ORDER /LINE#: <br/><hr/>"); divContent += string.Concat("<div style=\"height: 1.5in;\"><center><img alt='Barcode Generator TEC-IT' src='", PrintCarton, "&code=Code39&dpi=96&dataseparator=' /></center></div>"); divContent += string.Concat("<hr/>"); } else { sdr.Close(); sqlConnection1.Close(); lblMessage.Text = string.Concat("Critical Error Locating Label: ", cb.ToolTip); return; } sdr.Close(); // Are we printing in the left or right column? if ((lblCount % 2) == 0) { rowNumber++; if ((rowNumber % 2) == 0) { // Spacer printContent += string.Concat("<div style=\"width: 100%; display: table; min-height: .5in;\"><div style=\"display: table-row;\"><div style=\"display: table-cell;\"><hr /></div></div></div>"); printContent += string.Concat("<div style=\"width: 100%; display: table; \"><div style=\"display: table-row; page-break-after: always;\">"); //printContent += string.Concat("<div style=\"width: 100%; display: table; \"><div style=\"display: table-row; height: 7.5in; min-height: 7.5in;\">"); } else { printContent += string.Concat("<div style=\"width: 100%; display: table; \"><div style=\"display: table-row; height: 7.75in; min-height: 7.75in;\">"); // printContent += string.Concat("<div style=\"width: 100%; display: table; \"><div style=\"display: table-row; height: 7.5in; min-height: 7.5in;\">"); // rowClosed = false; } // Label Row Header rowClosed = false; } printContent += string.Concat("<div class=\"Label\" style=\"display: table-cell; min-width: 4in; \">", divContent, "</div>"); // Last, increase our printed label count for positioning the next label, and mark this one printed DataClass.MarkPrinted(cb.ToolTip); lblCount++; cb.Checked = false; // Also uncheck the print selection cb.Text = "Re-Print"; // Close off the row if ((lblCount % 2) == 0) { printContent += "</div></div>"; rowClosed = true; } } // End: if((PrintAll == true) || (cb.Checked == true)) } // End: if((cb != null) && (cb.Visible == true)) //lb = (LinkButton)gvr.FindControl("btnPrint"); //if (lb != null) //{ // DataClass.MarkPrinted(lb.ToolTip); //} } // End: for (int i = 0; i < gvPrinting.Rows.Count; i++) if (rowClosed == false) { printContent += string.Concat("<div class=\"Label\" style=\"display: table-cell; min-width: 4in;\"> <br/><center> </center><br/></div></div></div>"); } printContent += string.Concat("</body>"); sqlConnection1.Close(); // Let's print!!! //StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("C:\\Temp\\Log.Txt", true); //streamWriter.WriteLine("Starting Print"); //streamWriter.Flush(); var Renderer = new IronPdf.HtmlToPdf(); Renderer.PrintOptions.SetCustomPaperSizeInInches(8.5, 13); Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginTop = 6; Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginBottom = 6; Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginLeft = 6; Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginRight = 6; Renderer.PrintOptions.DPI = 300; // Renderer.PrintOptions.RenderDelay = 50; Renderer.PrintOptions.CssMediaType = PdfPrintOptions.PdfCssMediaType.Print; string FileName = string.Concat("Labels", lblPO.Text.Trim(), "_", DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString(), ".PDF"); string Path = string.Concat("C:\\Temp\\", FileName); // Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(printContent).SaveAs(FileName); //streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Concat("Printing: ", Path)); //streamWriter.Flush(); PdfDocument PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(printContent); //streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Concat("Rendered: ", Path)); //streamWriter.Flush(); PDF.SaveAs(Path); //streamWriter.WriteLine("Finished, closing"); //streamWriter.Flush(); //streamWriter.Close(); System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response; response.ClearContent(); response.Clear(); response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + FileName + ";"); response.TransmitFile(Path); response.Flush(); response.End(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = FileNameTB.Text; string path2 = FolderName.Text; if (!File.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("Error: Source file does not exist"); } else if (!path.Contains(".cyacd")) { MessageBox.Show("Error: Source file should be a .cyacd file"); } else { if (path2.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Select a destination folder for StringImage.h file"); } else { path2 = FolderName.Text + "\\" + "StringImage.h"; // Delete the file if it exists. int LineNo; string No_Of_Lines, size, row; if (File.Exists(path2)) { File.Delete(path2); } //Create the file. using (FileStream fs2 = File.Create(path2)) { StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs2); FileStream fs1 = File.OpenRead(path); /* Open the cyacd file and calculate the rowData length for the rowData array */ StreamReader readCyacd = new StreamReader(fs1); row = readCyacd.ReadLine(); row = readCyacd.ReadLine(); size = row.Substring(7, 4); w.WriteLine("/*******************************************************************************"); w.WriteLine("* File Name: StringImage.h"); w.WriteLine("* Version 1.0"); w.WriteLine("*"); w.WriteLine("* Description:"); w.WriteLine("* This file is created to store the bootloadable code as a stringImage"); w.WriteLine("* LINE_CNT is the number of lines in cyacd file"); w.WriteLine("*******************************************************************************/"); w.WriteLine(""); /* Open the .acd file for reading each line and parsing it to hex array */ using (FileStream fs3 = File.OpenRead(path)) { StreamReader r = new StreamReader(fs3); /* size of the line */ LineNo = 1; /* Read till the end of the line*/ while ((row = r.ReadLine()) != null) { if (row[0] == ':') { LineNo++; w.WriteLine(","); w.Write("\""); w.Write(row); w.Write("\""); } else { w.Write("const char *stringImage[] = {\""); w.Write("{0}\"", row); } } w.WriteLine(""); w.WriteLine("};"); } No_Of_Lines = LineNo.ToString(); w.WriteLine("\r\n/* No. of rows to be programmed */"); w.WriteLine("unsigned int LINE_CNT = {0};", No_Of_Lines); w.Close(); fs2.Close(); MessageBox.Show(" Include the header file \n\r\n\r" + path2 + "\n\r\n\rin your project"); } Environment.Exit(1); } } }
protected void gvLabels_Databound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { // LinkButton lb; DataRowView drv; Literal innerHtml, SN; TableCell cell; string LineNo; int CartonCount, MinCarton, CurrentCarton, BoxNo; // int Seq; int SkidNo; string divID; decimal CartonSN; decimal SkidSN; string PrintCarton; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { drv = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem; // Display the company name in italics. innerHtml = (Literal)e.Row.FindControl("innerHtml"); SN = (Literal)e.Row.FindControl("SN"); SkidNo = (int)drv["Skid"]; CartonSN = (decimal)drv["LabelSN"]; SkidSN = (decimal)drv["SkidSN"]; LineNo = drv["Line"].ToString(); CurrentCarton = (int)drv["Carton"]; // Seq = (int)drv["Seq"]; cell = e.Row.Cells[0]; divID = string.Concat("divLabel_", e.Row.DataItemIndex.ToString()); // divID = string.Concat("divLabel_", CartonSN.ToString()); cell.Controls[0].ID = divID; SN.Text = CartonSN.ToString(); // Check if this is a skid label, pre-pend 'S' if it is if ((SkidNo > 0) && (CurrentCarton == 0)) { PrintCarton = string.Concat("S", SkidSN.ToString("000000000")); } else { PrintCarton = CartonSN.ToString("000000000"); } CartonCount = DataClass.GetCartonCount(lblPO.Text, LineNo); MinCarton = DataClass.GetFirstCarton(lblPO.Text, LineNo); BoxNo = CurrentCarton - MinCarton + 1; // If we are printint a Skid label, set the box # to 0 as well. if (CartonCount == 0) { BoxNo = 0; } // Read Header Fields string sqlCommandSrc; SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DMTargetConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlDataReader sdr; sqlConnection2.Open(); sqlCommandSrc = string.Concat("Select * from POORDHP where PHPONO = '", lblPO.Text, "'"); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommandSrc, sqlConnection2); sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.HasRows) { sdr.Read(); string addr2 = (string)sdr["PHSAD2"]; string Model; innerHtml.Text = string.Concat("Vendor: ", DataClass.GetVendor((decimal)sdr["PHVEN1"]), "<br/><hr/>"); // Check if our Item is null, will be a skid label in this instance. if (System.DBNull.Value.Equals(drv["Item"])) { Model = (string)drv["Description"]; innerHtml.Text += string.Concat(Model, "<br/>"); } else { Model = (string)drv["Item"]; innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("Model: ", Model, "<br/>"); } innerHtml.Text += "Finishes: <br/>"; innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("Qty: ", drv["ShipQty"], "<br/>"); innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("Box: ", BoxNo.ToString(), " of ", CartonCount.ToString()); if ((SkidNo != 0) && (BoxNo != 0)) { innerHtml.Text += string.Concat(" - On Skid: ", SkidNo.ToString()); } innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("<br/><hr/>"); innerHtml.Text += "Ship To: <br/>"; innerHtml.Text += string.Concat((string)sdr["PHSNAM"], "<br/>"); innerHtml.Text += string.Concat((string)sdr["PHSAD1"], "<br/>"); if (addr2.Trim().Length > 0) { innerHtml.Text += string.Concat(addr2, "<br/>"); } innerHtml.Text += string.Concat(sdr["PHSCTY"], ", ", sdr["PHSSTA"], " ", sdr["PHSZIP"], "<br />"); innerHtml.Text += "Load: <br/>"; innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("PO NUMBER/LINE#: <B>", lblPO.Text, " / ", LineNo.ToString(), "<B/><br/>"); innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("ORDER /LINE#: <br/><hr/>"); innerHtml.Text += string.Concat("<center><img alt='Barcode Generator TEC-IT' src='", PrintCarton, "&code=Code39&dpi=96&dataseparator=' /></center> "); // hl.NavigateUrl = String.Concat("/Component.aspx?PO=", txtSearch.Text, "&Item=", hl.Text.Trim); } else { sqlConnection2.Close(); lblMessage.Text = "PO Not Found"; return; } sqlConnection2.Close(); } }