public void Build(Properties.CommandInfo commandInfo, Encoding encoding, out string error, out string shellError) { TextNodeParser buildinParser = null; string command = commandInfo.command; int index = command.IndexOf(':'); if (index != -1) { customSyntax = command.Substring(index + 1).Trim(); command = command.Substring(0, index).Trim(); } foreach (TextNodeParser parser in buildinParsers) { if ( == command) { buildinParser = parser; break; } } error = null; shellError = null; Node node = null; if (buildinParser != null) { node = buildinParser.Parse(buffer.Controller.Lines); } else { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; p.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = encoding; p.StartInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = encoding; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C " + command; p.Start(); p.StandardInput.Write(buffer.Controller.Lines); p.StandardInput.Close(); string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); string errors = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); p.WaitForExit(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errors)) { shellError = errors; } else { try { node = new Parser().Load(output); } catch (System.Exception e) { error = "Parsing error: " + e.Message + "\nSee \"" + + "\" for more info"; } } } if (node == null) { if (error == null) { error = "Empty output\nSee \"" + + "\" for more info"; } return; } tabSize = settings.tabSize.GetValue(null); lines = Controller.Lines; lines.ClearAllUnsafely(); places = new List <Place>(); AddLine(buffer.Name, new Place(-1, -1), true); AppendNodeOrNodesList(node); if (lines.LinesCount == 0) { lines.AddLineUnsafely(new Line(32)); } else { lines.CutLastLineBreakUnsafely(); } Place target = buffer.Controller.Lines.SoftNormalizedPlaceOf(buffer.Controller.LastSelection.caret); for (int i = places.Count; i-- > 0;) { if (places[i].iLine <= target.iLine) { Place place = new Place(0, i); if (place.iLine < 0) { place.iLine = 0; } else if (place.iLine >= buffer.Controller.Lines.LinesCount) { place.iLine = buffer.Controller.Lines.LinesCount; } Controller.PutCursor(place, false); break; } } showEncoding = false; Controller.isReadonly = true; additionKeyMap = new KeyMap(); { KeyAction action = new KeyAction("&View\\Nodes list\\Close nodes list", DoCloseBuffer, null, false); additionKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Escape, null, action)); additionKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Control | Keys.OemOpenBrackets, null, action)); } { KeyAction action = new KeyAction("&View\\Nodes list\\Jump to node", DoJumpTo, null, false); additionKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Enter, null, action)); } }
private void Search(string directory, Regex regex, string pattern, bool ignoreCase, string filter, string ignoreDirs) { positions = new List <Position>(); buffer = new Buffer(null, "Find in files results", SettingsMode.Normal); buffer.showEncoding = false; buffer.Controller.isReadonly = true; lines = buffer.Controller.Lines; lines.ClearAllUnsafely(); bool needCutCurrent = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { directory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); needCutCurrent = true; } FileSystemScanner scanner = new FileSystemScanner(directory, filter, ignoreDirs); scanner.Scan(); if (scanner.error != null) { AddLine("Error: File list reading error: " + scanner.error, Ds.Error); } fsScanComplete = true; string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; List <IndexAndLength> indices = new List <IndexAndLength>(); CompareInfo ci = ignoreCase ? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo : null; int remainsMatchesCount = 2000000; string stopReason = null; foreach (string file in scanner.files) { if (isStopped) { if (stopReason == null) { stopReason = "STOPPED"; } break; } string text = null; try { text = File.ReadAllText(file); } catch (IOException e) { --remainsMatchesCount; if (remainsMatchesCount < 0) { isStopped = true; stopReason = "TOO MANY LINES"; break; } AddLine(file + ": " + e.Message, Ds.Error); continue; } indices.Clear(); if (regex != null) { MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(text); if (matches.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (Match match in matches) { indices.Add(new IndexAndLength(match.Index, match.Length)); } } else { int index = ci != null?ci.IndexOf(text, pattern, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) : text.IndexOf(pattern); if (index == -1) { continue; } while (true) { indices.Add(new IndexAndLength(index, pattern.Length)); index = ci != null?ci.IndexOf(text, pattern, index + 1, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) : text.IndexOf(pattern, index + 1); if (index == -1) { break; } } } string path = file; if (needCutCurrent && path.StartsWith(currentDirectory)) { path = file.Substring(currentDirectory.Length); } int offset = 0; int currentLineIndex = 0; foreach (IndexAndLength indexAndLength in indices) { int index = indexAndLength.index; int length = indexAndLength.length; int lineEnd = -1; while (true) { int nIndex = text.IndexOf('\n', offset); int rIndex = text.IndexOf('\r', offset); if (nIndex == -1 && rIndex == -1) { lineEnd = text.Length; break; } int nrIndex = System.Math.Min(nIndex, rIndex); if (nrIndex == -1) { nrIndex = nIndex != -1 ? nIndex : rIndex; } if (nrIndex > index) { lineEnd = nrIndex; break; } currentLineIndex++; if (nrIndex == nIndex) { offset = nIndex + 1; } else { if (rIndex + 1 < text.Length || text[rIndex + 1] == '\n') { offset = rIndex + 2; } else { offset = rIndex + 1; } } } --remainsMatchesCount; if (remainsMatchesCount < 0) { isStopped = true; stopReason = "TOO MANY MATCHES"; break; } int trimOffset = 0; int rightTrimOffset = 0; int lineLength = lineEnd - offset; if (index - offset - MaxPartChars > 0) { trimOffset = index - offset - MaxPartChars; } if (lineLength - index + offset - length - MaxPartChars > 0) { rightTrimOffset = lineLength - index + offset - length - MaxPartChars; } if (trimOffset == 0) { int whitespaceLength = CommonHelper.GetFirstSpaces(text, offset, lineLength - rightTrimOffset); if (whitespaceLength > 0 && whitespaceLength <= index - offset) { trimOffset = whitespaceLength; } } positions.Add(new Position(file, new Place(index - offset, currentLineIndex), length)); int index0 = offset + trimOffset; int length0 = lineLength - trimOffset - rightTrimOffset; AddLine(path, (currentLineIndex + 1) + " " + (index - offset + 1), text, index0, length0, index - offset - trimOffset, length); } } if (isStopped) { AddLine("…", Ds.Normal); AddLine(stopReason, Ds.Error); } if (lines.LinesCount == 0) { lines.AddLineUnsafely(new Line(32)); } else { lines.CutLastLineBreakUnsafely(); } buffer.additionKeyMap = new KeyMap(); { KeyAction action = new KeyAction("F&ind\\Navigate to found", ExecuteEnter, null, false); buffer.additionKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Enter, null, action)); buffer.additionKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.None, null, action).SetDoubleClick(true)); } finishBuffer = buffer; mainForm.Invoke(new Setter(CloseAlert)); }