public LimitsHttpServiceV1Test() { _persistence = new LimitsMemoryPersistence(); _controller = new LimitsController(); _service = new LimitsHttpServiceV1(); IReferences references = References.FromTuples( new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "persistence", "memory", "default", "1.0"), _persistence, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), _controller, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "service", "http", "default", "1.0"), _service ); _controller.SetReferences(references); _persistence.OpenAsync(null).Wait(); _service.Configure(HttpConfig); _service.SetReferences(references); _service.OpenAsync(null).Wait(); }
public LimitsHttpClientV1Test() { _persistence = new LimitsMemoryPersistence(); _persistence.Configure(new ConfigParams()); _controller = new LimitsController(); _controller.Configure(new ConfigParams()); _client = new LimitsHttpClientV1(); _service = new LimitsHttpServiceV1(); ConfigParams HttpConfig = ConfigParams.FromTuples( "connection.protocol", "http", "", "localhost", "connection.port", 3000 ); _service.Configure(HttpConfig); _client.Configure(HttpConfig); _fixture = new LimitsClientV1Fixture(_client); IReferences references = References.FromTuples( new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "persistence", "memory", "default", "1.0"), _persistence, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), _controller, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "client", "http", "default", "1.0"), _client, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "service", "http", "default", "1.0"), _service ); _controller.SetReferences(references); _client.SetReferences(references); _service.SetReferences(references); _persistence.OpenAsync(null).Wait(); _service.OpenAsync(null).Wait(); _client.OpenAsync(null).Wait(); }
public LimitsDirectClientV1Test() { _persistence = new LimitsMemoryPersistence(); _persistence.Configure(new ConfigParams()); _controller = new LimitsController(); _controller.Configure(new ConfigParams()); _client = new LimitsDirectClientV1(); IReferences references = References.FromTuples( new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "persistence", "memory", "default", "1.0"), _persistence, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), _controller, new Descriptor("pip-services-limits-dotnet", "client", "direct", "default", "1.0"), _client ); _controller.SetReferences(references); _client.SetReferences(references); _fixture = new LimitsClientV1Fixture(_client); _persistence.OpenAsync(null).Wait(); }
private void describe_() { Mock <IContainerService> mockContainerService = null; LimitsController LimitsController = null; string handle = null; Mock <IContainer> mockContainer = null; before = () => { mockContainerService = new Mock <IContainerService>(); LimitsController = new LimitsController(mockContainerService.Object); handle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); mockContainer = new Mock <IContainer>(); mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(handle)).Returns(mockContainer.Object); }; describe["#LimitMemory"] = () => { const ulong limitInBytes = 876; MemoryLimits limits = null; IHttpActionResult result = null; before = () => { limits = new MemoryLimits { LimitInBytes = limitInBytes }; }; act = () => { result = LimitsController.LimitMemory(handle, limits); }; it["sets limits on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Verify(x => x.LimitMemory(limitInBytes)); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#CurrentMemoryLimit"] = () => { it["returns the current limit on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentMemoryLimit()).Returns(3072); var result = LimitsController.CurrentMemoryLimit(handle); var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <MemoryLimits> >(); jsonResult.Content.LimitInBytes.should_be(3072); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { var result = LimitsController.CurrentMemoryLimit(handle); result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#LimitCpu"] = () => { IHttpActionResult result = null; const int weight = 5; act = () => { var limits = new CpuLimits { Weight = weight }; result = LimitsController.LimitCpu(handle, limits); }; it["sets limits on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Verify(x => x.LimitCpu(weight)); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#CurrentCpuLimit"] = () => { it["returns the current limit on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentCpuLimit()).Returns(6); var result = LimitsController.CurrentCpuLimit(handle); var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <CpuLimits> >(); jsonResult.Content.Weight.should_be(6); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { var result = LimitsController.CurrentCpuLimit(handle); result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#LimitDisk"] = () => { IHttpActionResult result = null; const ulong bytes = 5; act = () => { var limits = new DiskLimits { ByteHard = bytes }; result = LimitsController.LimitDisk(handle, limits); }; it["sets limits on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Verify(x => x.LimitDisk(bytes)); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#CurrentDiskLimit"] = () => { it["returns the current limit on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentDiskLimit()).Returns(6); var result = LimitsController.CurrentDiskLimit(handle); var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <DiskLimits> >(); jsonResult.Content.ByteHard.should_be(6); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { var result = LimitsController.CurrentDiskLimit(handle); result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; }
public void SetUp() { _mediator = Substitute.For <IMediator>(); _sut = new LimitsController(_mediator); }
private void describe_() { Mock <IContainerService> mockContainerService = null; LimitsController LimitsController = null; string handle = null; Mock <IContainer> mockContainer = null; before = () => { mockContainerService = new Mock <IContainerService>(); LimitsController = new LimitsController(mockContainerService.Object); handle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); mockContainer = new Mock <IContainer>(); mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(handle)).Returns(mockContainer.Object); }; describe["#CurrentMemoryLimit"] = () => { it["returns the current limit on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentMemoryLimit()).Returns(3072); var result = LimitsController.CurrentMemoryLimit(handle); var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <MemoryLimits> >(); jsonResult.Content.LimitInBytes.should_be(3072); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { var result = LimitsController.CurrentMemoryLimit(handle); result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#CurrentCpuLimit"] = () => { it["returns the current limit on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentCpuLimit()).Returns(6); var result = LimitsController.CurrentCpuLimit(handle); var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <CpuLimits> >(); jsonResult.Content.Weight.should_be(6); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { var result = LimitsController.CurrentCpuLimit(handle); result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; describe["#CurrentDiskLimit"] = () => { it["returns the current limit on the container"] = () => { mockContainer.Setup(x => x.CurrentDiskLimit()).Returns(6); var result = LimitsController.CurrentDiskLimit(handle); var jsonResult = result.should_cast_to <JsonResult <DiskLimits> >(); jsonResult.Content.ByteHard.should_be(6); }; context["when the container does not exist"] = () => { before = () => { mockContainerService.Setup(x => x.GetContainerByHandle(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(null as IContainer); }; it["Returns not found"] = () => { var result = LimitsController.CurrentDiskLimit(handle); result.should_cast_to <NotFoundResult>(); }; }; }; }