        private string ParseContent(DataRow dr, string tempate, int rowcount)
            var sOutput = tempate;

            var replyId = dr.GetInt("ReplyId");
            var topicId = dr.GetInt("TopicId");
            var postId = replyId == 0 ? topicId : replyId;
            var contentId = dr.GetInt("ContentId");
            var dateCreated = dr.GetDateTime("DateCreated");
            var dateUpdated = dr.GetDateTime("DateUpdated");
            var authorId = dr.GetInt("AuthorId");
            var username = dr.GetString("Username");
            var firstName = dr.GetString("FirstName");
            var lastName = dr.GetString("LastName");
            var displayName = dr.GetString("DisplayName");
            var userTopicCount = dr.GetInt("TopicCount");
            var userReplyCount = dr.GetInt("ReplyCount");
            var postCount = userTopicCount + userReplyCount;
            var userCaption = dr.GetString("UserCaption");
            var body = dr.GetString("Body");
            var subject = dr.GetString("Subject");
            var tags = dr.GetString("Tags");
            var signature = dr.GetString("Signature");
            var ipAddress = dr.GetString("IPAddress");
            var memberSince = dr.GetDateTime("MemberSince");
            var avatarDisabled = dr.GetBoolean("AvatarDisabled");
            var userRoles = dr.GetString("UserRoles");
            var isUserOnline = dr.GetBoolean("IsUserOnline");
            var replyStatusId = dr.GetInt("StatusId");
            var totalPoints = _enablePoints ? dr.GetInt("UserTotalPoints") : 0;
            var answerCount = dr.GetInt("AnswerCount");
            var rewardPoints = dr.GetInt("RewardPoints");
            var dateLastActivity = dr.GetDateTime("DateLastActivity");
            var signatureDisabled = dr.GetBoolean("SignatureDisabled");

            DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController uc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController();
            DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo author = uc.GetUser(DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings().PortalId, authorId);

            // Populate the user object with the post author info.
            var up = new User
                UserId = authorId,
                UserName = username,
                FirstName = firstName.Replace("&#", "&#"),
                LastName = lastName.Replace("&#", "&#"),
                DisplayName = displayName.Replace("&#", "&#"),
                Profile =
                    UserCaption = userCaption,
                    Signature = signature,
                    DateCreated = memberSince,
                    AvatarDisabled = avatarDisabled,
                    Roles = userRoles,
                    ReplyCount = userReplyCount,
                    TopicCount = userTopicCount,
                    AnswerCount = answerCount,
                    RewardPoints = rewardPoints,
                    DateLastActivity = dateLastActivity,
                    PrefBlockAvatars = UserPrefHideAvatars,
                    PrefBlockSignatures = UserPrefHideSigs,
                    IsUserOnline = isUserOnline,
                    SignatureDisabled = signatureDisabled
            if (author != null) up.Email = author.Email;

            //Perform Profile Related replacements
            sOutput = TemplateUtils.ParseProfileTemplate(sOutput, up, PortalId, ModuleId, ImagePath, CurrentUserType, true, UserPrefHideAvatars, UserPrefHideSigs, ipAddress, UserId, TimeZoneOffset);

            // Replace Tags Control
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags))
                sOutput = TemplateUtils.ReplaceSubSection(sOutput, string.Empty, "[AF:CONTROL:TAGS]", "[/AF:CONTROL:TAGS]");
                sOutput = sOutput.Replace("[AF:CONTROL:TAGS]", string.Empty);
                sOutput = sOutput.Replace("[/AF:CONTROL:TAGS]", string.Empty);
                var tagList = string.Empty;
                foreach (var tag in tags.Split(','))
                    if (tagList != string.Empty)
                        tagList += ", ";

                    tagList += "<a href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, string.Empty, new[] { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=search", ParamKeys.Tags + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(tag) }) + "\">" + tag + "</a>";
                sOutput = sOutput.Replace("[AF:LABEL:TAGS]", tagList);

            // Use a string builder from here on out.

            var sbOutput = new StringBuilder(sOutput);

            if (_bModSplit)
                sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[SPLITCHECKBOX]", "<div class=\"split-checkbox\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" onChange=\"amaf_splitCheck(this);\" value=\"" + replyId + "\" /></div>");
                sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[SPLITCHECKBOX]", string.Empty);

            // Row CSS Classes
            if (rowcount % 2 == 0)
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTINFOCSS]", "afpostinfo afpostinfo1");
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTTOPICCSS]", "afposttopic afpostreply1");
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTREPLYCSS]", "afpostreply afpostreply1");
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTTOPICCSS]", "afposttopic afpostreply2");
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTINFOCSS]", "afpostinfo afpostinfo2");
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTREPLYCSS]", "afpostreply afpostreply2");

            // Description
            if (replyId == 0)
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTID]", topicId.ToString());
                _topicDescription = Utilities.StripHTMLTag(body).Trim();
                _topicDescription = _topicDescription.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
                if (_topicDescription.Length > 255)
                    _topicDescription = _topicDescription.Substring(0, 255);
                sbOutput.Replace("[POSTID]", replyId.ToString());

            sbOutput.Replace("[FORUMID]", ForumId.ToString());
            sbOutput.Replace("[REPLYID]", replyId.ToString());
            sbOutput.Replace("[TOPICID]", topicId.ToString());
            sbOutput.Replace("[POSTDATE]", GetDate(dateCreated));
            sbOutput.Replace("[DATECREATED]", GetDate(dateCreated));

            // Parse Roles -- This should actually be taken care of in ParseProfileTemplate
            //if (sOutput.Contains("[ROLES:"))
            //    sOutput = TemplateUtils.ParseRoles(sOutput, (up.UserId == -1) ? string.Empty : up.Profile.Roles);

            // Delete Action
            if (_bModDelete || ((_bDelete && authorId == UserId && !_bLocked) && ((replyId == 0 && _replyCount == 0) || replyId > 0)))
                if (_useListActions)
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:DELETE]", "<li onclick=\"amaf_postDel(" + topicId + "," + replyId + ");\" title=\"[RESX:Delete]\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash-o fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Delete]</li>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:DELETE]", "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"af-actions\" onclick=\"amaf_postDel(" + topicId + "," + replyId + ");\" title=\"[RESX:Delete]\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash-o fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Delete]</a>");
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:DELETE]", string.Empty);

            // Edit Action
            if (_bModEdit || (_bEdit && authorId == UserId && (_editInterval == 0 || SimulateDateDiff.DateDiff(SimulateDateDiff.DateInterval.Minute, dateCreated, DateTime.Now) < _editInterval)))
                var sAction = "re";
                if (replyId == 0)
                    sAction = "te";

                //var editParams = new[] { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=post", "action=" + sAction, ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, "postid=" + postId };
                var editParams = new List<string>() { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=post", "action=" + sAction, ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, "postid=" + postId };
                if (SocialGroupId > 0) editParams.Add(ParamKeys.GroupIdName + "=" + SocialGroupId);
                if (_useListActions)
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:EDIT]", "<li onclick=\"window.location.href='" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", editParams) + "';\" title=\"[RESX:Edit]\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Edit]</li>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:EDIT]", "<a class=\"af-actions\" href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", editParams) + "\" title=\"[RESX:Edit]\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Edit]</a>");
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:EDIT]", string.Empty);

            // Reply and Quote Actions
            if (!_bLocked && CanReply)
                var quoteParams = new List<string> { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=post", ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.QuoteId + "=" + postId };
                var replyParams = new List<string> { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=post", ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.ReplyId + "=" + postId };
                if (SocialGroupId > 0)
                    quoteParams.Add(ParamKeys.GroupIdName + "=" + SocialGroupId);
                    replyParams.Add(ParamKeys.GroupIdName + "=" + SocialGroupId);
                if (_useListActions)
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:QUOTE]", "<li onclick=\"window.location.href='" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", quoteParams) + "';\" title=\"[RESX:Quote]\"><i class=\"fa fa-quote-left fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Quote]</li>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:REPLY]", "<li onclick=\"window.location.href='" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", replyParams) + "';\" title=\"[RESX:Reply]\"><i class=\"fa fa-reply fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Reply]</li>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:QUOTE]", "<a class=\"af-actions\" href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", quoteParams) + "\" title=\"[RESX:Quote]\"><i class=\"fa fa-quote-left fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Quote]</a>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:REPLY]", "<a class=\"af-actions\" href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", replyParams) + "\" title=\"[RESX:Reply]\"><i class=\"fa fa-reply fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Reply]</a>");
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:QUOTE]", string.Empty);
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:REPLY]", string.Empty);

            if (_bModMove)
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:MOVE]", "<li onclick=\"javascript:amaf_openMove([TOPICID])\"';\" title=\"[RESX:Move]\"><i class=\"fa fa-exchange fa-rotate-90 fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Move]</li>");
                sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:MOVE]", string.Empty);

            sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[TOPICID]", TopicId.ToString());

            // Status
            if (_statusId <= 0 || (_statusId == 3 && replyStatusId == 0))
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ANSWER]", string.Empty);
            else if (replyStatusId == 1)
                // Answered
                if (_useListActions)
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ANSWER]", "<li class=\"af-answered\" title=\"[RESX:Status:Answer]\"><em></em>[RESX:Status:Answer]</li>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ANSWER]", "<span class=\"af-actions af-answered\" title=\"[RESX:Status:Answer]\"><em></em>[RESX:Status:Answer]</span>");
                // Not Answered
                if ((UserId == _topicAuthorId && !_bLocked) || _bModEdit)
                    // Can mark answer
                    if (_useListActions)
                        sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ANSWER]", "<li class=\"af-markanswer\" onclick=\"amaf_markAnswer(" + topicId.ToString() + "," + replyId.ToString() + ");\" title=\"[RESX:Status:SelectAnswer]\"><em></em>[RESX:Status:SelectAnswer]</li>");
                        sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ANSWER]", "<a class=\"af-actions af-markanswer\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"amaf_markAnswer(" + topicId.ToString() + "," + replyId.ToString() + "); return false;\" title=\"[RESX:Status:SelectAnswer]\"><em></em>[RESX:Status:SelectAnswer]</a>");
                    // Display Nothing
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ANSWER]", string.Empty);

            // User Edit Date
            if (dateUpdated == dateCreated || dateUpdated == DateTime.MinValue || dateUpdated == Utilities.NullDate())
                sbOutput.Replace("[EDITDATE]", string.Empty);
                sbOutput.Replace("[EDITDATE]", Utilities.GetDate(dateUpdated, ModuleId, TimeZoneOffset));

            // Mod Edit Date
            if (_bModEdit)
                if (dateCreated == dateUpdated || dateUpdated == DateTime.MinValue || dateUpdated == Utilities.NullDate())
                    sbOutput.Replace("[MODEDITDATE]", string.Empty);
                    sbOutput.Replace("[MODEDITDATE]", Utilities.GetDate(dateUpdated, ModuleId, TimeZoneOffset));
                sbOutput.Replace("[MODEDITDATE]", string.Empty);

            if (_allowLikes)
                Image likeImage = new Image();
                var likesController = new LikesController();
                var likes = likesController.GetForPost(contentId);

                bool youLike = likes.Where(o => o.UserId == UserId)
                    .Select(o => o.Checked)
                string image = string.Empty;
                if (youLike)
                    image = "fa-thumbs-o-up";
                    image = "fa-thumbs-up";

                likeImage.ImageUrl = image;
                if (CanReply)
                    sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKES]", "<i class=\"fa " + image + "\" onclick=\"amaf_likePost(" + UserId + "," + contentId + ")\" > " + likes.Count.ToString() + "</i>");
                    sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKESx2]", "<i class=\"fa " + image + " fa-2x\" onclick=\"amaf_likePost(" + UserId + "," + contentId + ")\" > " + likes.Count.ToString() + "</i>");
                    sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKESx3]", "<i class=\"fa " + image + " fa-3x\" onclick=\"amaf_likePost(" + UserId + "," + contentId + ")\" > " + likes.Count.ToString() + "</i>");
                    sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKES]", "<i class=\"fa " + image + "\" /> " + likes.Count.ToString());
                    sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKESx2]", "<i class=\"fa " + image + " fa-2x\" /> " + likes.Count.ToString());
                    sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKESx3]", "<i class=\"fa " + image + " fa-3x\" /> " + likes.Count.ToString());
                    //sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKES]", "<img src=\"" + image + "\" onclick=\"amaf_likePost(" + UserId + "," + contentId + ")\" /> " + likes.Count.ToString());
                sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKES]", string.Empty);
                sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKESx2]", string.Empty);
                sbOutput = sbOutput.Replace("[LIKESx3]", string.Empty);

            // Poll Results
            if (sOutput.Contains("[POLLRESULTS]"))
                if (_topicType == 1)
                    var polls = new Polls();
                    sbOutput.Replace("[POLLRESULTS]", polls.PollResults(topicId, ImagePath));
                    sbOutput.Replace("[POLLRESULTS]", string.Empty);

            // Mod Alert
            //var alertParams = new[] { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=modreport", ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.ReplyId + "=" + postId };
            var alertParams = new List<string> { ParamKeys.ViewType + "=modreport", ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + topicId, ParamKeys.ReplyId + "=" + postId };
            if (SocialGroupId > 0) alertParams.Add(String.Format("{0}={1}", ParamKeys.GroupIdName, SocialGroupId));
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                if (_useListActions)
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ALERT]", "<li onclick=\"window.location.href='" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", alertParams) + "';\" title=\"[RESX:Alert]\"><i class=\"fa fa-bell-o fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Alert]</li>");
                    sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ALERT]", "<a class=\"af-actions\" href=\"" + Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", alertParams) + "\" title=\"[RESX:Alert]\"><i class=\"fa fa-bell-o fa-fw fa-blue\"></i>&nbsp;[RESX:Alert]</a>");
                sbOutput.Replace("[ACTIONS:ALERT]", string.Empty);

            // Process Body
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
                body = " <br />";

            var sBody = Utilities.ManageImagePath(body);

            sBody = sBody.Replace("[", "&#91;");
            sBody = sBody.Replace("]", "&#93;");
            if (sBody.ToUpper().Contains("&#91;CODE&#93;"))
                sBody = Regex.Replace(sBody, "(&#91;CODE&#93;)", "[CODE]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                sBody = Regex.Replace(sBody, "(&#91;\\/CODE&#93;)", "[/CODE]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            //sBody = sBody.Replace("&lt;CODE&gt;", "<CODE>")
            if (Regex.IsMatch(sBody, "\\[CODE([^>]*)\\]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                var objCode = new CodeParser();
                sBody = CodeParser.ParseCode(Utilities.HTMLDecode(sBody));
            sBody = Utilities.StripExecCode(sBody);
            if (MainSettings.AutoLinkEnabled)
                sBody = Utilities.AutoLinks(sBody, Request.Url.Host);

            if (sBody.Contains("<%@"))
                sBody = sBody.Replace("<%@ ", "&lt;&#37;@ ");

            if (body.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("runat"))
                sBody = Regex.Replace(sBody, "runat", "&#114;&#117;nat", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            sbOutput.Replace("[BODY]", sBody);

            // Subject
            sbOutput.Replace("[SUBJECT]", subject);

            // Attachments
            sbOutput.Replace("[ATTACHMENTS]", GetAttachments(contentId, true, PortalId, ModuleId));

            // Switch back from the string builder to a normal string before we perform the image/thumbnail replacements.

            sOutput = sbOutput.ToString();

            // Legacy attachment functionality, uses "attachid"
            // &#91;IMAGE:38&#93;
            if (sOutput.Contains("&#91;IMAGE:"))
                var strHost = Common.Globals.AddHTTP(Common.Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/";
                const string pattern = "(&#91;IMAGE:(.+?)&#93;)";
                sOutput = Regex.Replace(sOutput, pattern, match => "<img src=\"" + strHost + "DesktopModules/ActiveForums/viewer.aspx?portalid=" + PortalId + "&moduleid=" + ModuleId + "&attachid=" + match.Groups[2].Value + "\" border=\"0\" class=\"afimg\" />");

            // Legacy attachment functionality, uses "attachid"
            // &#91;THUMBNAIL:38&#93;
            if (sOutput.Contains("&#91;THUMBNAIL:"))
                var strHost = Common.Globals.AddHTTP(Common.Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/";
                const string pattern = "(&#91;THUMBNAIL:(.+?)&#93;)";
                sOutput = Regex.Replace(sOutput, pattern, match =>
                    var thumbId = match.Groups[2].Value.Split(':')[0];
                    var parentId = match.Groups[2].Value.Split(':')[1];
                    return "<a href=\"" + strHost + "DesktopModules/ActiveForums/viewer.aspx?portalid=" + PortalId + "&moduleid=" + ModuleId + "&attachid=" + parentId + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + strHost + "DesktopModules/ActiveForums/viewer.aspx?portalid=" + PortalId + "&moduleid=" + ModuleId + "&attachid=" + thumbId + "\" border=\"0\" class=\"afimg\" /></a>";

            return sOutput;