        public override void LoadContent()
            LightmapMaterials = new DefaultMaterialSet(Game.Services);

            // Since the spiral is very detailed
            LightingEnvironment.DefaultSubdivision = 128f;

            Environment = new LightingEnvironment();

            Renderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, Game.RenderCoordinator, LightmapMaterials, Environment);

            var light = new LightSource {
                Position  = new Vector2(64, 64),
                Color     = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1),
                RampStart = 50,
                RampEnd   = 275,


            var rng = new Random(1234);

            for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                light = new LightSource {
                    Position  = new Vector2(64, 64),
                    Color     = new Vector4((float)rng.NextDouble(0.1f, 1.0f), (float)rng.NextDouble(0.1f, 1.0f), (float)rng.NextDouble(0.1f, 1.0f), 1.0f),
                    RampStart = rng.NextFloat(24, 40),
                    RampEnd   = rng.NextFloat(140, 160),
                    RampMode  = LightSourceRampMode.Exponential


            const int spiralCount = 1800;
            float     spiralRadius = 0, spiralRadiusStep = 330f / spiralCount;
            float     spiralAngle = 0, spiralAngleStep = (float)(Math.PI / (spiralCount / 36f));
            Vector2   previous = default(Vector2);

            for (int i = 0; i < spiralCount; i++, spiralAngle += spiralAngleStep, spiralRadius += spiralRadiusStep)
                var current = new Vector2(
                    (float)(Math.Cos(spiralAngle) * spiralRadius) + (Width / 2f),
                    (float)(Math.Sin(spiralAngle) * spiralRadius) + (Height / 2f)

                if (i > 0)
                    Environment.Obstructions.Add(new LightObstructionLine(
                                                     previous, current

                previous = current;
        public override void LoadContent () {
            LightmapMaterials = new DefaultMaterialSet(Game.Services);

            // Since the spiral is very detailed
            LightingEnvironment.DefaultSubdivision = 128f;

            Environment = new LightingEnvironment();

            Renderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, Game.RenderCoordinator, LightmapMaterials, Environment);

            var light = new LightSource {
                Position = new Vector2(64, 64),
                Color = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1),
                RampStart = 50,
                RampEnd = 275,


            var rng = new Random(1234);
            for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
                light = new LightSource {
                    Position = new Vector2(64, 64),
                    Color = new Vector4((float)rng.NextDouble(0.1f, 1.0f), (float)rng.NextDouble(0.1f, 1.0f), (float)rng.NextDouble(0.1f, 1.0f), 1.0f),
                    RampStart = rng.NextFloat(24, 40),
                    RampEnd = rng.NextFloat(140, 160),
                    RampMode = LightSourceRampMode.Exponential


            const int spiralCount = 1800;
            float spiralRadius = 0, spiralRadiusStep = 330f / spiralCount;
            float spiralAngle = 0, spiralAngleStep = (float)(Math.PI / (spiralCount / 36f));
            Vector2 previous = default(Vector2);

            for (int i = 0; i < spiralCount; i++, spiralAngle += spiralAngleStep, spiralRadius += spiralRadiusStep) {
                var current = new Vector2(
                    (float)(Math.Cos(spiralAngle) * spiralRadius) + (Width / 2f),
                    (float)(Math.Sin(spiralAngle) * spiralRadius) + (Height / 2f)

                if (i > 0) {
                    Environment.Obstructions.Add(new LightObstructionLine(
                        previous, current

                previous = current;
        public override void LoadContent()
            LightmapMaterials = new DefaultMaterialSet(Game.Services);

            Environment = new LightingEnvironment();

            TestImage = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("ramp_test_image");

            RampTexture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("LightGradients");

            Environment.LightSources.AddRange(new[] {
                new LightSource {
                    Position  = new Vector2(128, 128),
                    Color     = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart = 32,
                    RampEnd   = 128,
                    RampMode  = LightSourceRampMode.Linear
                new LightSource {
                    Position  = new Vector2(400, 128),
                    Color     = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart = 32,
                    RampEnd   = 128,
                    RampMode  = LightSourceRampMode.Exponential
                new LightSource {
                    Position    = new Vector2(128, 400),
                    Color       = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart   = 32,
                    RampEnd     = 128,
                    RampMode    = LightSourceRampMode.Linear,
                    RampTexture = RampTexture
                new LightSource {
                    Position    = new Vector2(400, 400),
                    Color       = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart   = 32,
                    RampEnd     = 128,
                    RampMode    = LightSourceRampMode.Exponential,
                    RampTexture = RampTexture

            Renderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, Game.RenderCoordinator, LightmapMaterials, Environment);
 private void LightingRenderer_Render(On.Celeste.LightingRenderer.orig_Render orig, LightingRenderer self, Scene scene)
     if (Settings.SimplifiedGraphics)
     orig(self, scene);
        public override void LoadContent()
            LightmapMaterials = new DefaultMaterialSet(Game.Services);

            LightingEnvironment.DefaultSubdivision = 512f;

            BackgroundEnvironment = new LightingEnvironment();
            ForegroundEnvironment = new LightingEnvironment();

            BackgroundRenderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, LightmapMaterials, BackgroundEnvironment);
            ForegroundRenderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, LightmapMaterials, ForegroundEnvironment);

            // Add a global sun
            AddAmbientLight(746, -300);

            // Add clipped suns for areas with weird shadowing behavior
            AddAmbientLight(746, 200, new Bounds(
                new Vector2(38, 33),
                new Vector2(678, 678)

            AddAmbientLight(740, 240, new Bounds(
                new Vector2(805, 34),
                new Vector2(1257, 546)

            AddAmbientLight(741, 750, new Bounds(
                new Vector2(0, 674),
                new Vector2(1257, 941)

            AddAmbientLight(741, 1025, new Bounds(
                new Vector2(0, 941),
                new Vector2(1257, 1250)

            AddTorch(102, 132);
            AddTorch(869, 132);
            AddTorch(102, 646);
            AddTorch(869, 645);


            Layers[0] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("layers_bg");
            Layers[1] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("layers_fg");
            Layers[2] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("layers_chars");
            Layers[3] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("layers_torches");

            BricksLightMask = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("layers_bricks_lightmask");

            AdditiveBitmapMaterial = LightmapMaterials.ScreenSpaceBitmap.SetStates(blendState: BlendState.Additive);

            MaskedForegroundMaterial = LightmapMaterials.ScreenSpaceLightmappedBitmap.SetStates(blendState: BlendState.Additive);

            AOShadowMaterial = Game.ScreenMaterials.ScreenSpaceVerticalGaussianBlur5Tap.SetStates(blendState: RenderStates.SubtractiveBlend);

            ParticleRenderer = new ParticleRenderer(LightmapMaterials) {
                Viewport = new Bounds(Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(Width, Height))

            Spark.Texture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spark");

            ParticleRenderer.Systems = new[] {
                Sparks = new ParticleSystem<Spark>(
                    new DotNetTimeProvider(),
        private static void onLightingBeforeRender(On.Celeste.LightingRenderer.orig_BeforeRender orig, LightingRenderer self, Scene scene)
            orig(self, scene);

            Draw.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Matrix.Identity);
            foreach (Entity entity in scene.Entities)
                if (entity is Strawberry berry)
                    DynData <Strawberry> berryData = new DynData <Strawberry>(berry);
                    if (berryData.Get <bool>("SpringCollab2020_ignoreLighting"))
                        Draw.SpriteBatch.Draw(strawberryCutoutTexture.Texture.Texture, berry.Position + berryData.Get <Sprite>("sprite").Position - (scene as Level).Camera.Position
                                              - new Vector2(9, 8), Color.White);
        public override void LoadContent()
            LightmapMaterials = new DefaultMaterialSet(Game.Services);

            Environment = new LightingEnvironment();

            TestImage = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("ramp_test_image");

            RampTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("LightGradients");

            Environment.LightSources.AddRange(new[] {
                new LightSource {
                    Position = new Vector2(128, 128),
                    Color = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart = 32,
                    RampEnd = 128,
                    RampMode = LightSourceRampMode.Linear
                new LightSource {
                    Position = new Vector2(400, 128),
                    Color = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart = 32,
                    RampEnd = 128,
                    RampMode = LightSourceRampMode.Exponential
                new LightSource {
                    Position = new Vector2(128, 400),
                    Color = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart = 32,
                    RampEnd = 128,
                    RampMode = LightSourceRampMode.Linear,
                    RampTexture = RampTexture
                new LightSource {
                    Position = new Vector2(400, 400),
                    Color = Vector4.One,
                    RampStart = 32,
                    RampEnd = 128,
                    RampMode = LightSourceRampMode.Exponential,
                    RampTexture = RampTexture

            Renderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, LightmapMaterials, Environment);
 private static void LightingRendererOnRender(On.Celeste.LightingRenderer.orig_BeforeRender orig, LightingRenderer self, Scene scene)
     CenterTheCamera(() => orig(self, scene));
        public override void LoadContent()
            LightmapMaterials = new DefaultMaterialSet(Game.Services);

            LightingEnvironment.DefaultSubdivision = 512f;

            BackgroundEnvironment = new LightingEnvironment();
            ForegroundEnvironment = new LightingEnvironment();

            BackgroundRenderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, Game.RenderCoordinator, LightmapMaterials, BackgroundEnvironment);
            ForegroundRenderer = new LightingRenderer(Game.Content, Game.RenderCoordinator, LightmapMaterials, ForegroundEnvironment);

            // Add a global sun
            AddAmbientLight(746, -300);

            // Add clipped suns for areas with weird shadowing behavior
            AddAmbientLight(746, 200, new Bounds(
                                new Vector2(38, 33),
                                new Vector2(678, 678)

            AddAmbientLight(740, 240, new Bounds(
                                new Vector2(805, 34),
                                new Vector2(1257, 546)

            AddAmbientLight(741, 750, new Bounds(
                                new Vector2(0, 674),
                                new Vector2(1257, 941)

            AddAmbientLight(741, 1025, new Bounds(
                                new Vector2(0, 941),
                                new Vector2(1257, 1250)


            Layers[0] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("layers_bg");
            Layers[1] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("layers_fg");
            Layers[2] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("layers_chars");
            Layers[3] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("layers_torches");

            MaskedForegroundMaterial = LightmapMaterials.ScreenSpaceLightmappedBitmap.SetStates(blendState: BlendState.Additive);

            ParticleRenderer = new ParticleRenderer(LightmapMaterials)
                Viewport = new Bounds(Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(Width, Height))

            Spark.Texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("spark");

            ParticleRenderer.Systems = new[] {
                Sparks = new ParticleSystem <Spark>(
                    new DotNetTimeProvider(),

            SparkLights = new ParticleLightManager <Spark>(
                new[] { BackgroundEnvironment, ForegroundEnvironment },
        private void onLightingRender(On.Celeste.LightingRenderer.orig_BeforeRender orig, LightingRenderer self, Scene scene)
            float origSpotlightAlpha = 0f;

            Player         player     = scene?.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>();
            PlayerDeadBody deadPlayer = null;

            if (player == null)
                deadPlayer = scene?.Entities?.OfType <PlayerDeadBody>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (Settings.DisableMadelineSpotlight)
                // save the lighting alpha, then replace it.
                if (player != null)
                    origSpotlightAlpha = player.Light.Alpha;
                    player.Light.Alpha = 0f;
                else if (deadPlayer != null)
                    VertexLight light = new DynData <PlayerDeadBody>(deadPlayer).Get <VertexLight>("light");
                    origSpotlightAlpha = light.Alpha;
                    light.Alpha        = 0f;

            orig(self, scene);

            if (Settings.DisableMadelineSpotlight)
                // restore the spotlight
                if (player != null)
                    player.Light.Alpha = origSpotlightAlpha;
                else if (deadPlayer != null)
                    VertexLight light = new DynData <PlayerDeadBody>(deadPlayer).Get <VertexLight>("light");
                    light.Alpha = origSpotlightAlpha;
        private static void onLightingBeforeRender(On.Celeste.LightingRenderer.orig_BeforeRender orig, LightingRenderer self, Scene scene)
            orig(self, scene);

            Draw.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Matrix.Identity);
            foreach (MultiRoomStrawberrySeed seed in scene.Tracker.GetEntities <MultiRoomStrawberrySeed>())
                if (seed.cutoutTexture != null)
                    Draw.SpriteBatch.Draw(seed.cutoutTexture.Texture.Texture, seed.Position + seed.spriteObject.Position - (scene as Level).Camera.Position
                                          - new Vector2(seed.cutoutTexture.Width / 2, seed.cutoutTexture.Height / 2), Color.White);
        private static void LightHook(On.Celeste.LightingRenderer.orig_BeforeRender orig, LightingRenderer self, Scene scene)
            if (alphaFade < 1f)
                // multiply all alphas by alphaFade, and back up original values.
                List <VertexLight> affectedVertexLights = new List <VertexLight>();
                List <float>       originalAlpha        = new List <float>();
                foreach (VertexLight vertexLight in scene.Tracker.GetComponents <VertexLight>().ToArray())
                    if (vertexLight.Visible && !vertexLight.Spotlight)
                        vertexLight.Alpha *= alphaFade;

                // render the lighting.
                orig(self, scene);

                // restore original alphas.
                int index = 0;
                foreach (VertexLight vertexLight in affectedVertexLights)
                    vertexLight.Alpha = originalAlpha[index++];
                // alpha multiplier is 1: nothing to modify, go on with vanilla.
                orig(self, scene);