private void ConfigureLightBox(DHXScheduler scheduler, List <ResourceViewModel> rooms) { var name = new LightboxText("text", "Name"); name.Height = 24; scheduler.Lightbox.Add(name); var roomsSelect = new LightboxSelect("room_number", "Room"); roomsSelect.AddOptions(rooms.ToList()); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(roomsSelect); //var status = new LightboxRadio("status", "Status"); //var statuses = new List<object>(); // new Repository<BookingStatus>().ReadAll().Select(s => new { key = s.Id, label = s.Title }); //status.AddOptions(statuses); //scheduler.Lightbox.Add(status); //scheduler.InitialValues.Add("status", statuses.First().key); var isPaid = new LightboxCheckbox("is_paid", "Paid"); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(isPaid); scheduler.InitialValues.Add("is_paid", false); var date = new LightboxMiniCalendar("time", "Time"); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(date); scheduler.InitialValues.Add("text", String.Empty); }
public ActionResult Details() { var sched = new DHXScheduler(this); sched.XY.scroll_width = 0; sched.Config.first_hour = 8; sched.Config.last_hour = 19; sched.Config.time_step = 30; sched.Config.limit_time_select = true; var text = new LightboxText("text", "Description"); text.Height = 50; sched.Lightbox.Add(text); var select = new LightboxSelect("textColor", "Priority"); var items = new List<object>(); items.Add(new { key = "gray", label = "Low" }); items.Add(new { key = "blue", label = "Medium" }); items.Add(new { key = "red", label = "Hight" }); select.AddOptions(items); var check = new LightboxRadio("category", "Category"); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("job", "Job")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("family", "Family")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("other", "Other")); sched.Lightbox.Add(check); sched.Lightbox.Add(select); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("time", "Time:")); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxCheckbox("remind", "Remind")); sched.LoadData = true; sched.EnableDataprocessor = true; sched.InitialDate = new DateTime(2011, 9, 11); return View(sched); }
public ActionResult Index() { //Being initialized in that way, scheduler will use CalendarController.Data as a the datasource and CalendarController.Save to process changes var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(this); scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.PDF); var year = new YearView(); //initializes the view scheduler.Views.Add(year); //adds the view to the scheduler var agenda = new AgendaView(); //initializes the view scheduler.Views.Add(agenda); //adds the view to the scheduler var modulos = new LightboxSelect("FK_Id_Modulo", "Modulo"); var items = new List <object>(); foreach (var item in db.Modulo) { items.Add(new { key = item.Id_Modulo, label = item.Nombre }); } modulos.AddOptions(items); var profesores = new LightboxSelect("FK_Id_Profesor", "Profesor"); var itemsProfesor = new List <object>(); foreach (var item in db.Profesor) { itemsProfesor.Add(new { key = item.Id_Profesor, label = item.Nombre }); } profesores.AddOptions(itemsProfesor); var time = new LightboxTime("Time"); var nota = new LightboxText("text", "Nota"); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(modulos); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(profesores); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(time); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(nota); scheduler.LoadData = true; scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true; scheduler.BeforeInit.Add(string.Format("initResponsive({0})", scheduler.Name)); return(View(scheduler)); }
public ActionResult Details() { var sched = new DHXScheduler(this) { XY = { scroll_width = 0 }, Config = { first_hour = 7, last_hour = 20, time_step = 30, limit_time_select = true } }; var text = new LightboxText("text", "Description") { Height = 50 }; sched.Lightbox.Add(text); var select = new LightboxSelect("color", "Priority"); select.AddOptions(new List<object>{ new { key = "#ccc", label = "Low" }, new { key = "#76B007", label = "Medium" }, new { key = "#FE7510", label = "Hight" } }); sched.Lightbox.Add(select); var check = new LightboxRadio("category", "Category"); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("job", "Job")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("family", "Family")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("other", "Other")); sched.Lightbox.Add(check); var check2 = new LightboxRadio("category2", "Category2"); check2.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("test1", "test1")); check2.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("test2", "test2")); check2.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("test3", "test3")); sched.Lightbox.Add(check2); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("time", "Time:")); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxCheckbox("remind", "Remind")); sched.LoadData = true; sched.EnableDataprocessor = true; sched.InitialDate = new DateTime(2011, 9, 11); // ADD YEAR VIEW var year = new YearView(); sched.Views.Add(year); sched.LoadData = true; sched.EnableDataprocessor = true; // SET LOCALE var locale = SchedulerLocalization.Localizations.English; sched.Localization.Set(locale); return View(sched); }
public ActionResult Index() { var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(); scheduler.DataAction = Url.Action("Data"); scheduler.SaveAction = Url.Action("Save"); var selectDoctor = new LightboxSelect("DoctorID", "Doctor"); var items = new List <object>(); IEnumerable <DoctorMiniInfoViewModel> doctorList = doctorRepository.getDoctorMiniInfoList(); foreach (DoctorMiniInfoViewModel item in doctorList) { items.Add(new { key = item.DoctorID, label = item.DoctorName }); } selectDoctor.AddOptions(items); var selectPatientStatus = new LightboxSelect("Status", "Status"); var Statusitems = new List <object>(); //Statusitems.Add(new { key = PatientSchduelStatus.canceled, label = PatientSchduelStatus.canceled }); Statusitems.Add(new { key = PatientSchduelStatus.Finished, label = PatientSchduelStatus.Finished }); Statusitems.Add(new { key = PatientSchduelStatus.Postponed, label = PatientSchduelStatus.Postponed }); Statusitems.Add(new { key = PatientSchduelStatus.InProgress, label = PatientSchduelStatus.InProgress }); Statusitems.Add(new { key = PatientSchduelStatus.waiting, label = PatientSchduelStatus.waiting }); selectPatientStatus.AddOptions(Statusitems); var Reason = new LightboxText("reason", "Reason"); var Define = new LightboxText("text", "Define"); var date = new LightboxMiniCalendar("Date"); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(Define); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(Reason); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(selectDoctor); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(selectPatientStatus); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(date); scheduler.Config.hour_size_px = 100; scheduler.LoadData = true; scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true; return(View(scheduler)); }
public ActionResult Wide() { var sched = new DHXScheduler(this); sched.Config.wide_form = true; sched.XY.scroll_width = 0; sched.Config.first_hour = 8; sched.Config.last_hour = 19; sched.Config.time_step = 30; sched.Config.limit_time_select = true; var text = new LightboxText("text", "Description"); text.Height = 50; sched.Lightbox.Add(text); var select = new LightboxSelect("color", "Priority"); select.AddOptions(new List <object> { new { key = "#ccc", label = "Low" }, new { key = "#76B007", label = "Medium" }, new { key = "#FE7510", label = "Hight" } }); sched.Lightbox.Add(select); var check = new LightboxRadio("category", "Category"); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("job", "Job")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("family", "Family")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("other", "Other")); sched.Lightbox.Add(check); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("time", "Time:")); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxCheckbox("remind", "Remind")); sched.LoadData = true; sched.EnableDataprocessor = true; sched.InitialDate = new DateTime(2011, 9, 11); return(View(sched)); }
public static void Initialize(DHXScheduler scheduler) { int roleID = 0; int userID = 0; int.TryParse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["RoleId"].ToString(), out roleID); scheduler.Codebase = "../../js/dhtmlxScheduler"; //scheduler.DataFormat = SchedulerDataLoader.DataFormats.iCal; scheduler.Config.first_hour = 5;//sets the minimum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis) scheduler.Config.last_hour = 19;//sets the maximum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis) scheduler.Config.time_step = 60;//sets the scale interval for the time selector in the lightbox. //scheduler.Config.full_day = true;// blocks entry fields in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox and sets time period to a full day from 00.00 the current cell date untill 00.00 next day. scheduler.Config.multi_day = true; scheduler.Config.limit_time_select = true; scheduler.Skin = DHXScheduler.Skins.Terrace; scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.Collision); scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.Limit); #region lightbox configuration var text = new LightboxText("text", "Task");// initializes a text input with the label 'Task' text.Height = 20;// sets the height of the control text.Focus = true;// set focus to the control scheduler.Lightbox.Add(text);// adds the control to the lightbox var description = new LightboxText("details", "Details");// initializes a text input with the label 'Task' description.Height = 20; scheduler.Lightbox.Add(description); var status = new LightboxSelect("status_id", "Status");// initializes a dropdown list with the label 'Status' status.AddOptions(TasksManager.GetStatuses());// populates the list with values from the 'Statuses' table scheduler.Lightbox.Add(status); var owners = new LightboxSelect("owner_id", "Owner"); if (roleID == (int)UserRole.Administrator) owners.AddOptions(TasksManager.GetOwners()); else { int.TryParse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString(), out userID); owners.AddOptions(TasksManager.GetOwners(userID)); } scheduler.Lightbox.Add(owners); // poplicy types var policyTypes = new LightboxSelect("policy_type", "Policy Type"); policyTypes.AddOptions(LeadPolicyTypeManager.GetPolicyTypesForScheduler()); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(policyTypes); //var lead_name = new LightboxText("lead_name", "Lead Name");// initializes a text input with the label 'Task' //lead_name.Height = 20; //scheduler.Lightbox.Add(lead_name); // initializes and adds a control area for setting start and end times of a task //scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxTime("Time")); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("cal", "Time")); #endregion scheduler.LoadData = true; scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true; scheduler.EnableDynamicLoading(SchedulerDataLoader.DynamicalLoadingMode.Week); scheduler.UpdateFieldsAfterSave(); }
public ActionResult Manager() { var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(this); #region check rights if (!RoleIs("Manager")) // checks the role { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "System")); //in case the role is not manager, redirects to the login page } #endregion #region configuration scheduler.Config.first_hour = 8; //sets the minimum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis) scheduler.Config.hour_size_px = 88; scheduler.Config.last_hour = 17; //sets the maximum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis) scheduler.Config.time_step = 30; //sets the scale interval for the time selector in the lightbox. scheduler.Config.full_day = true; // blocks entry fields in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox and sets time period to a full day from 00.00 the current cell date untill 00.00 next day. scheduler.Skin = DHXScheduler.Skins.Flat; scheduler.Config.separate_short_events = true; scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.ActiveLinks); #endregion #region views configuration scheduler.Views.Clear(); //removes all views from the scheduler scheduler.Views.Add(new WeekView()); // adds a tab with the week view var units = new UnitsView("staff", "owner_id") { Label = "Staff" }; // initializes the units view var users = AppUserManagerProvider.Users; var staff = new List <object>(); foreach (var user in users) { if (AppUserManagerProvider.GetUserRolesName(user.Id).Contains("Employee")) { staff.Add(new { key = user.Id, label = user.UserName }); } } units.AddOptions(staff); // sets X-Axis items to names of employees scheduler.Views.Add(units); //adds a tab with the units view scheduler.Views.Add(new MonthView()); // adds a tab with the Month view scheduler.InitialView = units.Name; // makes the units view selected initially scheduler.Config.active_link_view = units.Name; #endregion #region lightbox configuration var text = new LightboxText("text", "Task") { Height = 20, Focus = true }; // initializes a text input with the label 'Task' scheduler.Lightbox.Add(text); // adds the control to the lightbox var description = new LightboxText("details", "Details") { Height = 80 }; // initializes a text input with the label 'Task' scheduler.Lightbox.Add(description); var status = new LightboxSelect("status_id", "Status"); // initializes a dropdown list with the label 'Status' status.AddOptions(Repository.GetAll <Status>().Select(s => new { key =, label = s.title }));// populates the list with values from the 'Statuses' table scheduler.Lightbox.Add(status); //add users list var sUser = new LightboxSelect("owner_id", "Employee"); sUser.AddOptions(staff); //-- scheduler.Lightbox.Add(sUser); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxTime("time"));// initializes and adds a control area for setting start and end times of a task #endregion #region data scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true; // enables dataprocessor scheduler.LoadData = true; //'says' to send data request after scheduler initialization scheduler.Data.DataProcessor.UpdateFieldsAfterSave = true; // Tracks after server responses for modified event fields #endregion var employees = users.Select(o => new Employees { key = o.Id, userName = o.UserName }).ToArray(); var statuses = Repository.GetAll <Status>().ToList(); var js = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Employees[])); var ms = new MemoryStream(); js.WriteObject(ms, employees); ms.Position = 0; var sr = new StreamReader(ms); var json = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); ms.Close(); var model = new SystemModel(scheduler, json, statuses); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Details() { var sched = new DHXScheduler(this) { XY = { scroll_width = 0 }, Config = { first_hour = 7, last_hour = 20, time_step = 30, limit_time_select = true } }; var text = new LightboxText("text", "Description") { Height = 50 }; sched.Lightbox.Add(text); var select = new LightboxSelect("color", "Priority"); select.AddOptions(new List<object>{ new { key = "#ccc", label = "Low" }, new { key = "#76B007", label = "Medium" }, new { key = "#FE7510", label = "Hight" } }); sched.Lightbox.Add(select); // ------------------------- COMBOBOX ------------------------------ var select2 = new LightboxSelect("Test", "Test"); DataTable subjects = new DataTable(); List<Cust> columnCust = new List<Cust>(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString)) { string query = "SELECT * FROM SchedulerContext.dbo.ColoredEvents"; using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { connection.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { columnCust.Add(new Cust { key = reader.GetInt32(0), label = reader.GetString(1) }); } } connection.Close(); } } select2.AddOptions(columnCust); sched.Lightbox.Add(select2); // ------------------------- /COMBOBOX ----------------------------- var check = new LightboxRadio("category", "Category"); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("job", "Job")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("family", "Family")); check.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("other", "Other")); sched.Lightbox.Add(check); var check2 = new LightboxRadio("category2", "Category2"); check2.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("test1", "test1")); check2.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("test2", "test2")); check2.AddOption(new LightboxSelectOption("test3", "test3")); sched.Lightbox.Add(check2); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("time", "Time:")); sched.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxCheckbox("remind", "Remind")); sched.LoadData = true; sched.EnableDataprocessor = true; sched.InitialDate = new DateTime(2011, 9, 11); // ADD YEAR VIEW var year = new YearView(); sched.Views.Add(year); sched.LoadData = true; sched.EnableDataprocessor = true; // SET LOCALE var locale = SchedulerLocalization.Localizations.English; sched.Localization.Set(locale); // block each sunday sched.TimeSpans.Add(new DHXBlockTime() { Day = DayOfWeek.Sunday }); return View(sched); }
static public void Initialize(DHXScheduler scheduler) { int roleID = 0; int userID = 0; int.TryParse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["RoleId"].ToString(), out roleID); scheduler.Codebase = "../../js/dhtmlxScheduler"; //scheduler.DataFormat = SchedulerDataLoader.DataFormats.iCal; scheduler.Config.first_hour = 5; //sets the minimum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis) scheduler.Config.last_hour = 19; //sets the maximum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis) scheduler.Config.time_step = 60; //sets the scale interval for the time selector in the lightbox. //scheduler.Config.full_day = true;// blocks entry fields in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox and sets time period to a full day from 00.00 the current cell date untill 00.00 next day. scheduler.Config.multi_day = true; scheduler.Config.limit_time_select = true; scheduler.Skin = DHXScheduler.Skins.Terrace; scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.Collision); scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.Limit); #region lightbox configuration var text = new LightboxText("text", "Task"); // initializes a text input with the label 'Task' text.Height = 20; // sets the height of the control text.Focus = true; // set focus to the control scheduler.Lightbox.Add(text); // adds the control to the lightbox var description = new LightboxText("details", "Details"); // initializes a text input with the label 'Task' description.Height = 20; scheduler.Lightbox.Add(description); var status = new LightboxSelect("status_id", "Status"); // initializes a dropdown list with the label 'Status' status.AddOptions(TasksManager.GetStatuses()); // populates the list with values from the 'Statuses' table scheduler.Lightbox.Add(status); var owners = new LightboxSelect("owner_id", "Owner"); if (roleID == (int)UserRole.Administrator) { owners.AddOptions(TasksManager.GetOwners()); } else { int.TryParse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString(), out userID); owners.AddOptions(TasksManager.GetOwners(userID)); } scheduler.Lightbox.Add(owners); // poplicy types var policyTypes = new LightboxSelect("policy_type", "Policy Type"); policyTypes.AddOptions(LeadPolicyTypeManager.GetPolicyTypesForScheduler()); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(policyTypes); //var lead_name = new LightboxText("lead_name", "Lead Name");// initializes a text input with the label 'Task' //lead_name.Height = 20; //scheduler.Lightbox.Add(lead_name); // initializes and adds a control area for setting start and end times of a task //scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxTime("Time")); scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("cal", "Time")); #endregion scheduler.LoadData = true; scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true; scheduler.EnableDynamicLoading(SchedulerDataLoader.DynamicalLoadingMode.Week); scheduler.UpdateFieldsAfterSave(); }