internal void ClearPropertyMap() { // when clearing the property map we want to retain the styles that we have inherited from elsewhere // to do this, we need to read in the inherited values, store them, clear the map, then write the values back LightList <StyleProperty> inherited = LightList <StyleProperty> .Get(); inherited.EnsureCapacity(StyleUtil.InheritedProperties.Count); StyleProperty[] inheritedArray = inherited.Array; for (int i = 0; i < StyleUtil.InheritedProperties.Count; i++) { int key = BitUtil.SetHighLowBits(1, (int)StyleUtil.InheritedProperties[i]); if (propertyMap.TryGetValue(key, out StyleProperty inheritedValue)) { inherited.AddUnchecked(inheritedValue); } } propertyMap.Clear(); // re-apply values for (int i = 0; i < inherited.Count; i++) { int key = BitUtil.SetHighLowBits(1, (int)inheritedArray[i].propertyId); propertyMap.Add(key, inheritedArray[i]); } LightList <StyleProperty> .Release(ref inherited); }
public void EnsureCapacity(int vertexCount, int triangleCount) { positionList.EnsureCapacity(vertexCount); normalList.EnsureCapacity(vertexCount); colorList.EnsureCapacity(vertexCount); texCoord0List.EnsureCapacity(vertexCount); texCoord1List.EnsureCapacity(vertexCount); texCoord2List.EnsureCapacity(vertexCount); triangleList.EnsureCapacity(triangleCount); }
private void ResetSharedStyles(LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer> updatedStyles) { int count = updatedStyles.Count; UIStyleGroupContainer[] updatedStyleArray = updatedStyles.array; for (int i = 0; i < styleGroupContainers.size; i++) { if (!updatedStyles.Contains(styleGroupContainers.array[i])) { for (int j = 0; j < styleGroupContainers.array[i].groups.Length; j++) { RunCommands(styleGroupContainers.array[i].groups[j].normal.runCommands, false); } } } availableStyles.Clear(); styleGroupContainers.Clear(); isInheritedMap = 0; propertyMap.Clear(); styleGroupContainers.EnsureCapacity(updatedStyles.size); containedStates = 0; hasAttributeStyles = false; LightList <StylePropertyId> toUpdate = LightList <StylePropertyId> .Get(); if (instanceStyle != null) { CreateStyleEntry(toUpdate, instanceStyle, instanceStyle.normal, StyleType.Instance, StyleState.Normal, 0); CreateStyleEntry(toUpdate, instanceStyle, instanceStyle.hover, StyleType.Instance, StyleState.Hover, 0); CreateStyleEntry(toUpdate, instanceStyle, instanceStyle.focused, StyleType.Instance, StyleState.Focused, 0); CreateStyleEntry(toUpdate, instanceStyle,, StyleType.Instance, StyleState.Active, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CreateStyleGroups(updatedStyleArray[i], toUpdate); styleGroupContainers.array[i] = updatedStyleArray[i]; } styleGroupContainers.size = count; SortStyles(); UpdatePropertyMap(toUpdate); LightList <StylePropertyId> .Release(ref toUpdate); }
private static LightList <Type> ResolveGenericTypes(TypeLookup typeLookup, IReadOnlyList <string> namespaces = null, Type scopeType = null) { int count = typeLookup.generics.size; LightList <Type> results = LightList <Type> .Get(); results.EnsureCapacity(count); Type[] array = results.array; Type[] generics = null; Type[] concreteArgs = null; if (scopeType != null) { if (scopeType.IsGenericType) { generics = scopeType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().GetGenericArguments(); concreteArgs = scopeType.GetGenericArguments(); } } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (generics != null) { for (int j = 0; j < generics.Length; j++) { if (typeLookup.generics[i].typeName == generics[j].Name) { array[i] = concreteArgs[i]; break; } } } array[i] = array[i] ?? ResolveType(typeLookup.generics[i], namespaces); if (array[i] == null) { throw new TypeResolutionException($"Failed to find a type from string {typeLookup.generics[i]}"); } } results.Count = typeLookup.generics.size; return(results); }
public void ClearStore() { if (onRecordRemoved == null) { recordStore.Clear(); return; } LightList <T> records = LightList <T> .Get(); records.EnsureCapacity(recordStore.Count); recordStore.GetAllRecords(records); T[] recordsArray = records.Array; recordStore.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < records.Count; i++) { onRecordRemoved.Invoke(recordsArray[i]); } LightList <T> .Release(ref records); }