public override void SpawnNPC(int type, int tileX, int tileY) { //int a = base.SpawnNPC(type, tileX, tileY); NPC npc = Main.npc[type]; if (Main.rand.Next(74) == 0) { Light.ApplyLuxBoosts(ref npc); //npc.DisplayName.set("Lux "+npc.DisplayName.Get()); //npc.AddBuff(BuffType<Lux>(), 600); for (int i = 0; i < Main.player.Length; i++) { Main.player[i].chatOverhead.NewMessage("!", 30); } //Main.NewText("!"); } else if (Main.rand.Next(99) == 0) { Light.ApplyShadeBoosts(ref npc); //npc.DisplayName.set("Umbra "+npc.DisplayName.Get()); //npc.AddBuff(BuffType<Umbra>(), 600); // = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Main.player.Length; i++) { Main.player[i].chatOverhead.NewMessage("!!!", 30); } //Main.NewText("!!!"); } } //*/
public override void Action(CommandCaller player, string input, string[] args) { if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out int type)) { Type idtype = typeof(NPCID); if (int.TryParse(idtype.GetField(args[0]).GetRawConstantValue().ToString(), out type)) { Main.NewText("You're using it wrong, " + + ", it's /umbra NPCID, NPCID can either be the numeric ID or the field name in the NPCID class"); } } int spawnedNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)Main.MouseWorld.X, (int)Main.MouseWorld.Y, type); //Main.npc[spawnedNPC].AddBuff(BuffType<Umbra>(), 600); if (ModLoader.GetMod("DevHelp") == null) { Main.npc[spawnedNPC].dontTakeDamage = true; } Light.ApplyShadeBoosts(ref Main.npc[spawnedNPC]); }