public void TrimDataList()                //trim data points for log scale plotting to improve plotting performance
            int desiredNumberOfDataPoints = 6000; //heuristic based on trial and error

            while (LifetimeDataList.Count > desiredNumberOfDataPoints)
                var modulusValue  = 12; //we want to remove fewer data points initially since LED properties change most rapidly at first
                var decileTracker = 1;  //every 10% of the list we increase the frequency of data removal by decreasing the modulus value
                //i.e., 1 corresponds to the first 10% of data points, 2 to the first 20%...
                for (int i = 0; i < LifetimeDataList.Count; i++)
                    if (((double)i * 10 / (double)LifetimeDataList.Count) > decileTracker)//*10 because all values are otherwise < 1
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Mod value is now" + modulusValue);
                    if (i % modulusValue == 0 && i != LifetimeDataList.Count - 1)//remove data point every modulusValue except for the final
                //Debug.WriteLine("LifetimeDataList.Count is now: " + LifetimeDataList.Count);
 public void PopulatePropertiesFromPath()
         //TheLifetime = new Lifetime();
         //TheLifetime.FilePath = fp;
         TheLifetime.SetCurrent        = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(LifetimeDataList.First().Current), 3); //this is in milliamps
         TheLifetime.SetCurrentDensity = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(LifetimeDataList.First().CurrentDensity), 3);
         TheLifetime.InitialCE         = Math.Round((4E-3m * TheLifetime.InitialLuminance) / TheLifetime.SetCurrent, 1);
         var lowestRelativeLuminance = LifetimeDataList.Last().RelativeLuminance;//find how far the test went and then populate values
         TheLifetime.TotalHoursElapsed = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(LifetimeDataList.Last().ElapsedHours), 3);
         var lifeStartDate = TheLifetime.StartDateTime ?? default(DateTime);
         var timespan      = lifeStartDate - TheLifetime.Pixel.Device.DeviceBatch.FabDate;
         DaysBetweenDeviceFabAndLifetimeTest = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(timespan.TotalDays), 1);
         if (lowestRelativeLuminance <= 0.97)
             TheLifetime.TimeUntil97Percent = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(LifetimeDataList.Where(x => x.RelativeLuminance <= 0.97d).First().ElapsedHours), 3);//find the first datum where relativeLuminance is less than 97% and get the elapsedHours
         if (lowestRelativeLuminance <= 0.90)
             TheLifetime.TimeUntil90Percent = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(LifetimeDataList.Where(x => x.RelativeLuminance <= 0.90d).First().ElapsedHours), 3);//find the first datum where relativeLuminance is less than 97% and get the elapsedHours
         if (lowestRelativeLuminance <= 0.50)
             TheLifetime.TimeUntil50Percent = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(LifetimeDataList.Where(x => x.RelativeLuminance <= 0.50d).First().ElapsedHours), 3);//find the first datum where relativeLuminance is less than 97% and get the elapsedHours
         foreach (CryscoLifetimeDatum cld in LifetimeDataList)
             cld.CurrentEfficiency = Math.Round(((4E-3 * cld.Luminance) / cld.Current), 3);
             cld.PowerEfficiency   = cld.CurrentEfficiency * Math.PI / cld.PixelVoltage;
     catch (Exception e)