/// We send a bang when the player steps on the button (enters the collision /// volume). void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { //To send a bang to our PD patch, the patch needs a named receive object //(in this case, named VolumeUp), and then we can just use the //SendBang() function to send a bang to that object from Unity. // //See the BangExample.pd patch for details. pdPatch.SendFloat("stepStoneOn", stoneNumber); }
/// All our calculations for this class take place in MonoBehaviour's /// Update() function. void Update() { //Get the distance between the sphere and the main camera. float proximity = Vector3.Distance(targetLocation.position, Camera.main.transform.position); float sensorDistance = sensorBounds.localScale.x; //We want proximity to be in the range 0 -> 1. // calculate the proximity based on the size of the sensor area proximity /= sensorDistance / 2; //We also want the pitch to increase as we get closer to the sphere, //so we invert proximity. proximity = 1.0f - proximity; if (proximity < 0.0f) { proximity = 0.0f; } //Send our frequency value to the PD patch. //Like in Button2Bang.cs/ButtonExample.pd, all we need to be able to //send floats to our PD patch is a named receive object in the patch (in //this case, named proximity). We can then use the SendFloat() function //to send our float value to that named receive object. pdPatch.SendFloat("proximity", proximity); }
private void Update() { if (bird == null) { bird = GameObject.Find("Cylinder"); } if (origin == null) { var go = GameObject.Find("Bird"); if (go != null) { origin = go.transform; } } if (bird == null || origin == null) { return; } var direction = transform.InverseTransformDirection((origin.position - bird.transform.position).normalized); var azimuth = ((Mathf.Atan2(direction.x, direction.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) + 180.0f) / 360.0f; angleVal = azimuth; pdInstance.SendFloat("hueAngle", angleVal); }
/// All our calculations for this class take place in MonoBehaviour's /// Update() function. void Update() { //Get the distance between the sphere and the main camera. float proximity = Vector3.Distance(sphereTransform.position, Camera.main.transform.position); float sensorDistance = sensorBounds.localScale.x; //We want proximity to be in the range 0 -> 1. //Since our blue circle has a diameter of 15, its radius will be 7.5, //hence the following scaling. // proximity /= 7.5f; proximity /= sensorDistance / 2; //We also want the pitch to increase as we get closer to the sphere, //so we invert proximity. proximity = 1.0f - proximity; if (proximity < 0.0f) { proximity = 0.0f; } //Send our frequency value to the PD patch. //Like in Button2Bang.cs/ButtonExample.pd, all we need to be able to //send floats to our PD patch is a named receive object in the patch (in //this case, named proximity). We can then use the SendFloat() function //to send our float value to that named receive object. // //See the FloatExample.pd patch for details. pdPatch.SendFloat("proximity", proximity); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (moving) { Vector3 tempPos = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(index) * 10.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f - Mathf.Cos(index) * 10.0f); sphereTransform.position = tempPos; index += 0.01f; if (index > (Mathf.PI * 2.0f)) { moving = false; index = 0.0f; spatialisePatch.SendFloat("level", 0.0f); spatialisePatch.SendFloat("toggle", 01.0f); } } }
public void Update() { pdInstance.SendFloat("distance", distance); pdInstance.SendFloat("hueAngle", hue); pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer0", motifToggle0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f); pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer1", motifToggle1 ? 1.0f : 0.0f); pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer2", motifToggle2 ? 1.0f : 0.0f); pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer3", motifToggle3 ? 1.0f : 0.0f); pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer4", motifToggle4 ? 1.0f : 0.0f); pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer5", motifToggle5 ? 1.0f : 0.0f); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (barbelithTransform.localScale != lastSize) { //1 -> 5 in first scene. //(previously 50 -> 40). barbelithPatch.SendFloat("size", barbelithTransform.localScale.x); lastSize = barbelithTransform.localScale; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Pillars = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pillar").ToList(); int count = Pillars.Count(); switch (count) { case 5: pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer1", 1); break; case 10: pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer2", 1); break; case 15: pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer3", 1); break; case 20: pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer4", 1); break; case 25: pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer5", 1); break; default: pdInstance.SendFloat("motifLayer0", 1); break; } }
// Update is called once per frame public void Update() { if (bird == null) { bird = GameObject.Find("Bird"); } if (bird == null) { return; } speed = BirdController.speedReference; pdInstance.SendFloat("movementSpeed", speed); }
private void Update() { if (pdPatch && (signal != "")) { float dist = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(playerPos.position.x, 0.0f, playerPos.position.z), new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0.0f, transform.position.z)); float value = 0.0f; if (dist < radius) { value = 1.0f - (dist / radius); } if (value != lastValue) { pdPatch.SendFloat(signal, value); lastValue = value; } } }
// Update is called once per frame public void Update() { if (bird == null) { bird = GameObject.Find("Bird"); } if (origin == null) { var go = GameObject.Find("Cylinder"); if (go != null) { origin = go.transform; } } if (bird == null || origin == null) { return; } distance = Vector3.Distance(origin.position, bird.transform.position); distanceValue = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, maxDistance, distance); pdInstance.SendFloat("distance", distanceValue); }
public void playCNote() { pdPatch.SendFloat("midi", 60); pdPatch.SendFloat("bang", ampVal); }
//C Note public void playSineCNote() { Debug.Log("SINE C"); pdPatch.SendFloat("midi", 60); pdPatch.SendFloat("bang", amp); }
public void playC() { //freqVal = (freqVal * 100) / 100; //indexVal = (indexVal * 100) / 100; pdPatch.SendFloat("midi", 60); pdPatch.SendFloat("bang", 0.5f); pdPatch.SendFloat("freq", freqVal); Debug.Log("FREQVAL:" + freqVal); pdPatch.SendFloat("index", indexVal); Debug.Log("INDVAL: " + indexVal); //ch if (isTestInitiated) { if (!isFirstTestComplete) { if (freqVal == frequency[order[0]] && indexVal == index[order[0]]) { Debug.Log("RIGHT GUESS"); isFirstTestComplete = true; //stop timer1 T.stoptimer(); } if (freqVal == frequency[order[0]]) { //prompt on screen } if (indexVal == index[order[0]]) { //prompt on screen } //{ Debug.Log("WRONG GUESS, TRY AGAIN"); } } if (isFirstTestComplete && !isSecondTestComplete) { if (freqVal == frequency[order[1]] && indexVal == index[order[1]]) { Debug.Log("RIGHT GUESS"); isSecondTestComplete = true; //stop timer 2 T.stoptimer(); } if (freqVal == frequency[order[1]]) { //prompt on screen } if (indexVal == index[order[1]]) { //prompt on screen } //else //{ Debug.Log("WRONG GUESS, TRY AGAIN"); } } if (isSecondTestComplete && !isThirdTestComplete) { if (freqVal == frequency[order[2]] && indexVal == index[order[2]]) { Debug.Log("RIGHT GUESS"); isThirdTestComplete = true; T.stoptimer(); //stop timer 3 //level complete prompt and fade out to scene2 } if (freqVal == frequency[order[2]]) { //prompt on screen } if (indexVal == index[order[2]]) { //prompt on screen } //else //{ Debug.Log("WRONG GUESS, TRY AGAIN"); } } } }
void Update() { note1 = notes[0].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note2 = notes[1].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note3 = notes[2].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note4 = notes[3].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note5 = notes[4].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note6 = notes[5].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note7 = notes[6].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; note8 = notes[7].GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; vol1 = volumes[0].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol2 = volumes[1].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol3 = volumes[2].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol4 = volumes[3].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol5 = volumes[4].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol6 = volumes[5].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol7 = volumes[6].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; vol8 = volumes[7].GetComponent <UpDown>().percentage; speed = metro.GetComponent <rotate>().angle; volume = volu.GetComponent <MidiNoteValue>().midiNote; pdPatch.SendFloat("note1", note1); pdPatch.SendFloat("note2", note2); pdPatch.SendFloat("note3", note3); pdPatch.SendFloat("note4", note4); pdPatch.SendFloat("note5", note5); pdPatch.SendFloat("note6", note6); pdPatch.SendFloat("note7", note7); pdPatch.SendFloat("note8", note8); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol1", vol1); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol2", vol2); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol3", vol3); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol4", vol4); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol5", vol5); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol6", vol6); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol7", vol7); pdPatch.SendFloat("vol8", vol8); pdPatch.SendFloat("volume", volume); pdPatch.SendFloat("speed_pd", speed); }
public void quit() { pdInstance.SendFloat("pdReset", 1); SceneManager.LoadScene("Menu 3D"); }
public void Test() { pdPatch.SendFloat("variable", num); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called when we drag the float slider. private void SliderCallback(float value) { WriteInputText("Sent floatIn: ", value.ToString()); mainPatch.SendFloat("floatIn", value); }
public void LoadScene() { pdInstance.SendFloat("introStart", 1); SceneManager.LoadScene("Main"); }