/*** Private Methods ***************************************************************************************************/

        /// <summary>
        /// Try to setup User's password. If success, then initial variables as
        /// needed and navigate to page HomePage. Otherwise ask for new password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void PasswordTryCreate()
                if (PwBoxPw2.Password.Length >= mainPage.uintPasswordLengthMinimum)   // Double check that password meets minimum length requirement.
                    mainPage.cryptographicKeyAppPassword = LibAES.CryptographicKeyPassword(PwBoxPw2.Password);
                    if (mainPage.cryptographicKeyAppPassword != null)
                        string stringLockerPathGet = mainPage.DataStoreLockerPath(true, mainPage.stringLockerPath);
                        if (stringLockerPathGet != null)
                            mainPage.ShowPageHomePage(); // Everything as expected so navigate to page HomePage.
                            return;                      // Successful completion so return.
                            ErrorOccurred(mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("SP_Error_Password_Setup"));    // Could not save locker setup data.  Please try different password.
                        ErrorOccurred(mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("UMP_Error_Password_Hash"));        // Could not hash password.  Try different password.
                    ErrorOccurred(mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("SP_Error_Password_Length"));   // Password must have at least four characters.  Please try different password.
            catch (Exception ex)
                LibMPC.OutputMsgError(TblkResult, mainPage.UnhandledExceptionMessage("SetupPassword.PasswordTryCreate()", ex.GetType()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create sample file. Return file if found or created. Skip if encrypted version of file exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storageFolderParent">Parent folder.</param>
        /// <param name="stringFilename">Filename of sample file including extension.</param>
        /// <param name="stringFileContent">Content to place in sample file.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <StorageFile> CreateSampleFileAsync(StorageFolder storageFolderParent, string stringFilename, string stringFileContent)
                IStorageItem iStorageItem = await storageFolderParent.TryGetItemAsync(stringFilename);

                if (iStorageItem != null)
                    if (iStorageItem.IsOfType(StorageItemTypes.File))
                        return((StorageFile)iStorageItem);   // File exist.
                iStorageItem = await storageFolderParent.TryGetItemAsync($"{stringFilename}{mainPage.stringExtensionNoArchive}");

                if (iStorageItem != null)
                    return(null);   // Encrypted version of file exists with FileType ".aes".
                iStorageItem = await storageFolderParent.TryGetItemAsync($"{stringFilename}{mainPage.stringExtensionArchive}");

                if (iStorageItem != null)
                    return(null);   // Encrypted version of file exists with FileType ".arc".
                // Encrypted version of file does not exist so create sample file.
                StorageFile storageFileSample = await storageFolderParent.CreateFileAsync(stringFilename);

                if (storageFileSample != null)
                    // Write content to file.
                    IBuffer iBufferFileContent = LibAES.IBufferFromString($"{stringFilename}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{stringFileContent}{Environment.NewLine}");
                    if (iBufferFileContent != null)
                        await FileIO.WriteBufferAsync(storageFileSample, iBufferFileContent);

                        mainPage.boolSamplesCreated = true;
                        // Debug.WriteLine($"SetupFolder.CreateSampleFolderAsync(): Created file {storageFileSample.Path}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LibMPC.OutputMsgError(TblkResult, mainPage.UnhandledExceptionMessage("SetupFolder.CreateSampleFileAsync()", ex.GetType()));

        /*** Private Methods ***************************************************************************************************/

        /// <summary>
        /// This method checks if entered password is valid. Otherwise, wrong password was entered so request user to enter another one.
        /// If password is valid then navigate to page HomePage.
        /// </summary>
        private void PasswordVerify()
            mainPage.cryptographicKeyAppPassword = LibAES.CryptographicKeyPassword(PwBoxPw.Password);
            if (mainPage.cryptographicKeyAppPassword != null)
                string stringStoreValue = mainPage.DataStoreLockerPath(false, null);
                if (stringStoreValue != null)
                    if (stringStoreValue.Equals(mainPage.stringLockerPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Password is valid if decrypted path using entered password is same as locker folder path.
                        // Debug.WriteLine($"PasswordVerify(): Password valid since {stringStoreValue}={mainPage.stringLockerPath}");
                        mainPage.ShowPageHomePage(); // Everything as expected so navigate to page HomePage.
                        return;                      // Success. Correct password was entered.
                        // To test this error path, negate value in 'if' above and then run App. Then enter correct password.
                        boolAppResetRequired = true;
                        PwBoxPw.Visibility   = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        LibMPC.OutputMsgError(TblkPageMsg, LibMPC.JoinListString(Translate.TRS_EP_Error_PasswordVerify, EnumStringSeparator.TwoSpaces));    // Do not assemble string until needed to save memory.
                        TblkResult.Text = string.Empty;
                        TblkLockerResetMsg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(ButLockerReset, false);     // Hide button so User is forced to click Continue to start Locker Reset.
                ErrorOccurred(mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("UMP_Error_Password_Hash"));   // Could not hash password.  Try different password.
 /// <summary>
 /// Read and write encrypted Locker path setting ds_StringLockerPath to and from data store. Return path string if successful, null otherwise.
 /// Password is valid if decrypted path using entered password is same as locker folder path.
 /// If parameter boolPathEncrypt is false, then parameter stringPathToLocker is not used and can be set to null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="boolPathEncrypt">If true then encrypt Locker path. Otherwise decrypt locker path and return it.</param>
 /// <param name="stringPathToLocker">Path to current Locker or null if reading path from data store.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string DataStoreLockerPath(bool boolPathEncrypt, string stringPathToLocker = null)
     if (boolPathEncrypt)    // Encrypt Locker folder path using RandomIV and save to data store.
         // Encrypt Locker folder path using RandomIV.
         string stringStoreValueEncrypted = LibAES.StringEncrypt(stringPathToLocker, cryptographicKeyAppPassword, LibAES.IBufferIVRandom(), EnumModeIV.EmbedIV);
         if (stringStoreValueEncrypted != null)
             applicationDataContainer.Values[ds_StringEncryptedLockerPath] = stringStoreValueEncrypted;   // Save encrypted path to data store.
             // Debug.WriteLine($"MainPage.DataStoreLockerPath(): Saved RandomIV encrypted Locker path to data store value stringStoreValueEncrypted: {stringStoreValueEncrypted}");
         return(stringStoreValueEncrypted); // Return useless encrypted string so calling method can check if not null.
     else                                   // Read and decrypt Locker folder path from data store and then return it.
         if (applicationDataContainer.Values.ContainsKey(ds_StringEncryptedLockerPath))
             // Decrypt Locker folder path using embeded RandomIV and return.
             // Debug.WriteLine("MainPage.DataStoreLockerPath(): Decrypted Locker folder path using embeded RandomIV.");
             return(LibAES.StringDecrypt((string)applicationDataContainer.Values[ds_StringEncryptedLockerPath], cryptographicKeyAppPassword, null, EnumModeIV.EmbedIV));     // Return value or null.