        /// <summary>
        /// modifies a residual (i.e. an operator evaluation)
        /// in order to fix the pressure at some reference point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentState">current state of velocity & pressure</param>
        /// <param name="iVar">the index of the pressure variable in the mapping <paramref name="map"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk"></param>
        /// <param name="Residual"></param>
        static public void SetPressureReferencePointResidual <T>(CoordinateVector currentState, int iVar, LevelSetTracker LsTrk, T Residual)
            where T : IList <double>
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                var map     = currentState.Mapping;
                var GridDat = map.GridDat;

                if (Residual.Count != map.LocalLength)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                Basis PressureBasis = (Basis)map.BasisS[iVar];
                int   D             = GridDat.SpatialDimension;

                long GlobalID, GlobalCellIndex;
                bool IsInside, onthisProc;
                GridDat.LocatePoint(new double[D], out GlobalID, out GlobalCellIndex, out IsInside, out onthisProc, LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellSubGrid().VolumeMask.Complement());

                int iRowGl = -111;
                if (onthisProc)
                    int jCell = (int)GlobalCellIndex - GridDat.CellPartitioning.i0;

                    NodeSet CenterNode = new NodeSet(GridDat.iGeomCells.GetRefElement(jCell), new double[D]);
                    MultidimensionalArray LevSetValues = LsTrk.DataHistories[0].Current.GetLevSetValues(CenterNode, jCell, 1);;

                    MultidimensionalArray CenterNodeGlobal = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, D);
                    GridDat.TransformLocal2Global(CenterNode, CenterNodeGlobal, jCell);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Pressure Ref Point @( {0:0.###E-00} | {1:0.###E-00} )", CenterNodeGlobal[0,0], CenterNodeGlobal[0,1]);

                    LevelSetSignCode  scode = LevelSetSignCode.ComputeLevelSetBytecode(LevSetValues[0, 0]);
                    ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                    int No   = LsTrk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(jCell, out rrc);
                    int iSpc = LsTrk.GetSpeciesIndex(rrc, scode);

                    iRowGl = (int)map.GlobalUniqueCoordinateIndex_FromGlobal(iVar, GlobalCellIndex, 0);
                iRowGl = iRowGl.MPIMax();

                // clear row
                // ---------
                if (onthisProc)
                    // set entry in residual vector equal to corresponding value in domain vector
                    // (as if the corresponding matrix would have a 1 in the diagonal element and 0 everywhere else)

                    int iRow = iRowGl - map.i0;
                    Residual[iRow] = currentState[iRow];
        /// <summary>
        /// modifies a matrix <paramref name="Mtx"/> and a right-hand-side <paramref name="rhs"/>
        /// in order to fix the pressure at some reference point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">row mapping for <paramref name="Mtx"/> as well as <paramref name="rhs"/></param>
        /// <param name="iVar">the index of the pressure variable in the mapping <paramref name="map"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk"></param>
        /// <param name="Mtx"></param>
        /// <param name="rhs"></param>
        static public void SetPressureReferencePoint <T>(UnsetteledCoordinateMapping map, int iVar, LevelSetTracker LsTrk, BlockMsrMatrix Mtx, T rhs)
            where T : IList <double>
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                var GridDat = map.GridDat;

                if (rhs.Count != map.LocalLength)
                    throw new ArgumentException();
                if (!Mtx.RowPartitioning.EqualsPartition(map) || !Mtx.ColPartition.EqualsPartition(map))
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                Basis PressureBasis = (Basis)map.BasisS[iVar];
                int   D             = GridDat.SpatialDimension;

                long GlobalID, GlobalCellIndex;
                bool IsInside, onthisProc;
                GridDat.LocatePoint(new double[D], out GlobalID, out GlobalCellIndex, out IsInside, out onthisProc, LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellSubGrid().VolumeMask.Complement());

                int iRowGl = -111;
                if (onthisProc)
                    int jCell = (int)GlobalCellIndex - GridDat.CellPartitioning.i0;

                    NodeSet CenterNode = new NodeSet(GridDat.iGeomCells.GetRefElement(jCell), new double[D]);
                    MultidimensionalArray LevSetValues = LsTrk.DataHistories[0].Current.GetLevSetValues(CenterNode, jCell, 1);;

                    MultidimensionalArray CenterNodeGlobal = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, D);
                    GridDat.TransformLocal2Global(CenterNode, CenterNodeGlobal, jCell);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Pressure Ref Point @( {0:0.###E-00} | {1:0.###E-00} )", CenterNodeGlobal[0,0], CenterNodeGlobal[0,1]);

                    LevelSetSignCode  scode = LevelSetSignCode.ComputeLevelSetBytecode(LevSetValues[0, 0]);
                    ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                    int No   = LsTrk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(jCell, out rrc);
                    int iSpc = LsTrk.GetSpeciesIndex(rrc, scode);

                    iRowGl = (int)map.GlobalUniqueCoordinateIndex_FromGlobal(iVar, GlobalCellIndex, 0);
                iRowGl = iRowGl.MPIMax();

                // clear row
                // ---------
                if (onthisProc)
                    // ref. cell is on local MPI process
                    int jCell = (int)GlobalCellIndex - GridDat.CellPartitioning.i0;

                    ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                    int NoOfSpc = LsTrk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(jCell, out rrc);

                    // set matrix row to identity
                    Mtx.SetDiagonalElement(iRowGl, 1.0);

                    // clear RHS
                    int iRow = iRowGl - Mtx.RowPartitioning.i0;
                    rhs[iRow] = 0;

                // clear column
                // ------------
                    for (int i = Mtx.RowPartitioning.i0; i < Mtx.RowPartitioning.iE; i++)
                        if (i != iRowGl)
                            Mtx[i, iRowGl] = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a mapping from the new species index to the old species index, or vice-versa.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jCell">
        /// Local cell index.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="New2Old">
        /// If true, a mapping from new species index to previous/old species index is returned,
        /// if false the other way around.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Null, if there is no change in species ordering in cell <paramref name="jCell"/>
        /// from the previous level-set tracker state to the actual.
        /// Otherwise, if <paramref name="New2Old"/> is true, an array of the same length
        /// as the number of species currently in cell <paramref name="jCell"/>.
        ///  - index: current species index in cell <paramref name="jCell"/>.
        ///  - content: index of this species with respect to the previous level-set-tracker state.
        /// If <paramref name="New2Old"/> false, the other way around.
        /// </returns>
        public static int[] SpeciesUpdate(LevelSetTracker LsTrk, int jCell, bool New2Old)
            ushort[] OldCode = LsTrk.RegionsHistory[0].RegionsCode;
            ushort[] NewCode = LsTrk.RegionsHistory[1].RegionsCode;

            // Only if the return value of this function is positive, a mapping from current species index to previous species index
            // - index: current species index in cell <paramref name="jCell"/>.
            // - content: index of this species with respect to the previous level-set-tracker state.
            int[] UpdateMap = null;
            bool  AnyUpdate = false;

            ushort oc = OldCode[jCell];
            ushort nc = NewCode[jCell];

            if (!New2Old)
                // swap old and new
                ushort b = oc;
                oc = nc;
                nc = b;

            ReducedRegionCode oldRRC, newRRC;
            int OldNoOfSpc = LsTrk.GetNoOfSpeciesByRegionCode(oc, out oldRRC);
            int NewNoOfSpc = LsTrk.GetNoOfSpeciesByRegionCode(nc, out newRRC);

            for (int new_iSpc = 0; new_iSpc < NewNoOfSpc; new_iSpc++)
                SpeciesId spId     = LsTrk.GetSpeciesIdFromIndex(newRRC, new_iSpc);
                int       old_iSpc = LsTrk.GetSpeciesIndex(oldRRC, spId); // if the species was not present in the previous state, this should be negative

                if (old_iSpc != new_iSpc)
                    if (AnyUpdate == false)
                        // init the update map: no change up to index 'new_iSpc'
                        AnyUpdate = true;
                        UpdateMap = new int[NewNoOfSpc];
                        for (int i = 0; i < new_iSpc; i++)
                            UpdateMap[i] = i;
                    // index 'new_iSpc' maps to old species index
                    UpdateMap[new_iSpc] = old_iSpc;

            if (NewNoOfSpc < OldNoOfSpc)
                // the number of species is reduced - this also counts as change

                if (AnyUpdate == false)
                    // init the update map: no change up to index 'new_iSpc'
                    AnyUpdate = true;
                    UpdateMap = new int[NewNoOfSpc];
                    for (int i = 0; i < NewNoOfSpc; i++)
                        UpdateMap[i] = i;

            // return
        void UpdateBoundingBoxes()
            var grd              = lsTrk.GridDat;
            int D                = grd.SpatialDimension;
            int J                = grd.Cells.Count;
            var KrefS            = grd.Grid.RefElements;
            var VolQRs           = KrefS.Select(Kref => Kref.GetBruteForceQuadRule(6, 2)).ToArray();
            var BruteForceVolFam = VolQRs;

            // cache some vals
            SubGrid allCut      = lsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellSubGrid();
            int     JsubCC      = allCut.LocalNoOfCells;
            int     NoOfLevSets = lsTrk.LevelSets.Count();

            MultidimensionalArray[] LevSetVals  = new MultidimensionalArray[NoOfLevSets];
            MultidimensionalArray[] GlobalNodes = BruteForceVolFam.Select(nscc => MultidimensionalArray.Create(nscc.Nodes.NoOfNodes, D)).ToArray();

            int[] m_CutCellSubGrid_SubgridIndex2LocalCellIndex = lsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellSubGrid().SubgridIndex2LocalCellIndex;

            // set BoundingBox'es for cut cells
            // ================================

            double[] pt = new double[D];
            for (int jsub = 0; jsub < JsubCC; jsub++)  // loop over all local cells in subgrid ...
                int j_cell        = m_CutCellSubGrid_SubgridIndex2LocalCellIndex[jsub];
                int iKref         = grd.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(j_cell);
                int NoOfQuadNodes = BruteForceVolFam[iKref].NoOfNodes;

                // loop over level sets (evaluation) ...
                for (int levSetIdx = 0; levSetIdx < NoOfLevSets; levSetIdx++)
                    LevSetVals[levSetIdx] = lsTrk.DataHistories[levSetIdx].Current.GetLevSetValues(BruteForceVolFam[iKref].Nodes, j_cell, 1);

                grd.TransformLocal2Global(BruteForceVolFam[iKref].Nodes, GlobalNodes[iKref], j_cell);

                ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                int NoOfSpec = lsTrk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(j_cell, out rrc);

                this.BoundingBoxes[j_cell] = NoOfSpec.ForLoop(iSpc => new BoundingBox(D));

                for (int m = 0; m < NoOfQuadNodes; m++)
                    GlobalNodes[iKref].GetRow(m, pt);

                    double val0 = LevSetVals[0][0, m];
                    double val1 = 0;
                    if (NoOfLevSets > 1)
                        val1 = LevSetVals[1][0, m];
                    double val2 = 0;
                    if (NoOfLevSets > 2)
                        val2 = LevSetVals[2][0, m];
                    double val3 = 0;
                    if (NoOfLevSets > 3)
                        val3 = LevSetVals[3][0, m];

                    LevelSetSignCode LevSetCode = LevelSetSignCode.ComputeLevelSetBytecode(val0, val1, val2, val3);
                    int iSpec = lsTrk.GetSpeciesIndex(rrc, LevSetCode);


            // set Boundingboxes for un-cut cells
            // ==================================
            for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                if (this.BoundingBoxes[j] == null)
                    ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                    int NoOfSpc = lsTrk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(j, out rrc);

                    BoundingBox BB = new BoundingBox(D);
                    grd.Cells.GetCellBoundingBox(j, BB);
                    this.BoundingBoxes[j] = new BoundingBox[] { BB };