public void DoRespawn() { this.inForceRespawn = false; if (this._doDeathOffset && this.levelRoot != null) { this.levelRoot.gameObject.SetActive(true); } ProjectileFactory.Instance.DeactivateAll(); Vector3 vector = (!this.useRoomSpawn) ? this.spawnPos : this.roomSpawnPos; Vector3 dir = (!this.useRoomSpawn) ? this.spawnDir : this.roomSpawnDir; this.ent.RealTransform.position = vector; this.ent.Activate(); this.ent.TurnTo(dir, 0f); if (this.varOverrider != null) { this.varOverrider.Apply(this.ent); } this.RegEvents(this.ent); base.enabled = false; this.roomSpawnPos = vector; this.roomSpawnDir = dir; this.controller.ControlEntity(this.ent); if (this.attachTag != null) { this.attachTag.Free(); } this.attachTag = null; if (this.attacher != null) { this.attachTag = this.attacher.Attach(this.ent); } if (this.followCam != null) { this.followCam.ClearFollowScale(); } LevelRoom roomForPosition = LevelRoom.GetRoomForPosition(vector + Vector3.up * 0.25f, null); if (roomForPosition != null) { roomForPosition.SetImportantPoint(vector); LevelRoom.SetCurrentActiveRoom(roomForPosition, true); if (this.levelCam != null) { this.levelCam.SetRoom(roomForPosition); } } if (this.hud != null) { this.hud.Observe(this.ent, this.controller); } if (this._fadeIn != null || this._fadeOut != null) { FadeEffectData data = this._fadeIn ?? this._fadeOut; Vector3 value = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); OverlayFader.StartFade(data, false, null, new Vector3?(value)); } EventListener.PlayerSpawn(true); // Invoke custom event }
void PlayerDied(Entity player) { Killable entityComponent = player.GetEntityComponent <Killable>(); bool flag = entityComponent != null && (entityComponent.CurrentHp > 0f || entityComponent.SilentDeath); this.mayChangeLevel = !flag; this.UnregEvents(player); base.enabled = true; this.timer = this._deathTime; player.SaveState(); if (!flag) { ProjectileFactory.Instance.DeactivateAll(); if (this._doDeathOffset) { LevelRoom roomForPosition = LevelRoom.GetRoomForPosition(player.WorldTracePosition, null); this.levelCam.ReleaseRoom(this._releaseCamTime); player.RealTransform.position = player.WorldPosition + this._deathOffset; if (roomForPosition != null) { this.levelRoot = roomForPosition.LevelRoot; LevelRoom.SetCurrentActiveRoom(null, false); if (this.levelRoot != null) { this.levelRoot.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } if (this.backCam != null) { this.fadeTimer = this._bgFadeTime; this.fadeTimeScale = 1f / this.fadeTimer; } this.useRoomSpawn = false; } else { this.timer = this._weakDeathTime; this.fadeTimer = 0f; this.useRoomSpawn = true; } if (this.followCam != null) { this.followCam.SetFollowScale(new Vector3(0.9f, 0.25f, 0.9f)); } this.noFadeOut = false; if (entityComponent != null && entityComponent.SilentDeath) { this.mayChangeLevel = true; this.useRoomSpawn = false; this.noFadeOut = true; this.timer = 0f; } }
void DoSpawn(Vector3 P, Vector3 dir) { Vector3 vector; if (this._spawnOnFloor && PhysicsUtility.GetFloorPoint(P, 20f, 50f, this._floorLayer, out vector)) { P.y = vector.y; } Vector3 vector2 = P + this._playerEnt.transform.localPosition; GameObject gameObject = Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(this._playerCamera, vector2 + this._playerCamera.transform.localPosition, this._playerCamera.transform.localRotation); gameObject.transform.localScale = this._playerCamera.transform.localScale; =; CameraContainer component = gameObject.GetComponent <CameraContainer>(); component.Init(this._playerCamera); Entity entity = Object.Instantiate <Entity>(this._playerEnt, vector2, base.transform.rotation); =; if (component != null) { RoomSwitchable componentInChildren = entity.GetComponentInChildren <RoomSwitchable>(); if (componentInChildren != null) { componentInChildren.SetLevelCamera(component); } } if (this._playerGraphics != null) { GameObject gameObject2 = Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(this._playerGraphics, entity.transform.position + this._playerGraphics.transform.localPosition, this._playerGraphics.transform.localRotation); gameObject2.transform.parent = entity.transform; gameObject2.transform.localScale = this._playerGraphics.transform.localScale; =; } entity.Init(); entity.TurnTo(dir, 0f); FollowTransform componentInChildren2 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <FollowTransform>(); if (componentInChildren2 != null) { componentInChildren2.SetTarget(entity.transform); } LevelCamera componentInChildren3 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LevelCamera>(); if (componentInChildren3 != null) { LevelRoom roomForPosition = LevelRoom.GetRoomForPosition(entity.WorldTracePosition, null); if (roomForPosition != null) { componentInChildren3.SetRoom(roomForPosition); roomForPosition.SetImportantPoint(vector2); LevelRoom.SetCurrentActiveRoom(roomForPosition, false); } } PlayerController controller = ControllerFactory.Instance.GetController <PlayerController>(this._controller); controller.ControlEntity(entity); =; entity.Activate(); if (this._varOverrider != null) { this._varOverrider.Apply(entity); } EntityHUD componentInChildren4 = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <EntityHUD>(); if (componentInChildren4 != null) { componentInChildren4.Observe(entity, controller); } EntityObjectAttacher.Attacher attacher = null; EntityObjectAttacher component2 = base.GetComponent <EntityObjectAttacher>(); if (component2 != null) { attacher = component2.GetAttacher(); } EntityObjectAttacher.AttachTag attachTag = null; if (attacher != null) { attachTag = attacher.Attach(entity); } PlayerRespawner playerRespawner; if (this._respawner != null) { playerRespawner = Object.Instantiate <PlayerRespawner>(this._respawner); =; } else { GameObject gameObject3 = new GameObject("PlayerRespawer"); playerRespawner = gameObject3.AddComponent <PlayerRespawner>(); } playerRespawner.Init(entity, controller, componentInChildren3, componentInChildren2, componentInChildren4, this._gameSaver, attacher, attachTag, this._varOverrider, P, dir); VarHelper.PlayerObj = entity.gameObject; // Store reference to player obj PlayerSpawner.OnSpawnedFunc onSpawnedFunc = PlayerSpawner.onSpawned; PlayerSpawner.onSpawned = null; if (onSpawnedFunc != null) { onSpawnedFunc(entity, gameObject, controller); } EventListener.PlayerSpawn(false); // Invoke custom event Object.Destroy(base.gameObject); }
public static void LoadRoom(string scene, string room, bool doSave = true, bool doFade = true, Vector3?positionForPlayer = null, Vector3?facingDirectionForPlayer = null, bool forceLoadScene = false) { LevelRoom realRoom; // If not in scene with room if (GetLoadedScene().name != scene || forceLoadScene) { // Load scene LoadScene(scene, room, doSave, doFade); // Wait until player has spawned PlayerSpawner.RegisterSpawnListener(delegate { // Load room if not already in correct room if (GetLoadedRoom().RoomName != room) { realRoom = GameObject.Find("LevelRoot").GetComponent <LevelRoot>().GetRoom(room); realRoom.DeactivateOnStart = false; LevelRoom.SetCurrentActiveRoom(realRoom); // Sets room as active & unloads prior room GameObject.Find("Cameras").transform.parent.GetComponent <CameraContainer>().SetRoom(realRoom); // Set camera to look at room } // Teleport player if (positionForPlayer != null) { Transform playerEnt = VarHelper.PlayerObj.transform; playerEnt.position = (Vector3)positionForPlayer; // Teleport player if (facingDirectionForPlayer != null) { playerEnt.localEulerAngles = (Vector3)facingDirectionForPlayer; // Change player facing direction } } }); } // If in scene with room else { MenuHelper.ClosePauseMenu(); // Unpause game (prevents issue with entity animations breaking if visible upon spawn while paused on first frame) // Load room if not already in correct room if (GetLoadedRoom().RoomName != room) { realRoom = GameObject.Find("LevelRoot").GetComponent <LevelRoot>().GetRoom(room); LevelRoom.SetCurrentActiveRoom(realRoom); // Sets room as active & unloads prior room GameObject.Find("Cameras").transform.parent.GetComponent <CameraContainer>().SetRoom(realRoom); // Set camera to look at room } // Teleport player if (positionForPlayer != null) { Transform playerEnt = GameObject.Find("PlayerEnt").transform; playerEnt.position = (Vector3)positionForPlayer; // Teleport player if (facingDirectionForPlayer != null) { playerEnt.localEulerAngles = (Vector3)facingDirectionForPlayer; // Change player facing direction } } } }