public GameViewModel() { ReadyCommand = new Command(ReadyCommandExcute); BackCommand = new Command(BackCommandExcute); RestartCommand = new Command(RestartCommandExcute); LaunchCommand = new Command(LaunchCommandExcute); PlayCommand = new Command(PlayCommandExcute); TimeDifferencesList = new List <double>(); stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); DrawLevels(); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <NextPopupViewModel>(this, "nextLevel", (sender) => { JumpButtonText = "Hold"; JumpButtonBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E8A24F"); JumpButtonBorderColor = Color.FromHex("#4F3824"); LevelNumber = Preferences.Get("levelNumber", 1) + 1; LevelTime += 1; LaunchText = "Hold for " + LevelTime + " seconds and release to launch parachute"; IsRestarting = true; foreach (var item in DotsList) { if (item.LevelNumber == LevelNumber.ToString()) { item.IsCompleted = true; item.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#C5C5C5"); } } }); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <RestartPopupViewModel>(this, "restartGame", (sender) => { LevelNumber = 1; CheckLevelTime(); IsRestarting = false; DrawLevels(); }); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <LoseViewModel>(this, "tryAgain", (sender) => { JumpButtonText = "Hold"; JumpButtonBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E8A24F"); JumpButtonBorderColor = Color.FromHex("#4F3824"); LaunchText = "Hold for " + LevelTime + " seconds and release to launch parachute"; }); //this part for check level and add level time according to choosen difficulity CheckLevelTime(); PageTitle = "GamePage"; Analytics.TrackEvent("Page", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Value", PageTitle } }); CheckMusicIsPlaying(); }
private void CheckLevelTime() { var x = Preferences.Get("levelNumber", 1); if ((Preferences.Get("levelNumber", 1) == 1)) { LevelNumber = 1; IsRestarting = (LevelNumber == 1) ? false : true; var difficulitylevel = Preferences.Get("difficulty", Difficulty.Easy.ToString()); if (difficulitylevel == (Difficulty.Easy.ToString())) { LevelTime = 5; } else if (difficulitylevel == Difficulty.Medium.ToString()) { LevelTime = 10; } else { LevelTime = 15; } } else { LevelNumber = 1; LevelTime = 5; } JumpButtonText = "Hold"; JumpButtonBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E8A24F"); JumpButtonBorderColor = Color.FromHex("#4F3824"); LaunchText = "Hold for " + LevelTime + " seconds and release to launch parachute"; foreach (var item in DotsList) { if (item.LevelNumber == LevelNumber.ToString()) { item.IsCompleted = true; item.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#C5C5C5"); } } }
private void Parse(string content) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { return; } foreach (string line in content.Split(new[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { if (line.Contains("=")) { string[] values = line.Split('='); if (values.Length < 2) { continue; } if (values[0] == "completed") { Completed = int.Parse(values[1]) == 1; } if (values[0] == "date") { SavedAt = DateTime.Now; if (int.TryParse(values[1], out var unix)) { SavedAt = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unix).LocalDateTime; } // For folder name DateTimeSafe = SavedAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // For list view DateTimeString = SavedAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } if (values[0] == "difficulty") { Difficulty = int.Parse(values[1]); DiffToString(Difficulty); } if (values[0] == "mapDesc") { MapDesc = values[1]; } if (values[0] == "mapName") { MapName = values[1]; } if (values[0] == "time") { PlayedTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, int.Parse(values[1])); } } } if (MapDesc != "") { MapSafe = MapDesc; } foreach (char invalidPathChar in System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) { MapSafe = MapSafe.Replace(invalidPathChar, ' '); } LevelNumber = MapComparer.MapNameToLevel(MapName); if (LevelNumber > 0) { MapSafe = LevelNumber.ToString().PadRight(2) + " - " + MapSafe; } }
public void CheckHeroCollisions() { for (int i = 0; i < Masks.Count; i++) { if (Hero.CheckMask(Masks[i])) { Masks.Remove(Masks[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < Disinfectants.Count; i++) { if (Hero.CheckDisinfectant(Disinfectants[i])) { Disinfectants.Remove(Disinfectants[i]); ++Points; } } if (!Hero.IsMasked) { for (int i = 0; i < SickPersons.Count; i++) { if (Hero.CheckSickPerson(SickPersons[i])) { SickPersons.Remove(SickPersons[i]); ChangeHearts(); } if (Hero.Lives == 0) { IsEnabled = false; CustomMessageBox cmb = new CustomMessageBox(); cmb.SetMessage("You lost all your lives. Game over!"); cmb.SetRetryButton(true); cmb.Show(); break; } } } if (Hero.CheckDarkness(Darkness)) { IsEnabled = false; CustomMessageBox cmb = new CustomMessageBox(); cmb.SetMessage("The darkness caught you. Game over!"); cmb.SetRetryButton(true); cmb.Show(); } if (Goal.IsEnabled && Hero.CheckGoal(Goal)) { IsEnabled = false; ++Game.CurrentLevel; if (LevelNumber < 5) { CustomMessageBox cmb = new CustomMessageBox(); cmb.SetMessage(string.Format("Level {0} finished. Good job!", LevelNumber.ToString())); cmb.SetRetryButton(false); cmb.Show(); } else { CustomMessageBox cmb = new CustomMessageBox(); cmb.SetMessage("Game finished. Congratulations!"); cmb.SetRetryButton(false); cmb.Show(); } } if (!Goal.IsEnabled && Points >= RequiredPoints) { Goal.Enable(); } }