bool LoadNext() { if (levelLoadingComplete) { return(false); } var integralParent = GameObject.Find("Integral").transform; var decoratationParent = GameObject.Find("Decoration").transform; LevelDataBlock block = CurrentWorld.GetBlockAt(CurrentLoadingLayer, X, Y); var GObject = CurrentLoadingLayer == BlockLayers.Integral ? GetObject(block) : GetDecoration(block); if (GObject != null) { var transform = GObject.transform; transform.position = new Vector3(-X * Grid_Size.x, transform.position.y, Y * Grid_Size.y); transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; transform.parent = CurrentLoadingLayer == BlockLayers.Integral ? integralParent : decoratationParent; float angle = 0; switch (block.Rotation) { case SRotation.NORTH: angle = 0; break; case SRotation.EAST: angle = 90; break; case SRotation.WEST: angle = -90; break; case SRotation.SOUTH: angle = 180; break; } transform.RotateAround(transform.position, Vector3.up, angle); } LoadingPercentage = (((Y * Level.Columns) + X) / ((float)Level.Total * 2)) + (CurrentLoadingLayer == BlockLayers.Decoration ? .5f : 0.0f); return(true); }
private void Populate(string searchTerm = "") { GalleryWrapper.Children.Clear(); foreach (var block in LevelDataBlock.LoadAllFromDB()) { if (searchTerm == "" || block.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchTerm.ToLower())) { var stack = new StackPanel(); stack.Children.Add(new Image() { }); stack.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = block.Name, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, //Background = new SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF343434")) }); var button = new Button() { Content = stack, Tag = block, Padding = new Thickness(10), Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 0, 0), Background = new SolidColorBrush(AppResources.S_ColorConvert(block.Color)) }; button.Click += delegate { OnDataSelected?.Invoke(this, button.Tag as LevelDataBlock); }; GalleryWrapper.Children.Add(button); } } }
private GameObject GetDecoration(LevelDataBlock block) { textures = block.GetReferences(AssetType.Texture); if (TryGetByParameter(block, out var byParameter)) { return(byParameter); // try getting by parameter } return(default);
public void Load(LevelDataBlock subject) { if (Subject != subject) { Source = subject.Parameters.Values.ToList(); Subject = subject; } ParameterStack.Children.Clear(); foreach (var param in Source) { var dock = new Grid() { Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5) }; dock.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star), }); dock.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }); var deleteButton = new Button() { Content = "x", Background = Brushes.DarkRed, BorderBrush = Brushes.Red, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0) }; deleteButton.Click += DeleteButton_Click; deleteButton.Tag = param; var stack = new DockPanel(); stack.Children.Add(deleteButton); Grid.SetColumn(stack, 0); dock.Children.Add(stack); var textbox = new TextBox() { Text = param.Value }; dock.Children.Add(textbox); Grid.SetColumn(textbox, 1); textbox.KeyDown += Textbox_KeyDown; textbox.Tag = param; var nameBox = new TextBlock() { Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0), Text = param.Name + ":" }; DockPanel.SetDock(nameBox, Dock.Right); stack.Children.Add(nameBox); ParameterStack.Children.Add(dock); } AddNewButton.IsEnabled = true; BlockParameter.LoadParameterDB(); namebox.AutoSuggestionList.Clear(); foreach (var name in BlockParameter.ParameterDBDescriptions.Keys) { namebox.AutoSuggestionList.Add(name); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="LevelDataBlock"/> at the specified TilePosition in the World, if <see cref="VerifyTilePosition(int, int)"/> returns true /// </summary> /// <param name="Layer">The layer to get blocks from</param> /// <param name="X">The X Position</param> /// <param name="Y">The Y Position</param> /// <param name="BlockInfo">The Block data if found</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool TryGetBlockAt(BlockLayers Layer, int X, int Y, out LevelDataBlock BlockInfo) { BlockInfo = null; if (VerifyTilePosition(X, Y)) { BlockInfo = GetBlockAt(Layer, X, Y); return(true); } return(false); }
private void Load() { if (loaded) { return; } GameInitialization.Initialize(); LevelDataBlock block = default; switch (Mode) { case KQLoaderMode.GUID: block = LevelDataBlock.LoadFromDatabase(BlockGUID, out bool success); break; case KQLoaderMode.Name: block = LevelDataBlock.LoadFromDatabase(BlockName); break; } if (block != null) { var newObject = CreateKrabbyQuestObject(block, 0, 0, ApplyMaterial); newObject.SetActive(true); var lTransform = newObject.transform; var scale = newObject.transform.localScale; lTransform.parent = transform; lTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); lTransform.localRotation = new Quaternion(); lTransform.localScale = scale; if (RemoveAnimation) { var anim = newObject.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); if (anim != null) { if (Application.isPlaying) { Destroy(anim); } } } = block.Name; Debug.Log(block.Name + " loaded"); } loaded = true; }
public async Task FindDifferences() { if (Path1 == null || Path2 == null) { throw new Exception("None of the paths submitted can be null."); } var oldDBPath = LevelDataBlock.BlockDatabasePath; LevelDataBlock.BlockDatabasePath = Path1; DB1_BlockData = LevelDataBlock.LoadAllFromDB(); LevelDataBlock.BlockDatabasePath = Path2; DB2_BlockData = LevelDataBlock.LoadAllFromDB(); AddedBlocks = new Dictionary <string, LevelDataBlock>(); RemovedBlocks = new Dictionary <string, LevelDataBlock>(); double total = DB1_BlockData.Length + DB2_BlockData.Length, current = 0; await Task.Run(delegate { foreach (var entry in DB1_BlockData) { current++; PercentUpdated?.Invoke(this, current / total); if (!RemovedBlocks.ContainsKey(entry.GUID)) { if (!DB2_BlockData.Where(x => x.GUID == entry.GUID).Any()) { RemovedBlocks.Add(entry.GUID, entry); continue; } } } foreach (var entry in DB2_BlockData) { current++; PercentUpdated?.Invoke(this, current / total); if (!AddedBlocks.ContainsKey(entry.GUID)) { if (!DB1_BlockData.Where(x => x.GUID == entry.GUID).Any()) { AddedBlocks.Add(entry.GUID, entry); continue; } } } }); }
/// <summary> /// Loads all referenced sound effects into the Sound Cache /// </summary> /// <param name="DataBlock"></param> public void LoadAll(LevelDataBlock DataBlock) { List <string> references = new List <string>(); foreach (var reference in DataBlock.GetReferences(AssetType.Sound)) { references.Add(reference.DBName); if (SoundEffects.ContainsKey(reference.DBName)) { continue; } var audio = LoadFromFile(reference.FileName); = reference.DBName; SoundEffects.Add(reference.DBName, audio); } SoundReferences = references.ToArray(); Loaded = true; }
private void Awake() { if (!TryGetComponent(out TileComponent) && InheritParent && !ForceTemplate) { TileComponent = GetComponentInParent <DataBlockComponent>(); } // if (TileComponent?.TextureLoaded ?? false && !ForceTemplate) // return; Data = TileComponent?.DataBlock; if (DefaultMaterial == null) { DefaultMaterial = (Material)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Materials/Object Material")); } if (Data == null || ForceTemplate) { Data = ApplyTileData(); // try to apply templated data } if (Data == null) { return; // outright failure } textures = Data.GetReferences(AssetType.Texture); // get referenced textures if (Data.GetParameterByName("FLOOR", out _)) // floors { CreateFloor(); } else if (Data.GetParameterByName("WALL", out _)) // walls { CreateWall(); } else if (Data.GetParameterByName("FillTexture", out var parameter)) // generic fill texture parameter info { ApplyTextureMaterial(GetComponent <Renderer>(), int.Parse(parameter.Value)); } else { ApplyTextureMaterial(GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>(), 0); } if (TileComponent != null) { TileComponent.TextureLoaded = true; } Loaded = true; }
private void PopulateInfo(LevelDataBlock block) { AssetInfoStack.Children.Clear(); AssetInfoStack.Children.Add(assetInfoLabel); foreach (var assetRef in block.AssetReferences) { Button border = new Button() { Background = Brushes.DarkCyan, Content = $"Asset GUID: {assetRef.guid} \n" + $"Asset Type: {assetRef.type}", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5), Padding = new Thickness(10, 5, 10, 5), BorderBrush = Brushes.Turquoise }; border.Click += delegate { MainWindow.PushTab(new TextureToolPage(Properties.Settings.Default.DestinationDir, assetRef.guid)); }; AssetInfoStack.Children.Add(border); } }
public ParameterDialog(LevelDataBlock subject) : this() { Load(subject); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the object without any additional scripts from the given block info /// </summary> /// <param name="block"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static GameObject CreateKrabbyQuestObject(LevelDataBlock block, int X = 0, int Y = 0, Material ApplyMaterial = default) { Debug.Log("Creating object " + block.Name); void applyLevelBlock(GameObject obj) { var blockComponent = obj.AddComponent <DataBlockComponent>(); blockComponent.DataBlock = block; blockComponent.WorldTileX = X; blockComponent.WorldTileY = Y; blockComponent.Parent = obj; } GameObject returnVal = default; BlockParameter parameter = default; if (block.GetParameterByName("FLOOR", out parameter)) { returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/GroundTileObject")); // create a floor } else if (block.GetParameterByName("WALL", out parameter)) { switch (parameter.Value) { case "Low": returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/LowWallObject")); break; case "Medium": returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/MidWallObject")); break; case "High": returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/HighWallObject")); break; } } else if (block.GetParameterByName("Prefab", out parameter)) { var prefab = ResourceLoad("Objects/" + parameter.Value); if (prefab != null) { returnVal = Instantiate(prefab); var loader = returnVal.GetComponentInChildren <ModelLoader>(); if (loader != null) { loader.ApplyMaterial = ApplyMaterial; } } } else if (block.GetParameterByName("ServiceObject", out _)) { switch (block.BlockLayer) { case BlockLayers.Decoration: returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/AnonymousObject")); break; case BlockLayers.Integral: returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/AnonymousIntegralObject")); break; } } else if (block.Name?.Contains("THROWER") ?? false) { returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/TentacleCannon")); } else if (block.Name?.StartsWith("SPROUT") ?? false) { returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/TentacleSpike")); } else if (block.HasModel || block.GetParameterByName("ApplyTemplater", out _)) { returnVal = Instantiate(ResourceLoad("Objects/EmptyObject")); var loader = returnVal.AddComponent <ModelLoader>(); loader.ApplyMaterial = ApplyMaterial; } if (returnVal == null) { return(null); } = block.Name; applyLevelBlock(returnVal); return(returnVal); }
private bool TryGetByParameter(LevelDataBlock blockData, out GameObject byParameter) { byParameter = GetObjectByParameter(blockData); return(byParameter != default); }