//Set the info given by the CharacterSelectionTable
 public void SetInfo(LevelCharactersInfo.Character info)
     myInfo = info;
     if (info != null)
     } else
    //Character has been confirmed, display character sprite
    public void SetSprite(LevelCharactersInfo.Character info)
        charInfo = info;

        myIcon.spriteName = charInfo.npcTexture;
        myIcon.enabled = true;

        myStretch.initialSize.Set(myIcon.GetAtlasSprite().inner.width, myIcon.GetAtlasSprite().inner.height);

        nameLabel.text = charInfo.npcName;
        nameLabel.enabled = true;

        myBorder.enabled = true;

        cancelSprite.enabled = true;

        backgroundLabel.enabled = false;
        myBackground.spriteName = backgroundSpriteName_Blank;
    //Creates an row X column of slots using the given characters
    public void CreateTable(LevelCharactersInfo characters)
        int characterIndex = 0;
        Bounds b = new Bounds();

        List<LevelCharactersInfo.Character> activeCharacterList = characters.levelSpecificCharacters;

        //Deleting all assigned toys to generate random toys

        for (int counter = 0, length = slots.Count; counter < length; ++counter)
            if (characterIndex < activeCharacterList.Count)
                slots [counter].gameObject.name = activeCharacterList [characterIndex].npcName;
                slots [counter].SetInfo(activeCharacterList [characterIndex]);
                slots [counter].SetExclusiveCharacterBackground();
                slots [counter].SetConfirmButton(confirmButton);
                Debug.Log(activeCharacterList [characterIndex].npcName);

                //Assigning a random toy
                DBToyInfo newToy = MainDatabase.Instance.GetRandomToy(ApplicationState.Instance.userID);
                activeCharacterList [characterIndex].toyInfo = newToy;
                int npcID = MainDatabase.Instance.getIDs("Select NPCID from NPC where NPCName ='" +activeCharacterList [characterIndex].npcName+ "';");
                MainDatabase.Instance.InsertAssignedToy(ApplicationState.Instance.userID, newToy.ToyID, newToy.ToyName ,npcID);


            } else
                slots [counter].Set_EmptySprite();
                slots [counter].gameObject.name = "Empty_Slot";

            if (counter == (maxRows - 1))
                characterIndex = 0;
                activeCharacterList = characters.otherCharacters;
    //Sets/Gets the character's names and respective sprites to be used for the slots
    public void SetCharactersList(LevelCharactersInfo characters)
        List<string> charNames = new List<string>();
        List<string> charSprites = new List<string>();
        List<int> charIndexPosition = new List<int>();

        charInfoList = new List<CharacterInformation>();

        //Use the cafeteria list
        if (customLevel.levelSelect == 1)

            for (int i = 0; i < cafeteriaCharactersNames.Count; i++)
                charNames.Add(cafeteriaCharactersNames [i]);
                charSprites.Add(cafeteriaCharactersSprites [i]);
                charIndexPosition.Add(cafeteriaExclusivePositions [i]);

        //Another level list
            charNames = cafeteriaCharactersNames;
            charSprites = cafeteriaCharactersSprites;

        //Add the names and sprites of the characters neutral of the level
        for (int i = 0; i < neutralCharactersNames.Count; i++)
            charNames.Add(neutralCharactersNames [i]);
            charSprites.Add(neutralCharactersSprites [i]);

        //Fills the character info to be given to the slots
        for (int i = 0; i < charNames.Count; i++)
            CharacterInformation charInfo = new CharacterInformation();
            charInfo.name = charNames [i];
            charInfo.spriteName = charSprites [i];

            if (i < charIndexPosition.Count)
                charInfo.characterIndexPosition = charIndexPosition [i];
                charInfo.characterIndexPosition = i + 1;

    //Slot has been selected, display character and corresponding info (from server)
    public void Set_CurrentCharacter(LevelCharactersInfo.Character info)
        charInfo = info;
        currentCharacterSprite.enabled = true;
        currentCharacterSprite.spriteName = charInfo.npcTexture;
        characterNameLabel.text = charInfo.npcName;
        UIStretch stretch = currentCharacterSprite.gameObject.GetComponent<UIStretch>();

        characterBubbleSprite.spriteName = characterBubbleBlankSpriteName;
        descriptionBubbleSprite.spriteName = descriptionCategoriesSprite;

        #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER
        if (charInfo.npcId != -1)
            if (ApplicationState.Instance.previousLevel == ApplicationState.LevelNames.MAIN_MENU)
                DBNPCMiniGameInfo npcInfo = MainDatabase.Instance.getNPCInfo(charInfo.npcId);
                characterLessonLabel.text = MainDatabase.Instance.getCategory(charInfo.npcId);
                characterStarLabel.text = npcInfo.Stars.ToString();
                characterMinigameNameLabel.text = npcInfo.MiniGame;
                characterMinigameDescriptionLabel.text = npcInfo.MiniGameDescription;
                List<float> scorePercentages = MainDatabase.Instance.calTotalPercentage(charInfo.npcId, ApplicationState.Instance.userID);

                if (scorePercentages != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < scoreLabelsList.Count; i++)

                        if (float.IsNaN(scorePercentages [i]))
                            scoreLabelsList [i].text = "--";
                            scoreLabelsList [i].color = Color.black;
                        } else
                            scoreLabelsList [i].text = Mathf.Round(scorePercentages [i]).ToString() + "%";

                        if (scorePercentages [i] < 50)
                            scoreLabelsList [i].color = Color.red;
                        else if (scorePercentages [i] < 70)
                            scoreLabelsList [i].color = new Color(255, 193, 0);
                        else if (scorePercentages [i] <= 100f)
                            scoreLabelsList [i].color = Color.green;
                            scoreLabelsList [i].color = Color.black;
                } else
                    Debug.LogWarning("No aggregated data found");
                    for (int i = 0; i < scoreLabelsList.Count; i++)
                        scoreLabelsList [i].text = "--";
                        scoreLabelsList [i].color = Color.black;
                descriptionBubbleSprite.spriteName = descriptionCategoriesSpriteChild;
                descriptionToySprite.spriteName = charInfo.toyInfo.Filename;
                descriptionToyStretch.initialSize = new Vector2 (descriptionToySprite.mInner.width, descriptionToySprite.mInner.height);

                float r = (float) charInfo.toyInfo.ToyColorR/255;
                float g = (float) charInfo.toyInfo.ToyColorG/255;
                float b = (float) charInfo.toyInfo.ToyColorB/255;

                Color col = new Color(r, g, b, 1);
                descriptionToySprite.color = col;
                descriptionToySprite.enabled = true;


        //red: 0 - 49
        //yellow 50 - 74
        //green 75 - 100

        if (occupiedSlots < availableSlots.Count)