protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string myImagesFolder = "~/images";
        DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(myImagesFolder));
        DirectoryInfo[] _info = info.GetDirectories();
        List<LessonModel> files=new List<LessonModel>();
        for (int i = 0; i < _info.Length; i++)
            var item = new LessonModel();
            item.Text = _info[i].Name;
            item.Value = myImagesFolder + "\\" + _info[i].Name+"\\";



        cbSelectFolder.DataSource = files;
            ASPxImageSlider1.ImageSourceFolder = cbSelectFolder.Value.ToString();
 public Lesson(int lessonId)
     this.lessonModel = Database.GetLessson(lessonId);
 public async Task <Lesson> Create([FromQuery] LessonModel lessonModel)
     return(await _lessonService.Create(lessonModel));
        public IHttpActionResult Delete(LessonModel lesson)
            var consulta = LessonData.Eliminar(lesson.LessonId);

        public IHttpActionResult ShowUpdate(LessonModel lesson)
            var consulta = LessonData.MostrarActualizar(lesson.LessonId);

 public async Task DeleteAsync(LessonModel lesson)
     await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
 private void SetLesson(int lessonNumber) => model = new LessonModel(Lessons.lessons[lessonNumber]);
 public int SaveLesson(LessonModel LesModel)
        protected override void Seed(IdentityNew.Models.Context context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
            //    context.People.AddOrUpdate(
            //      p => p.FullName,
            //      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
            //    );

            /// <summary>
            /// Add models
            /// </summary>
            #region lesson data model

            context.LessonDataModels.AddOrUpdate(new LessonDataModel
                ID          = 1,
                Placeholder = "In lesson one we learn about types of variables, if and switch statements, and the difference between public and private variables. Please watch the video."
            context.LessonDataModels.AddOrUpdate(new LessonDataModel
                ID          = 2,
                Placeholder = "In lesson two we learn what a class is, about bits and bytes, and the history of pointers. Please watch the video."
            context.LessonDataModels.AddOrUpdate(new LessonDataModel
                ID          = 3,
                Placeholder = "In lesson three we learn about the python programming language, lists, and how to declare a class. Please watch the video."


            #region questionmodels

            context.QuestionModels.AddOrUpdate(new QuestionsModel
                ID    = 1,
                Title = "L1TrueFalseQs",
            var questionSet = new List <StringQuestionModel>(new StringQuestionModel[] { new StringQuestionModel("You use a double type of variable to hold decimal numbers.")
                                                                                             QuestionModelID = 1
                                                                                         new StringQuestionModel("You cannot duplicate the effects of nested if/then/else with a switch statement.")
                                                                                             QuestionModelID = 1
                                                                                         new StringQuestionModel("A private class variable can be called by functions in a different class.")
                                                                                             QuestionModelID = 1
                                                                                         } });
            var questionSetModel = context.QuestionModels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 1);
            questionSetModel.Questions = questionSet;

            context.QuestionModels.AddOrUpdate(new QuestionsModel
                ID    = 2,
                Title = "L2MultipleChoiceQs",
            questionSet = new List <StringQuestionModel>(new StringQuestionModel[] { new StringQuestionModel("A class is:   1. A file   2. An object   3. Both   4. Neither   5. More complicated than that")
                                                                                         QuestionModelID = 2
                                                                                     new StringQuestionModel("How many bits are in a byte?   1. Two bits   2. Four bits   3. Six bits   4. Eight bits")
                                                                                         QuestionModelID = 2
                                                                                     new StringQuestionModel("Pointers are:  1. God's gift to programmers.   2. A horror that programming languages have outgrown.   3. I like lasers!   4. What's a pointer?")
                                                                                         QuestionModelID = 2
                                                                                     } });
            questionSetModel           = context.QuestionModels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 2);
            questionSetModel.Questions = questionSet;

            context.QuestionModels.AddOrUpdate(new QuestionsModel
                ID    = 3,
                Title = "L3StringMatchQs",
            questionSet = new List <StringQuestionModel>(new StringQuestionModel[] { new StringQuestionModel("What programming language does this class teach?")
                                                                                         QuestionModelID = 3
                                                                                     new StringQuestionModel("What number does the index of a list start at?")
                                                                                         QuestionModelID = 3
                                                                                     new StringQuestionModel("Rewrite the following line of code correctly: public void FindAndReturnIdNumberOfPersonByName (long nameVariable)")
                                                                                         QuestionModelID = 3
                                                                                     } });
            questionSetModel           = context.QuestionModels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 3);
            questionSetModel.Questions = questionSet;


            #region answermodels
            context.AnswerModels.AddOrUpdate(new AnswerModel
                ID               = 1,
                Title            = "L1TrueFalseAnswers",
                GradeByHand      = false,
                MultipleChoice   = false,
                StringMatching   = false,
                TrueFalse        = true,
                TrueFalseAnswers = new List <bool>(new bool[]
                    true, true, false
            var answerSet = new List <StringAnswerModel>(new StringAnswerModel[]
                new StringAnswerModel("true")
                    AnswerModelID = 1
                new StringAnswerModel("true")
                    AnswerModelID = 1
                new StringAnswerModel("false")
                    AnswerModelID = 1
            var answerSetModel = context.AnswerModels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 1);
            answerSetModel.Answers = answerSet;

            context.AnswerModels.AddOrUpdate(new AnswerModel
                ID                 = 2,
                Title              = "L2MultipleChoiceAnswers",
                GradeByHand        = false,
                MultipleChoice     = true,
                StringMatching     = false,
                TrueFalse          = false,
                MultiChoiceAnswers = new List <int>(new int[]
                    5, 4, 3
            answerSet = new List <StringAnswerModel>(new StringAnswerModel[]
                new StringAnswerModel("5")
                    AnswerModelID = 2
                new StringAnswerModel("4")
                    AnswerModelID = 2
                new StringAnswerModel("3")
                    AnswerModelID = 2
            answerSetModel         = context.AnswerModels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 2);
            answerSetModel.Answers = answerSet;

            context.AnswerModels.AddOrUpdate(new AnswerModel
                ID                 = 3,
                Title              = "L3StringMatchAnswers",
                GradeByHand        = false,
                MultipleChoice     = false,
                StringMatching     = true,
                TrueFalse          = false,
                StringMatchAnswers = new List <string>(new string[]
                    "python", "0", "public int FindAndReturnIdNumberOfPersonByName (string nameVariable)"
            answerSet = new List <StringAnswerModel>(new StringAnswerModel[]
                new StringAnswerModel("python")
                    AnswerModelID = 3
                new StringAnswerModel("0")
                    AnswerModelID = 3
                new StringAnswerModel("public int FindAndReturnIdNumberOfPersonByName (string nameVariable)")
                    AnswerModelID = 3
            answerSetModel         = context.AnswerModels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 3);
            answerSetModel.Answers = answerSet;

            // a set of answers for student 1
            answerSet = new List <StringAnswerModel>(new StringAnswerModel[]
                new StringAnswerModel("true")
                    AnswerModelID = 4
                new StringAnswerModel("false")
                    AnswerModelID = 4
                new StringAnswerModel("false")
                    AnswerModelID = 4
            context.AnswerModels.AddOrUpdate(new AnswerModel
                ID               = 4,
                Title            = "L1TrueFalseAnswers",
                GradeByHand      = false,
                MultipleChoice   = false,
                StringMatching   = false,
                TrueFalse        = true,
                TrueFalseAnswers = new List <bool>(new bool[]
                    true, false, false
                Answers = answerSet

            // a set of answers for student 1
            answerSet = new List <StringAnswerModel>(new StringAnswerModel[]
                new StringAnswerModel("5")
                    AnswerModelID = 5
                new StringAnswerModel("1")
                    AnswerModelID = 5
                new StringAnswerModel("3")
                    AnswerModelID = 5
            context.AnswerModels.AddOrUpdate(new AnswerModel
                ID                 = 5,
                Title              = "L2MultipleChoiceAnswers",
                GradeByHand        = false,
                MultipleChoice     = true,
                StringMatching     = false,
                TrueFalse          = false,
                MultiChoiceAnswers = new List <int>(new int[]
                    5, 1, 3
                Answers = answerSet

            // a set of answers for student 2
            answerSet = new List <StringAnswerModel>(new StringAnswerModel[]
                new StringAnswerModel("true")
                    AnswerModelID = 6
                new StringAnswerModel("true")
                    AnswerModelID = 6
                new StringAnswerModel("true")
                    AnswerModelID = 6
            context.AnswerModels.AddOrUpdate(new AnswerModel
                ID               = 6,
                Title            = "L1TrueFalseAnswers",
                GradeByHand      = false,
                MultipleChoice   = false,
                StringMatching   = false,
                TrueFalse        = true,
                TrueFalseAnswers = new List <bool>(new bool[]
                    true, true, true


            #region user models
            context.StudentModels.AddOrUpdate(new StudentModel
                ID           = 1,
                StudentID    = 100,
                FirstName    = "Amy",
                LastName     = "Addams",
                MiddleInital = "A",
                EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
            context.StudentModels.AddOrUpdate(new StudentModel
                ID           = 2,
                StudentID    = 101,
                FirstName    = "Bob",
                LastName     = "Badger",
                MiddleInital = "B",
                EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"
            context.InstructorModels.AddOrUpdate(new InstructorModel
                ID           = 1,
                IsAdmin      = true,
                FirstName    = "Carl",
                LastName     = "Carpenter",
                MiddleInital = "C",
            context.InstructorModels.AddOrUpdate(new InstructorModel
                ID           = 2,
                IsAdmin      = false,
                FirstName    = "Donna",
                LastName     = "Dorisdotter",
                MiddleInital = "D",

            #region work models

            context.WorkModels.AddOrUpdate(new WorkModel
                ID              = 1,
                Title           = "True and False Lesson 1",
                AnswerID        = 1,
                QuestionsID     = 1,
                IsProgramming   = false,
                InstructionText = "Answer these three true/false quesions.",
            context.WorkModels.AddOrUpdate(new WorkModel
                ID              = 2,
                Title           = "Multiple Choice Lesson 2",
                AnswerID        = 2,
                QuestionsID     = 2,
                IsProgramming   = false,
                InstructionText = "Answer these multiple choice quesions by typing in the number.",
            context.WorkModels.AddOrUpdate(new WorkModel
                ID              = 3,
                Title           = "String Match Lesson 3",
                AnswerID        = 3,
                QuestionsID     = 3,
                IsProgramming   = false,
                InstructionText = "Answer these three quesions.",


            #region lesson models

            context.LessonModels.AddOrUpdate(new LessonModel
                ID                = 1,
                CourseID          = 1,
                HasVideo          = true,
                IntroText         = "Welcome to lesson one!",
                LessonDataID      = 1,
                NextLessonIDs     = 2,
                PreviousLessonIDs = -1,
                TemplateID        = 1,
                Title             = "Learning about code!",
                VideoHtml         = "",
                WorkID            = 1,
            context.LessonModels.AddOrUpdate(new LessonModel
                ID                = 2,
                CourseID          = 1,
                HasVideo          = true,
                IntroText         = "Welcome to lesson two!",
                LessonDataID      = 2,
                NextLessonIDs     = 3,
                PreviousLessonIDs = 1,
                TemplateID        = 1,
                Title             = "Learning some basics!",
                VideoHtml         = "",
                WorkID            = 2,
            context.LessonModels.AddOrUpdate(new LessonModel
                ID                = 3,
                CourseID          = 1,
                HasVideo          = true,
                IntroText         = "Welcome to the last lesson!",
                LessonDataID      = 3,
                NextLessonIDs     = -1,
                PreviousLessonIDs = 2,
                TemplateID        = 1,
                Title             = "Learning about being a programmer!",
                VideoHtml         = "",
                WorkID            = 3,


            #region course models

            context.CourseModels.AddOrUpdate(new CourseModel
                ID              = 1,
                Title           = "Intro to Programming 1",
                Description     = "In this course you will learn basic information about programming.",
                InstructorID    = 2,
                LessonOrderByID = new List <int>(new int[]
                    1, 2, 3
                StudentIDs = new List <int>(new int[]
                    1, 2
                Students  = context.StudentModels.Where(f => f.ID < 3).ToList(),
                Lessons   = context.LessonModels.Where(f => f.ID < 4).ToList(),
                Homeworks = context.WorkModels.Where(f => f.ID < 4).ToList()
            context.CourseModels.AddOrUpdate(new CourseModel
                ID              = 2,
                Title           = "Intro Java",
                Description     = "In this course you will learn basic information about programming.",
                InstructorID    = 2,
                Lessons         = context.LessonModels.Where(f => f.ID < 4).ToList(),
                Homeworks       = context.WorkModels.Where(f => f.ID < 4).ToList(),
                LessonOrderByID = new List <int>(new int[]
                    3, 2, 1
            context.CourseModels.AddOrUpdate(new CourseModel
                ID              = 3,
                Title           = "Intro C++",
                Description     = "In this course you will learn basic information about programming.",
                InstructorID    = 2,
                Lessons         = context.LessonModels.Where(f => f.ID < 4).ToList(),
                Homeworks       = context.WorkModels.Where(f => f.ID < 4).ToList(),
                LessonOrderByID = new List <int>(new int[]
                    3, 1, 2


            #region add info to students


            var tempStudent = context.StudentModels.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == 1);
            var student1    = new StudentModel();
            student1           = tempStudent;
            student1.CourseIDs = new List <int>()
            var les1       = new LessonModel();
            var tempLesson = context.LessonModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 1);
            les1.HasVideo = tempLesson.HasVideo; les1.IntroText = tempLesson.IntroText; les1.LessonData = tempLesson.LessonData; les1.LessonDataID = tempLesson.LessonDataID; les1.NextLessonIDs = tempLesson.NextLessonIDs; les1.Title = tempLesson.Title; les1.VideoHtml = tempLesson.VideoHtml;
            les1.ID       = 4; // duplicate of lesson 1
            les1.Students = new List <StudentModel>()
            var work1    = new WorkModel();
            var tempWork = context.WorkModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 1);
            work1.InstructionText = tempWork.InstructionText; work1.InstructionText = tempWork.InstructionText; work1.InstructorNotes = tempWork.InstructorNotes; work1.IsProgramming = tempWork.IsProgramming; work1.Questions = tempWork.Questions; work1.QuestionsID = tempWork.QuestionsID; work1.Title = tempWork.Title;
            work1.ID       = 4;
            work1.AnswerID = 4; // duplicate of work 1 with ansewer = db index 4 of answers
            work1.Answers  = context.AnswerModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 4);
            work1.Grade    = 100;
            work1.Passed   = true;
            les1.WorkID   = 4;
            les1.WorkItem = work1;
            // next set for student 1
            tempLesson = context.LessonModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 2);
            var les2 = new LessonModel();
            les2.HasVideo = tempLesson.HasVideo; les2.IntroText = tempLesson.IntroText; les2.LessonData = tempLesson.LessonData; les2.LessonDataID = tempLesson.LessonDataID; les2.NextLessonIDs = tempLesson.NextLessonIDs; les2.Title = tempLesson.Title; les2.VideoHtml = tempLesson.VideoHtml;
            les2.ID       = 5; // duplicate of lesson 2
            les2.Students = new List <StudentModel>()
            tempWork = context.WorkModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 2);
            var work2 = new WorkModel();
            work2.InstructionText = tempWork.InstructionText; work2.InstructionText = tempWork.InstructionText; work2.InstructorNotes = tempWork.InstructorNotes; work2.IsProgramming = tempWork.IsProgramming; work2.Questions = tempWork.Questions; work2.QuestionsID = tempWork.QuestionsID; work2.Title = tempWork.Title;
            work2.ID = 5;
            work2.AnswerID = 5; // duplicate of work 2 with ansewer = db index 5 of answers
            work2.Answers  = context.AnswerModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 5);
            work2.Grade    = 66.6;
            work2.Passed   = false;
            les2.WorkID   = 5;
            les2.WorkItem = work2;

            var student2 = new StudentModel();
            tempStudent        = context.StudentModels.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == 2);
            student2           = tempStudent;
            student1.CourseIDs = new List <int>()
            tempLesson = context.LessonModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 1);
            var les3 = new LessonModel();
            les3.HasVideo = tempLesson.HasVideo; les3.IntroText = tempLesson.IntroText; les3.LessonData = tempLesson.LessonData; les3.LessonDataID = tempLesson.LessonDataID; les3.NextLessonIDs = tempLesson.NextLessonIDs; les3.Title = tempLesson.Title; les3.VideoHtml = tempLesson.VideoHtml;
            les3.ID       = 6; // duplicate of lesson 1
            les3.Students = new List <StudentModel>()
            tempWork = context.WorkModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 1);
            var work3 = new WorkModel();
            work3.InstructionText = tempWork.InstructionText; work3.InstructionText = tempWork.InstructionText; work3.InstructorNotes = tempWork.InstructorNotes; work3.IsProgramming = tempWork.IsProgramming; work3.Questions = tempWork.Questions; work3.QuestionsID = tempWork.QuestionsID; work3.Title = tempWork.Title;
            work3.ID = 6;
            work3.AnswerID = 6; // duplicate of work 1 with ansewer = db index 6 of answers
            work3.Answers  = context.AnswerModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 6);
            work3.Grade    = 33.3;
            work3.Passed   = false;
            les3.WorkID   = 6;
            les3.WorkItem = work3;


            // Creates or Updates the Roles
            context.Roles.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Name,
                                      new IdentityRole {
                Name = "Admin"
                                      new IdentityRole {
                Name = "Student"

            // Assigns a User a role
            var UserManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context));
            //UserManager.AddToRole("1594e4ae-5fc2-45b3-86ee-efa4e635df27", "Admin"); // ("UserID", "User Role")
            UserManager.AddToRole("a2d4a5a8-f546-48c8-823f-8a9ebcd016b5", "Admin"); // ("UserID", "User Role")
        public async Task <ActionResult <LessonModel> > PostLessonCreated(int areaId, int courseId, [FromBody] LessonModel lesson)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var newLesson = await lessonService.AddLessonAsync(courseId, lesson);

                ResponseIdModel rsp = new ResponseIdModel();
       = newLesson.Id.GetValueOrDefault();
                //return Created($"/api/area/courses/sections/{courseId}/lessons/{lesson.Id}", newLesson);
                return(Created($"api/Area/{areaId:int}/Course/{courseId:int}/Lesson/{newLesson.Id}", rsp));
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
            catch (NotFoundException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.Message));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a few Data Model Students
            StudentModel studentModel1 = new StudentModel {
                Id = 1, FirstName = "test", LastName = "student"
            StudentModel studentModel2 = new StudentModel {
                Id = 2, FirstName = "test", LastName = "student2"
            StudentModel studentModel3 = new StudentModel {
                Id = 3, FirstName = "test", LastName = "student3"

            //Add to DB

            //Get Object Model Students
            Student student1 = new Student(1);
            Student student2 = new Student(2);
            Student student3 = new Student(3);

            //Create some dance lessons
            LessonModel dance1 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Dance, id = 1, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 03, 04), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            LessonModel dance2 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Dance, id = 2, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 03, 11), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            LessonModel dance3 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Dance, id = 3, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 03, 18), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            //Create some acting lessons
            LessonModel acting1 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Acting, id = 4, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 03, 04), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            LessonModel acting2 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Acting, id = 5, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 03, 11), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            LessonModel acting3 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Acting, id = 6, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 04, 18), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            //Create some singing lessons
            LessonModel singing1 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Singing, id = 7, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 04, 18), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false
            LessonModel singing2 = new LessonModel {
                LessonType = (int)LessonType.Singing, id = 8, DateOfLesson = new DateTime(2019, 04, 25), LengthInHours = 1, RegisterTaken = false

            //Add Lessons to Database

            //Sign up students to various lessons
            SignUpHelper signupHelper = new SignUpHelper();

            signupHelper.SignUpToLesson(, LessonType.Dance);
            signupHelper.SignUpToLesson(, LessonType.Acting);
            signupHelper.SignUpToLesson(, LessonType.Dance);
            signupHelper.SignUpToLesson(, LessonType.Acting);
            signupHelper.SignUpToLesson(, LessonType.Singing);

            //Take First Lesson (id == 1, which is a dance lesson)
            Lesson lesson1 = new Lesson(1);
            //all who have signed up are attending this lesson. So no absence will be recorded
            List <int> lesson1StudentsAttending = new List <int> {
                1, 2

            //try to take register again and you can't

            //Take First Lesson (id == 2, which is a dance lesson)
            Lesson lesson2 = new Lesson(2);
            //one student is missing now
            List <int> lesson2StudentsAttending = new List <int> {


            //Get Absence
            AbsenceHelper absencehelper          = new AbsenceHelper();
            var           student2lesson2absence = absencehelper.GetAbsenceIdForStudentAndLesson(2, 2);
