        /// <summary>
        /// Basic export function to generate PDF from one element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toExport">element to export</param>
        /// <returns>A PDF Document</returns>
        public PdfDocument Export(FaseType toExport)
            Document prePdf = new Document();

            //Document markup
            BuildCover(prePdf, toExport.Type);

            //Here starts the real exporting
            Section sect = prePdf.AddSection();

            LessenTabelExportArguments opt = new LessenTabelExportArguments()
                ExportAll = true

            LessenTabelExporterFactory ltef = new LessenTabelExporterFactory();

            lessenTabelExporterStrategy = ltef.GetStrategy(opt);

                sect = lessenTabelExporterStrategy.Export(toExport, sect);
            catch (Exception e)
                sect.AddParagraph("An error has occured while invoking an export-function on FaseType: " + toExport.Type + "\n" + e.Message, "error");

            PdfDocumentRenderer rend = new PdfDocumentRenderer(false, PdfFontEmbedding.Always);

            rend.Document = prePdf;
        public FileStreamResult GetLessentabelExport()
            LessenTabelExportArguments args = new LessenTabelExportArguments()
                ExportAll = true
            var data = _unitOfWork.GetRepository <FaseType>().GetAll();

            IExportablePack <FaseType> pack = new LessenTabelExportablePack(args, data);
            Stream fStream = _lessenTabelExporterService.ExportAllAsStream(pack);

            HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=LessenTabel.pdf");

            return(new FileStreamResult(fStream, "application/pdf"));
        public IExporter <FaseType> GetStrategy(LessenTabelExportArguments opt)
            //make sure you keep the ExportOptions in Sync with the Stack. That way, you can just use ifs here.
            IExporter <FaseType> strategy = new LessenTabelPassiveExporter();

            opt.ExportNaam = true; //Always Needed, table of contents is filled with this

            Type[] typeArgs = { typeof(IExporter <FaseType>) };

            if (opt.ExportAll || opt.ExportNaam)
                Type t    = usableTypes["LessenTabelNaamExporter"];
                var  ctor = t.GetConstructor(typeArgs);
                if (ctor != null)
                    object[] parameters = { strategy };
                    strategy = ctor.Invoke(parameters) as IExporter <FaseType>;

            if (opt.ExportAll || opt.ExportTabellen)
                Type t    = usableTypes["LessenTabelInhoudExporter"];
                var  ctor = t.GetConstructor(typeArgs);
                if (ctor != null)
                    object[] parameters = { strategy };
                    strategy = ctor.Invoke(parameters) as IExporter <FaseType>;

            //This won't happen. But hey, risky things an' all.
            if (strategy == null)
                strategy = new LessenTabelPassiveExporter();
