    /// <summary>
    /// Raises the draw gizmos event.
    /// Will draw the camera frustum along with the near,focus and far planes.
    /// </summary>
    void OnDrawGizmos()
        // Draw Near Plane Line
        if (_showGizmos && _lensFOVList != null)
            float dofNearM  = _dofNearLimit * 0.3048f; // feet to meters
            float dofFarM   = _dofFarLimit * 0.3048f;  // feet to meters
            float dofFocusM = _focusDist;              // feet to meters

            if (_unitOfMeasure == UnitOfMeasure.Imperial)
                dofNearM  = _dofNearLimit * 0.3048f; // feet to meters
                dofFarM   = _dofFarLimit * 0.3048f;  // feet to meters
                dofFocusM = _focusDist * 0.3048f;    // feet to meters

            Transform camTransform = _nodalCamera.transform;

            Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
                camTransform.position, camTransform.rotation, camTransform.lossyScale);

            Vector3 toNear     = Vector3.forward * dofNearM;
            Vector3 toFar      = Vector3.forward * dofFarM;
            Vector3 toFocus    = Vector3.forward * dofFocusM;
            Vector3 toNearClip = Vector3.forward * _nodalCamera.nearClipPlane;
            Vector3 toFarClip  = Vector3.forward * _nodalCamera.farClipPlane;

            float fov = 0;
            ProCamsLensDataTable.FilmFormatData curFilmFormat = ProCamsLensDataTable.Instance.GetFilmFormat(_filmFormatName);
            if (curFilmFormat != null)
                fov = Lens.GetHorizontalFOV(curFilmFormat._aspect, _lensFOVList[_lensIndex]._unityVFOV);

            float ang = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (fov / 2f));

            float oppNear     = ang * dofNearM;
            float oppFar      = ang * dofFarM;
            float oppFocus    = ang * dofFocusM;
            float oppNearClip = ang * _nodalCamera.nearClipPlane;
            float oppFarClip  = ang * _nodalCamera.farClipPlane;

            Vector3 toNearR     = Vector3.right * oppNear;
            Vector3 toFarR      = Vector3.right * oppFar;
            Vector3 toFocusR    = Vector3.right * oppFocus;
            Vector3 toNearClipR = Vector3.right * oppNearClip;
            Vector3 toFarClipR  = Vector3.right * oppFarClip;

            fov = _lensFOVList[_lensIndex]._unityVFOV;
            ang = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (fov / 2f));

            oppNear     = ang * dofNearM;
            oppFar      = ang * dofFarM;
            oppFocus    = ang * dofFocusM;
            oppNearClip = ang * _nodalCamera.nearClipPlane;
            oppFarClip  = ang * _nodalCamera.farClipPlane;

            Vector3 toNearT     = Vector3.up * oppNear;
            Vector3 toFarT      = Vector3.up * oppFar;
            Vector3 toFocusT    = Vector3.up * oppFocus;
            Vector3 toNearClipT = Vector3.up * oppNearClip;
            Vector3 toFarClipT  = Vector3.up * oppFarClip;

            // Calculate all the points (L = Left, R = Right, T = top, B = bottom)
            Vector3 nearLB  = toNear - toNearR - toNearT;
            Vector3 nearLT  = toNear - toNearR + toNearT;
            Vector3 nearRB  = toNear + toNearR - toNearT;
            Vector3 nearRT  = toNear + toNearR + toNearT;
            Vector3 focusLB = toFocus - toFocusR - toFocusT;
            Vector3 focusLT = toFocus - toFocusR + toFocusT;
            Vector3 focusRB = toFocus + toFocusR - toFocusT;
            Vector3 focusRT = toFocus + toFocusR + toFocusT;
            Vector3 farLB   = toFar - toFarR - toFarT;
            Vector3 farLT   = toFar - toFarR + toFarT;
            Vector3 farRB   = toFar + toFarR - toFarT;
            Vector3 farRT   = toFar + toFarR + toFarT;
            Vector3 nearCLB = toNearClip - toNearClipR - toNearClipT;
            Vector3 nearCLT = toNearClip - toNearClipR + toNearClipT;
            Vector3 nearCRB = toNearClip + toNearClipR - toNearClipT;
            Vector3 nearCRT = toNearClip + toNearClipR + toNearClipT;
            Vector3 farCLB  = toFarClip - toFarClipR - toFarClipT;
            Vector3 farCLT  = toFarClip - toFarClipR + toFarClipT;
            Vector3 farCRB  = toFarClip + toFarClipR - toFarClipT;
            Vector3 farCRT  = toFarClip + toFarClipR + toFarClipT;

            Gizmos.color = Color.white;

            // far clip rectangle
            Gizmos.DrawLine(farCLB, farCRB);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(farCLT, farCRT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(farCLB, farCLT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(farCRB, farCRT);

            // camera frustum
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearCLB, farCLB);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearCRB, farCRB);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearCLT, farCLT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearCRT, farCRT);

            // near rectangle
            Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearLB, nearRB);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearLB, nearLT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearLT, nearRT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(nearRB, nearRT);

            if (_dofFarLimit >= 0)
                // far rectangle
                Gizmos.DrawLine(farLB, farRB);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(farLT, farRT);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(farLB, farLT);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(farRB, farRT);

                // dof frustum
                Gizmos.DrawLine(nearLB, farLB);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(nearRB, farRB);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(nearLT, farLT);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(nearRT, farRT);

            // focus rectangle
            Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(focusLB, focusLT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(focusLB, focusRB);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(focusRB, focusRT);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(focusLT, focusRT);

            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, toFocus);

            //Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
            //transform.position, transform.rotation, transform.lossyScale);

            if (ShowBody)
                Gizmos.color = Color.green;
                    Vector3.zero, new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f));
                Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.forward * -0.1f, new Vector3(0.05f, 0.08f, 0.175f));
    public void drawFrustum(Color frustumColor, Color focusColor, Color dofColor)
        if (!frustumInitialized)
            lineMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
            GameObject rig;
            ElPresidente.createdGameObjects.TryGet("Rig", out rig);
            int cameraFrustumLayerId = LayerMask.NameToLayer("CameraFrustum");
            //make some line rendering game objects
            frustumLines         = new GameObject[7];
            frustumLineRenderers = new LineRenderer[7];
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                frustumLines[i] = new GameObject();
                frustumLines[i].transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                frustumLines[i].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                frustumLines[i].layer = cameraFrustumLayerId;

                var lineRenderer = frustumLines[i].AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
                lineRenderer.SetWidth(0.5f, 0.5f);
                lineRenderer.useWorldSpace     = false;
                lineRenderer.material          = lineMaterial;
                lineRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;

                frustumLineRenderers[i] = lineRenderer;

            //set up frustum edges
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                frustumLineRenderers[i].SetColors(Color.white, Color.white);

            //set up the far and near dof planes and focus plane
            frustumLineRenderers[4].SetColors(dofColor, dofColor);

            frustumLineRenderers[5].SetColors(dofColor, dofColor);

            frustumLineRenderers[6].SetColors(focusColor, focusColor);

            frustumInitialized = true;

        float dofNearM  = _dofNearLimit * 0.3048f; // feet to meters
        float dofFarM   = _dofFarLimit * 0.3048f;  // feet to meters
        float dofFocusM = _focusDist;              // feet to meters

        if (_unitOfMeasure == UnitOfMeasure.Imperial)
            dofNearM  = _dofNearLimit * 0.3048f; // feet to meters
            dofFarM   = _dofFarLimit * 0.3048f;  // feet to meters
            dofFocusM = _focusDist * 0.3048f;    // feet to meters

        Transform camTransform = _nodalCamera.transform;

        //Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
        //camTransform.position, camTransform.rotation, camTransform.lossyScale);

        Vector3 toNear     = Vector3.forward * dofNearM;
        Vector3 toFar      = Vector3.forward * dofFarM;
        Vector3 toFocus    = Vector3.forward * dofFocusM;
        Vector3 toNearClip = Vector3.forward * _nodalCamera.nearClipPlane;
        Vector3 toFarClip  = Vector3.forward * _nodalCamera.farClipPlane;

        float fov = 0;

        ProCamsLensDataTable.FilmFormatData curFilmFormat = ProCamsLensDataTable.Instance.GetFilmFormat(_filmFormatName);
        if (curFilmFormat != null)
            fov = Lens.GetHorizontalFOV(curFilmFormat._aspect, _lensFOVList[_lensIndex]._unityVFOV);

        float ang = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (fov / 2f));

        float oppNear     = ang * dofNearM;
        float oppFar      = ang * dofFarM;
        float oppFocus    = ang * dofFocusM;
        float oppNearClip = ang * _nodalCamera.nearClipPlane;
        float oppFarClip  = ang * _nodalCamera.farClipPlane;

        Vector3 toNearR     = Vector3.right * oppNear;
        Vector3 toFarR      = Vector3.right * oppFar;
        Vector3 toFocusR    = Vector3.right * oppFocus;
        Vector3 toNearClipR = Vector3.right * oppNearClip;
        Vector3 toFarClipR  = Vector3.right * oppFarClip;

        fov = _lensFOVList[_lensIndex]._unityVFOV;
        ang = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (fov / 2f));

        oppNear     = ang * dofNearM;
        oppFar      = ang * dofFarM;
        oppFocus    = ang * dofFocusM;
        oppNearClip = ang * _nodalCamera.nearClipPlane;
        oppFarClip  = ang * _nodalCamera.farClipPlane;

        Vector3 toNearT     = Vector3.up * oppNear;
        Vector3 toFarT      = Vector3.up * oppFar;
        Vector3 toFocusT    = Vector3.up * oppFocus;
        Vector3 toNearClipT = Vector3.up * oppNearClip;
        Vector3 toFarClipT  = Vector3.up * oppFarClip;

        // Calculate all the points (L = Left, R = Right, T = top, B = bottom)
        Vector3 nearLB  = toNear - toNearR - toNearT;
        Vector3 nearLT  = toNear - toNearR + toNearT;
        Vector3 nearRB  = toNear + toNearR - toNearT;
        Vector3 nearRT  = toNear + toNearR + toNearT;
        Vector3 focusLB = toFocus - toFocusR - toFocusT;
        Vector3 focusLT = toFocus - toFocusR + toFocusT;
        Vector3 focusRB = toFocus + toFocusR - toFocusT;
        Vector3 focusRT = toFocus + toFocusR + toFocusT;
        Vector3 farLB   = toFar - toFarR - toFarT;
        Vector3 farLT   = toFar - toFarR + toFarT;
        Vector3 farRB   = toFar + toFarR - toFarT;
        Vector3 farRT   = toFar + toFarR + toFarT;
        Vector3 nearCLB = toNearClip - toNearClipR - toNearClipT;
        Vector3 nearCLT = toNearClip - toNearClipR + toNearClipT;
        Vector3 nearCRB = toNearClip + toNearClipR - toNearClipT;
        Vector3 nearCRT = toNearClip + toNearClipR + toNearClipT;
        Vector3 farCLB  = toFarClip - toFarClipR - toFarClipT;
        Vector3 farCLT  = toFarClip - toFarClipR + toFarClipT;
        Vector3 farCRB  = toFarClip + toFarClipR - toFarClipT;
        Vector3 farCRT  = toFarClip + toFarClipR + toFarClipT;

        // camera frustum
        frustumLineRenderers[0].SetPositions(new Vector3[] { nearCLB, farCLB });
        frustumLineRenderers[1].SetPositions(new Vector3[] { nearCRB, farCRB });
        frustumLineRenderers[2].SetPositions(new Vector3[] { nearCLT, farCLT });
        frustumLineRenderers[3].SetPositions(new Vector3[] { nearCRT, farCRT });

        // near dof rectangle
        frustumLineRenderers[4].SetPositions(new Vector3[]
            nearLB, nearRB,
            nearRB, nearRT,
            nearRT, nearLT,
            nearLT, nearLB

        if (_dofFarLimit >= 0)
            // far rectangle
            frustumLineRenderers[5].SetPositions(new Vector3[]
                farLB, farRB,
                farRB, farRT,
                farRT, farLT,
                farLT, farLB

        // focus rectangle
        frustumLineRenderers[6].SetPositions(new Vector3[]
            focusLB, focusRB,
            focusRB, focusRT,
            focusRT, focusLT,
            focusLT, focusLB