        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the border using draw event arguments and specified bounding rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Draw event arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Bounding rectangle.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is for internal use only.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e, RectangleF rect)
            IGraphics g = e.Graphics;

            rect.X      *= e.ScaleX;
            rect.Y      *= e.ScaleY;
            rect.Width  *= e.ScaleX;
            rect.Height *= e.ScaleY;

            if (Shadow)
                //int d = (int)Math.Round(ShadowWidth * e.ScaleX);
                //Pen pen = e.Cache.GetPen(ShadowColor, d, DashStyle.Solid);
                //g.DrawLine(pen, rect.Right + d / 2, rect.Top + d, rect.Right + d / 2, rect.Bottom);
                //g.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left + d, rect.Bottom + d / 2, rect.Right + d, rect.Bottom + d / 2);

                float d     = ShadowWidth * e.ScaleX;
                Brush brush = e.Cache.GetBrush(ShadowColor);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, rect.Left + d, rect.Bottom, rect.Width, d);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, rect.Right, rect.Top + d, d, rect.Height);

            if (Lines != BorderLines.None)
                // draw full frame as a rectangle with solid line only. Non-solid lines
                // should be drawn separately to avoid overlapping effect
                if (Lines == BorderLines.All && LeftLine.Equals(TopLine) && LeftLine.Equals(RightLine) &&
                    LeftLine.Equals(BottomLine) && LeftLine.Style == LineStyle.Solid)
                    Pen pen = e.Cache.GetPen(LeftLine.Color, (int)Math.Round(LeftLine.Width * e.ScaleX), LeftLine.DashStyle);
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                    if ((Lines & BorderLines.Left) != 0)
                        LeftLine.Draw(e, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Left, rect.Bottom,
                                      true, (Lines & BorderLines.Top) != 0, (Lines & BorderLines.Bottom) != 0);
                    if ((Lines & BorderLines.Right) != 0)
                        RightLine.Draw(e, rect.Right, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom,
                                       false, (Lines & BorderLines.Top) != 0, (Lines & BorderLines.Bottom) != 0);
                    if ((Lines & BorderLines.Top) != 0)
                        TopLine.Draw(e, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top,
                                     true, (Lines & BorderLines.Left) != 0, (Lines & BorderLines.Right) != 0);
                    if ((Lines & BorderLines.Bottom) != 0)
                        BottomLine.Draw(e, rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom,
                                        false, (Lines & BorderLines.Left) != 0, (Lines & BorderLines.Right) != 0);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            Border b = obj as Border;

            return(b != null && Lines == b.Lines &&
                   LeftLine.Equals(b.LeftLine) && TopLine.Equals(b.TopLine) &&
                   RightLine.Equals(b.RightLine) && BottomLine.Equals(b.BottomLine) &&
                   Shadow == b.Shadow && ShadowColor == b.ShadowColor && ShadowWidth == b.ShadowWidth);
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the border.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writer">Writer object.</param>
 /// <param name="prefix">Border property name.</param>
 /// <param name="c">Another Border to compare with.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method is for internal use only.
 /// </remarks>
 public void Serialize(FRWriter writer, string prefix, Border c)
     if (Shadow != c.Shadow)
         writer.WriteBool(prefix + ".Shadow", Shadow);
     if (ShadowWidth != c.ShadowWidth)
         writer.WriteFloat(prefix + ".ShadowWidth", ShadowWidth);
     if (ShadowColor != c.ShadowColor)
         writer.WriteValue(prefix + ".ShadowColor", ShadowColor);
     if (!SimpleBorder)
         if (Lines != c.Lines)
             writer.WriteValue(prefix + ".Lines", Lines);
         if (Lines != BorderLines.None || Color != Color.Black)
             if (LeftLine.Equals(RightLine) && LeftLine.Equals(TopLine) && LeftLine.Equals(BottomLine) &&
                 c.LeftLine.Equals(c.RightLine) && c.LeftLine.Equals(c.TopLine) && c.LeftLine.Equals(c.BottomLine))
                 LeftLine.Serialize(writer, prefix, c.LeftLine);
                 LeftLine.Serialize(writer, prefix + ".LeftLine", c.LeftLine);
                 TopLine.Serialize(writer, prefix + ".TopLine", c.TopLine);
                 RightLine.Serialize(writer, prefix + ".RightLine", c.RightLine);
                 BottomLine.Serialize(writer, prefix + ".BottomLine", c.BottomLine);
         LeftLine.Serialize(writer, prefix, c.LeftLine);