public ActionResult AddIncomeJournalSave(string voucherNo, int CostHeadId, DateTime voucherDate, string notes, List <JournalDetail> journalDetails, decimal TotalAmount, string ChkNo)
            JournalMaster jmaster = new JournalMaster();
            JournalDetail jd      = new JournalDetail();

            jmaster.InvoiceNo   = voucherNo;
            jmaster.LadgerDate  = voucherDate;
            jmaster.Narration   = notes;
            jmaster.TotalAmount = TotalAmount;

            jd.LedgerId   = CostHeadId;
            jd.Credit     = TotalAmount;
            jd.Credit     = 0;
            jd.ChequeNo   = ChkNo;
            jd.ChequeDate = voucherDate;
            foreach (var item in journalDetails)
                JournalDetail jdetails = new JournalDetail();

                jdetails.LedgerId   = item.LedgerId;
                jdetails.Credit     = 0;
                jdetails.Debit      = item.Credit;
                jdetails.ChequeNo   = "";
                jdetails.ChequeDate = voucherDate;

            foreach (var item in journalDetails)
                LedgerPosting lposting = new LedgerPosting();
                lposting.Credit        = 0;
                lposting.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
                lposting.LedgerId      = item.LedgerId;
                lposting.Debit         = item.Debit ?? 0 + item.Credit ?? 0;
                lposting.PostingDate   = voucherDate;
                lposting.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
                lposting.ChequeNo      = "";
                lposting.VoucherTypeId = 4;
                lposting.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + voucherNo + " " + notes;
            LedgerPosting posting = new LedgerPosting();

            posting.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
            posting.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
            posting.ChequeNo      = "";
            posting.VoucherTypeId = 4;
            posting.LedgerId      = CostHeadId;
            posting.PostingDate   = voucherDate;
            posting.Credit        = TotalAmount;
            posting.Debit         = 0;
            posting.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + voucherNo + " " + notes;

            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult JournalSave(string voucherNo, DateTime voucherDate, string notes, List <JournalRequest> ledgerPosting)
            string invoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.Year +
                                   new GlobalClass().GetMaxId("Id", "LedgerPosting");

            voucherNo = "JV" + invoiceNumber;
            JournalMaster jmaster = new JournalMaster();

            jmaster.InvoiceNo   = voucherNo;
            jmaster.VoucherNo   = voucherNo;
            jmaster.LadgerDate  = voucherDate;
            jmaster.Narration   = notes;
            jmaster.TotalAmount = ledgerPosting.Where(a => a.DrOrCr == "Dr").Sum(a => a.Amount);

            foreach (var item in ledgerPosting)
                JournalDetail jdetails = new JournalDetail();

                jdetails.LedgerId = item.LedgerId;
                jdetails.ChequeNo = item.ChequeNo;

                //ledger posting
                LedgerPosting ledgersave = new LedgerPosting();
                ledgersave.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherTypeEnum.JournalVoucher;
                ledgersave.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
                ledgersave.InvoiceNo     = voucherNo;
                ledgersave.Extra1        = notes;
                ledgersave.LedgerId      = item.LedgerId;
                int a = ledgersave.LedgerId ?? 0;
                if (item.DrOrCr == "Dr")
                    ledgersave.Debit  = item.Amount;
                    ledgersave.Credit = 0;
                    jdetails.Debit    = item.Amount;
                    ledgersave.Credit = item.Amount;
                    ledgersave.Debit  = 0;
                    jdetails.Credit   = item.Amount;
                ledgersave.InvoiceNo   = voucherNo;
                ledgersave.ChequeNo    = item.ChequeNo;
                ledgersave.PostingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(voucherDate);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ChequeDate))
                    ledgersave.ChequeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.ChequeDate);
                    jdetails.ChequeDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(item.ChequeDate);
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult EmpSalarySave(List <SalaryPayment> salaryPayment, List <LedgerPosting> ledgerPosting)
            foreach (var item in ledgerPosting)
                LedgerPosting ledgersave = new LedgerPosting();
                ledgersave.VoucherTypeId = 6;
                ledgersave.LedgerId      = item.LedgerId;
                ledgersave.Debit         = item.Credit;
                ledgersave.Credit        = 0;
                ledgersave.ChequeNo      = item.ChequeNo;
                ledgersave.ChequeDate    = item.ChequeDate;

            foreach (var i in salaryPayment)
                SalaryPayment sp = new SalaryPayment();
                sp.EmployeeId   = i.EmployeeId;
                sp.SalaryAmount = i.SalaryAmount;
                sp.Bonus        = i.TotalAmount - i.SalaryAmount;
                sp.TotalAmount  = i.TotalAmount;
                sp.Date         = i.Date;
                sp.Month        = i.Month;

            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult Create(AccountLedger category)
            var result = category;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                category.IsDefault = false;
                result             = service.Save(category);
                if (result != null && result.Id > 0)
                    LedgerPosting post = new LedgerPosting();
                    post.InvoiceNo   = "";
                    post.LedgerId    = result.Id;
                    post.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                    if (category.CrOrDr == "Cr")
                        post.Credit = category.OpeningBalance;
                    if (category.CrOrDr == "Dr")
                        post.Debit = category.OpeningBalance;
                    post.VoucherTypeId = 1;
                    post.VoucherNo     = category.Id.ToString();
                    post.InvoiceNo     = category.Id.ToString();

                    var postingResult = postingService.Save(post);
            return(Json("Sucess", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult Create(Supplier supplier, decimal OpeningBalance, string CrOrDr, int create)
                var result = supplier;
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    supplier.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                    supplier.UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    supplier.Creator      = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserName;
                    supplier.IsActive     = true;
                    AccountLedger ledger = new AccountLedger();

                    var accountGroup = new AccountGroupService().GetById(22); //sundry creditor
                    ledger.AccountGroupId    = 22;
                    ledger.Address           = supplier.Address;
                    ledger.BankAccountNumber = "";
                    ledger.BillByBill        = true;
                    ledger.BranchCode        = "";
                    ledger.BranchName        = "";
                    ledger.CreditLimit       = 0.0m;
                    ledger.CreditPeriod      = 1;
                    ledger.CrOrDr            = Accounts.CheckDrOrCr(accountGroup.Nature);
                    ledger.Email             = supplier.Email;
                    ledger.IsDefault         = false;
                    ledger.LedgerName        = supplier.Name;
                    ledger.Extra2            = supplier.Code;
                    ledger.Mobile            = supplier.ContactPersonPhone;
                    ledger.Phone             = supplier.Phone;
                    ledger.OpeningBalance    = OpeningBalance;
                    var saved = Accounts.Save(ledger);
                    supplier.LedgerId = saved.Id;
                    result            = db.Save(supplier);
                    if (ledger.OpeningBalance > 0.0m)
                        var           party = new PartyBalance();
                        LedgerPosting post  = new LedgerPosting();
                        post.InvoiceNo   = "";
                        post.LedgerId    = supplier.LedgerId;
                        post.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                        if (CrOrDr == "Cr")
                            post.Credit  = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                            party.Credit = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                        if (CrOrDr == "Dr")
                            party.Debit = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                            post.Debit  = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                        post.VoucherTypeId = 1;
                        post.VoucherNo     = ledger.Id.ToString();
                        post.InvoiceNo     = ledger.Id.ToString();
                        var postingResult = postingService.Save(post);

                        party.AgainstInvoiceNo = postingResult.Id.ToString();
                        party.LedgerId         = supplier.LedgerId ?? 0;
                        party.CreditPeriod     = 60;
                        party.FinancialYearId  = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().FinancialYear;
                        party.PostingDate      = DateTime.Now;
                        party.VoucherTypeId    = 1;
                        party.extra1           = "Opening Balance";
                return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(ex, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult ReceivePayment(string voucherNo, int supplierId, DateTime voucherDate, string notes, List <LedgerPosting> ledgerPosting, bool isSendSMS)
            var     supplierInfo = supplierService.GetById(supplierId);

            if (supplierInfo == null)
                return(Json("error", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            foreach (var item in ledgerPosting)
                item.Credit        = 0;
                item.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
                item.PostingDate   = voucherDate;
                item.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
                item.ChequeNo      = "";
                item.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherType.PaymentVoucher;
                item.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + voucherNo + " " + notes;
            LedgerPosting posting = new LedgerPosting();

            posting.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
            posting.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
            posting.ChequeNo      = "";
            posting.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherType.PaymentVoucher;
            posting.LedgerId      = supplierInfo.LedgerId;
            posting.PostingDate   = voucherDate;
            posting.Credit        = ledgerPosting.Sum(a => a.Debit).Value;
            posting.Debit         = 0;
            posting.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + voucherNo + " " + notes;
            //party balance
            PartyBalance balance = new PartyBalance();

            balance.AgainstVoucherTypeId = 4;
            balance.VoucherNo            = voucherNo;
            balance.PostingDate          = voucherDate;
            balance.LedgerId             = supplierInfo.LedgerId ?? 0;
            balance.Debit         = posting.Credit;
            balance.Credit        = 0;
            balance.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherType.PaymentVoucher;
            balance.extra1        = "Payment Invoice: " + voucherNo + " Notes:" + notes;
            balance.extra2        = posting.Id.ToString();


            if (isSendSMS)
                SMSEmailService            sMSEmailService = new SMSEmailService();
                string                     phone           = supplierInfo.Phone;
                rptIndividualLedger_Result due             = customerService.GetBalance((supplierInfo.LedgerId ?? 0));

                string balanceText = "";
                credit = due.Balance;
                var num = new decimal();
                if ((credit.GetValueOrDefault() < num ? !credit.HasValue : true))
                    credit      = due.Balance;
                    balanceText = string.Concat("Your Present Balance With Dada Rice Tk=", string.Format("{0:#,#.}", decimal.Round((credit.HasValue ? credit.GetValueOrDefault() : decimal.Zero)), ""), "/=.");
                    decimal minusOne = decimal.MinusOne;
                    credit      = due.Balance;
                    balanceText = string.Concat("Your Present Balance With Dada Rice Tk=", string.Format("{0:#,#.}", minusOne * decimal.Round((credit.HasValue ? credit.GetValueOrDefault() : decimal.Zero)), ""), "/= Thanks.");
                balanceText = "";
                string[] name = new string[] { "Dear ", supplierInfo.Name, " Tk=", null, null, null };
                credit  = balance.Credit;
                name[3] = string.Format("{0:#,#.}", decimal.Round((posting.Credit.HasValue ? posting.Credit.GetValueOrDefault() : decimal.Zero)), "");
                name[4] = "/- has been Deposited to your Account. Ref:No-" + voucherNo + ", Dated:" + voucherDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ". Thanks with Dada Rice";
                sMSEmailService.SendOneToOneSingleSms("01979110321", string.Concat(string.Concat(name), balanceText), false);
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult Authorize(PaymentAuthorizationRequest request)
            var payment = _paymentService.GetPaymentById(request.Id);

            if (payment == null)
                return(Json("Failed:Payment not found to authorized!!", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            foreach (var details in payment.PaymentDetails)
                var item = new LedgerPosting();
                item.LedgerId      = details.LedgerId;
                item.CreatedBy     = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserId;
                item.Credit        = 0;
                item.Debit         = request.Amount;
                item.InvoiceNo     = payment.InvoiceNo;
                item.VoucherNo     = payment.VoucherNo;
                item.PostingDate   = payment.LedgerDate;
                item.ChequeDate    = details.ChequeDate;
                item.ChequeNo      = details.ChequeNo;
                item.VoucherTypeId = payment.VoucherTypeId;
                item.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + payment.VoucherNo + " " + payment.Narration + "|" + request.Notes;
            LedgerPosting posting = new LedgerPosting();

            posting.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
            posting.VoucherNo     = payment.VoucherNo;
            posting.ChequeNo      = "";
            posting.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherTypeEnum.PaymentVoucher;
            posting.LedgerId      = payment.LedgerId;
            posting.PostingDate   = payment.LedgerDate;
            posting.Credit        = request.Amount;
            posting.Debit         = 0;
            posting.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + payment.VoucherNo + " " + request.Notes;
            //party balance
            PartyBalance balance = new PartyBalance();

            balance.AgainstVoucherTypeId = 4;
            balance.VoucherNo            = payment.VoucherNo;
            balance.PostingDate          = payment.LedgerDate;
            balance.LedgerId             = payment.LedgerId ?? 0;
            balance.Debit         = request.Amount;
            balance.Credit        = 0;
            balance.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherTypeEnum.PaymentVoucher;
            balance.extra1        = "Payment Invoice: " + payment.VoucherNo + " Notes:" + request.Notes;
            balance.extra2        = posting.Id.ToString();


            //isSendSMS = false;
            //if (isSendSMS)
            //    SMSEmailService sMSEmailService = new SMSEmailService();
            //    string phone = supplierInfo.Phone;
            //    rptIndividualLedger_Result due = customerService.GetBalance((supplierInfo.LedgerId ?? 0));

            //    string balanceText = "";
            //    credit = due.Balance;
            //    var num = new decimal();
            //    if ((credit.GetValueOrDefault() < num ? !credit.HasValue : true))
            //    {
            //        credit = due.Balance;
            //        balanceText = string.Concat("Your Present Balance With Dada Rice Tk=", string.Format("{0:#,#.}", decimal.Round((credit.HasValue ? credit.GetValueOrDefault() : decimal.Zero)), ""), "/=.");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        decimal minusOne = decimal.MinusOne;
            //        credit = due.Balance;
            //        balanceText = string.Concat("Your Present Balance With Dada Rice Tk=", string.Format("{0:#,#.}", minusOne * decimal.Round((credit.HasValue ? credit.GetValueOrDefault() : decimal.Zero)), ""), "/= Thanks.");
            //    }
            //    balanceText = "";
            //    string[] name = new string[] { "Dear ", supplierInfo.Name, " Tk=", null, null, null };
            //    credit = balance.Credit;
            //    name[3] = string.Format("{0:#,#.}", decimal.Round((posting.Credit.HasValue ? posting.Credit.GetValueOrDefault() : decimal.Zero)), "");
            //    name[4] = "/- has been Deposited to your Account. Ref:No-" + voucherNo + ", Dated:" + voucherDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ". Thanks with Dada Rice";
            //    sMSEmailService.SendOneToOneSingleSms("01979110321", string.Concat(string.Concat(name), balanceText), false);
            //updated au authorized
            payment.ApprovedBy    = DateTime.Now;
            payment.ApprovedNotes = request.Notes;
            payment.IsApproved    = true;
            _paymentService.Update(payment, payment.Id);
            foreach (var item in payment.PaymentDetails)
                payment.ApprovedBy    = DateTime.Now;
                payment.ApprovedNotes = request.Notes;
                payment.IsApproved    = true;
                _paymentService.Update(item, item.Id);
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ReceiveMaster Save(ReceiveMaster cus, List <AdditionalCost> additionalCosts, int wareHouseId, int goodsType)
            var avgAdditionalCost = cus.AdditionalCost / cus.ReceiveDetails.Select(a => a.Qty).Sum();
            var avgCostPrice      = 0.0m;
            var supplier          = supplierService.GetById(cus.SupplierID);

            cus.YearId = financialYearId;
            var result = service.Save(cus);

            if (result != null || result.Id > 0)
                foreach (var item in cus.ReceiveDetails)
                    var balance      = 0.0m;
                    var existingItem = _inventoryService.GetAll(a => a.ProductId == item.ProductId && a.IsActive == true && a.WarehouseId == wareHouseId && a.SizeId == item.SizeId && a.BrandId == item.BrandId && a.APIId == item.APIId).ToList();
                    if (existingItem.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var inv in existingItem)
                            var existingCosting = inv.BalanceQty * inv.Costprice ?? 0;
                            var totalAmount     = item.Amount + avgAdditionalCost * item.Qty + existingCosting;
                            avgCostPrice      = totalAmount / (item.Qty + inv.BalanceQty);
                            inv.Costprice     = avgCostPrice;
                            inv.PurchasePrice = item.Rate;
                            inv.UpdatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                            inv.UpdatedBy     = "";
                            inv.BalanceQty    = inv.BalanceQty + item.Qty;
                            inv.ReceiveQty    = inv.ReceiveQty ?? 0 + item.Qty;
                            _inventoryService.Update(inv, inv.Id);
                            balance = inv.BalanceQty;
                        Inventory inv = new Inventory();
                        inv.IsActive      = true;
                        inv.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        inv.CreatedBy     = "";
                        inv.ProductId     = item.ProductId;
                        inv.ReceiveQty    = item.Qty;
                        inv.SupplierId    = cus.SupplierID;
                        inv.WarehouseId   = wareHouseId;
                        inv.BrandId       = item.BrandId;
                        inv.SizeId        = item.SizeId;
                        inv.APIId         = item.APIId;
                        inv.Faulty        = 0;
                        inv.OpeningQty    = 0;
                        inv.BalanceQty    = item.Qty;
                        inv.PurchasePrice = item.Rate;
                        inv.Costprice     = avgCostPrice;
                        inv.SalesPrice    = 0;
                        inv.GoodsType     = goodsType.ToString();
                        balance = item.Qty;

                    var invTransaction = new InventoryTransaction()
                        APIId           = item.APIId,
                        BalanceQty      = balance,
                        BrandId         = item.BrandId,
                        CreatedBy       = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserName,
                        CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                        GoodsType       = goodsType.ToString(),
                        InventoryGuid   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        InvoiceNo       = cus.InvoiceNo,
                        IsActive        = true,
                        ProductId       = item.ProductId,
                        PurchasePrice   = item.Rate,
                        CostPrice       = avgCostPrice,
                        Qty             = item.Qty,
                        SalesPrice      = 0,
                        SizeId          = item.SizeId,
                        SupplierId      = cus.SupplierID,
                        TransactionType = (int)Util.TransactionType.ReceiveQty,
                        WarehouseId     = item.WarehouseId ?? 0
                // Ledger posting debit to purchase account

                var ledgerObj = new LedgerPosting();
                ledgerObj.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherTypeEnum.PurchaseInvoice;
                ledgerObj.VoucherNo     = result.InvoiceNoPaper;
                ledgerObj.PostingDate   = cus.InvoiceDate;
                ledgerObj.LedgerId      = (int)DefaultLedger.PurchaseAccount;
                ledgerObj.InvoiceNo     = cus.InvoiceNo;
                ledgerObj.Credit        = 0;
                ledgerObj.Debit         = cus.GrandTotal;
                ledgerObj.MasterId      = result.Id;
                var save = ledgerService.Save(ledgerObj);

                //Ledger posting to customer ledger credit
                var detailsLedger = new LedgerPosting();
                detailsLedger.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherTypeEnum.PurchaseInvoice;
                detailsLedger.VoucherNo     = result.InvoiceNoPaper;
                detailsLedger.PostingDate   = cus.InvoiceDate;
                detailsLedger.LedgerId      = supplier.LedgerId;
                detailsLedger.InvoiceNo     = cus.InvoiceNo;
                detailsLedger.Credit        = cus.TotalAmount - cus.BillDiscount;
                detailsLedger.Debit         = 0;
                detailsLedger.MasterId      = result.Id;
                var detailsLedgerResult = ledgerService.Save(detailsLedger);

                //save addisitonalCost
                if (additionalCosts != null && additionalCosts.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in additionalCosts)
                        item.CreatedBy     = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserId;
                        item.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        item.LedgerId      = supplier.LedgerId;
                        item.VoucherNo     = cus.InvoiceNo;
                        item.Extra1        = cus.AdditionalCostPurpose;
                        item.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherTypeEnum.PurchaseInvoice;
                        var isSaved = _addCostService.Save(item);
                    var additionalCost = new LedgerPosting();
                    additionalCost.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherTypeEnum.AdditionalCost;
                    additionalCost.VoucherNo     = result.InvoiceNoPaper;
                    additionalCost.PostingDate   = cus.InvoiceDate;
                    additionalCost.LedgerId      = (int)DefaultLedger.AdditionalCost;
                    additionalCost.InvoiceNo     = cus.InvoiceNo;
                    additionalCost.Credit        = cus.AdditionalCost;
                    additionalCost.Debit         = 0;
                    additionalCost.MasterId      = result.Id;
                    var _ = ledgerService.Save(additionalCost);

                var party = new PartyBalance();
                party.InvoiceNo       = result.InvoiceNo;
                party.LedgerId        = supplier.LedgerId ?? 0;
                party.Credit          = cus.TotalAmount - cus.BillDiscount;
                party.CreditPeriod    = 60;
                party.Debit           = 0;
                party.MasterId        = result.Id;
                party.FinancialYearId = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().FinancialYear;
                party.PostingDate     = cus.InvoiceDate;
                party.VoucherTypeId   = (int)VoucherTypeEnum.PurchaseInvoice;
                party.VoucherNo       = result.InvoiceNo;
                party.extra1          = "Purchase Invoice: " + cus.InvoiceNo + " Paper Invoice No:" + cus.InvoiceNoPaper;
                party.extra2          = result.Id.ToString();
        public ActionResult Create(Customer customer, decimal OpeningBalance, string CrOrDr, int create)
            var result = customer;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var sesssion = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession();
                if (sesssion != null)
                var lastId = db.LastId();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Area))
                    return(Json(new { Id = 2, message = "Area Empty" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                customer.Code        = customer.District.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() + "_" + customer.Area.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() + "_" + db.LastId();
                customer.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                customer.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                customer.CreatedBy   = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserName;
                customer.IsActive    = true;
                AccountLedger ledger       = new AccountLedger();
                var           accountGroup = new AccountGroupService().GetById(26); //sundry debitor
                ledger.AccountGroupId    = 26;
                ledger.Address           = customer.Address;
                ledger.BankAccountNumber = "";
                ledger.BillByBill        = true;
                ledger.BranchCode        = "";
                ledger.BranchName        = "";
                ledger.CreditLimit       = 0.0m;
                ledger.CreditPeriod      = 1;
                ledger.CrOrDr            = Accounts.CheckDrOrCr(accountGroup.Nature);
                ledger.Email             = customer.Email;
                ledger.IsDefault         = false;
                ledger.LedgerName        = customer.Name;
                ledger.Extra2            = customer.Code;
                ledger.Mobile            = customer.ContactPersonPhone;
                ledger.Phone             = customer.Phone;
                ledger.OpeningBalance    = OpeningBalance;
                var saved = Accounts.Save(ledger);
                customer.LedgerId = saved.Id;
                result            = db.Save(customer);
                if (ledger.OpeningBalance > 0.0m)
                    var           party = new PartyBalance();
                    LedgerPosting post  = new LedgerPosting();
                    post.InvoiceNo   = "";
                    post.LedgerId    = customer.LedgerId;
                    post.PostingDate = DateTime.Now;
                    if (CrOrDr == "Cr")
                        post.Credit  = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                        party.Credit = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                    if (CrOrDr == "Dr")
                        party.Debit = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                        post.Debit  = ledger.OpeningBalance;
                    post.VoucherTypeId = 1;
                    post.VoucherNo     = ledger.Id.ToString();
                    post.InvoiceNo     = ledger.Id.ToString();
                    var postingResult = postingService.Save(post);

                    party.AgainstInvoiceNo = postingResult.Id.ToString();
                    party.LedgerId         = customer.LedgerId ?? 0;
                    party.CreditPeriod     = 60;
                    party.FinancialYearId  = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().FinancialYear;
                    party.PostingDate      = DateTime.Now;
                    party.VoucherTypeId    = 1;
                    party.extra1           = "Opening Balance";

            return(Json(new { Id = 1, message = "Customer Saved Sucess" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));