    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the signed transaction data from the Ledger wallet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="transaction"> The transaction to sign. </param>
    /// <param name="path"> The path of the address to sign the transaction with. </param>
    /// <param name="onSignatureRequestSent"> Action to call once the signature request has been sent. </param>
    /// <returns> Task returning the SignedTransactionDataHolder instance. </returns>
    protected override async Task <SignedTransactionDataHolder> GetSignedTransactionData(Transaction transaction, string path, Action onSignatureRequestSent)
        var ledgerManager = LedgerConnector.GetWindowsConnectedLedger();
        var address       = ledgerManager == null
            ? null
            : (await ledgerManager.GetPublicKeyResponse(Wallet.ELECTRUM_LEDGER_PATH.Replace("x", "0"), false, false).ConfigureAwait(false))?.Address;

        // Don't sign transaction if app is not Ethereum, or if the first address doesn't match the first address of the opened Ledger wallet.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address) || !address.EqualsIgnoreCase(addresses[1][0]))

        var addressIndex   = path.Count(c => c == '/') - 1;
        var derivationData = Helpers.GetDerivationPathData(path);

        var request = new EthereumAppSignTransactionRequest(derivationData.Concat(transaction.GetRLPEncoded()).ToArray());


        var response = await ledgerManager.SendRequestAsync <EthereumAppSignTransactionResponse, EthereumAppSignTransactionRequest>(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

        if (!response.IsSuccess)
            return(new SignedTransactionDataHolder());

        return(new SignedTransactionDataHolder {
            signed = true, v = response.SignatureV, r = response.SignatureR, s = response.SignatureS
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the public key data from the Ledger wallet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns> Task returning the ExtendedPublicKeyDataHolder instance. </returns>
    protected override async Task <ExtendedPublicKeyDataHolder> GetExtendedPublicKeyData()
        var ledgerManager = LedgerConnector.GetWindowsConnectedLedger();

        if (ledgerManager == null)

        var pubKeyResponse = await ledgerManager.GetPublicKeyResponse(EXTENDED_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH, true, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

        if (pubKeyResponse?.IsSuccess != true)

        return(new ExtendedPublicKeyDataHolder {
            publicKeyData = pubKeyResponse.PublicKeyData, chainCodeData = pubKeyResponse.ExtraData.Take(32).ToArray()