private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = null; try { this.connetionString = "Data Source =; Initial Catalog = Mazal; Integrated Security = False; User ID = Grimm; Password = #!7Dwarfs; Connect Timeout = 15; Encrypt = False; TrustServerCertificate = True; ApplicationIntent = ReadWrite; MultiSubnetFailover = False"; this.sqlcon = new SqlConnection(connetionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Classes_SM1 where date='" + "1990-01-01" + "'", sqlcon); if (toolStripComboBox1.Text.Equals("") && !toolStripComboBox2.Text.Equals("")) { str = toolStripComboBox2.Text; cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Classes_SM1 where date='" + str + "'", sqlcon); Lecture.Visible = true; } else if (toolStripComboBox2.Text.Equals("") && !toolStripComboBox1.Text.Equals("")) { str = toolStripComboBox1.Text; cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Classes_SM2 where date='" + str + "'", sqlcon); Lecture.Visible = true; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Error selecting dates,try again!"); } SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda.SelectCommand = cmd; DataTable dbdataset = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dbdataset); BindingSource bsource = new BindingSource(); //Paint headers Lecture.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false; Lecture.GridColor = Utility.HeaderBackColor; Lecture.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Utility.HeaderBackColor; Lecture.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White; Lecture.AutoResizeColumns(); Lecture.AutoSizeColumnsMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; Lecture.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize; bsource.DataSource = dbdataset; Lecture.DataSource = bsource; sda.Update(dbdataset); int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= 9; j++) { paintCells2(i); i++; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); toolStripComboBox1.Text = ""; toolStripComboBox2.Text = ""; } }
private void My_Lectures_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = null; try { this.connetionString = "Data Source =; Initial Catalog = Mazal; Integrated Security = False; User ID = Grimm; Password = #!7Dwarfs; Connect Timeout = 15; Encrypt = False; TrustServerCertificate = True; ApplicationIntent = ReadWrite; MultiSubnetFailover = False"; this.sqlcon = new SqlConnection(connetionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Classes_SM1 where date='" + "1990-01-01" + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd0 = new SqlCommand("select * from Classes_SM1 where date='" + "1990-01-01" + "'", sqlcon); if (checkChoice(toolStripComboBox1.Text, toolStripComboBox2.Text)) { str = toolStripComboBox2.Text; cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Classes_SM1 SET Capacity= 20 where class_Id='" + "a101" + "'AND date='" + str + "'", sqlcon); cmd0 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Classes_SM1 SET Capacity= 0 where class_Id='" + "a102" + "' AND date='" + str + "'", sqlcon); Lecture.Visible = true; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [08-09]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [09-10]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [10-11]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [11-12]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [12-13]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [13-14]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd7 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [14-15]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd8 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [15-16]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd9 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [16-17]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd10 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [17-18]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd11 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [18-19]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [19-20]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd13 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM1 set [20-21]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox2.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlDataAdapter sda0 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda0.SelectCommand = cmd1; SqlDataAdapter sda2 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda2.SelectCommand = cmd2; SqlDataAdapter sda3 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda3.SelectCommand = cmd3; SqlDataAdapter sda4 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda4.SelectCommand = cmd4; SqlDataAdapter sda5 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda5.SelectCommand = cmd5; SqlDataAdapter sda6 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda6.SelectCommand = cmd6; SqlDataAdapter sda7 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda7.SelectCommand = cmd7; SqlDataAdapter sda8 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda8.SelectCommand = cmd8; SqlDataAdapter sda9 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda9.SelectCommand = cmd9; SqlDataAdapter sda10 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda10.SelectCommand = cmd10; SqlDataAdapter sda11 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda11.SelectCommand = cmd11; SqlDataAdapter sda12 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda12.SelectCommand = cmd12; SqlDataAdapter sda13 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda13.SelectCommand = cmd13; DataTable dbdataset0 = new DataTable(); sda0.Fill(dbdataset0); sda2.Fill(dbdataset0); sda3.Fill(dbdataset0); sda4.Fill(dbdataset0); sda5.Fill(dbdataset0); sda6.Fill(dbdataset0); sda7.Fill(dbdataset0); sda8.Fill(dbdataset0); sda9.Fill(dbdataset0); sda10.Fill(dbdataset0); sda11.Fill(dbdataset0); sda12.Fill(dbdataset0); sda13.Fill(dbdataset0); BindingSource bsource1 = new BindingSource(); bsource1.DataSource = dbdataset0; sda0.Update(dbdataset0); sda2.Update(dbdataset0); sda3.Update(dbdataset0); sda4.Update(dbdataset0); sda5.Update(dbdataset0); sda6.Update(dbdataset0); sda7.Update(dbdataset0); sda8.Update(dbdataset0); sda9.Update(dbdataset0); sda10.Update(dbdataset0); sda11.Update(dbdataset0); sda12.Update(dbdataset0); sda13.Update(dbdataset0); } else if (checkChoice(toolStripComboBox2.Text, toolStripComboBox1.Text)) { str = toolStripComboBox1.Text; cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Classes_SM2 SET Capacity= 20 where class_Id='" + "a101" + "'AND date='" + str + "'", sqlcon); cmd0 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Classes_SM2 SET Capacity= 0 where class_Id='" + "a102" + "' AND date='" + str + "'", sqlcon); Lecture.Visible = true; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [08-09]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [09-10]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [10-11]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [11-12]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [12-13]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [13-14]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd7 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [14-15]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd8 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [15-16]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd9 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [16-17]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd10 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [17-18]=1where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd11 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [18-19]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [19-20]=1 where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlCommand cmd13 = new SqlCommand("update Classes_SM2 set [20-21]=1where Class_Id ='" + "a102" + "' AND date = '" + toolStripComboBox1.Text + "'", sqlcon); SqlDataAdapter sda0 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda0.SelectCommand = cmd1; SqlDataAdapter sda2 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda2.SelectCommand = cmd2; SqlDataAdapter sda3 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda3.SelectCommand = cmd3; SqlDataAdapter sda4 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda4.SelectCommand = cmd4; SqlDataAdapter sda5 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda5.SelectCommand = cmd5; SqlDataAdapter sda6 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda6.SelectCommand = cmd6; SqlDataAdapter sda7 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda7.SelectCommand = cmd7; SqlDataAdapter sda8 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda8.SelectCommand = cmd8; SqlDataAdapter sda9 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda9.SelectCommand = cmd9; SqlDataAdapter sda10 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda10.SelectCommand = cmd10; SqlDataAdapter sda11 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda11.SelectCommand = cmd11; SqlDataAdapter sda12 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda12.SelectCommand = cmd12; SqlDataAdapter sda13 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda13.SelectCommand = cmd13; DataTable dbdataset0 = new DataTable(); sda0.Fill(dbdataset0); sda2.Fill(dbdataset0); sda3.Fill(dbdataset0); sda4.Fill(dbdataset0); sda5.Fill(dbdataset0); sda6.Fill(dbdataset0); sda7.Fill(dbdataset0); sda8.Fill(dbdataset0); sda9.Fill(dbdataset0); sda10.Fill(dbdataset0); sda11.Fill(dbdataset0); sda12.Fill(dbdataset0); sda13.Fill(dbdataset0); BindingSource bsource1 = new BindingSource(); bsource1.DataSource = dbdataset0; sda0.Update(dbdataset0); sda2.Update(dbdataset0); sda3.Update(dbdataset0); sda4.Update(dbdataset0); sda5.Update(dbdataset0); sda6.Update(dbdataset0); sda7.Update(dbdataset0); sda8.Update(dbdataset0); sda9.Update(dbdataset0); sda10.Update(dbdataset0); sda11.Update(dbdataset0); sda12.Update(dbdataset0); sda13.Update(dbdataset0); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Error selecting dates,try again!"); } SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda.SelectCommand = cmd; DataTable dbdataset = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dbdataset); SqlDataAdapter sda1 = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda1.SelectCommand = cmd0; DataTable dbdataset1 = new DataTable(); sda1.Fill(dbdataset1); BindingSource bsource = new BindingSource(); //Paint headers Lecture.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false; Lecture.GridColor = Utility.HeaderBackColor; Lecture.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Utility.HeaderBackColor; Lecture.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White; Lecture.AutoResizeColumns(); Lecture.AutoSizeColumnsMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; Lecture.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize; bsource.DataSource = dbdataset; Lecture.DataSource = bsource; sda.Update(dbdataset); sda1.Update(dbdataset); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Close(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); MergeAuditorium form2 = new MergeAuditorium(); form2.Show(); } }