public IEnumerator PerfectAni() { PerfectText.SetActive(true); LeanTween.cancel(PerfectText); PerfectText.transform.position =; LeanTween.scale(PerfectText, new Vector2(3f, 3f), 0.7f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutElastic); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.6f)); LeanTween.move(PerfectText, GameScene.instance.TimeText.transform.position, 0.3f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine); LeanTween.scale(PerfectText,, 0.3f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInSine).setOnComplete(() => { PerfectText.SetActive(false); }); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); LeanTween.textColor(GameScene.instance.TimeText.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), new Color(0.21f, 0.97f, 0.11f), 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine).setOnComplete(() => { LeanTween.textColor(GameScene.instance.TimeText.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), new Color(0.196f, 0.196f, 0.196f), 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInSine); }); for (int i = 0; i < GameScene.BonusTime; i++) { GameScene.LeftTime++; GameScene.instance.TimeText.text = GameScene.LeftTime.ToString(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } }
private void OnGameOver() { m_text.color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f); m_text.enabled = true; LeanTween.textColor(m_text.transform as RectTransform,, 5f); Invoke("LoadMainMenu", 10f); }
public override void Draw() { LeanTween.move(topHeaderBg, headerPanelTo, 0.6f) .setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic); LeanTween.move(timeTopPanel, timePanelTo, 0.5f) .setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic) .setDelay(0.15f) .setOnComplete(() => { LeanTween.textColor(gameTimeText, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f), 0.5f) .setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic) .setDelay(0.05f); LeanTween.move(pauseButton, pauseButtonTo, 0.5f) .setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic) .setDelay(0.15f); LeanTween.move(muteButton, muteButtonTo, 0.5f) .setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic) .setDelay(0.2f); LeanTween.alpha(superTireSmallLogo, 1f, 0.65f) .setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic) .setDelay(0.25f).setOnComplete(TransitionInCompleted); }); if (acceleratorUI != null) { acceleratorUI.GetComponent <AxisTouchButton>().Show(); GameObject.Find("Brake_b").GetComponent <AxisTouchButton>().Show(); } }
void Update() { if (stage != State.Move) { return; } //if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Alpha1)) //{ // Encount(); //} //if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Alpha1)) //{ // Goal(); //} var remain = Entity.Instance.StageList.period - Util.Time.ServerTime.CurrentUnixTime; if (remain <= 0) { stage = State.Event; DialogWindow.OpenOk("確認", "ステージが消失しました", () => { SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneName.Home); }); } else if (!periodMessage.gameObject.activeSelf && remain < 60 * 10) { periodMessage.gameObject.SetActive(true); LeanTween.textColor(periodMessage.rectTransform, Color.white, 1f).setLoopPingPong(-1); } }
IEnumerable <Instruction> FadeIn(float duration) { GameMachine.Instance.OpenTween("CreditsScroller", 115); LeanTween.textColor(_StartingText.rectTransform,, duration).onComplete = () => GameMachine.Instance.CloseTween("CreditsScroller", 115); yield return(ControlFlow.Call(Wait(duration))); }
protected override LTDescr TweenRun(bool reversed, float time) { Color color = reversed ? colorRange.To : colorRange.From; Image image = GetComponent <Image> (); if (image != null) { return(LeanTween.color((RectTransform)transform, color, time)); } Text text = GetComponent <Text> (); if (text != null) { return(LeanTween.textColor((RectTransform)transform, color, time)); } Renderer renderer = GetComponent <Renderer> (); if (renderer != null) { return(LeanTween.color(gameObject, color, time)); } return(null); }
public IEnumerator Pulsate_Coroutine() { var towns = townsPanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Image> ().Where(img => img.gameObject != townsPanel.gameObject); foreach (var town in towns) { if ( != "lost") { LeanTween.scale(town.gameObject, * 1.1f, 0.5f).setEasePunch(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.18f)); } } var cities = citiesPanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Image> ().Where(img => img.gameObject != citiesPanel.gameObject); foreach (var city in cities) { if ( != "lost") { LeanTween.scale(city.gameObject, * 1.15f, 0.5f).setEasePunch(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); } } if (results.Infections > 0) { LeanTween.textColor(infectionsPenaltyLabel.GetComponent <RectTransform> (),, 0.75f).setEaseInOutElastic(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.75f)); } }
void AfterTextFade(Text text) { if (fadeOutTime > 0) { LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, new Color(text.color.r, text.color.g, text.color.b, 0), fadeOutTime).setDelay(time - fadeOutTime - fadeInTime); } }
private void OnGameCompleted(float time) { GameManager.Instance.OnCompleted -= OnGameCompleted; // here we are stopping the clock flag, adding to the total time and resetting the challenge time. // stop clock and reset pModel.ClockIsStopped = true; // save current time to total time // The Challenge Time should get added up to the TotalChallengeTime // We should save the TotalChallengeTime and the current ChallengeIndex to the server. // If the user leaves early, we can load up the TotalChallengeTime and ChallengeIndex from the server to resume play pModel.SaveCurrentTotalTime(); // before we reset ChallengeTime, lets save it to CurrentCompletedChallengeTime // we will be using it to display the time in the Congratulations Screen pModel.CurrentCompletedChallengeTime = pModel.ChallengeTime; // now reset ChallengeTime to 0 pModel.ChallengeTime = 0; // transition out LeanTween.move(topHeaderBg, headerPanelFrom, .5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic); LeanTween.textColor(gameTimeText, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic); LeanTween.move(timeTopPanel, timePanelFrom, 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic); LeanTween.move(pauseButton, pauseButtonFrom, 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic); LeanTween.move(muteButton, muteButtonFrom, 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic); LeanTween.alpha(superTireSmallLogo, 0f, 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCubic).setOnComplete(GotoNextScreen); }
void Start() { // Time.timeScale = 1f/4f; // *********** Main Window ********** // Scale the whole window in mainWindow.localScale =; LeanTween.scale(mainWindow, new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), 0.6f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutBack); LeanTween.alphaCanvas(mainWindow.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(), 0f, 1f).setDelay(2f).setLoopPingPong().setRepeat(2); // Fade the main paragraph in while moving upwards mainParagraphText.anchoredPosition3D += new Vector3(0f, -10f, 0f); LeanTween.textAlpha(mainParagraphText, 0f, 0.6f).setFrom(0f).setDelay(0f); LeanTween.textAlpha(mainParagraphText, 1f, 0.6f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad).setDelay(0.6f); LeanTween.move(mainParagraphText, mainParagraphText.anchoredPosition3D + new Vector3(0f, 10f, 0f), 0.6f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad).setDelay(0.6f); // Flash text to purple and back LeanTween.textColor(mainTitleText, new Color(133f / 255f, 145f / 255f, 223f / 255f), 0.6f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad).setDelay(0.6f).setLoopPingPong().setRepeat(-1); // Fade button in LeanTween.textAlpha(mainButton2, 1f, 2f).setFrom(0f).setDelay(0f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad); LeanTween.alpha(mainButton2, 1f, 2f).setFrom(0f).setDelay(0f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad); // *********** Pause Button ********** // Drop pause button in pauseWindow.anchoredPosition3D += new Vector3(0f, 200f, 0f); LeanTween.moveY(pauseWindow, pauseWindow.anchoredPosition3D.y + -200f, 0.6f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine).setDelay(0.6f); // Punch Pause Symbol RectTransform pauseText = pauseWindow.Find("PauseText").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); LeanTween.moveZ(pauseText, pauseText.anchoredPosition3D.z - 80f, 1.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.punch).setDelay(2.0f); // Rotate rings around in opposite directions LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(pauseRing1, Vector3.forward, 360f, 12f).setRepeat(-1); LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(pauseRing2, Vector3.forward, -360f, 22f).setRepeat(-1); // *********** Chat Window ********** // Flip the chat window in chatWindow.RotateAround(chatWindow.position, Vector3.up, -180f); LeanTween.rotateAround(chatWindow, Vector3.up, 180f, 2f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutElastic).setDelay(1.2f); // Play a series of sprites on the window on repeat endlessly, chatSprites).setLoopPingPong(); // Animate the bar up and down while changing the color to red-ish LeanTween.color(chatBar2, new Color(248f / 255f, 67f / 255f, 108f / 255f, 0.5f), 1.2f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInQuad).setLoopPingPong().setDelay(1.2f); LeanTween.scale(chatBar2, new Vector2(1f, 0.7f), 1.2f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInQuad).setLoopPingPong(); // Write in paragraph text string origText = chatText.text; chatText.text = ""; LeanTween.value(gameObject, 0, (float)origText.Length, 6f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad).setOnUpdate((float val) => { chatText.text = origText.Substring(0, Mathf.RoundToInt(val)); }).setLoopClamp().setDelay(2.0f); }
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { //LeanTween.textColor(buttonText.rectTransform, Color.white, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); //LeanTween.color(myImage.rectTransform, Color.clear, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); LeanTween.textColor(buttonText.rectTransform, normalText, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); LeanTween.color(myImage.rectTransform, normalButton, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); }
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { //LeanTween.textColor(buttonText.rectTransform,, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); //LeanTween.color(myImage.rectTransform, Color.white, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); LeanTween.textColor(buttonText.rectTransform, highlightedText, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); LeanTween.color(myImage.rectTransform, highlightedButton, 0.15f).setIgnoreTimeScale(true); }
void OnCompleteTween() { score_manager.setScore(, killCount * Constants.REWARD_PER_KILL); animated_score.text = (killCount * Constants.REWARD_PER_KILL).ToString(); animated_score.color = Color.white; LeanTween.move(animated_score.GetComponent <RectTransform> (), new Vector2(2, Screen.height), 3); LeanTween.textColor(animated_score.GetComponent <RectTransform> (), Color.clear, 3); killCount = 0; }
public void UpdateTurnDisplay(float transitionDuration) { var nextPlayer = turnManager.NextPlayer; var targetTextColor = GetTextColorForPlayer(nextPlayer); var nextRound = turnManager.NextRound.ToString(); LeanTween.textColor(currentPlayerTextbox.rectTransform,, transitionDuration * 0.5f).setOnComplete(() => { currentTurnTextbox.text = string.Format("Round {0} of {1}", nextRound, turnManager.TotalRounds); currentPlayerTextbox.text = string.Format("{0}'s Turn", nextPlayer.ToString()); LeanTween.textColor(currentPlayerTextbox.rectTransform, targetTextColor, transitionDuration * 0.5f); }); }
private void ShowInfo(string msg) { info.GetComponent <Text>().text = msg; info.SetActive(true); LeanTween.delayedCall(info, 3.0f, () => { LeanTween.textColor(info.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), new Color(1, 0, 0, 0), 1).setOnComplete(() => { info.SetActive(false); info.GetComponent <Text>().color =; }); }); }
private void OnEnable() { timeToEnd = time; if (fade) { if (fadeInTime + fadeOutTime > time) { Debug.LogError(name + ": 'fadeInTime + fadeOutTime' can't be greater than time"); } else { Image image; Text text; if (TryGetComponent <Image>(out image)) { image.color = new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, 0); LeanTween.imageColor(image.rectTransform, new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, 1), fadeInTime).setOnComplete(() => AfterImageFade(image)); } else if (TryGetComponent <Text>(out text)) { text.color = new Color(text.color.r, text.color.g, text.color.b, 0); LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, new Color(text.color.r, text.color.g, text.color.b, 1), fadeInTime).setOnComplete(() => AfterTextFade(text)); } else { Debug.LogError("You can't use fade on this object: '" + name + "'"); } } } if (scale) { if (scaleInTime + scaleOutTime > time) { Debug.LogError(name + ": 'scaleInTime + scaleOutTime' can't be greater than time"); } else { transform.localScale = startScale; LeanTween.scale(gameObject, endScale, scaleInTime).setOnComplete(AfterScale); } } }
public override List <LTDescr> Animate(GameEvent gameEvent) { List <LTDescr> animations = new List <LTDescr>(); LTDescr scaleUp = LeanTween.scale( rectTrans: rect, to: new Vector3(1.1f, 1.1f, 1.1f), time: 0.1f); LTDescr scaleDown = LeanTween.scale( rectTrans: rect, to: new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), time: 0.2f) .setEaseOutBack() .PlayAfter(scaleUp) .SetCallEventOnComplete(new GameEvent() { eventType = GameEvent.EventEnum.ShowDeltaScores }); animations.Add(scaleUp); animations.Add(scaleDown); if (Background != null) { LTDescr backgroundChange = LeanTween.color( rectTrans: Background.rectTransform, to: backgroundRevealColor, time: 0.1f); animations.Add(backgroundChange); } if (Title != null) { LTDescr titleChange = LeanTween.textColor( rectTransform: Title.rectTransform, to: textRevealColor, time: 0.1f); animations.Add(titleChange); } return(animations); }
protected override void ApplyTween(GameObject go) { foreach (Image image in go.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>()) { if (duration == 0f) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = image.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; image.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: image.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alpha(image.rectTransform, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.color(image.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } foreach (Text text in go.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()) { if (duration == 0f) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = text.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; text.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: text.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.textAlpha(text.rectTransform, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } foreach (TextMesh textMesh in go.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMesh>()) { if (duration == 0f) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = textMesh.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; textMesh.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: textMesh.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alpha(go, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.color(go, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } }
protected override void ApplyTween(GameObject go) { var images = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(); for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { var image = images[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = image.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; image.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: image.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alpha(image.rectTransform, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.color(image.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } var texts = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); for (int i = 0; i < texts.Length; i++) { var text = texts[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = text.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; text.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: text.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.textAlpha(text.rectTransform, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } var textMeshes = go.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMesh>(); for (int i = 0; i < textMeshes.Length; i++) { var textMesh = textMeshes[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = textMesh.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; textMesh.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: textMesh.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alpha(go, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.color(go, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } }
public static LTDescr LTTextColor(this RectTransform rectTransform, Color to, float time) { return(LeanTween.textColor(rectTransform, to, time)); }
private void buildTween(LeanTweenItem item, float delayAdd, bool generateCode) { float delay = item.delay + delayAdd; bool code = generateCode; float d = item.duration; // Debug.Log("item:"+item.action); if (item.action == TweenAction.ALPHA) { tween = code ? append("alpha",, d) : LeanTween.alpha(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ALPHA_VERTEX) { tween = code ? append("alphaVertex",, d) : LeanTween.alphaVertex(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE) { tween = code ? append("move",, d) : LeanTween.move(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_LOCAL) { tween = code ? append("moveLocal",, d) : LeanTween.moveLocal(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_LOCAL_X) { tween = code ? append("moveLocalX",, d) : LeanTween.moveLocalX(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_LOCAL_Y) { tween = code ? append("moveLocalY",, d) : LeanTween.moveLocalY(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_LOCAL_Z) { tween = code ? append("moveLocalZ",, d) : LeanTween.moveLocalZ(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_X) { tween = code ? append("moveX",, d) : LeanTween.moveX(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_Y) { tween = code ? append("moveY",, d) : LeanTween.moveY(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_Z) { tween = code ? append("moveZ",, d) : LeanTween.moveZ(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_CURVED) { tween = code ? append("move", item.bezierPath ? item.bezierPath.vec3 : null, d) : LeanTween.move(gameObject, item.bezierPath.vec3, d); if (item.orientToPath) { if (code) { codeBuild.Append(".setOrientToPath(" + item.orientToPath + ")"); } else { tween.setOrientToPath(item.orientToPath); } } if (item.isPath2d) { if (code) { codeBuild.Append(".setOrientToPath2d(true)"); } else { tween.setOrientToPath2d(item.isPath2d); } } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_CURVED_LOCAL) { tween = code ? append("moveLocal", item.bezierPath ? item.bezierPath.vec3 : null, d) : LeanTween.moveLocal(gameObject, item.bezierPath.vec3, d); if (item.orientToPath) { if (code) { codeBuild.Append(".setOrientToPath(" + item.orientToPath + ")"); } else { tween.setOrientToPath(item.orientToPath); } } if (item.isPath2d) { if (code) { codeBuild.Append(".setOrientToPath2d(true)"); } else { tween.setOrientToPath2d(item.isPath2d); } } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.MOVE_SPLINE) { tween = code ? append("moveSpline", item.splinePath ? item.splinePath.splineVector() : null, d) : LeanTween.moveSpline(gameObject, item.splinePath.splineVector(), d); if (item.orientToPath) { if (code) { codeBuild.Append(".setOrientToPath(" + item.orientToPath + ")"); } else { tween.setOrientToPath(item.orientToPath); } } if (item.isPath2d) { if (code) { codeBuild.Append(".setOrientToPath2d(true)"); } else { tween.setOrientToPath2d(item.isPath2d); } } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE) { tween = code ? append("rotate",, d) : LeanTween.rotate(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE_AROUND) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(tabs + "LeanTween.rotateAround(gameObject, " + vecToStr(item.axis) + ", " + + "f , " + d + "f)"); } else { tween = LeanTween.rotateAround(gameObject, item.axis,, d); } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE_AROUND_LOCAL) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(tabs + "LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(gameObject, " + vecToStr(item.axis) + ", " + + "f , " + d + "f)"); } else { tween = LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(gameObject, item.axis,, d); } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE_LOCAL) { tween = code ? append("rotateLocal",, d) : LeanTween.rotateLocal(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE_X) { tween = code ? append("rotateX",, d) : LeanTween.rotateX(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE_Y) { tween = code ? append("rotateY",, d) : LeanTween.rotateY(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.ROTATE_Z) { tween = code ? append("rotateZ",, d) : LeanTween.rotateZ(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.SCALE) { tween = code ? append("scale",, d) : LeanTween.scale(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.SCALE_X) { tween = code ? append("scaleX",, d) : LeanTween.scaleX(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.SCALE_Y) { tween = code ? append("scaleY",, d) : LeanTween.scaleY(gameObject,, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.SCALE_Z) { tween = code ? append("scaleZ",, d) : LeanTween.scaleZ(gameObject,, d); } #if !UNITY_4_3 && !UNITY_4_5 else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_MOVE) { tween = code ? appendRect("move",, d) : LeanTween.move(GetComponent <RectTransform>(),, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_SCALE) { tween = code ? appendRect("scale",, d) : LeanTween.scale(GetComponent <RectTransform>(),, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_ROTATEAROUND) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(tabs + "LeanTween.rotateAround(rectTransform, " + vecToStr(item.axis) + ", " + + "f , " + d + "f)"); } else { tween = LeanTween.rotateAround(GetComponent <RectTransform>(), item.axis,, d); } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_ROTATEAROUND_LOCAL) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(tabs + "LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(rectTransform, " + vecToStr(item.axis) + ", " + + "f , " + d + "f)"); } else { tween = LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(GetComponent <RectTransform>(), item.axis,, d); } } else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_ALPHA) { tween = code ? appendRect("alpha",, d) : LeanTween.alpha(GetComponent <RectTransform>(),, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_COLOR) { tween = code ? appendRect("color", item.colorTo, d) : LeanTween.color(GetComponent <RectTransform>(), item.colorTo, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.TEXT_ALPHA) { tween = code ? appendRect("textAlpha",, d) : LeanTween.textAlpha(GetComponent <RectTransform>(),, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.TEXT_COLOR) { tween = code ? appendRect("textColor", item.colorTo, d) : LeanTween.textColor(GetComponent <RectTransform>(), item.colorTo, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.CANVAS_PLAYSPRITE) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(tabs + ", sprites).setFrameRate(" + item.frameRate + "f)"); } else { tween = <RectTransform>(), item.sprites).setFrameRate(item.frameRate); } } #endif else if (item.action == TweenAction.COLOR) { tween = code ? append("color", item.colorTo, d) : LeanTween.color(gameObject, item.colorTo, d); } else if (item.action == TweenAction.DELAYED_SOUND) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(tabs + "LeanTween.delayedSound(gameObject, passAudioClipHere, " + vecToStr(item.from) + ", " + d + "f)"); } else { tween = LeanTween.delayedSound(gameObject, item.audioClip, item.from, item.duration); } } else { tween = null; Debug.Log("The tween '" + item.action.ToString() + "' has not been implemented. info item:" + item); return; } // Append Extras if (generateCode) { if (delay > 0f) { codeBuild.Append(".setDelay(" + delay + "f)"); } } else { tween = tween.setDelay(delay); } if (item.ease == LeanTweenType.animationCurve) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(".setEase("); append(item.animationCurve); codeBuild.Append(")"); } else { tween.setEase(item.animationCurve); } } else { if (generateCode) { if (item.ease != LeanTweenType.linear) { codeBuild.Append(".setEase(LeanTweenType." + item.ease + ")"); } } else { tween.setEase(item.ease); } } // Debug.Log("curve:"+item.animationCurve+" item.ease:"+item.ease); if (item.between == LeanTweenBetween.FromTo) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(".setFrom(" + item.from + ")"); } else { tween.setFrom(item.from); } } if (item.doesLoop) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(".setRepeat(" + item.loopCount + ")"); } else { tween.setRepeat(item.loopCount); } if (item.loopType == LeanTweenType.pingPong) { if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(".setLoopPingPong()"); } else { tween.setLoopPingPong(); } } } if (generateCode) { codeBuild.Append(";\n"); } }
private IEnumerator HideText(Text text) { yield return(WaitSecondsPause(.2f)); LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, Color.clear, .15f); }
protected override void ApplyTween(GameObject go) { var images = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(); for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { var image = images[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = image.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; image.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: image.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alpha(image.rectTransform, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.color(image.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } var texts = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); for (int i = 0; i < texts.Length; i++) { var text = texts[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = text.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; text.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: text.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.textAlpha(text.rectTransform, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } var textMeshes = go.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMesh>(); for (int i = 0; i < textMeshes.Length; i++) { var textMesh = textMeshes[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = textMesh.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; textMesh.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: textMesh.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alpha(go, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.color(go, targetColor, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER var tmpros = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); for (int i = 0; i < tmpros.Length; i++) { var tmpro = tmpros[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: Color tempColor = tmpro.color; tempColor.a = targetAlpha; tmpro.color = tempColor; break; case FadeMode.Color: tmpro.color = targetColor; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.value(tmpro.gameObject, tmpro.color.a, targetAlpha.Value, duration) .setEase(tweenType) .setOnUpdate((float alphaValue) => { Color tempColor = tmpro.color; tempColor.a = alphaValue; tmpro.color = tempColor; }); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.value(tmpro.gameObject, tmpro.color, targetColor.Value, duration) .setEase(tweenType) .setOnUpdate((Color colorValue) => { tmpro.color = colorValue; }); break; } } } #endif //canvas groups don't support color but we can anim the alpha IN the color var canvasGroups = go.GetComponentsInChildren <CanvasGroup>(); for (int i = 0; i < canvasGroups.Length; i++) { var canvasGroup = canvasGroups[i]; if (Mathf.Approximately(duration, 0f)) { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: canvasGroup.alpha = targetAlpha.Value; break; case FadeMode.Color: canvasGroup.alpha = targetColor.Value.a; break; } } else { switch (fadeMode) { case FadeMode.Alpha: LeanTween.alphaCanvas(canvasGroup, targetAlpha, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; case FadeMode.Color: LeanTween.alphaCanvas(canvasGroup, targetColor.Value.a, duration).setEase(tweenType); break; } } } }
void Start() { LeanTween.textColor(text.rectTransform, new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f), 1).setLoopPingPong(); }