public async Task GetRecentMatchesAsync([Remainder] string summonerName)
            summonerName = FirstLetterToUpper(summonerName); // We normalize the name to account for any capitlizations
            var matches = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetRecentGamesAsync(summonerName));

            if (matches != null)
                var counter           = 0;
                var recentGamesString = "";
                foreach (var match in matches.Matches)
                    var champ = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetChampionInfoAsync((int)match.ChampionID))

                    var matchInfo = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetMatchInfo(match.GameId));

                    var time         = matchInfo.GameDuration;
                    var matchDetails = LeagueofLegends.GetMatchInfo(matchInfo.GameId);
                    var result       = matchDetails.Result;
                    recentGamesString +=
                            $"Game: {counter}{Environment.NewLine}Game ID: {match.GameId}{Environment.NewLine}Game Mode: {matchInfo.GameMode}{Environment.NewLine}Lane: {match.Lane.ToString()}{Environment.NewLine}Role: {match.Role}{Environment.NewLine}Season: {FormatSeason(matchInfo.SeasonId)}{Environment.NewLine}Champion: {champ.Name}{Environment.NewLine}Game Length: {ConvertTime(time)}") +

                await ReplyAsync($"Last 5 games:{Environment.NewLine}" + recentGamesString);
                await ReplyAsync("There was an error retrieving recent games. The error has been logged.");
        public async Task GetSummonerStatsAsync(params string[] summonerName)
            foreach (var summonerRef in summonerName)
                var summonerRefNormalized =
                    FirstLetterToUpper(summonerRef); // We normalize the name to account for any capitlizations
                var summoner = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetSummonerAsync(summonerRefNormalized));

                //var champ = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetSummonerLeagueStatsAsync(summoner));
                if (summoner != null) //&& champ != null)
                    var id    = summoner.Id;
                    var level = summoner.Level;
                    await ReplyAsync(
                            $@"Summoner: {summoner.Name}{Environment.NewLine}Summer id: {id.ToString()}{
                                }Summoner level: {level.ToString()}"));
                    await ReplyAsync($"Could not retrieve info about {summonerRef}.");
        public async Task GetDetailedMatchInfoAsync([Remainder] string summonerName)
            var normalizedSummonerName = FirstLetterToUpper(summonerName);

                var match = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetMostRecentGame(normalizedSummonerName));
                await GetMatchInfoAsync(match.GameId);
            catch (Exception)
                await ReplyAsync(
                    "There was an error generating the image or getting the recent match. The error was logged.");
        public async Task GetMostRecentMatchAsync([Remainder] string summonerName)
            var         normalizedSummonerName = FirstLetterToUpper(summonerName);
            MatchExtend matchEx;
            Summoner    summoner;
            long        accountId;

                var match = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetMostRecentGame(normalizedSummonerName));

                matchEx  = new MatchExtend(match);
                summoner = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetSummonerAsync(normalizedSummonerName));

                accountId = summoner.AccountId;
            catch (Exception)
                await ReplyAsync(
                    $"There was an error retrieving recent match for {summonerName}. The error has been logged.");


            if (matchEx != null)
                var shamefulString    = "";
                var worstPlayerString = "";
                var reasonWeLost      = "";

                foreach (var participant in matchEx.Match.ParticipantIdentities)
                    foreach (var person in matchEx.Match.Participants)
                        if (person.ParticipantId == participant.ParticipantId && participant.Player.AccountId == accountId)
                            var name        = participant.Player.SummonerName;
                            var highestTier = person.HighestAchievedSeasonTier;
                            var lane        = person.Timeline.Lane;
                            var role        = person.Timeline.Role;
                            var assists     = person.Stats.Assists;
                            var kills       = person.Stats.Kills;
                            var deaths      = person.Stats.Deaths;
                            var damageDealt = person.Stats.TotalDamageDealtToChampions;
                            var damageTaken = person.Stats.TotalDamageTaken;
                            var healed      = person.Stats.TotalHeal;
                            var champ       = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetChampionInfoAsync(person.ChampionId));

                            var time       = matchEx.Match.GameDuration;
                            var outcome    = person.Stats.Winner;
                            var champLevel = person.Stats.ChampLevel;

                            var playerTeam = matchEx.Teams.First(x => x.Stats.TeamId == person.TeamId);

                            worstPlayerString =
                                $"{playerTeam.WorstParticipant.SummonerName} was the worst player on the team.";

                            shamefulString +=
                                $"Game ID: {matchEx.Match.GameId}{Environment.NewLine}Name: {name}{Environment.NewLine}Game Mode: {matchEx.Match.GameMode}{Environment.NewLine}Lane: {lane}{Environment.NewLine}Role: {role}{Environment.NewLine}Champion: {champ.Name}{Environment.NewLine}Champ Level: {champLevel}{Environment.NewLine}Game Length: {ConvertTime(time)}{Environment.NewLine}KDA: {kills}/{deaths}/{assists}{Environment.NewLine}Highest Rank (at the end of a season): {highestTier}{Environment.NewLine}Damage Dealt: {damageDealt.ToString("N0")}{Environment.NewLine}Damage Taken: {damageTaken.ToString("N0")}";

                            //!outcome = the player lost their game
                            if (damageTaken > damageDealt && !outcome && deaths >= kills + 3 && !role.Contains("SUPPORT"))
                                reasonWeLost = $"{name} is the reason we lost.";
                            else if (healed < damageTaken && !outcome && deaths >= kills + 6 && assists <= kills + deaths &&
                                reasonWeLost = $"{name} is the reason we lost.";

                await ReplyAsync($"Most recent game:{Environment.NewLine}" + Format.Code(shamefulString) +
                                 Environment.NewLine + reasonWeLost + Environment.NewLine + worstPlayerString);
                await ReplyAsync("There was an error retrieving recent games. The error has been logged.");
        public async Task GetMatchInfoAsync([Remainder] long gameId)
            var match = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetMatchInfo(gameId));

            var matchEx = new MatchExtend(match);
            var header  = string.Format("{0,-25} {1,-15} {2,-8} {3,-15} {4,-13} {5,-15} {6,-15}", "Name:",
                                        "Highest Tier:", "Lane:", "Role:", "KDA:", "Damage Dealt:", "Damage Taken:");
            var playerStrings = new List <string>();
            var titles        = new List <string>();

            if (match != null)
                foreach (var team in matchEx.Teams)
                    var didTeamWin = team.Stats.Win;
                    var towerKills = team.Stats.TowerKills;
                    var firstBlood = team.Stats.FirstBlood;

                    foreach (var person in team.Participants)
                        var name        = person.SummonerName;
                        var highestTier = person.Participant.HighestAchievedSeasonTier;
                        var timeLine    = person.Participant.Timeline;
                        var matchRef    = await Task.Run(() =>

                        var lane        = matchRef.Lane;
                        var role        = matchRef.Role;
                        var assists     = person.Participant.Stats.Assists;
                        var kills       = person.Participant.Stats.Kills;
                        var deaths      = person.Participant.Stats.Deaths;
                        var damageDealt = string.Format("{0:n0}", person.Participant.Stats.TotalDamageDealtToChampions);
                        var damageTaken = string.Format("{0:n0}", person.Participant.Stats.TotalDamageTaken);
                        var healed      = person.Participant.Stats.TotalHeal;
                        //var champ = await Task.Run(() => LeagueofLegends.GetChampionInfo((int) person.ChampionId));

                        playerStrings.Add(string.Format("{0,-25} {1,-15} {2,-8} {3,-15} {4,-13} {5,-15} {6,-15} {7}",
                                                        name, highestTier, lane.ToString(), role.ToString(), assists + "/" + kills + "/" + deaths,
                                                        damageDealt, damageTaken, Environment.NewLine));

                        $"Team {team.Stats.TeamId / 100}  Outcome: {(didTeamWin == "Win" ? "Victory" : "Defeat")}    Towers Killed: {towerKills}    First Blood? {(firstBlood ? "Yes" : "No")}");

                string team1;
                string team2;

                if (playerStrings.Count == 10)
                    team1 = string.Join(string.Empty, playerStrings.GetRange(0, 5));
                    team2 = string.Join(string.Empty, playerStrings.GetRange(5, 5));

                else if (playerStrings.Count == 6)
                    team1 = string.Join(string.Empty, playerStrings.GetRange(0, 3));
                    team2 = string.Join(string.Empty, playerStrings.GetRange(3, 3));
                    team1 = string.Join(string.Empty, playerStrings.GetRange(0, 5));
                    team2 = string.Join(string.Empty, playerStrings.GetRange(5, 5));

                var team1Header = titles[0] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + header + Environment.NewLine;
                var team2Header = titles[1] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + header + Environment.NewLine;
                var body        = team1Header + team1 + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                  team2Header + team2;

                    var fileName      = $"{matchEx.Match.GameId.ToString()}";
                    var imageLocation = ImageService.CreateTextImage(body, fileName);
                    await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(imageLocation);
                catch (Exception)
                    await ReplyAsync("There was an error generating the image for the data. The error was logged.");
                await ReplyAsync("There was an error retrieving recent games. The error has been logged.");