 /// <summary>
 /// Internal method triggering the SteamLeaderboardsUI.OnEntryDataSet event with exception handling. Required to ensure code execution even if your code throws exceptions.
 /// </summary>
 public void InvokeOnEntryDataSet(LeaderboardsScoreEntry p_entryData, SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode p_entryUI)
     InvokeEventHandlerSafely(OnEntryDataSet, new SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode.EntryDataSetEventArgs()
         EntryData = p_entryData, EntryUI = p_entryUI
 private void OnDownloadLeaderboardEntriesCallCompleted(string p_leaderboardName, LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t p_callback, bool p_bIOFailure)
     if (CheckAndLogResult <LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t, LeaderboardsDownloadedScoresEventArgs>("OnDownloadLeaderboardEntriesCallCompleted", EResult.k_EResultOK, p_bIOFailure, "OnDownloadedScores", ref OnDownloadedScores))
         if (OnDownloadedScores != null)
             lock (m_lock)
                 // get score list
                 m_scoresLeaderboardName = p_leaderboardName;
                 for (int i = 0; i < p_callback.m_cEntryCount; i++)
                     LeaderboardEntry_t entry;
                     int[] details = new int[Mathf.Max(0, m_scoreDownloadDetailsLength)];
                     if (SteamUserStats.GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry(p_callback.m_hSteamLeaderboardEntries, i, out entry, details, details.Length))
                         if (SteamFriends.RequestUserInformation(entry.m_steamIDUser, true))                                 // request name only, avatars will be requested if needed with GetAvatarTexture
                         int[] detailsDownloaded = new int[Mathf.Min(details.Length, entry.m_cDetails)];
                         System.Array.Copy(details, detailsDownloaded, detailsDownloaded.Length);
                         string userName = SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(entry.m_steamIDUser);
                         ELeaderboardDisplayType scoreType   = SteamUserStats.GetLeaderboardDisplayType(p_callback.m_hSteamLeaderboard);
                         LeaderboardsScoreEntry  parsedEntry = new LeaderboardsScoreEntry()
                             LeaderboardName        = p_leaderboardName,
                             UserName               = userName,
                             GlobalRank             = entry.m_nGlobalRank,
                             Score                  = entry.m_nScore,
                             ScoreString            = FormatScore(entry.m_nScore, scoreType),
                             ScoreType              = scoreType,
                             DetailsAvailableLength = entry.m_cDetails,
                             DetailsDownloaded      = detailsDownloaded,
                             IsCurrentUserScore     = entry.m_steamIDUser == SteamUser.GetSteamID(),
                             SteamNative            = new LeaderboardsScoreEntry.SteamNativeData(p_callback.m_hSteamLeaderboard, entry.m_hUGC, entry.m_steamIDUser)
             // inform listeners
             if (m_scoresMissingUserNames.Count == 0)
                 InvokeEventHandlerSafely(OnDownloadedScores, new LeaderboardsDownloadedScoresEventArgs(p_leaderboardName, new List <LeaderboardsScoreEntry>(m_scores)));
                 ClearSingleShotEventHandlers("OnDownloadedScores", ref OnDownloadedScores);
             else if (IsDebugLogEnabled)
                 Debug.Log("OnDownloadLeaderboardEntriesCallCompleted: missing user names count: '" + m_scoresMissingUserNames.Count + "'");
 private void OnDownloadedScores(LapinerTools.Steam.Data.LeaderboardsDownloadedScoresEventArgs p_leaderboardArgs)
     foreach (LeaderboardsScoreEntry scoreEntry in p_leaderboardArgs.Scores)
         if (scoreEntry.IsCurrentUserScore)
             // save users score entry (will be used to see additional entry data)
             m_userScore = scoreEntry;
        protected virtual IEnumerator LoadAvatarTexture(LeaderboardsScoreEntry p_entry)
            // if the user of this score has no avatar image set, then do nothing
            bool isAvatarLoaded = !SteamLeaderboardsMain.Instance.IsAvatarTextureSet(p_entry);

            while (!isAvatarLoaded)
                if (m_avatarTexture != null)
                // Steam will load the avatar image asynchronously -> check if it is already loaded and repeat later if it is not yet available
                m_avatarTexture = SteamLeaderboardsMain.Instance.GetAvatarTexture(p_entry);
                if (m_avatarTexture != null)
                    isAvatarLoaded = true;
                    if (m_image != null)                     // might have been destroyed in the meantime -> check again
                        m_image.texture = m_avatarTexture;
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.35f));
 /// <summary>
 /// If Steam has already downloaded the user's avatar, then it will be returned as Texture2D.
 /// Otherwise, will return null if the user has no avatar image at all or the image is still loading.
 /// Will start the download of the user's avatar if Steam is not yet loading it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>if Steam has already downloaded the user's avatar, then it will be returned as Texture2D; otherwise, will return null if the user has no avatar image at all or the image is still loading.</returns>
 /// <param name="p_scoreEntry">score entry of the user to look for.</param>
 public Texture2D GetAvatarTexture(LeaderboardsScoreEntry p_scoreEntry)
 /// <summary>
 /// Most users who didn't set their avatar have a question mark as their avatar texture.
 /// However, Steam allows to check if there is no texture set at all, which will probably never happen.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the user of the given score entry has a custom avatar image or uses the default question mark texture as avatar; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
 /// <param name="p_scoreEntry">score entry of the user to look for.</param>
 public bool IsAvatarTextureSet(LeaderboardsScoreEntry p_scoreEntry)