        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the NET-Mass Warping; Sets up the mass calibration settings from the options,
        /// performs NET warping, calibrates matches based on the NETWarp results, recalibrates the mass
        /// tolerance and then performs Warping again using the mass and Net scores
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        private void PerformNetMassWarp(IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var progData = new ProgressData(progress);
            var prog     = new Progress <ProgressData>(p => progData.Report(p.Percent, p.Status));

            OnProgress("LCMSWarp phase one", 0);
            progData.StepRange(50, "LCMSWarp phase one");

            // First, perform the net calibration using a mass tolerance of the same size as the mass window
            // and then perform the net calibration again using the appropriate mass tolerance
            var massTolerance = _lcmsWarp.MassTolerance;

            _lcmsWarp.MassTolerance = _lcmsWarp.MassCalibrationWindow;

            PerformNetWarp(0, 50, prog);

            OnProgress("Calibrating mass", 50);
            progData.StepRange(60, "Calibrating mass");


            OnProgress("LCMSWarp phase two", 60);
            progData.StepRange(100, "LCMSWarp phase two");

            _lcmsWarp.MassTolerance = massTolerance;

            PerformNetWarp(60, 100, prog);

            OnProgress("Complete", 100);
            progData.Report(100, "Complete");
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the NET-Mass Warping; Sets up the mass calibration settings from the options,
        /// performs NET warping, calibrates matches based on the NETWarp results, recalibrates the mass
        /// tolerance and then performs Warping again using the mass and Net scores
        /// </summary>
        private void PerformNetMassWarp()
            OnProgress("LCMSWarp phase one", 0);

            // First, perform the net calibration using a mass tolerance of the same size as the mass window
            // and then perform the net calibration again using the appropriate mass tolerance
            var massTolerance = m_lcmsWarp.MassTolerance;

            m_lcmsWarp.MassTolerance = m_lcmsWarp.MassCalibrationWindow;

            PerformNetWarp(m_progress, 50);

            OnProgress("Calibrating mass", 50);


            OnProgress("LCMSWarp phase two", 60);

            m_lcmsWarp.MassTolerance = massTolerance;

            PerformNetWarp(m_progress, 100);

            OnProgress("Complete", 100);