private void RecycleCandidate( UIElement container )
        int realizedIndex;
        if( !m_oldLayoutedContainers.TryGetValue( container, out realizedIndex ) )

        m_oldLayoutedContainers.Remove( container );

        var containerInfo = new LayoutedContainerInfo( realizedIndex, container );

        // Keep the focused container active by putting it in the layouted containers collection.
        if( container == m_focusedContainer )
          m_newLayoutedContainers.Add( containerInfo );
          m_itemsHost.RecycleContainer( m_generator, containerInfo );
    private void RecycleContainer( ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator, LayoutedContainerInfo containerInfo )
      Debug.Assert( containerInfo != null );

      var index = containerInfo.RealizedIndex;
      if( ( generator != null ) && ( index >= 0 ) )
          var position = generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( index );
          generator.Remove( position, 1 );
          Debug.Fail( "Unable to remove container for containerIndex " + index );

      this.ClearContainer( containerInfo.Container );
      protected LayoutedContainerInfo CreateContainer( int realizedIndex )
        if( ( realizedIndex < 0 ) || ( realizedIndex >= m_itemCount ) )
          return null;

        this.RecycleCandidates( realizedIndex );

        var position = m_generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( realizedIndex );
        using( m_generator.StartAt( position, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true ) )
          var container = m_itemsHost.GenerateContainer( m_generator, realizedIndex, m_forceMeasure );
          if( container == null )
            return null;

          m_remainingViewportHeight -= container.DesiredSize.Height;
          m_oldLayoutedContainers.Remove( container );

          var containerInfo = new LayoutedContainerInfo( realizedIndex, container );
          m_newLayoutedContainers.Add( containerInfo );

          return containerInfo;