        protected override void OnStart(AppHost host)
            _vgVisualDocHost = new VgVisualDocHost();
            _vgVisualDocHost.SetInvalidateDelegate(vgElem =>
                //invalidate graphic here

            _backBoard           = new BackDrawBoardUI(800, 600);
            _backBoard.BackColor = Color.White;

            //load lion svg

            string svgfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Svg/others/tiger.svg";
            //string svgfile = "1f30b.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Data/Svg/twemoji/1f30b.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Data/1f30b.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Data/Svg/twemoji/1f370.svg";

            VgVisualDoc     vgDocRoot = ReadSvgFile(svgfile);
            VgVisualElement vgVisElem = vgDocRoot.VgRootElem;
            var             uiSprite  = new UISprite(10, 10);


            _redBox           = new LayoutFarm.CustomWidgets.Box(50, 50); //visual rect box
            _redBox.BackColor = Color.Red;
            _redBox.SetLocation(10, 10);
            //box1.dbugTag = 1;

            _rectBoxController = new CustomWidgets.RectBoxController();

            //foreach (var ui in rectBoxController.GetControllerIter())
            //    viewport.AddContent(ui);

            var svgEvListener = new GeneralEventListener();

            svgEvListener.MouseDown += (e) =>
                //e.MouseCursorStyle = MouseCursorStyle.Pointer;
                //System.Console.WriteLine("click :" + (count++));
            _rectBoxController.ControllerBoxMain.KeyDown += (s1, e1) =>
                if (e1.KeyCode == UIKeys.C && e1.Ctrl)
                    //test copy back image buffer from current rect area

                    //int left = rectBoxController.ControllerBoxMain.Left;
                    //int top = rectBoxController.ControllerBoxMain.Top;
                    //int width = rectBoxController.ControllerBoxMain.Width;
                    //int height = rectBoxController.ControllerBoxMain.Height;

                    //using (DrawBoard drawBoard = DrawBoardCreator.CreateNewDrawBoard(1, width, height))

                    //    //create new draw board
                    //    drawBoard.OffsetCanvasOrigin(left, top);
                    //    _backBoard.CurrentPrimaryRenderElement.CustomDrawToThisCanvas(drawBoard, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));
                    //    using (var img2 = new PixelFarm.CpuBlit.ActualBitmap(width, height))
                    //    {
                    //        //copy content from drawboard to target image and save
                    //        drawBoard.RenderTo(img2, 0, 0, width, height);

                    //        PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.PngImageWriter.SaveImgBufferToPngFile(
                    //            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.ActualBitmap.GetBufferPtr(img2),
                    //            img2.Stride,
                    //            img2.Width,
                    //            img2.Height,
                    //            "d:\\WImageTest\\tiger.png");
                    //    }
                    //    //copy content from drawboard to target image and save