 public void AlignedVerticallyLeft_WhenDesktopWindowsSize_414_736_Chrome()
 => LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyLeft(_free, _pro, _enterprise);
        public void TestPageLayout()

            Select sortDropDown       = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByNameEndingWith <Select>("orderby");
            Anchor protonRocketAnchor = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("href", "/proton-rocket/");
            Anchor protonMAnchor      = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("href", "/proton-m/");
            Anchor saturnVAnchor      = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("href", "/saturn-v/");
            Anchor falconHeavyAnchor  = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("href", "/falcon-heavy/");
            Anchor falcon9Anchor      = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("href", "/falcon-9/");
            Div    saturnVRating      = saturnVAnchor.CreateByClassContaining <Div>("star-rating");

            // 2. Depending on what you want to check, BELLATRIX gives lots of options. You can test px perfect or just that some element is below another.
            // Check that the popularity sort dropdown is above the proton rocket image.

            // 3. Assert with the exact distance between them.
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOf(protonRocketAnchor, 41);

            // All layout assertion methods throw LayoutAssertFailedException if the check is not successful with beatified troubleshooting message:
            // ########################################
            //             control (Name ending with orderby) should be 41 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/) but was 42 px.
            // ########################################

            // 4. For each available method you have variations of it such as, >, >=, <, <=, between and approximate to some expected value by specified %.
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOfGreaterThan(protonRocketAnchor, 40);
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOfGreaterThanOrEqual(protonRocketAnchor, 41);
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOfLessThan(protonRocketAnchor, 50);
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOfLessThanOrEqual(protonRocketAnchor, 43);

            // 5. All assertions have alternative names containing the word 'Near'. We added them to make your tests more readable depending on your preference.
            sortDropDown.AssertNearTopOfGreaterThan(protonRocketAnchor, 40);
            sortDropDown.AssertNearTopOfGreaterThanOrEqual(protonRocketAnchor, 41);
            sortDropDown.AssertNearTopOfLessThan(protonRocketAnchor, 50);
            sortDropDown.AssertNearTopOfLessThanOrEqual(protonRocketAnchor, 43);

            // The expected distance is ~40px with 10% tolerance
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOfApproximate(protonRocketAnchor, 40, percent: 10);

            // The expected px distance is between 30 and 50 px
            sortDropDown.AssertAboveOfBetween(protonRocketAnchor, 30, 50);

            // 6. You can assert the position of elements again each other in all directions- above, below, right, left, top right, top left, below left, below right
            // Assert that the sort dropdown is positioned near the top right of the Saturn B link.

            // 7. You can tests whether different web elements are aligned correctly.
            ////LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyAll(protonRocketAnchor, protonMAnchor);

            // 8. You can pass as many elements as you like.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyTop(protonRocketAnchor, protonMAnchor, saturnVAnchor);
            ////LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyCentered(protonRocketAnchor, protonMAnchor, saturnVAnchor);
            ////LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyBottom(protonRocketAnchor, protonMAnchor, saturnVAnchor);

            // 9. You can check vertical alignment as well.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyAll(falcon9Anchor, falconHeavyAnchor);

            // Assert that the elements are aligned vertically only from the left side.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyLeft(falcon9Anchor, falconHeavyAnchor);
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyCentered(falcon9Anchor, falconHeavyAnchor);
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyRight(falcon9Anchor, falconHeavyAnchor);

            // 10. You can check that some element is inside in another.
            // Assert that the rating div is present in the Saturn V anchor.

            // 11. Verify the height and width of elements.
            saturnVRating.AssertWidthBetween(50, 70);

            // 12. You can use for all layout assertions the special web elements- Viewport and Screen.
            // Screen - represents the whole page area inside browser even that which is not visible.
            // Viewport - it takes the browsers client window.
            // It is useful if you want to check some fixed element on the screen which sticks to viewport even when you scroll.

            // 13. All layout assertion methods have full BDD logging support. Below you can find the generated BDD log.
            // Of course if you use BELLATRIX page objects the log looks even better as mentioned in previous chapters.
            //  Start Test
            //  Class = LayoutTestingTests Name = TestPageLayout
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is 42 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is >40 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is >=41 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is <50 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is <=43 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is >40 px near top of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is >=41 px near top of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is <50 px near top of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is <=43 px near top of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is 40 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/). (10% tolerance)
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is 30-50 px above of control (href = /proton-rocket/).
            //  Assert control (href = /saturn-v/) is near bottom of control (Name ending with orderby).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is near right of control (href = /saturn-v/).
            //  Assert control (Name ending with orderby) is near top of control (href = /saturn-v/).
            //  Assert control (href = /saturn-v/) is near left of control (Name ending with orderby).
            //  Assert control (Class = star-rating) is left inside of control (href = /saturn-v/).
            //  Assert control (Class = star-rating) is right inside of control (href = /saturn-v/).
            //  Assert control (Class = star-rating) is top inside of control (href = /saturn-v/).
            //  Assert control (Class = star-rating) is bottom inside of control (href = /saturn-v/).
            //  Assert control (Class = star-rating) height is <100 px.
            //  Assert control (Class = star-rating) width is 50-70 px.
        public void TestPageLayout()
            var button         = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByIdContaining <Button>("button");
            var secondButton   = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByIdContaining <Button>("button_disabled");
            var checkBox       = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByIdContaining <CheckBox>("check1");
            var secondCheckBox = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByIdContaining <CheckBox>("check2");
            var mainElement    = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <Element>("android:id/content");

            // 2. Depending on what you want to check, BELLATRIX gives lots of options. You can test px perfect or just that some element is below another.
            // Check that the button is above the checkbox.

            // 3. Assert with the exact distance between them.
            button.AssertAboveOf(checkBox, 105);

            // All layout assertion methods throw LayoutAssertFailedException if the check is not successful with beautified troubleshooting message:
            // ########################################
            //             control (ID = button) should be 41 px above of control (ID = check1) but was 105 px.
            // ########################################

            // 4. For each available method you have variations of it such as, >, >=, <, <=, between and approximate to some expected value by specified %.
            button.AssertAboveOfGreaterThan(checkBox, 100);
            button.AssertAboveOfGreaterThanOrEqual(checkBox, 105);
            button.AssertAboveOfLessThan(checkBox, 110);
            button.AssertAboveOfLessThanOrEqual(checkBox, 105);

            // 5. All assertions have alternative names containing the word 'Near'. We added them to make your tests more readable depending on your preference.
            button.AssertNearTopOfGreaterThan(checkBox, 100);
            button.AssertNearTopOfGreaterThanOrEqual(checkBox, 105);
            button.AssertNearTopOfLessThan(checkBox, 106);
            button.AssertNearTopOfLessThanOrEqual(checkBox, 105);

            // The expected distance is ~40px with 10% tolerance
            button.AssertAboveOfApproximate(checkBox, 104, percent: 10);

            // The expected px distance is between 30 and 50 px
            button.AssertAboveOfBetween(checkBox, 100, 120);

            // 6. You can assert the position of elements again each other in all directions- above, below, right, left, top right, top left, below left, below right
            // Assert that the checkbox is positioned near the top right of the button.

            // 7. You can tests whether different Android elements are aligned correctly.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyAll(button, secondButton);

            // 8. You can pass as many elements as you like.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyTop(button, secondButton);
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyCentered(button, secondButton, secondButton);
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyBottom(button, secondButton, secondButton);

            // 9. You can check vertical alignment as well.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyAll(secondCheckBox, checkBox);

            // Assert that the elements are aligned vertically only from the left side.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyLeft(secondCheckBox, checkBox);
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyCentered(secondCheckBox, checkBox);
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyRight(secondCheckBox, checkBox);

            // 10. You can check that some element is inside in another.
            // Assert that the button is present in the main view element.

            // 11. Verify the height and width of elements.
            button.AssertWidthBetween(50, 80);

            // 13. All layout assertion methods have full BDD logging support. Below you can find the generated BDD log.
            // Of course if you use BELLATRIX page objects the log looks even better as mentioned in previous chapters.
            //  Start Test
            //  Class = LayoutTestingTests Name = TestPageLayout
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is 105 px above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is > 100 px above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is >= 105 px above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is < 110 px above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is <= 105 px above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is > 100 px near top of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is >= 105 px near top of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is < 106 px near top of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is <= 105 px near top of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is 104 px above of control(ID = check1). (10 % tolerance)
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is 100 - 120 px above of control(ID = check1).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is left inside of control(ID = android:id / content).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is right inside of control(ID = android:id / content).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is top inside of control(ID = android:id / content).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) is bottom inside of control(ID = android:id / content).
            //  Assert control(ID = button) height is < 100 px.
            //  Assert control(ID = button) width is 50 - 80 px.
        public void CommonActionsWithDesktopControls_Wpf()
            var button              = App.Components.CreateByName <Button>("E Button");
            var calendar            = App.Components.CreateByAutomationId <Calendar>("calendar");
            var radioButton         = App.Components.CreateByName <RadioButton>("RadioButton");
            var selectedRadioButton = App.Components.CreateByName <RadioButton>("SelectedRadioButton");

            // 2. Depending on what you want to check, BELLATRIX gives lots of options. You can test px perfect or just that some element is below another.
            // Check that the button is above the calendar.

            // 3. Assert with the exact distance between them.
            button.AssertAboveOf(calendar, 106);

            // All layout assertion methods throw LayoutAssertFailedException if the check is not successful with beatified troubleshooting message:
            // ########################################
            //             control (Name = E Button) should be 41 px above of control (name = calendar) but was 42 px.
            // ########################################

            // 4. For each available method you have variations of it such as, >, >=, <, <=, between and approximate to some expected value by specified %.
            button.AssertAboveOfGreaterThan(calendar, 100);
            button.AssertAboveOfGreaterThanOrEqual(calendar, 106);
            button.AssertAboveOfLessThan(calendar, 110);
            button.AssertAboveOfLessThanOrEqual(calendar, 106);

            // 5. All assertions have alternative names containing the word 'Near'. We added them to make your tests more readable depending on your preference.
            button.AssertNearTopOfGreaterThan(calendar, 100);
            button.AssertNearTopOfGreaterThanOrEqual(calendar, 106);
            button.AssertNearTopOfLessThan(calendar, 107);
            button.AssertNearTopOfLessThanOrEqual(calendar, 106);

            // The expected distance is ~40px with 10% tolerance
            button.AssertAboveOfApproximate(calendar, 105, percent: 10);

            // The expected px distance is between 100 and 115 px
            button.AssertAboveOfBetween(calendar, 100, 115);

            // 6. You can assert the position of elements again each other in all directions- above, below, right, left, top right, top left, below left, below right
            // saturnVAnchor.AssertNearBottomRightOf(sortDropDown);
            // sortDropDown.AssertNearTopLeftOf(saturnVAnchor);

            // 7. You can tests whether different elements are aligned correctly.
            // LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyAll(button, button1);
            // LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyCentered(protonRocketAnchor, protonMAnchor, saturnVAnchor);
            // LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedHorizontallyBottom(protonRocketAnchor, protonMAnchor, saturnVAnchor);

            // 9. You can check vertical alignment as well.
            LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyLeft(radioButton, selectedRadioButton);

            // LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyCentered(radioButton, selectedRadioButton);
            // LayoutAssert.AssertAlignedVerticallyRight(radioButton, selectedRadioButton);

            // 10. You can check that some element is inside in another.
            // Assert that the rating div is present in the Saturn V anchor.
            // firstNumber.AssertInsideOf(calendar);

            // 11. Verify the height and width of elements.
            button.AssertWidthBetween(70, 80);

            // 12. All layout assertion methods have full BDD logging support. Below you can find the generated BDD log.
            // Of course if you use BELLATRIX page objects the log looks even better as mentioned in previous chapters.
            //  Start Test
            //  Class = LayoutTestingTests Name = TestPageLayout
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is above of control (automationId = calendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is 42 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is >40 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is >=41 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is <50 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is <=43 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is >40 px near top of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is >=41 px near top of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is <50 px near top of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is <=43 px near top of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is 40 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar). (10% tolerance)
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is 30-50 px above of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is near bottom of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is near right of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is near top of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is near left of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is left inside of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is right inside of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is top inside of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) is bottom inside of control (automationId = TransferCalendar).
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) height is <100 px.
            //  Assert control (Name = Transfer Button) width is 50-70 px.