/// <summary>
        /// method to tally to detector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="photon">photon data needed to tally</param>
        public void Tally(Photon photon)
            if (!IsWithinDetectorAperture(photon))

            // ray trace exit location and direction to location at ZPlane
            var positionAtZPlane = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(
                photon.DP.Position, photon.DP.Direction, ZPlane);

            // WhichBin to match ROfRhoAndTimeDetector
            var ir = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(DetectorBinning.GetRho(positionAtZPlane.X, positionAtZPlane.Y), Rho.Count - 1, Rho.Delta, Rho.Start);
            var it = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(photon.DP.TotalTime, Time.Count - 1, Time.Delta, Time.Start);

            if ((ir != -1) && (it != -1))
                double weightFactor = _absorbAction(
                    photon.History.SubRegionInfoList.Select(c => c.NumberOfCollisions).ToList(),
                    photon.History.SubRegionInfoList.Select(p => p.PathLength).ToList(),
                    _perturbedOps, _referenceOps, _perturbedRegionsIndices);

                Mean[ir, it] += photon.DP.Weight * weightFactor;
                if (TallySecondMoment)
                    SecondMoment[ir, it] += photon.DP.Weight * weightFactor * photon.DP.Weight * weightFactor;
        /// <summary>
        /// method to tally to detector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="photon">photon data needed to tally</param>
        public void Tally(Photon photon)
            if (!IsWithinDetectorAperture(photon))

            // ray trace exit location and direction to location at ZPlane
            var positionAtZPlane = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(
                photon.DP.Position, photon.DP.Direction, ZPlane);

            var ix = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(positionAtZPlane.X, X.Count - 1, X.Delta, X.Start);
            var iy = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(positionAtZPlane.Y, Y.Count - 1, Y.Delta, Y.Start);

            Mean[ix, iy] += photon.DP.Weight;
            if (TallySecondMoment)
                SecondMoment[ix, iy] += photon.DP.Weight * photon.DP.Weight;
        /// <summary>
        /// method to tally to detector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="photon">photon data needed to tally</param>
        public void Tally(Photon photon)
            if (!IsWithinDetectorAperture(photon))

            // ray trace exit location and direction to location at ZPlane in air
            var positionAtHeight = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(
                photon.DP.Position, photon.DP.Direction, ZPlane);

            var    ir       = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(DetectorBinning.GetRho(positionAtHeight.X, positionAtHeight.Y), Rho.Count - 1, Rho.Delta, Rho.Start);
            double maxDepth = photon.History.HistoryData.Max(d => d.Position.Z);
            var    id       = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(maxDepth, MaxDepth.Count - 1, MaxDepth.Delta, MaxDepth.Start);

            Mean[ir, id] += photon.DP.Weight; // mean integrated over max depth = R(rho)
            if (TallySecondMoment)
                SecondMoment[ir, id] += photon.DP.Weight * photon.DP.Weight;
        public void validate_RayExtendToInfinitePlane_results()
            var zPlane = -1;
            var pos    = new Position(0, 0, 0);
            // check vertical direction
            var dir    = new Direction(0, 0, -1);
            var newPos = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(pos, dir, zPlane);

            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(pos.X - newPos.X), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(pos.Y - newPos.Y), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1 - newPos.Z), 0.000001);
            dir    = new Direction(1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2), 0, -1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2));
            newPos = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(pos, dir, zPlane);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(1.0 - newPos.X), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(0.0 - newPos.Y), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1 - newPos.Z), 0.000001);
            dir    = new Direction(-1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2), 0, -1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2));
            newPos = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(pos, dir, zPlane);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1.0 - newPos.X), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(0.0 - newPos.Y), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1 - newPos.Z), 0.000001);
            dir    = new Direction(0.0, 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2), -1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2));
            newPos = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(pos, dir, zPlane);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(0.0 - newPos.X), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(1.0 - newPos.Y), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1 - newPos.Z), 0.000001);
            dir    = new Direction(0.0, -1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2), -1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2));
            newPos = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(pos, dir, zPlane);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(0.0 - newPos.X), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1.0 - newPos.Y), 0.000001);
            Assert.Less(Math.Abs(-1 - newPos.Z), 0.000001);
            // try parallel direction
            dir    = new Direction(1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2), -1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2), 0.0);
            newPos = LayerTissueRegionToolbox.RayExtendToInfinitePlane(pos, dir, zPlane);
            Assert.IsTrue(newPos == null);