private void LoadIncludes(Ini config)
            { // check version
                Version ver = new Version(config.ReadSetting("csPublish", "Version"));
                if (LatestVersion.VersionIsNewer(ver, AssemblyVersionInfo.Program.AssemblyVersion))
                    throw new Exception("Newer csPublish version required!");

            string[] includes = config.ReadSection("include", true);
            if (includes.Length > 0)
                foreach (string inc in includes)
                    Ini sub = new Ini(inc);
                    foreach (string section in sub.GetSectionNames())
                        if (config.HasSection(section))
                            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Main configuration and included {0} contains a section with the name {1}.", Path.GetFileName(sub.Name), section));

                        config.WriteSection(section, sub.ReadSection(section));