        bool UpdateArchives()
            List <ArchiveInfo> NewArchives = new List <ArchiveInfo>();

            // Find all the zipped binaries under this stream
            ConfigSection ProjectConfigSection = LatestProjectConfigFile.FindSection(SelectedProjectIdentifier);

            if (ProjectConfigSection != null)
                // Legacy
                string LegacyEditorArchivePath = ProjectConfigSection.GetValue("ZippedBinariesPath", null);
                if (LegacyEditorArchivePath != null)
                    NewArchives.Add(new ArchiveInfo("Editor", "Editor", LegacyEditorArchivePath, null));

                // New style
                foreach (string ArchiveValue in ProjectConfigSection.GetValues("Archives", new string[0]))
                    ArchiveInfo Archive;
                    if (ArchiveInfo.TryParseConfigEntry(ArchiveValue, out Archive))

                // Make sure the zipped binaries path exists
                foreach (ArchiveInfo NewArchive in NewArchives)
                    bool bExists;
                    if (!Perforce.FileExists(NewArchive.DepotPath, out bExists, LogWriter))
                    if (bExists)
                        // Query all the changes to this file
                        List <PerforceFileChangeSummary> Changes;
                        if (!Perforce.FindFileChanges(NewArchive.DepotPath, 100, out Changes, LogWriter))

                        // Build a new list of zipped binaries
                        foreach (PerforceFileChangeSummary Change in Changes)
                            if (Change.Action != "purge")
                                string[] Tokens = Change.Description.Split(' ');
                                if (Tokens[0].StartsWith("[CL") && Tokens[1].EndsWith("]"))
                                    int OriginalChangeNumber;
                                    if (int.TryParse(Tokens[1].Substring(0, Tokens[1].Length - 1), out OriginalChangeNumber) && !NewArchive.ChangeNumberToFileRevision.ContainsKey(OriginalChangeNumber))
                                        NewArchive.ChangeNumberToFileRevision[OriginalChangeNumber] = String.Format("{0}#{1}", NewArchive.DepotPath, Change.Revision);

            // Check if the information has changed
            if (!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(Archives, NewArchives))
                Archives          = NewArchives;
                AvailableArchives = Archives.Select(x => (IArchiveInfo)x).ToList();

                if (OnUpdateMetadata != null && Changes.Count > 0)

        bool UpdateZippedBinaries()
            string ZippedBinariesPath = null;

            // Find all the zipped binaries under this stream
            ConfigSection ProjectConfigSection = LatestProjectConfigFile.FindSection(SelectedProjectIdentifier);

            if (ProjectConfigSection != null)
                ZippedBinariesPath = ProjectConfigSection.GetValue("ZippedBinariesPath", null);

            // Build a new list of zipped binaries
            SortedList <int, string> NewChangeNumberToZippedBinaries = new SortedList <int, string>();

            if (ZippedBinariesPath != null)
                // Make sure the zipped binaries path exists
                bool bExists;
                if (!Perforce.FileExists(ZippedBinariesPath, out bExists, LogWriter))
                if (bExists)
                    // Query all the changes to this file
                    List <PerforceFileChangeSummary> Changes;
                    if (!Perforce.FindFileChanges(ZippedBinariesPath, 100, out Changes, LogWriter))

                    // Build a new list of zipped binaries
                    foreach (PerforceFileChangeSummary Change in Changes)
                        if (Change.Action != "purge")
                            string[] Tokens = Change.Description.Split(' ');
                            if (Tokens[0].StartsWith("[CL") && Tokens[1].EndsWith("]"))
                                int OriginalChangeNumber;
                                if (int.TryParse(Tokens[1].Substring(0, Tokens[1].Length - 1), out OriginalChangeNumber) && !NewChangeNumberToZippedBinaries.ContainsKey(OriginalChangeNumber))
                                    NewChangeNumberToZippedBinaries[OriginalChangeNumber] = String.Format("{0}#{1}", ZippedBinariesPath, Change.Revision);

            // Get the new status message
            string NewZippedBinariesStatus;

            if (ZippedBinariesPath == null)
                NewZippedBinariesStatus = String.Format("Precompiled binaries are not available for {0}", SelectedProjectIdentifier);
            else if (NewChangeNumberToZippedBinaries.Count == 0)
                NewZippedBinariesStatus = String.Format("No valid archives found at {0}", ZippedBinariesPath);
                NewZippedBinariesStatus = null;

            // Update the new list of zipped binaries
            if (!ChangeNumberToZippedBinaries.SequenceEqual(NewChangeNumberToZippedBinaries) || ZippedBinariesStatus != NewZippedBinariesStatus)
                ZippedBinariesStatus         = NewZippedBinariesStatus;
                ChangeNumberToZippedBinaries = NewChangeNumberToZippedBinaries;
                if (OnUpdateMetadata != null && Changes.Count > 0)

        bool UpdateChanges()
            // Get the current status of the build
            int             MaxChanges;
            int             OldestChangeNumber = -1;
            int             NewestChangeNumber = -1;
            HashSet <int>   CurrentChangelists;
            SortedSet <int> PrevPromotedChangelists;

            lock (this)
                MaxChanges = PendingMaxChanges;
                if (Changes.Count > 0)
                    NewestChangeNumber = Changes.First().Number;
                    OldestChangeNumber = Changes.Last().Number;
                CurrentChangelists      = new HashSet <int>(Changes.Select(x => x.Number));
                PrevPromotedChangelists = new SortedSet <int>(PromotedChangeNumbers);

            // Build a full list of all the paths to sync
            List <string> DepotPaths = new List <string>();

            if (SelectedClientFileName.EndsWith(".uprojectdirs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                DepotPaths.Add(String.Format("{0}/...", BranchClientPath));
                DepotPaths.Add(String.Format("{0}/*", BranchClientPath));
                DepotPaths.Add(String.Format("{0}/Engine/...", BranchClientPath));
                DepotPaths.Add(String.Format("{0}/...", PerforceUtils.GetClientOrDepotDirectoryName(SelectedClientFileName)));
                if (bIsEnterpriseProject)
                    DepotPaths.Add(String.Format("{0}/Enterprise/...", BranchClientPath));

                // Add in additional paths property
                ConfigSection ProjectConfigSection = LatestProjectConfigFile.FindSection("Perforce");
                if (ProjectConfigSection != null)
                    IEnumerable <string> AdditionalPaths = ProjectConfigSection.GetValues("AdditionalPathsToSync", new string[0]);

                    // turn into //ws/path
                    DepotPaths.AddRange(AdditionalPaths.Select(P => string.Format("{0}/{1}", BranchClientPath, P.TrimStart('/'))));

            // Read any new changes
            List <PerforceChangeSummary> NewChanges;

            if (MaxChanges > CurrentMaxChanges)
                if (!Perforce.FindChanges(DepotPaths, MaxChanges, out NewChanges, LogWriter))
                if (!Perforce.FindChanges(DepotPaths.Select(DepotPath => String.Format("{0}@>{1}", DepotPath, NewestChangeNumber)), -1, out NewChanges, LogWriter))

            // Remove anything we already have
            NewChanges.RemoveAll(x => CurrentChangelists.Contains(x.Number));

            // Update the change ranges
            if (NewChanges.Count > 0)
                OldestChangeNumber = Math.Max(OldestChangeNumber, NewChanges.Last().Number);
                NewestChangeNumber = Math.Min(NewestChangeNumber, NewChanges.First().Number);

            // If we are using zipped binaries, make sure we have every change since the last zip containing them. This is necessary for ensuring that content changes show as
            // syncable in the workspace view if there have been a large number of content changes since the last code change.
            int MinZippedChangeNumber = -1;

            foreach (ArchiveInfo Archive in Archives)
                foreach (int ChangeNumber in Archive.ChangeNumberToFileRevision.Keys)
                    if (ChangeNumber > MinZippedChangeNumber && ChangeNumber <= OldestChangeNumber)
                        MinZippedChangeNumber = ChangeNumber;
            if (MinZippedChangeNumber != -1 && MinZippedChangeNumber < OldestChangeNumber)
                List <PerforceChangeSummary> ZipChanges;
                if (Perforce.FindChanges(DepotPaths.Select(DepotPath => String.Format("{0}@{1},{2}", DepotPath, MinZippedChangeNumber, OldestChangeNumber - 1)), -1, out ZipChanges, LogWriter))

            // Fixup any ROBOMERGE authors
            const string RoboMergePrefix = "#ROBOMERGE-AUTHOR:";

            foreach (PerforceChangeSummary Change in NewChanges)
                if (Change.Description.StartsWith(RoboMergePrefix))
                    int StartIdx = RoboMergePrefix.Length;
                    while (StartIdx < Change.Description.Length && Change.Description[StartIdx] == ' ')

                    int EndIdx = StartIdx;
                    while (EndIdx < Change.Description.Length && !Char.IsWhiteSpace(Change.Description[EndIdx]))

                    if (EndIdx > StartIdx)
                        Change.User        = Change.Description.Substring(StartIdx, EndIdx - StartIdx);
                        Change.Description = "ROBOMERGE: " + Change.Description.Substring(EndIdx).TrimStart();

            // Process the new changes received
            if (NewChanges.Count > 0 || MaxChanges < CurrentMaxChanges)
                // Insert them into the builds list
                lock (this)
                    if (Changes.Count > MaxChanges)
                        // Remove changes to shrink it to the max requested size, being careful to avoid removing changes that would affect our ability to correctly
                        // show the availability for content changes using zipped binaries.
                        SortedSet <PerforceChangeSummary> TrimmedChanges = new SortedSet <PerforceChangeSummary>(new PerforceChangeSorter());
                        foreach (PerforceChangeSummary Change in Changes)
                            if (TrimmedChanges.Count >= MaxChanges && Archives.Any(x => x.ChangeNumberToFileRevision.Count == 0 || x.ChangeNumberToFileRevision.ContainsKey(Change.Number) || x.ChangeNumberToFileRevision.First().Key > Change.Number))
                        Changes = TrimmedChanges;
                    CurrentMaxChanges = MaxChanges;

                // Find the last submitted change by the current user
                int NewLastChangeByCurrentUser = -1;
                foreach (PerforceChangeSummary Change in Changes)
                    if (String.Compare(Change.User, Perforce.UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        NewLastChangeByCurrentUser = Math.Max(NewLastChangeByCurrentUser, Change.Number);
                LastChangeByCurrentUser = NewLastChangeByCurrentUser;

                // Notify the main window that we've got more data
                if (OnUpdate != null)