private void ProcessHit(damageenemyLaser damageDealer) { float aDamage; AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bClip, Camera.main.transform.position, aVolume); aDamage = damageDealer.GetDamage(); health -= aDamage; damageDealer.Hit(); if (health <= 00) { Debug.Log(1.0f / Time.deltaTime); // Destroy(gameObject); // Debug.Log("destroy player!"); //GameObject.Find("gameScore").GetComponent<keepScor>().ResetGame(); //FindObjectOfType<gameManage>().playerShot(); health = StartHealth; aKeepScore.Resetcore(); /* this will reset score and cause us to wait a couple seconds*/ if (agent != null) { agent.IncrementReward(-0.2f); } } else { if (agent != null) { // agent.IncrementReward(-aDamage / StartHealth); agent.IncrementReward(-0.2f); } } }
public void addScore(int aScore) { if (player != null && player.activeSelf) { { float xIncrement = 0.09f; gameScore += aScore; if (agent != null) { agent.IncrementReward(xIncrement); } //Debug.Log(gameScore); } } }