protected void ImportFromStream(Stream stm) { // // // The #ZipLib is licensed under a modified GPL. This modification grants you the right to use the compiled .DLL in closed source applications. // Modifcations to the library however fall under the provisions of the GPL. Hashtable hashLanguages = new Hashtable(); using (ZipInputStream stmZip = new ZipInputStream(stm)) { ZipEntry theEntry = null; while ((theEntry = stmZip.GetNextEntry()) != null) { string sFileName = Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name); if (sFileName != String.Empty) { Response.Write(theEntry.Name + "<br>" + ControlChars.CrLf); if (theEntry.Name.EndsWith(".lang.php")) { string sLang = LanguagePackImport.GetLanguage(theEntry.Name); // 11/13/2006 Paul. SugarCRM still has not fixed their German language pack. Convert ge-GE to de-DE. if (String.Compare(sLang, "ge-GE", true) == 0) { sLang = "de-DE"; } // 08/22/2007 Paul. Only insert the language record once. if (!hashLanguages.ContainsKey(sLang)) { CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(sLang); if (culture == null) { throw(new Exception("Unknown language: " + sLang)); } SqlProcs.spLANGUAGES_InsertOnly(sLang, culture.LCID, true, culture.NativeName, culture.DisplayName); if (chkTruncate.Checked) { SqlProcs.spTERMINOLOGY_DeleteAll(sLang); hashLanguages.Add(sLang, String.Empty); } } LanguagePackImport.InsertTerms(theEntry.Name, stmZip, chkForceUTF8.Checked); } } } // 01/12/2006 Paul. Update internal cache. SplendidInit.InitTerminology(); // 01/13/2006 Paul. Clear the language cache. SplendidCache.ClearLanguages(); } }
protected void Page_Command(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Next") { reqFILENAME.Enabled = true; reqFILENAME.Validate(); if (Page.IsValid) { Response.Write("<div id=\"divImportList\">" + ControlChars.CrLf); try { HttpPostedFile pstIMPORT = fileIMPORT.PostedFile; if (pstIMPORT != null) { if (pstIMPORT.FileName.Length > 0) { string sFILENAME = Path.GetFileName(pstIMPORT.FileName); string sFILE_EXT = Path.GetExtension(sFILENAME); string sFILE_MIME_TYPE = pstIMPORT.ContentType; //string sLocalFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), sFILENAME); //pstIMPORT.SaveAs(sLocalFile); //ProcessDirectory(sLocalFile + "\\SugarRus\\manifest.php"); if (sFILE_MIME_TYPE == "application/x-zip-compressed") { // // // The #ZipLib is licensed under a modified GPL. This modification grants you the right to use the compiled .DLL in closed source applications. // Modifcations to the library however fall under the provisions of the GPL. Hashtable hashLanguages = new Hashtable(); using (ZipInputStream stmZip = new ZipInputStream(pstIMPORT.InputStream)) { ZipEntry theEntry = null; while ((theEntry = stmZip.GetNextEntry()) != null) { string sFileName = Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name); if (sFileName != String.Empty) { Response.Write(theEntry.Name + "<br>" + ControlChars.CrLf); if (theEntry.Name.EndsWith(".lang.php")) { string sLang = LanguagePackImport.GetLanguage(theEntry.Name); CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(sLang); if (culture == null) { throw(new Exception("Unknown language: " + sLang)); } SqlProcs.spLANGUAGES_InsertOnly(sLang, culture.LCID, true, culture.NativeName, culture.DisplayName); if (chkTruncate.Checked) { if (!hashLanguages.ContainsKey(sLang)) { SqlProcs.spTERMINOLOGY_DeleteAll(sLang); hashLanguages.Add(sLang, String.Empty); } } LanguagePackImport.InsertTerms(theEntry.Name, stmZip, chkForceUTF8.Checked); } } } // 01/12/2006 Paul. Update internal cache. SplendidInit.InitTerminology(); // 01/13/2006 Paul. Clear the language cache. SplendidCache.ClearLanguages(); } } else { throw(new Exception("ZIP is the only supported format at this time.")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } finally { Response.Write("</div>" + ControlChars.CrLf); Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("HideImportList", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('divImportList').style.display='none';</script>"); } } } else if (e.CommandName == "Back") { } }