private void AddTeleporterWaypoint(bool pinned) { var found = false; var teleporter = Api.World.GetNearestBlockEntity <BlockEntityTeleporter>(Api.World.Player.Entity.Pos.AsBlockPos, 5f, 1f, _ => { found = true; return(true); }); if (!found) { Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Error("TeleporterNotFound")); } else { var sourcePos = teleporter.Pos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); var tpLocation = teleporter.GetField <TeleporterLocation>("tpLocation"); // Add Source TP Waypoint. if (Api.WaypointExistsAtPos(teleporter.Pos, p => p.Icon == "spiral")) { return; } var title = LangEx.Message("TeleporterWaypoint", tpLocation?.TargetName?.IfNullOrWhitespace("Unknown")); Api.AddWaypointAtPos(sourcePos, "spiral", "SpringGreen", title, false); Api.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added Waypoint: {title}"); } }
public void RecentreMapOnWorldSpawn(string option, CmdArgs args) { var pos = Api.World.DefaultSpawnPosition.AsBlockPos; var displayPos = pos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("RecentreOnPosition", displayPos.X, displayPos.Z)); RecentreMap(pos.ToVec3d()); }
public override void OnCustomOption(string option, CmdArgs args) { var player = Api.World.Player; var displayPos = player.Entity.Pos.AsBlockPos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("RecentreOnPlayer", player.PlayerName, displayPos.X, displayPos.Z)); RecentreMap(player.Entity.Pos.XYZ); }
public override void OnNoOption(string option, CmdArgs args) { var player = Api.World.Player; var pos = player.Entity.Pos.AsBlockPos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); Api.SendChatMessage(LangEx.Message("BroadcastGPS", player.PlayerName, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)); Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("LocationCopiedToClipboard")); Api.Forms.SetClipboardText($"X = {pos.X}, Y = {pos.Y}, Z = {pos.Z}."); }
public void RecentreMapOnPosition(string option, CmdArgs args) { var playerPos = Api.World.Player.Entity.Pos.AsBlockPos; var x = args.PopInt().GetValueOrDefault(playerPos.X); var z = args.PopInt().GetValueOrDefault(playerPos.Z); var pos = new BlockPos(x, 1, z).Add(Api.World.DefaultSpawnPosition.AsBlockPos); Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("RecentreOnPosition", x, z)); RecentreMap(pos.ToVec3d()); }
private static bool Patch_BlockEntityTeleporter_OnEntityCollide_Prefix( ref BlockEntityTeleporter __instance, ref Dictionary <long, TeleportingEntity> ___tpingEntities, ref TeleporterLocation ___tpLocation) { // TODO: Still very hacky. It would be very nice to get a proper way of setting this waypoint. // // Developer's Notes: As of Game Version 1.14.10. There is currently no way to gather information // about the target side of a Teleporter block, other than its name, from the // Client API. In order for this to work, I would need to trick the server into // sending the client the updated list of teleporters on the server. // // This should be possible by mimicking the action of refreshing the GUI dialogue // without the dialogue box needing to be opened. However, parts of the dialogue // logic is locked behind a GameMode check. I could, internally switch the player // to creative and back, purely for this check, and it might even be possible to // do this check at player login, before the user has control of the player character. // // I'd then store the list of teleporters in memory, ready for use, if needed. if (JustTeleported > 0) { return(true); } if (!Settings.AutoTranslocatorWaypoints) { return(true); } if (!___tpingEntities.ContainsKey(Api.World.Player.Entity.EntityId)) { return(true); } // Add Source TP Waypoint. if (Api.WaypointExistsAtPos(__instance.Pos, p => p.Icon == "spiral")) { return(true); } var title = LangEx.Message("TeleporterWaypoint", ___tpLocation?.TargetName?.IfNullOrWhitespace("Unknown")); var sourcePos = __instance.Pos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); Api.AddWaypointAtPos(sourcePos, "spiral", "SpringGreen", title, false); Api.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added Waypoint: {title}"); JustTeleported = 1; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000 * 10); JustTeleported = 0; Api.Logger.VerboseDebug("Teleporter Waypoint Cooldown Reset."); }); return(true); }
private static bool Patch_BlockEntityStaticTranslocator_OnEntityCollide_Prefix(ref BlockEntityStaticTranslocator __instance, Entity entity) { if (JustTeleported > 0) { return(true); } JustTeleported = 1; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000 * 30); JustTeleported = 0; Api.Logger.VerboseDebug("Translocator Waypoint Cooldown Reset."); }); if (!Settings.AutoTranslocatorWaypoints) { return(true); } if (entity != Api.World.Player.Entity) { return(true); } if (!__instance.FullyRepaired || !__instance.Activated || !__instance.GetField <bool>("canTeleport")) { return(false); } var sourcePos = __instance.Pos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); var destPos = __instance.TargetLocation.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); // Add Source TL Waypoint. if (!Api.WaypointExistsAtPos(__instance.Pos)) { Api.AddWaypointAtPos(sourcePos, "spiral", "Fuchsia", LangEx.Message("TranslocatorWaypoint", destPos.X, destPos.Y, destPos.Z), false); Api.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added Waypoint: Translocator to ({destPos.X}, {destPos.Y}, {destPos.Z})"); } // Add Destination TL Waypoint. if (!Api.WaypointExistsAtPos(__instance.TargetLocation)) { Api.AddWaypointAtPos(destPos, "spiral", "Fuchsia", LangEx.Message("TranslocatorWaypoint", sourcePos.X, sourcePos.Y, sourcePos.Z), false); Api.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added Waypoint: Translocator to ({sourcePos.X}, {sourcePos.Y}, {sourcePos.Z})"); } return(true); }
public void RecentreMapOnPlayer(string option, CmdArgs args) { var player = Api.World.Player; var name = args.PopWord(player.PlayerName); var playerList = Api.World.AllOnlinePlayers.Where(p => p.PlayerName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(name.ToLowerInvariant())).ToList(); if (playerList.Any()) { player = (IClientPlayer)playerList.First(); } var displayPos = player.Entity.Pos.AsBlockPos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("RecentreOnPlayer", player.PlayerName, displayPos.X, displayPos.Z)); RecentreMap(player.Entity.Pos.XYZ); }
private void AddTranslocatorWaypoint(bool pinned) { var found = false; var translocator = Api.World.GetNearestBlockEntity <BlockEntityStaticTranslocator>(Api.World.Player.Entity.Pos.AsBlockPos, 5f, 1f, p => { if (!p.FullyRepaired || !p.Activated || !p.GetField <bool>("canTeleport")) { return(false); } found = true; return(true); }); if (!found) { Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Error("TranslocatorNotFound")); } else { var sourcePos = translocator.Pos.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); var destPos = translocator.TargetLocation.RelativeToSpawn(Api.World); // Add Source TL Waypoint. if (!Api.WaypointExistsAtPos(translocator.Pos, p => p.Icon == "spiral")) { Api.AddWaypointAtPos(sourcePos, "spiral", "Fuchsia", LangEx.Message("TranslocatorWaypoint", destPos.X, destPos.Y, destPos.Z), false); Api.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added Waypoint: Translocator to ({destPos.X}, {destPos.Y}, {destPos.Z})"); } // Add Destination TL Waypoint. if (!Api.WaypointExistsAtPos(translocator.TargetLocation, p => p.Icon == "spiral")) { Api.AddWaypointAtPos(destPos, "spiral", "Fuchsia", LangEx.Message("TranslocatorWaypoint", sourcePos.X, sourcePos.Y, sourcePos.Z), false); Api.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added Waypoint: Translocator to ({sourcePos.X}, {sourcePos.Y}, {sourcePos.Z})"); } } }
private void PurgeWaypointsByIcon(string option, CmdArgs args) { var confirm = LangEx.Phrases("Confirm"); if (args.Length == 1) { var icon = args.PopWord(); Api.ShowChatMessage(icon == confirm ? LangEx.Message("SpecifyIcon") : LangEx.Message("ConfirmationRequest", icon)); } else if (args.Length == 2) { var icon = args.PopWord(); if (args.PopWord() != confirm) { return; } try { Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("PurgingWaypoints", icon, confirm)); var i = icon; PurgeWaypoints(p => p.Icon == i); } catch (Exception ex) { Api.Logger.Audit(ex.Message); Api.Logger.Audit(ex.StackTrace); } } else { Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("SpecifyIcon")); } }
private void AutomaticTraders(string option, CmdArgs args) { Mod.Settings.AutoTraderWaypoints = !Mod.Settings.AutoTraderWaypoints; Api.GetModFile("").SaveAsJson(Mod.Settings); Api.ShowChatMessage(LangEx.Message("AutoTrader", Mod.Settings.AutoTraderWaypoints)); }