public override void NPCLoot() { if (Main.expertMode) { if (!AAWorld.downedZero) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroAwakened1"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } Item.NewItem((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("ZeroRune")); } AAWorld.downedZero = true; if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("ZeroTrophy")); } if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("ZeroMask")); } if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0 && AAWorld.downedAllAncients) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("EXSoul")); } npc.DropBossBags(); return; } }
public override void NPCLoot() { int Ashe = NPC.CountNPCS(mod.NPCType("Ashe")); if (Ashe == 0) { NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <AHDeath>()); if (Main.expertMode) { npc.DropBossBags(); } } if (!Main.expertMode) { string[] lootTableH = { "HarukaKunai", "Masamune", "MizuArashi", "HarukaBox" }; int lootH = Main.rand.Next(lootTableH.Length); npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType(lootTableH[lootH])); } if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("HarukaTrophy")); } NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <HarukaVanish>()); if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("HarukaDowned"), new Color(72, 78, 117)); } npc.value = 0f; npc.boss = false; }
public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage) { if ( <= 0) { CombatText.NewText(npc.getRect(), new Color(45, 46, 70), Lang.BossChat("YamataHead"), true, true); } }
public override void BossLoot(ref string name, ref int potionType) { if (Main.expertMode) { potionType = ItemID.SuperHealingPotion; } else { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA5"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } } if (!AAWorld.downedYamata) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA2"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA3"), Color.Indigo); } } else { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA4"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } } }
public override void NPCLoot() { int Haruka = NPC.CountNPCS(mod.NPCType("Haruka")); if (Haruka == 0) { NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <AHDeath>()); if (Main.expertMode) { npc.DropBossBags(); } } if (!Main.expertMode) { string[] lootTableA = { "AshRain", "FuryFlame", "FireSpiritStaff", "AsheSatchel" }; int lootA = Main.rand.Next(lootTableA.Length); npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType(lootTableA[lootA])); } if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("AsheTrophy")); } int DeathAnim = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <AsheVanish>(), 0); Main.npc[DeathAnim].velocity = npc.velocity; if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AsheDowned"), new Color(102, 20, 48)); } npc.value = 0f; npc.boss = false; }
public override void NPCLoot() { Dead = true; if (!Tag) { npc.DropLoot(Items.Vanity.Mask.YamataMask.type, 1f / 7f); if (!Main.expertMode) { AAWorld.downedYamata = true; npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType("DreadScale"), 20, 30); string[] lootTable = { "Flairdra", "Crescent", "Hydraslayer", "AbyssArrow", "HydraStabber", "MidnightWrath", "YamataTerratool" }; int loot = Main.rand.Next(lootTable.Length); npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType(lootTable[loot])); npc.DropLoot(Items.Boss.Yamata.YamataTrophy.type, 1f / 10); if (Main.netMode != 1) BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata1"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); npc.DropLoot(Items.Vanity.Mask.YamataMask.type, 1f / 7); if (!AAWorld.downedYamata) { if (Main.netMode != 1) BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata2"), Color.Indigo); } } if (Main.expertMode) { int npcID = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, mod.NPCType("YamataTransition"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,; Main.npc[npcID].Center = npc.Center; Main.npc[npcID].netUpdate2 = true; Main.npc[npcID].netUpdate = true; } npc.value = 0f; npc.boss = false; } }
public void Attacks(float AttackType) { Player player = Main.player[]; bool sayQuote = Main.rand.Next(3) == 0; if (AttackType == 0f) { if (!QuoteSaid && sayQuote) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat((!Quote1) ? Lang.BossChat("YamataHead1") : Lang.BossChat("YamataHead2"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } QuoteSaid = true; Quote1 = true; } BaseAI.ShootPeriodic(npc, new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y - 1), player.width, player.height, ModContent.ProjectileType <YamataVenom>(), ref internalAI[3], 6, projDamage, 9f, true, new Vector2(20f, 15f)); } if (AttackType == 1f) { if (!QuoteSaid && sayQuote) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat((!Quote3) ? Lang.BossChat("YamataHead3") : Lang.BossChat("YamataHead4"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } QuoteSaid = true; Quote3 = true; } BaseAI.ShootPeriodic(npc, new Vector2(player.position.X, -4f), player.width, player.height, ModContent.ProjectileType <YamataStorm>(), ref internalAI[3], 40, projDamage, 10f, true, new Vector2(20f, 15f)); } if (AttackType == 2f) { if (!QuoteSaid && sayQuote) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat((!Quote3) ? Lang.BossChat("YamataHead5") : Lang.BossChat("YamataHead6"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } QuoteSaid = true; Quote3 = true; } BaseAI.ShootPeriodic(npc, new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y - 1), player.width, player.height, ModContent.ProjectileType <YamataBlast>(), ref internalAI[3], 15, projDamage, 10f, true, new Vector2(20f, 15f)); } if (AttackType == 3f) { if (!QuoteSaid && sayQuote) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat((!Quote4) ? (Lang.BossChat("YamataHead7") + (player.Male ? Lang.BossChat("male2") : Lang.BossChat("fimale2")) + Lang.BossChat("YamataHead8")) : Lang.BossChat("YamataHead9"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } QuoteSaid = true; Quote4 = true; } EATTHELITTLEMAGGOT = true; } }
public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage) { if ( <= 0) { CombatText.NewText(npc.getRect(), new Color(146, 30, 68), Lang.BossChat("YamataAHead"), false, false); NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, ModContent.NPCType <YamataSoul>()); } }
public override bool StrikeNPC(ref double damage, int defense, ref float knockback, int hitDirection, ref bool crit) { knockback = 0; damage = 0; crit = false; if ([0] != 1) {[0] = 1; CombatText.NewText(npc.Hitbox, new Color(72, 78, 117), Lang.BossChat("HarukaShadow")); } return(false); }
public override void NPCLoot() { AAWorld.downedAthena = true; if (NPC.downedMoonlord) { if (!AAWorld.downedAthenaA) { int a = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, ModContent.NPCType <AthenaDefeat>()); Main.npc[a].Center = npc.Center; } else { int a = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, ModContent.NPCType <Olympian.AthenaA>()); Main.npc[a].Center = npc.Center; int b = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("ShockwaveBoom"), 0, 1, Main.myPlayer, 0, 0); Main.projectile[b].Center = npc.Center; if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena10"), Color.Cyan); } Main.projectile[b].netUpdate = true; } return; } if (Main.expertMode) { npc.DropBossBags(); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType("AthenaMask")); } npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType("GoddessFeather"), Main.rand.Next(20, 25)); string[] lootTable = { "DivineWindCharm", "GaleOfWings", "RazorwindLongbow", "SkycutterKopis", "OlympianWings" }; int loot = Main.rand.Next(lootTable.Length); npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType(lootTable[loot])); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena11"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } int p = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, ModContent.NPCType <AthenaFlee>()); Main.npc[p].Center = npc.Center; }
public override void Kill(int timeLeft) { if (!AAWorld.downedZero && Main.expertMode) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroDeath3"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } } int p = Projectile.NewProjectile(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y), new Vector2(0f, 0f), mod.ProjectileType("ZeroDeath2"), 0, 0); Main.projectile[p].Center = projectile.Center; }
public override void AI() { npc.TargetClosest(); Player player = Main.player[]; if (npc.velocity.Y == 0 || npc.velocity.Y < 0) { frameCounter--; if (frameCounter <= 0) { frameCounter = npc.velocity.Y < 0 ? 3 : 10; npc.frame.Y = npc.frame.Y == 0 ? npc.frame.Height : 0; } } else { if (npc.velocity.Y > 0) { npc.frame.Y = npc.frame.Height * 2; } } if (npc.velocity.X != 0) { if (npc.collideX) { npc.velocity.X *= -2f; } if (npc.velocity.X > 0) { npc.spriteDirection = 1; } else { npc.spriteDirection = -1; } } float jumpWidth = 3f; float jumpHeight = -1f; if (npc.whoAmI % 30 == 0) //THE LEGENDARY SUPER FAT PIXIE { jumpWidth = 8f; jumpHeight = -25f; if ([0] >= 0) { CombatText.NewText(npc.Hitbox, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Lang.BossChat("FatPixie")); } } BaseAI.AISlime(npc, ref, false, 150, 4f, 2f, jumpWidth, jumpHeight); BaseDrawing.AddLight(npc.Center, new Color(212, 208, 107), 2f); }
public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage) { if ( <= (int)(npc.lifeMax * .66f) && !RespawnArms1 && Main.netMode != 1) { WeaponCount += 1;[1] = 0; RespawnArms1 = true; RespawnArms(); if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroBoss10"), Color.Red, false); } npc.netUpdate = true; } if ( <= (int)(npc.lifeMax * .33f) && !RespawnArms2 && Main.netMode != 1) { WeaponCount += 1;[1] = 0; RespawnArms2 = true; RespawnArms(); if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroBoss10"), Color.Red, false); } npc.netUpdate = true; } if ( <= 0 && npc.type == ModContent.NPCType <Zero>()) { Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore1"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore1"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore1"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore1"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore3"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore3"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore3"), 1f); Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ZeroGore3"), 1f); if (!Main.expertMode) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroBoss2"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } } } }
public override void NPCLoot() { if (Main.expertMode) { npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType("ApocalyptitePlate"), 2, 4); } else { if (!AAWorld.downedZero) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroBoss3"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } } AAWorld.downedZero = true; npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType("ApocalyptitePlate"), 2, 4); npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType("UnstableSingularity"), 25, 35); string[] lootTable = { "Battery", "ZeroArrow", "Vortex", "EventHorizon", "RealityCannon", "RiftShredder", "VoidStar", "TeslaHand", "ZeroStar", "Neutralizer", "ZeroTerratool", "DoomPortal", "Gigataser", "OmegaVolley", "GenocideCannon" }; int loot = Main.rand.Next(lootTable.Length); npc.DropLoot(mod.ItemType(lootTable[loot])); npc.DropLoot(ModContent.ItemType <Items.Vanity.Mask.ZeroMask>(), 1f / 7); npc.DropLoot(ModContent.ItemType <Items.Boss.Zero.ZeroTrophy>(), 1f / 10); if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0 && AAWorld.downedAllAncients) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("RealityStone")); } } }
public bool AliveCheck(Player player) { bool tooFar = Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 8000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 8000f; if (player.dead || tooFar || ! { npc.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active || tooFar) { if (!PlayerDead) { if (player.dead || ! { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroAwakened6"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } } else if (tooFar) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroAwakened7"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } } PlayerDead = true; } npc.velocity.Y = npc.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (npc.timeLeft > 10) { npc.timeLeft = 10; }[1] = 0;[2] = 0;[3] = 0; if (npc.position.Y + npc.height - npc.velocity.Y <= 0 && Main.netMode != 1) { BaseAI.KillNPC(npc); npc.netUpdate2 = true; } return(false); } } return(true); }
public override bool StrikeNPC(ref double damage, int defense, ref float knockback, int hitDirection, ref bool crit) { damage = 0; if (!AAWorld.downedYamata) { if ( <= (npc.lifeMax / 4 * 3) && threeQuarterHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata10"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); threeQuarterHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 2 && HalfHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata11"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); HalfHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 4 && quarterHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata12"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); quarterHealth = true; } } if (AAWorld.downedYamata) { if ( <= (npc.lifeMax / 4 * 3) && threeQuarterHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata13"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); threeQuarterHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 2 && HalfHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata14"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); HalfHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 4 && quarterHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Yamata15"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); quarterHealth = true; } } return true; }
public void Laugh() { if (laughTimer > 0 && !Laughing) { CombatText.NewText(npc.getRect(), new Color(146, 30, 68), Lang.BossChat("YamataAHeadLaugh1"), true, true); Laughing = true; } else if (laughTimer <= 0) { Laughing = false; } if (Laughing) { laughTimer--; if (laughTimer % 20 == 0 && laughTimer != 120) { CombatText.NewText(npc.getRect(), new Color(146, 30, 68), Lang.BossChat("YamataAHeadLaugh2"), true, true); } } }
public override void NPCLoot() { if (DontSayDeathLine) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("WrathHaruka1"), new Color(72, 78, 117)); } } else { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("WrathHaruka2"), new Color(72, 78, 117)); } } NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <WrathHarukaVanish>()); npc.value = 0f; npc.boss = false; }
public override void AI() { AAWorld.downedZero = true; if (++projectile.frameCounter >= 10) { projectile.frameCounter = 0; if (++projectile.frame >= 30) { projectile.Kill(); } } projectile.velocity.X *= 0.00f; projectile.velocity.Y += 0.00f; if (projectile.timeLeft == 913) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroDeath4"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } } }
public override void AI() { if (Main.expertMode && !AAWorld.downedZero && !linesaid) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroDeath1"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } linesaid = true; } if (++projectile.frameCounter >= 6) { projectile.frameCounter = 0; if (++projectile.frame >= 7) { projectile.Kill(); } } projectile.velocity.X *= 0.00f; projectile.velocity.Y += 0.00f; }
public override void NPCLoot() { if (DontSayDeathLine) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("FuryAshe1") + + "!", new Color(102, 20, 48)); } } else { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("FuryAshe2"), new Color(102, 20, 48)); } } int DeathAnim = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <FuryAsheVanish>(), 0); Main.npc[DeathAnim].velocity = npc.velocity; npc.value = 0f; npc.boss = false; }
public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage) { if (Counter[0] > 3000 &&[0] != 4 &&[0] != 2 && !isCharging) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { Teleport(Main.rand.Next(2) == 0? 1:2);[0] = 4;[1] = 0;[2] = 0;[3] = 0; Counter[0] = 0; Counterattack = true; npc.netUpdate = true; } } else if ([0] != 4 &&[0] != 2 && !isCharging) { int TeleportChance = 1000 * ( / npc.lifeMax); if (TeleportChance < 10) { TeleportChance = 10; } if (Main.rand.Next(TeleportChance) == 0) { Teleport(0); } } if ( <= 0 && !Main.expertMode) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { AAMod.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ZeroAwakened4"), Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B); } } }
public override bool PreAI() { npc.TargetClosest(); Player player = Main.player[]; if (player.Center.X > npc.Center.X) { pos = 250; npc.direction = 1; } else { pos = -250; npc.direction = -1; } Vector2 wantedVelocity = player.Center - new Vector2(pos, 200); MoveToPoint(wantedVelocity); if (Main.netMode != 2) { npc.frameCounter++; if (npc.frameCounter >= 6) { npc.frameCounter = 0; npc.frame.Y += Main.npcTexture[npc.type].Height / 4; } if (npc.frame.Y > Main.npcTexture[npc.type].Height / 4 * 3) { npc.frame.Y = 0; } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (Vector2.Distance(player.Center, npc.Center) > 2200) { npc.position = new Vector2(pos, 200); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Dust d = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.height, npc.width, ModContent.DustType <Feather>(), Main.rand.Next(-1, 2), 1, 0)]; d.position = npc.Center; } }[0]++; npc.alpha -= 15; if ([0] == 1) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald1"), Color.CadetBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 120) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald2"), Color.CadetBlue); } } else if ([0] == 240) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald3"), Color.CadetBlue); } } else if ([0] == 360) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald4"), Color.CadetBlue); } } if (!AAWorld.downedGreed) { if ([0] >= 480) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald5"), Color.CadetBlue); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.height, npc.width, ModContent.DustType <Feather>(), Main.rand.Next(-1, 2), 1, 0); } = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } } else { if ([0] == 480) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald6"), Color.CadetBlue); } } if ([0] >= 600) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SeraphHerald5"), Color.CadetBlue); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.height, npc.width, ModContent.DustType <Feather>(), Main.rand.Next(-1, 2), 1, 0); } = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } } } return(false); }
public override void AI() { if (npc.velocity.Y == 0 && Main.netMode != 1) {[0]++; } if ([0] == 120) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat1"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 240) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat2"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 360) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat3"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 480) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat4"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] >= 600) {[1] = 1; music = mod.GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/ThinkAboutIt"); npc.netUpdate = true; } if ([0] == 600) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat("...", 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] >= 840) {[1] = 2; npc.netUpdate = true; } if ([0] == 840) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat5"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 960) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat6"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1080) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat7"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1200) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat8"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1380) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat9"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1540) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat10"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1660) { string Name; if (Main.netMode != 0) { Name = "Terrarians"; } else { Name =; } if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat11") + Name + "?", 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1780) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat12"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 1900) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat13"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] == 2020) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat14"), 107, 137, 179, true); } } if ([0] >= 2180) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat15"), 107, 137, 179, true); } AAWorld.downedRajahsRevenge = true; if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SupremeRajahDefeat16"), Color.Green, true); } int p = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.position, npc.velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <SupremeRajahLeave>(), 0, 0, Main.myPlayer); Main.projectile[p].position = npc.position; = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } }
public override bool StrikeNPC(ref double damage, int defense, ref float knockback, int hitDirection, ref bool crit) { damage = 0; int dust1 = ModContent.DustType <Dusts.YamataADust>(); int dust2 = ModContent.DustType <Dusts.YamataADust>(); if ( <= 0) { Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, dust1, 0f, 0f, 0); Main.dust[dust1].velocity *= 0.5f; Main.dust[dust1].scale *= 1.3f; Main.dust[dust1].fadeIn = 1f; Main.dust[dust1].noGravity = false; Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, dust2, 0f, 0f, 0); Main.dust[dust2].velocity *= 0.5f; Main.dust[dust2].scale *= 1.3f; Main.dust[dust2].fadeIn = 1f; Main.dust[dust2].noGravity = true; } if (!AAWorld.downedYamata) { if ( <= (npc.lifeMax / 4 * 3) && threeQuarterHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA6"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } threeQuarterHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 2 && HalfHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA7"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } HalfHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 10 && tenthHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA8"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } tenthHealth = true; } } if (AAWorld.downedYamata) { if ( <= (npc.lifeMax / 4 * 3) && threeQuarterHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA9"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } threeQuarterHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 2 && HalfHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA10"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } HalfHealth = true; } if ( <= npc.lifeMax / 10 && tenthHealth == false) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataA11"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } tenthHealth = true; } } return(true); }
public override void AI() { if (Main.expertMode) { damage = npc.damage / 4; } else { damage = npc.damage / 2; } npc.noGravity = true; npc.TargetClosest(true); Player player = Main.player[]; AAPlayer modplayer = player.GetModPlayer <AAPlayer>(); RingRoatation += .05f;[1]++; if (internalAI[3] > 0) { internalAI[3]--; } if (Main.player[].dead && Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 5000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 5000f) { npc.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead) { if (internalAI[0] != 1f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SagittariusFree1"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } internalAI[0] = 1f; } } if (Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 5000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 5000f) { if (internalAI[0] != 1f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("SagittariusFree2"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } internalAI[0] = 1f; } } } if (internalAI[0] == 1f) { npc.TargetClosest(true); npc.velocity *= .7f; npc.alpha += 5; if (npc.alpha >= 255) { = false; } if (Main.player[].dead || Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 6000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 6000f) { npc.TargetClosest(true); internalAI[0] = 0f; } } else { npc.TargetClosest(true); if (npc.alpha > 0) { npc.alpha -= 10; } if (npc.alpha <= 0) { npc.alpha = 0; } } internalAI[1]++; if (internalAI[2] == 2) { npc.dontTakeDamage = true; } else { npc.dontTakeDamage = false; } if (internalAI[1] >= 300) { internalAI[1] = 0; internalAI[2] = internalAI[3] <= 0 ? Main.rand.Next(3) : Main.rand.Next(2); internalAI[4] = Main.rand.Next(2); if (internalAI[2] == 2) { CombatText.NewText(npc.Hitbox, Color.PaleVioletRed, Lang.BossChat("SagittariusFree3")); } = new float[4]; npc.netUpdate = true; } if (internalAI[2] == 1) { BaseAI.AIEater(npc, ref, 0.05f, 4f, 0, false, true); npc.rotation = 0; BaseAI.ShootPeriodic(npc, player.position, player.width, player.height, mod.ProjType("SagProj"), ref shootAI[0], 15, damage, 10f, true, new Vector2(20f, 15f)); } else if (internalAI[2] == 2) //Shield Mode { ShieldScale += .02f; if (ShieldScale >= 1f) { ShieldScale = 1f; } internalAI[3] = 1200; += 2; CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height), CombatText.HealLife, string.Concat(2), false, false); BaseAI.AISpaceOctopus(npc, ref, Main.player[].Center, 0.07f, 5f, 250f, 70f, ShootLaser); } else { BaseAI.AIEye(npc, ref, false, true, .3f, .3f, 4, 4, 0, 0); npc.rotation = 0; } if (internalAI[2] != 2f) { ShieldScale -= .02f; if (ShieldScale <= 0f) { ShieldScale = 0f; } } bool foundLocation = false; if (internalAI[4] == 1) { npc.alpha += 5; int Xint = Main.rand.Next(-500, 500); int Yint = Main.rand.Next(-500, 500); if (npc.alpha >= 255) { npc.alpha = 255; if ((Xint < -100 || Xint > 100) && (Yint < -90 || Yint > 90)) { foundLocation = true; } } if (foundLocation) { Vector2 tele = new Vector2(player.Center.X + Xint, player.Center.Y + Yint); npc.Center = tele; internalAI[4] = 0; } } else { npc.alpha -= 3; if (npc.alpha <= 0) { npc.alpha = 0; } } npc.noTileCollide = true; }
public override void AI() { Vector2 Origin = new Vector2((int)(Main.maxTilesX * 0.65f), 100) * 16; Vector2 Acropolis = new Vector2(Origin.X + (80 * 16), Origin.Y + (79 * 16)); npc.TargetClosest(); if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (Vector2.Distance(npc.Center, Acropolis) < 5 && Main.netMode != 1) { npc.velocity.X *= 0;[1] = 1; npc.noTileCollide = false; npc.noGravity = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } if ([1] == 0) { MoveToPoint(Acropolis); } else {[0]++; if (Main.netMode != 1) { if ([2] == 0) { if ([0] == 120) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat1"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 240) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat2"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 360) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat("...", Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 480) { music = mod.GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/AthenaA"); if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat3"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 600) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat4"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 720) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat5"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 840) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat6"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 960) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat7"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 1080) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat8"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] >= 1200) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("AthenaDefeat9"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } AAModGlobalNPC.SpawnBoss(Main.player[], ModContent.NPCType <Olympian.AthenaA>(), false, npc.Center); int b = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("ShockwaveBoom"), 0, 1, Main.myPlayer); Main.projectile[b].Center = npc.Center; = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } } else { if ([0] == 120) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat("...", Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 240) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat1"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 360) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat2"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 480) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat("...", Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 600) { string s = ""; if (Main.ActivePlayersCount > 1) { s = Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat4"); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat3") + s + "...", Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 720) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat5"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 840) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat6"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 960) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat7"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 1080) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat8"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] >= 1200) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Athena2Defeat9"), Color.CornflowerBlue); } AAModGlobalNPC.SpawnBoss(Main.player[], ModContent.NPCType <AthenaFlee>(), false, npc.Center); = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } } } } } }
public override void AI() { if (AAConfigClient.Instance.NoBossDialogue) { AAWorld.downedShen = true; = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } npc.TargetClosest(); Player player = Main.player[]; npc.Center = player.Center;[1]++; if ([0] == 0) { if ([1] == 180) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath1"), new Color(180, 41, 32)); } if ([1] == 360) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath2"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } if ([1] == 540) { string Name = Main.netMode != 0 ? Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath3") :; BaseUtility.Chat(Name + Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath4"), new Color(180, 41, 32)); } if ([1] == 720) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath5"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } if ([1] == 899) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath6"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath6"), new Color(180, 41, 32)); } if ([1] >= 900) { AAWorld.downedShen = true; = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } return; } else { if ([1] == 180) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath7"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } if ([1] == 360) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath8"), new Color(180, 41, 32)); } if ([1] == 540) { string Name = Main.netMode != 0 ? Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath9") : player.Male ? Lang.BossChat("boy") : Lang.BossChat("girl"); BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath10") + Name + Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath11"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } if ([1] == 720) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath12"), new Color(180, 41, 32)); } if ([1] == 899) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath13"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("ShenDeath13"), new Color(180, 41, 32)); } } if ([1] >= 900) { = false; npc.netUpdate = true; } } }
public override void AI() { npc.TargetClosest(); Player player = Main.player[]; MoveToPoint(player.Center - new Vector2(0, 300f)); if (Vector2.Distance(npc.Center, player.Center) > 2000) { npc.alpha = 255; npc.Center = player.Center - new Vector2(0, 300f); } if (Main.netMode != 2) //clientside stuff { npc.frameCounter++; if (npc.frameCounter >= 7) { npc.frameCounter = 0; npc.frame.Y += Main.npcTexture[npc.type].Height / 4; } if (npc.frame.Y > Main.npcTexture[npc.type].Height / 4 * 3) { npc.frame.Y = 0; } if ([0] > 375) { if (npc.alpha < 0) { npc.alpha = 0; } else { npc.alpha -= 5; } if (npc.scale < 1) { npc.scale += .02f; } else { npc.scale = 1; } } if ([0] >= 375) //after he says 'nyeh' on the server, change music on the client { music = mod.GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/Yamata2"); } if ([0] >= 900) //after he says 'as if' on the server, transition color { RVal += 5; BVal -= 5; if (RVal <= 90) { BVal = 90; } if (RVal >= 255) { RVal = 255; } } } if (Main.netMode != 1) {[0]++; if ([0] == 375) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition1"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 650) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition2"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } } else if ([0] == 900) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition3"), new Color(45, 46, 70)); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition7"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } npc.netUpdate = true; } else if ([0] == 1100) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition4"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } } else if ([0] >= 1455 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(mod.NPCType("YamataA"))) { AAModGlobalNPC.SpawnBoss(player, mod.NPCType("YamataA"), false, npc.Center, "", false); if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition5"), Color.Magenta.R, Color.Magenta.G, Color.Magenta.B); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("YamataTransition6"), new Color(146, 30, 68)); } int b = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("ShockwaveBoom"), 0, 1, Main.myPlayer, 0, 0); Main.projectile[b].Center = npc.Center; Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Sounds/YamataRoar"), npc.position); Vector2 position = npc.Center + (Vector2.One * -20f); int num84 = 40; int height3 = num84; for (int num85 = 0; num85 < 3; num85++) { int num86 = Dust.NewDust(position, num84, height3, 240, 0f, 0f, 100, default, 1.5f);
public override void AI() { npc.noGravity = true; npc.TargetClosest(true); Player player = Main.player[]; AAPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <AAPlayer>(); if (player.Center.X > npc.Center.X) { npc.direction = -1; } else { npc.direction = 1; } if (internalAI[0] == 0) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { for (int m = 0; m < ProbeCount; m++) { int npcID = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, mod.NPCType("SagittariusOrbiter"), 0); Main.npc[npcID].Center = npc.Center; Main.npc[npcID].velocity = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(-1f, 1f, (float)Main.rand.NextDouble()), MathHelper.Lerp(-1f, 1f, (float)Main.rand.NextDouble())); Main.npc[npcID].velocity *= 8f; Main.npc[npcID].ai[0] = m; Main.npc[npcID].netUpdate2 = true; Main.npc[npcID].netUpdate = true; } } internalAI[0] = 1; } if (MovementType[0] == 0) { internalAI[6]++; MovementType[1] -= 5; if (MovementType[1] <= 0) { MovementType[1] = 0; } if (internalAI[6] > 200) { internalAI[6] = 0f; MovementType[0] = Main.rand.Next(3); npc.netUpdate = true; } } if (MovementType[0] == 1) { internalAI[6]++; if (internalAI[6] > 240) { internalAI[6] = 0; MovementType[0] = 5; npc.netUpdate = true; } } if (MovementType[0] == 2) { MovementType[1] += 5; if (MovementType[1] >= 255) { MovementType[0] = 3; npc.netUpdate = true; } } if (MovementType[0] == 3) { MovementType[1] -= 5; if (MovementType[1] <= 0) { MovementType[1] = 0; } internalAI[6]++; if (internalAI[6] > 360) { internalAI[6] = 0; MovementType[0] = 5; npc.netUpdate = true; } } else if (MovementType[0] == 4 || MovementType[0] == 5) { MovementType[1] += 5; if (MovementType[1] >= 255) { MovementType[0] = 0; npc.netUpdate = true; } } if (internalAI[4] < 60) { internalAI[4]++; } if (!NPC.AnyNPCs(ModContent.NPCType <SagittariusOrbiter>()) && internalAI[4] >= 60) { npc.Transform(ModContent.NPCType <SagittariusFree>()); } if (internalAI[3] == 1f) { npc.TargetClosest(true); npc.velocity *= .7f; npc.alpha += 5; if (npc.alpha >= 255) { = false; } if (!Main.player[].dead || Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) <= 6000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) >= 6000f) { npc.TargetClosest(true); } return; } else { npc.TargetClosest(true); if (npc.alpha > 0) { npc.alpha -= 10; } if (npc.alpha <= 0) { npc.alpha = 0; } } if (Main.player[].dead) { npc.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead) { if (internalAI[3] != 1f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Sagittarius1"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } internalAI[3] = 1f; } } } else if (Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 5000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 5000f || !modPlayer.ZoneVoid) { npc.TargetClosest(true); if (Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 5000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 5000f) { if (internalAI[3] != 1f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Sagittarius2"), Color.PaleVioletRed); } internalAI[3] = 1f; } } }[1]++; if ([1] >= 300) { internalAI[1] = 0; internalAI[2] = Main.rand.Next(3); = new float[4]; npc.netUpdate = true; } if (internalAI[2] == 1) //Chaase down the target { BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref, null, 120, false, false, 10, 10, 10, 2.5f); } else //Hover over target { BaseAI.AISpaceOctopus(npc, ref, Main.player[].Center, 0.3f, 10f, 250f, 70f, null); } npc.rotation = 0; npc.noTileCollide = true; }