    static void Main()
        WriteLine("My last 2 digits in my student number is 22 so 22 mod 22 = 0, which is then the exam project I have done.");
        WriteLine("In this project I use the Lanczos algorithm to produce the Matrixes V and T where A = V T V^{T}");
        WriteLine("The real symmetric matrix we choose as en example is");
        //Define symmetric matrix
        var A = new matrix("1 2 3;2 4 5;3 5 8");

        A.print("A = ");

        WriteLine("We then apply the Lanczos algortihm to get the V and T matrices.");
        //Call V and T matrix from Lanczos algorithm
        matrix T = Lanczos.execute(A, 3, 0);
        matrix V = Lanczos.execute(A, 3, 1);

        //Print them
        T.print("T = ");
        V.print("V = ");

        //Recreate A to check that T and V are correct
        matrix A2 = V * T * V.transpose();

        A2.print("Were A should be V T V^T. We calculate this to check, V T V^T =  ");
        WriteLine("Which gives exactley A again");
 public SColor[] ScaleLanczos( int _targetWidth, int _targetHeight)
     Lanczos l = new Lanczos(m_originalColors, m_width);
     return l.Filter(_targetWidth, _targetHeight);