        /// <summary>
        /// Compares timestamps on .wav files and .mp3 files to see if we need to update any .mp3 files.
        /// Be aware that if you are staging audio files in preparation for publishing, the bookFolderPath
        /// should be the original book folder files, not the staged files. Otherwise you may get unexpected
        /// results. (See BL-5437)
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsAnyCompressedAudioMissing(string bookFolderPath, XmlDocument dom)
            if (!LameEncoder.IsAvailable())

            return(!GetTrueForAllAudioSpans(bookFolderPath, dom,
                                            (wavpath, mp3path) => !Mp3IsNeeded(wavpath, mp3path)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a compressed audio file for the specified .wav file.
 /// </summary>
 public static string MakeCompressedAudio(string wavPath)
     // We have a recording, but not compressed. Possibly the LAME package was installed after
     // the recordings were made. Compress it now.
     if (s_mp3Encoder == null)
         s_mp3Encoder = new LameEncoder();
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a compressed audio file for the specified .wav file.
 /// (Or return null if it can't be done because we don't have a LAME package installed.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 // internal and virtual for testing.
 private static string MakeCompressedAudio(string wavPath)
     // We have a recording, but not compressed. Possibly the LAME package was installed after
     // the recordings were made. Compress it now.
     if (_mp3Encoder == null)
         if (!LameEncoder.IsAvailable())
         _mp3Encoder = new LameEncoder();
     _mp3Encoder.Encode(wavPath, wavPath.Substring(0, wavPath.Length - 4), new NullProgress());
     return(Path.ChangeExtension(wavPath, "mp3"));