        public void UpdatePathing()
            MovingEntity body = GetComponent <MovingEntity>();

            if (pathingTarget == null)
                body.desiredMove = Vector3.zero;
            if (PhysicsUtils.millis() - lastPathfind > 1000.0 / pathfindsPerSecond)
                LVector3       myPos           = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position);
                RaycastResults blockStandingOn = body.BlockStandingOn();
                // if we are using shift and standing over an empty block, but our feet are on a neighboring block, use that neighboring block for pathfinding instead
                if (blockStandingOn != null)
                    myPos = blockStandingOn.hitBlock + new LVector3(0, blocksHeight, 0);

                ////// new stuff
                // find position on ground below player and path to that instead
                LVector3 playerPos    = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(pathingTarget.transform.position);
                int      goDownAmount = 10; // don't get into infinite loop, give up eventually
                while (playerPos.BlockV == BlockValue.Air && goDownAmount > 0)
                    playerPos = playerPos - new LVector3(0, 1, 0);
                playerPos += new LVector3(0, 2, 0);

                bool iShouldJump = true;

                //// new stuff

                 * bool pathingSuccess = false;
                 * PathingSpreadNode resPath = BlocksPathing.Pathfind(World.mainWorld, myPos, playerPos, 1, 1, blocksHeight, 1, out pathingSuccess);
                 * iShouldJump = true;
                 * if (resPath != null)
                 * {
                 *  curPath = (new PathingResult(resPath)).GetPathNode();
                 * }

                //PhysicsUtils.Pathfind(blocksHeight, ref curPath, out iShouldJump, myPos, playerPos, 200);

                if (iShouldJump)
                    body.jumping = true;
                lastPathfind = PhysicsUtils.millis();

            body.desiredMove = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 targetPos = transform.position;

            if (curPath != null)
                LVector3 myPos           = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position);
                LVector3 myPosBeforeJump = myPos - new LVector3(0, 1, 0);
                if (curPath.prevNode != null && (myPos == curPath.prevNode.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.prevNode.pos))
                else if (curPath.nextNode != null && (myPos == curPath.nextNode.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.nextNode.pos))
                    curPath = curPath.nextNode;
                else if (myPos == curPath.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.pos)
                    if (curPath.nextNode != null)
                        curPath = curPath.nextNode;

                LVector3 targetBlock = curPath.pos;
                if (targetBlock.y == LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position).y)
                    body.usingShift = true;
                    body.usingShift = false;
                if (targetBlock.y > myPos.y)
                    body.jumping = true;
                    body.jumping = false;
                targetPos = targetBlock.BlockCentertoUnityVector3();
                body.SetAbsoluteDesiredMove((targetPos - transform.position).normalized);
        public void UpdateOld()
            MovingEntity body = GetComponent <MovingEntity>();

            if (PhysicsUtils.millis() - lastPathfind > 1000.0 / pathfindsPerSecond)
                LVector3       myPos           = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position);
                RaycastResults blockStandingOn = body.BlockStandingOn();
                // if we are using shift and standing over an empty block, but our feet are on a neighboring block, use that neighboring block for pathfinding instead
                if (blockStandingOn != null)
                    myPos = blockStandingOn.hitBlock + new LVector3(0, blocksHeight, 0);
                LVector3 playerPos = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(FindObjectOfType <BlocksPlayer>().transform.position);
                bool     iShouldJump;
                PhysicsUtils.Pathfind(blocksHeight, ref curPath, out iShouldJump, myPos, playerPos, 200);

                if (iShouldJump)
                    body.jumping = true;
                lastPathfind = PhysicsUtils.millis();

            body.desiredMove = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 targetPos = transform.position;

            if (curPath != null)
                LVector3 myPos           = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position);
                LVector3 myPosBeforeJump = myPos - new LVector3(0, 1, 0);
                if (curPath.prevNode != null && (myPos == curPath.prevNode.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.prevNode.pos))
                else if (curPath.nextNode != null && (myPos == curPath.nextNode.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.nextNode.pos))
                    curPath = curPath.nextNode;
                else if (myPos == curPath.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.pos)
                    if (curPath.nextNode != null)
                        curPath = curPath.nextNode;
                else if (myPos != curPath.pos && myPosBeforeJump != curPath.pos && curPath.prevNode != null)
                    //curPath = curPath.prevNode;

                 * while (myPos != curPath.pos && myPosBeforeJump != curPath.pos)
                 * {
                 *  if (curPath.nextNode == null)
                 *  {
                 *      break;
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      curPath = curPath.nextNode;
                 *  }
                 * }

                //if (myPos == curPath.pos || myPosBeforeJump == curPath.pos)
                // {
                LVector3 targetBlock = curPath.pos;
                if (targetBlock.y == LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position).y)
                    body.usingShift = true;
                    body.usingShift = false;
                if (curPath.nextNode != null)
                    //targetBlock = curPath.nextNode.pos;
                if (targetBlock.y > myPos.y)
                    body.jumping = true;
                    body.jumping = false;
                targetPos = targetBlock.BlockCentertoUnityVector3();
                body.SetAbsoluteDesiredMove((targetPos - transform.position).normalized);
                // }

             * if (curPath != null && curPath.nextNode != null)
             * {
             *  //PathNode next = curPath;
             *  //while (Vector3.Distance(next.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3(), transform.position) < 1.0f && next.nextNode != null)
             *  //{
             *  //    next = next.nextNode;
             *  //}
             *  targetPos = curPath.nextNode.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3();
             *  //LVector3 playerPos = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(FindObjectOfType<BlocksPlayer>().transform.position);
             *  //Debug.Log("going to " + curPath.nextNode.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3() + " player position is " + FindObjectOfType<BlocksPlayer>().transform.position + " player block pos is " + playerPos);
             *  //body.SetAbsoluteDesiredMove((curPath.nextNode.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3() - transform.position));
             *  //body.jumping = true;
             * }
             * else if (curPath != null)
             * {
             *  //Debug.Log("going to " + curPath.nextNode.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3() + " player position is " + FindObjectOfType<BlocksPlayer>().transform.position + " player block pos is " + playerPos);
             *  // body.SetAbsoluteDesiredMove((curPath.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3() - transform.position));
             *  targetPos = curPath.pos.BlockCentertoUnityVector3();
             *  //body.jumping = true;
             * }
             * LVector3 targetBlock = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(targetPos);
             * LVector3 myBlock = LVector3.FromUnityVector3(transform.position - new Vector3(0, body.heightBelowHead / 2.0f, 0));
             * if (targetBlock.y > myBlock.y)
             * {
             *  body.jumping = true;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  body.jumping = false;
             * }
             * body.SetAbsoluteDesiredMove((targetPos - transform.position)+Random.insideUnitSphere*0.1f);
             * Vector3 curOff = Random.insideUnitCircle;
             * offset += curOff * 0.1f;
             * if (offset.magnitude > 1.0f)
             * {
             *  offset = offset.normalized * 1.0f;
             * }
             * if (Random.value < 0.01f)
             * {
             *  body.jumping = true;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  body.jumping = false;
             * }
             * body.desiredMove = offset;