        private void Measure()
            // allocate space for the results
            int tracePointsPerStep = (int)(frequencyStep / 100E3); // truncates towards 0

            results.numberOfTracePoints = rxFrequencyRamp.Length * tracePointsPerStep + 1;
            results.noiseFloorTraces    = new double[bandwidths.Length][][];
            results.maxHoldTraces       = new double[bandwidths.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < bandwidths.Length; i++)
                results.noiseFloorTraces[i] = new double[numberOfRuns][];
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfRuns; j++)
                    results.noiseFloorTraces[i][j] = Enumerable.Repeat(double.NegativeInfinity, results.numberOfTracePoints).ToArray();
                results.maxHoldTraces[i] = Enumerable.Repeat(double.NegativeInfinity, results.numberOfTracePoints).ToArray();
            // process data from producer
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRuns; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rxFrequencyRamp.Length; j++)
                    ComplexWaveform <ComplexDouble> iqData; // for compatibility with pre c# 7 code
                    if (queue.TryTake(out iqData, timeout.ToTimeSpan()))
                        double iqRate = 1 / iqData.PrecisionTiming.SampleInterval.TotalSeconds;
                        /// Call LabVIEW built DLL for filtering the data.
                        /// The VI is set to shared clone re-entrant, therefore we can manage execution thread from C#.
                        Parallel.For(0, bandwidths.Length, bandwidthIndex =>
                            double[] powerTrace = LVFilters.ComplexFilter(iqRate, vbw, 1000, bandwidths[bandwidthIndex], 70, iqData.GetScaledData());
                            // sort the trace from high to low
                            int[] indexes = Enumerable.Range(0, powerTrace.Length).ToArray();
                            Array.Sort(powerTrace, indexes, Comparer <double> .Create(new Comparison <double>((i1, i2) => i2.CompareTo(i1)))); // sort decending
                            // take the first (max) values of the sorted power trace and sort again according to index
                            int recordTracePoints = tracePointsPerStep;
                            if (j == rxFrequencyRamp.Length - 1)
                            Array.Sort(indexes, powerTrace, 0, recordTracePoints); // sorts just the points we are interested in
                            // evaluate the max hold of the result
                            for (int k = 0; k < recordTracePoints; k++)
                                int traceIndex = j * tracePointsPerStep + k;
                                results.noiseFloorTraces[bandwidthIndex][i][traceIndex] = powerTrace[k];
                                results.maxHoldTraces[bandwidthIndex][traceIndex]       = Math.Max(results.maxHoldTraces[bandwidthIndex][traceIndex], powerTrace[k]);
        public NoiseFloorTest(
            Transceiver transceiver,
            string band,
            string waveformName,
            ComplexWaveform <ComplexDouble> waveform,
            double txStartFrequency     = 1920E6,
            double txStopFrequency      = 1980E6,
            double rxStartFrequency     = 2110E6,
            double rxStopFrequency      = 2170E6,
            double frequencyStep        = 1E6,
            int numberOfRuns            = 1,
            string referenceTriggerLine = "PXI_Trig0",
            double sgPowerLevel         = -10,
            double saReferenceLevel     = 10,
            double vbw                   = 10000,
            bool preSoakSweep            = false,
            double soakFrequency         = 1955E6,
            double soakTime              = 0,
            double dwellTime             = 1E-3,
            double idleTime              = 300E-6,
            double referenceTriggerDelay = 15E-6,
            double timeout               = 10)
            this.transceiver          = transceiver;
            this.band                 = band;
            this.waveformName         = waveformName;
            this.waveform             = waveform;
            this.txStartFrequency     = txStartFrequency;
            this.txStopFrequency      = txStopFrequency;
            this.rxStartFrequency     = rxStartFrequency;
            this.rxStopFrequency      = rxStopFrequency;
            this.frequencyStep        = frequencyStep;
            this.numberOfRuns         = numberOfRuns;
            this.referenceTriggerLine = referenceTriggerLine;
            this.sgPowerLevel         = sgPowerLevel;
            this.saReferenceLevel     = saReferenceLevel;
            this.vbw                   = vbw;
            this.preSoakSweep          = preSoakSweep;
            this.soakFrequency         = soakFrequency;
            this.soakTime              = soakTime;
            this.dwellTime             = dwellTime;
            this.idleTime              = idleTime;
            this.referenceTriggerDelay = referenceTriggerDelay;
            this.timeout               = new PrecisionTimeSpan(timeout);

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => LVFilters.Initialize()); // this is launched asynchronously and will never be waited on
