    void makeImage(GameObject img, LRenderElement elem)
        Image comImage = img.GetComponent <Image>();

        comImage.color = Color.white;
        if (comImage != null)
            Sprite sp = AssetBundleManager.godLoader.Load(GameResType.Emote, PathUtil.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(elem.path), typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
            comImage.sprite = sp;
    void makeFramAnim(GameObject anim, LRenderElement elem)
        LMovieClip comFram = anim.GetComponent <LMovieClip>();

        if (comFram != null)
            comFram.path        = elem.path;
            comFram.fps         = elem.fs;
            comFram.frameLength = elem.frameCount;
    void makeLabel(GameObject lab, LRenderElement elem)
        Text comText = lab.GetComponent <Text>();

        if (comText != null)
            comText.text      = elem.strChar;
            comText.font      = elem.font;
            comText.fontSize  = elem.fontSize;
            comText.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
            comText.color     = elem.color;

        Outline outline = lab.GetComponent <Outline>();

        if (elem.isOutLine)
            if (outline == null)
                outline = lab.AddComponent <Outline>();
            if (outline)

        if (elem.isUnderLine)
            GameObject underLine = getCacheImage(false);
            Image      underImg  = underLine.GetComponent <Image>();
            underImg.sprite = null;
            underImg.color  = elem.color;
            underImg.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(comText.preferredWidth, 2);
            underLine.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            RectTransform rect = underLine.transform as RectTransform;
            rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(elem.pos.x, elem.pos.y);
            rect.localScale       = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            //underLine.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(elem.pos.x, elem.pos.y);
    protected void formarRenderers()
        int  oneLine          = 0;
        int  lines            = 1;
        bool isReplaceInSpace = false;
        int  len = _elemRenderArr.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            isReplaceInSpace = false;
            LRenderElement elem = _elemRenderArr[i];
            if (elem.isNewLine) // new line
                oneLine = 0;
                elem.width  = 10;
                elem.height = 27;
                elem.pos    = new Vector2(oneLine, -lines * 27);
            else //other elements
                if (oneLine + elem.width > maxLineWidth)
                    if (elem.type == RichType.TEXT)
                        //if (isChinese(elem.strChar) || elem.strChar == " ")
                        oneLine = 0;

                        elem.pos = new Vector2(oneLine, -lines * 27);
                        oneLine  = elem.width;
                        //else // en
                        //    int spaceIdx = 0;
                        //    int idx = i;
                        //    while (idx > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        idx--;
                        //        if (_elemRenderArr[idx].strChar == " " &&
                        //            _elemRenderArr[idx].pos.y == _elemRenderArr[i-1].pos.y ) // just for the same line
                        //        {
                        //            spaceIdx = idx;
                        //            break;
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    // can't find space , force new line
                        //    if (spaceIdx == 0)
                        //    {
                        //        oneLine = 0;
                        //        lines++;
                        //        elem.pos = new Vector2(oneLine, -lines * 27);
                        //        oneLine = elem.width;
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        oneLine = 0;
                        //        lines++;
                        //        isReplaceInSpace = true; //reset cuting words position

                        //        for (int _i = spaceIdx +1; _i <= i; ++_i)
                        //        {
                        //            LRenderElement _elem = _elemRenderArr[_i];
                        //            _elem.pos = new Vector2(oneLine, -lines * 27);
                        //            oneLine += _elem.width;

                        //            _elemRenderArr[_i] = _elem;
                        //        }
                        //    }
                    else if (elem.type == RichType.ANIM || elem.type == RichType.IMAGE)
                        elem.pos = new Vector2(0, -lines * 27);
                        oneLine  = elem.width;
                    elem.pos = new Vector2(oneLine, -lines * 27);
                    oneLine += elem.width;
            if (isReplaceInSpace == false)
                _elemRenderArr[i] = elem;
        //sort all lines
        Dictionary <int, List <LRenderElement> > rendElemLineMap = new Dictionary <int, List <LRenderElement> >();
        List <int> lineKeyList = new List <int>();

        len = _elemRenderArr.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            LRenderElement        elem = _elemRenderArr[i];
            List <LRenderElement> lineList;

            if (!rendElemLineMap.ContainsKey((int)elem.pos.y))
                lineList = new List <LRenderElement>();
                rendElemLineMap[(int)elem.pos.y] = lineList;
        // all lines in arr
        List <List <LRenderElement> > rendLineArrs = new List <List <LRenderElement> >();

        foreach (var item in rendElemLineMap)
            lineKeyList.Add(-1 * item.Key);
        len = lineKeyList.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            int            posY                = -1 * lineKeyList[i];
            string         lineString          = "";
            LRenderElement _lastEleme          = rendElemLineMap[posY][0];
            LRenderElement _lastDiffStartEleme = rendElemLineMap[posY][0];
            if (rendElemLineMap[posY].Count > 0)
                List <LRenderElement> lineElemArr = new List <LRenderElement>();

                foreach (LRenderElement elem in rendElemLineMap[posY])
                    if (_lastEleme.type == RichType.TEXT && elem.type == RichType.TEXT)
                        if (_lastEleme.color == elem.color && _lastEleme.data == elem.data)
                            // the same color can mergin one string
                            lineString += elem.strChar;
                        else // diff color
                            if (_lastDiffStartEleme.type == RichType.TEXT)
                                LRenderElement _newElem = _lastDiffStartEleme.Clone();
                                _newElem.strChar = lineString;

                                _lastDiffStartEleme = elem;
                                lineString          = elem.strChar;
                    else if (elem.type == RichType.IMAGE || elem.type == RichType.ANIM || elem.type == RichType.NEWLINE)
                        if (_lastDiffStartEleme.type == RichType.TEXT)
                            LRenderElement _newEleme = _lastDiffStartEleme.Clone();
                            _newEleme.strChar = lineString;
                            lineString        = "";
                    else if (_lastEleme.type != RichType.TEXT)
                        _lastDiffStartEleme = elem;
                        if (elem.type == RichType.TEXT)
                            lineString = elem.strChar;
                    _lastEleme = elem;
                // the last elementText
                if (_lastDiffStartEleme.type == RichType.TEXT)
                    LRenderElement _newElem = _lastDiffStartEleme.Clone();
                    _newElem.strChar = lineString;

        // offset position
        int _offsetLineY = 0;

        realLineHeight = 0;
        len            = rendLineArrs.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            List <LRenderElement> _lines = rendLineArrs[i];
            int _lineHeight = 0;
            foreach (LRenderElement elem in _lines)
                _lineHeight = Mathf.Max(_lineHeight, elem.height);
            _lineHeight    += verticalSpace; //加入行间距
            realLineHeight += _lineHeight;
            _offsetLineY   += (_lineHeight - 27);

            int _len = _lines.Count;
            for (int j = 0; j < _len; j++)
                LRenderElement elem = _lines[j];
                elem.pos       = new Vector2(elem.pos.x, elem.pos.y - _offsetLineY);
                realLineHeight = Mathf.Max(realLineHeight, (int)Mathf.Abs(elem.pos.y));
                _lines[j]      = elem;
            rendLineArrs[i] = _lines;

        // place all position
        realLineWidth = 0;
        GameObject obj = null;

        foreach (List <LRenderElement> _lines in rendLineArrs)
            int _lineWidth = 0;
            foreach (LRenderElement elem in _lines)
                if (!elem.isNewLine)
                    string strComponent = "Text";
                    if (elem.type == RichType.TEXT)
                        obj = getCacheLabel();
                        makeLabel(obj, elem);
                        _lineWidth  += (int)obj.GetComponent <Text>().preferredWidth;
                        strComponent = "Text";
                    else if (elem.type == RichType.IMAGE)
                        obj = getCacheImage(true);
                        makeImage(obj, elem);
                        _lineWidth  += (int)obj.GetComponent <Image>().preferredWidth;
                        strComponent = "Image";
                    else if (elem.type == RichType.ANIM)
                        obj = getCacheFramAnim();
                        makeFramAnim(obj, elem);
                        _lineWidth  += elem.width;
                        strComponent = "Animation";
                    obj.GetComponent <Graphic>().raycastTarget = RaycastTarget;;
                    RectTransform rect = obj.transform as RectTransform;
                    rect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(elem.pos.x, elem.pos.y /*+ realLineHeight*/, 0);
                    rect.localScale         = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                    _objectDataMap[obj]     = elem.data;
            realLineWidth = Mathf.Max(_lineWidth, realLineWidth);

        RectTransform rtran = this.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        if (alignType == RichAlignType.DESIGN_CENTER)
            rtran.sizeDelta = new Vector2(realLineWidth, realLineHeight);
        else if (alignType == RichAlignType.LEFT_TOP)
            rtran.sizeDelta = new Vector2(realLineWidth, realLineHeight);
    //public LRichText(InputType inputType):this()
    //    this.inputType = inputType;

    void reloadData()

        RectTransform rtran = this.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        if (alignType == RichAlignType.DESIGN_CENTER)
            rtran.GetComponent <RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
        else if (alignType == RichAlignType.LEFT_TOP)
            rtran.GetComponent <RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f);

        foreach (LRichElement elem in _richElements)
            if (elem.type == RichType.TEXT)
                LRichElementText elemText = elem as LRichElementText;
                char[]           _charArr = elemText.txt.ToCharArray();
                TextGenerator    gen      = new TextGenerator();

                foreach (char strChar in _charArr)
                    LRenderElement rendElem = new LRenderElement();
                    rendElem.type        = RichType.TEXT;
                    rendElem.strChar     = strChar.ToString();
                    rendElem.isOutLine   = elemText.isOutLine;
                    rendElem.isUnderLine = elemText.isUnderLine;
                    rendElem.font        = this.font;
                    rendElem.fontSize    = elemText.fontSize;
                    rendElem.data        = elemText.data;
                    rendElem.color       = elemText.color;

                    TextGenerationSettings setting = new TextGenerationSettings();
                    setting.font               = this.font;
                    setting.fontSize           = elemText.fontSize;
                    setting.lineSpacing        = 1;
                    setting.scaleFactor        = 1;
                    setting.verticalOverflow   = VerticalWrapMode.Overflow;
                    setting.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;

                    rendElem.width  = (int)gen.GetPreferredWidth(rendElem.strChar, setting);
                    rendElem.height = (int)gen.GetPreferredHeight(rendElem.strChar, setting);
            else if (elem.type == RichType.IMAGE)
                LRichElementImage elemImg  = elem as LRichElementImage;
                LRenderElement    rendElem = new LRenderElement();
                rendElem.type = RichType.IMAGE;
                rendElem.path = elemImg.path;
                rendElem.data = elemImg.data;
                //Sprite sp = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(AppConst.RawResPath + rendElem.path, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                rendElem.width  = elemImg.width;
                rendElem.height = elemImg.height;
            else if (elem.type == RichType.ANIM)
                LRichElementAnim elemAnim = elem as LRichElementAnim;
                LRenderElement   rendElem = new LRenderElement();
                rendElem.type       = RichType.ANIM;
                rendElem.path       = elemAnim.path;
                rendElem.data       = elemAnim.data;
                rendElem.frameCount = elemAnim.frameCount;
                rendElem.fs         = elemAnim.fs;
                //Sprite sp = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(AppConst.RawResPath + rendElem.path + "/1", typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                rendElem.width  = elemAnim.width;
                rendElem.height = elemAnim.height;
            else if (elem.type == RichType.NEWLINE)
                LRenderElement rendElem = new LRenderElement();
                rendElem.isNewLine = true;

