public ActionResult ConfirmChangePassword(string oldpass, string Pass, string cpass) { LORepository orepo = new LORepository(); LoginRepository lrepo = new LoginRepository(); LoanOfficer of = orepo.Get(Convert.ToInt32(Session["Id"])); Logininfo log = lrepo.Get(Session["Name"].ToString()); if (Session["Password"].ToString() == oldpass) { if (Pass != cpass) { ViewData["Message"] = "Password Didn't match"; } else { of.LOfficer_Password = Pass; log.Login_Password = Pass; orepo.Update(of); lrepo.Update(log); ViewData["Message"] = "Password Updated Successfully"; Session["Officer"] = of; Session["Password"] = Pass; } } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Wrong Password"; } return(View("Empty")); }
public ActionResult ConfirmEditProfile(LoanOfficer l) { LORepository urepo = new LORepository(); urepo.Update(l); ViewData["Message"] = "Edit Successfull"; Session["LoanOfficer"] = l; return(View("Empty")); }
public ActionResult ConfirmLoanOfficer_Salary(int LOfficer_Id) { LORepository brepo = new LORepository(); LoanOfficer br = brepo.Get(LOfficer_Id); DateTime d = DateTime.Now; if (d >= Convert.ToDateTime(br.LOfficer_LastPaymentDate).AddDays(30)) { br.LOfficer_LastPaymentDate = d.ToString(); br.LOfficer_TotalPayment += br.LOfficer_Salary; br.LOfficer_Balance += br.LOfficer_Salary; brepo.Update(br); ViewData["Message"] = "Salary Payment Successfull"; } else { ViewData["Message"] = "To Early to Pay Salary"; } return(View("Empty")); }