public bool UnlikePost(LIKE like) { bool returnValue = false; returnValue = likeRepo.Remove(lke => lke.POST_ID == like.POST_ID && lke.LIKE_BY == like.LIKE_BY); notifManager.RemoveLikeNotification(like.POST_ID, like.LIKE_BY); return(returnValue); }
public static bool AddLikes(int bookid) { LIKE like = new LIKE() { USERID = (new SessionHandler().AuthenticatedUser().USERID), BOOKID = bookid }; return(Service.AddLike(like)); }
public NOTIFICATION GetNotificationForLike(LIKE like) { NOTIFICATION notification = new NOTIFICATION(); using (var context = new PastebookEntities()) { notification = context.NOTIFICATIONs.FirstOrDefault(n => n.POST_ID == like.POST_ID && n.SENDER_ID == like.LIKED_BY && n.NOTIF_TYPE == "L"); } return(notification); }
public LIKE GetLike(LIKE like) { LIKE specificLike = new LIKE(); using (var context = new PastebookEntities()) { specificLike = context.LIKEs.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LIKED_BY == like.LIKED_BY && l.POST_ID == like.POST_ID); } return(specificLike); }
public bool AddLike(LIKE like) { try { dataAccess.LIKEs.InsertOnSubmit(like); dataAccess.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public int LikePost(int postID, int userID, string status) { GenericDataAccess <LIKE> dataAccessLike = new GenericDataAccess <LIKE>(); GenericDataAccess <NOTIFICATION> dataAccessNotification = new GenericDataAccess <NOTIFICATION>(); int result; int posterID = postDataAccess.GetProfileOwnerID(postID); var like = new LIKE() { LIKED_BY = userID, POST_ID = postID }; if (status == "like") { result = dataAccessLike.Create(like); if (result == 1 && userID != posterID) { NOTIFICATION notification = new NOTIFICATION() { NOTIF_TYPE = "L", POST_ID = postID, RECEIVER_ID = posterID, SENDER_ID = userID, CREATED_DATE = DateTime.Now, SEEN = "N" }; dataAccessNotification.Create(notification); } } else { result = dataAccessLike.Delete(likeDataAccess.GetLike(like)); if (result == 1 && userID != posterID) { dataAccessNotification.Delete(notificationDataAccess.GetNotificationForLike(like)); } } return(result); }
public bool RemoveLike(int userid, int bookid) { try { LIKE like = dataAccess.LIKEs.FirstOrDefault(lk => lk.USERID == userid && lk.BOOKID == bookid); if (like == null) { return(false); } dataAccess.LIKEs.DeleteOnSubmit(like); dataAccess.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public bool LikePost(LIKE like, int postOwnerID) { bool returnValue = false; var getLike = likeRepo.Get(x => x.POST_ID == like.POST_ID && x.LIKE_BY == like.LIKE_BY); if (getLike == null) { returnValue = likeRepo.Add(like); if (postOwnerID != like.LIKE_BY) { notifManager.AddNotification(new NOTIFICATION() { RECEIVER_ID = postOwnerID, SEEN = "N", SENDER_ID = like.LIKE_BY, NOTIF_TYPE = "L", POST_ID = like.POST_ID }); } } return(returnValue); }
WHERE ([Id] LIKE @text OR [BookName] LIKE @text OR [Author] LIKE @text) {(getAll ? string.Empty : (availableOnly ? " AND [Borrowed] = 0 " : " AND [Borrowed] = 1 "))}