internal ExcelColor(ExcelStyles styles, LF.Utils.EPPlus.XmlHelper.ChangedEventHandler ChangedEvent, int worksheetID, string address, eStyleClass cls, StyleBase parent) : base(styles, ChangedEvent, worksheetID, address) { _parent = parent; _cls = cls; }
static void SetStream(LF e, System.IO.TextWriter w) { if (w == null) { w = System.IO.TextWriter.Null; } m_out[(int)e] = w; }
public static HSSFEvaluationWorkbook Create(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.IWorkbook book) { if (book == null) { return null; } return new HSSFEvaluationWorkbook((HSSFWorkbook)book); }
private static void Add(Hashtable m, OperationPtg ptgKey, LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions.Function instance) { // make sure ptg has single private constructor because map lookups assume singleton keys ConstructorInfo[] cc = ptgKey.GetType().GetConstructors(); if (cc.Length > 1 || (cc.Length > 0 && !cc[0].IsPrivate)) { throw new Exception("Failed to verify instance (" + ptgKey.GetType().Name + ") is a singleton."); } m[ptgKey] = instance; }
//[Obsolete] //public static void SetBorderLeft(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType border, Region region, HSSFSheet sheet, // HSSFWorkbook workbook) //{ // SetBorderLeft(border, toCRA(region), sheet, workbook); //} /// <summary> /// Sets the left border for a region of cells by manipulating the cell style /// of the individual cells on the left /// </summary> /// <param name="border">The new border</param> /// <param name="region">The region that should have the border</param> /// <param name="sheet">The sheet that the region is on.</param> /// <param name="workbook">The workbook that the region is on.</param> public static void SetBorderLeft(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle border, CellRangeAddress region, HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFWorkbook workbook) { int rowStart = region.FirstRow; int rowEnd = region.LastRow; int column = region.FirstColumn; CellPropertySetter cps = new CellPropertySetter(workbook, HSSFCellUtil.BORDER_LEFT, (int)border); for (int i = rowStart; i <= rowEnd; i++) { cps.SetProperty(HSSFCellUtil.GetRow(i, sheet), column); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds any formatting to text encoded using the FormattedTextToDB function /// </summary> /// <param name="toFormat">Encoded text to decode</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string FormattedTextFromDB(string toFormat) { string toReturn = toFormat; char CR; char LF; CR = System.Convert.ToChar(13); LF = System.Convert.ToChar(10); toReturn = toReturn.Replace("{<CR>}", CR.ToString()); toReturn = toReturn.Replace("{<LF>}", LF.ToString()); toReturn = toReturn.Replace("{<AP>}", "'"); return(toReturn); }
public WorkItem(int size, LF.Utils.Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel compressLevel, CompressionStrategy strategy, int ix) { this.buffer= new byte[size]; // alloc 5 bytes overhead for every block (margin of safety= 2) int n = size + ((size / 32768)+1) * 5 * 2; this.compressed = new byte[n]; this.compressor = new ZlibCodec(); this.compressor.InitializeDeflate(compressLevel, false); this.compressor.OutputBuffer = this.compressed; this.compressor.InputBuffer = this.buffer; this.index = ix; }
internal ExcelStyle(ExcelStyles styles, LF.Utils.EPPlus.XmlHelper.ChangedEventHandler ChangedEvent, int positionID, string Address, int xfsId) : base(styles, ChangedEvent, positionID, Address) { Index = xfsId; ExcelXfs xfs; if (positionID > -1) { xfs = _styles.CellXfs[xfsId]; } else { xfs = _styles.CellStyleXfs[xfsId]; } Styles = styles; PositionID = positionID; Numberformat = new ExcelNumberFormat(styles, ChangedEvent, PositionID, Address, xfs.NumberFormatId); Font = new ExcelFont(styles, ChangedEvent, PositionID, Address, xfs.FontId); Fill = new ExcelFill(styles, ChangedEvent, PositionID, Address, xfs.FillId); Border = new Border(styles, ChangedEvent, PositionID, Address, xfs.BorderId); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the height of a client anchor in points. /// </summary> /// <param name="sheet">the sheet the anchor will be attached to</param> /// <returns>the shape height.</returns> public float GetAnchorHeightInPoints(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet) { int y1 = Dy1; int y2 = Dy2; int row1 = Math.Min(Row1, Row2); int row2 = Math.Max(Row1, Row2); float points = 0; if (row1 == row2) { points = ((y2 - y1) / 256.0f) * GetRowHeightInPoints(sheet, row2); } else { points += ((256.0f - y1) / 256.0f) * GetRowHeightInPoints(sheet, row1); for (int i = row1 + 1; i < row2; i++) { points += GetRowHeightInPoints(sheet, i); } points += (y2 / 256.0f) * GetRowHeightInPoints(sheet, row2); } return points; }
public void Add_TwoByteArrays_SecondNull() { byte[] array2 = null; array2 = LF.Add(array2); ShouldEqualWithDiff(array2.ToUTF8(), LF.ToUTF8()); }
public void Add_TwoByteArrays() { byte[] array = LF.Add(HT); ShouldEqualWithDiff(array.ToUTF8(), $"{LF.ToUTF8()}{HT.ToUTF8()}"); }
internal StyleBase(ExcelStyles styles, LF.Utils.EPPlus.XmlHelper.ChangedEventHandler ChangedEvent, int PositionID, string Address) { _styles = styles; _ChangedEvent = ChangedEvent; _address = Address; _positionID = PositionID; }
public void SetProperty(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow row, int column) { LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICell cell = HSSFCellUtil.GetCell(row, column); HSSFCellUtil.SetCellStyleProperty(cell, _workbook, _propertyName, _propertyValue); }
public static Instruccion DescodificarInstruccion(byte codigo, ushort pos) { Instruccion instruccion = null; ArgMemoria argumentoMemoria = Argumento.ConvertirEnArgumento((Main.ObtenerMemoria.ObtenerDireccion((ushort)(pos + 1)).Contenido * 256 + Main.ObtenerMemoria.ObtenerDireccion((ushort)(pos + 2)).Contenido).ToString("X4"), true) as ArgMemoria; ArgRegistro argumentoRegistro = Argumento.ConvertirEnArgumento(Main.ObtenerNombreRegistro(codigo % 4), false) as ArgRegistro; ArgLiteral argumentoLiteral = Argumento.ConvertirEnArgumento(Main.ObtenerMemoria.ObtenerDireccion((ushort)(pos + 1)).Contenido.ToString(), false) as ArgLiteral; switch (codigo / 8) { case 0: instruccion = new LD(argumentoRegistro); break; case 1: instruccion = new ST(argumentoRegistro); break; case 4: case 5: instruccion = new LDM(argumentoMemoria, argumentoRegistro); break; case 6: case 7: instruccion = new STM(argumentoRegistro, argumentoMemoria); break; case 2: case 3: instruccion = new LDI(argumentoLiteral, argumentoRegistro); break; case 8: instruccion = new ADD(argumentoRegistro); break; case 9: instruccion = new SUB(argumentoRegistro); break; case 10: instruccion = new CMP(argumentoRegistro); break; case 11: instruccion = new INC(); break; case 12: instruccion = new ADI(argumentoLiteral); break; case 13: instruccion = new SUI(argumentoLiteral); break; case 14: case 15: instruccion = new CMI(argumentoLiteral); break; case 16: instruccion = new ANA(argumentoRegistro); break; case 17: instruccion = new ORA(argumentoRegistro); break; case 18: instruccion = new XRA(argumentoRegistro); break; case 19: instruccion = new CMA(); break; case 20: instruccion = new ANI(argumentoLiteral); break; case 21: instruccion = new ORI(argumentoLiteral); break; case 22: case 23: instruccion = new XRI(argumentoLiteral); break; case 24: case 25: instruccion = new JMP(argumentoMemoria); break; case 26: instruccion = new BEQ(argumentoMemoria); break; case 27: instruccion = new BC(argumentoMemoria); break; case 28: case 29: instruccion = new LF(); break; case 30: instruccion = new IN(argumentoMemoria, argumentoRegistro); break; case 31: instruccion = new OUT(argumentoRegistro, argumentoMemoria); break; } return(instruccion); }
public HSSFEvaluationCell(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICell cell) { _cell = cell; _evalSheet = new HSSFEvaluationSheet((HSSFSheet)cell.Sheet); }
public async Task OnTick() { await Task.FromResult(0); try { PP.LastFlatbed(PP.Position.GetNearestFlatbed()); if (PP.CurrentVehicle == LF) { Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); if (!LF.IsControlOutside()) { if (manualControl) { if (Game.IsControlPressed(0, liftKey)) { LF.DropBedManually(true); } if (Game.IsControlPressed(0, lowerKey)) { LF.DropBedManually(false); } } else { if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { await LF.DropBed(); } } } FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, false); LF.IsPersistent = false; if (LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle != 0 && PP.IsInVehicle(LF)) { if (Game.IsControlPressed(2, Control.VehicleAccelerate)) { ApplyForceToEntity(Game.Player.LastVehicle.Handle, 3, 0F, -0.04F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0, true, true, true, true, true); } if (Game.IsControlPressed(2, Control.VehicleBrake)) { ApplyForceToEntity(Game.Player.LastVehicle.Handle, 3, 0F, 0.04F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0, true, true, true, true, true); } } } else { LF.IsPersistent = true; } if (PP.IsInVehicle()) { if (PP.CurrentVehicle.IsOnAllWheels) { if (DecorGetFloat(PP.CurrentVehicle.Handle, gHeightDecor) == 0f) { DecorSetFloat(PP.CurrentVehicle.Handle, gHeightDecor, PP.CurrentVehicle.HeightAboveGround); } } if (PP.CurrentVehicle.IsThisFlatbed3() && !LFList.Contains(PP.CurrentVehicle)) { LFList.Add(PP.CurrentVehicle); } } if (LF.Exists()) { if (!PP.IsInVehicle(LF) && LF.IsControlOutside() && (PP.Position.DistanceTo(LF.ControlDummyPos()) <= 2f | PP.Position.DistanceTo(LF.ControlDummy2Pos()) <= 2f)) { if (manualControl) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HELP", "Press {0} to lift/lower the bed."), $"{liftKey.GetButtonIcon()} {lowerKey.GetButtonIcon()}")); if (Game.IsControlPressed(0, liftKey)) { LF.DropBedManually(true); } if (Game.IsControlPressed(0, lowerKey)) { LF.DropBedManually(false); } } else { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HELP", "Press {0} to lift/lower the bed."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon())); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { await LF.DropBed(); } } } if (!DecorGetBool(LF.Handle, helpDecor) && LV.IsThisFlatbed3()) { if (manualControl) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HELP", "Press {0} to lift/lower the bed."), $"{liftKey.GetButtonIcon()} {lowerKey.GetButtonIcon()}")); } else { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HELP", "Press {0} to lift/lower the bed."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon())); } DecorSetBool(LF.Handle, helpDecor, true); } if (marker) { LF.DrawMarkerTick(); } if (LF.IsFlatbedDropped()) { LF.TurnOnIndicators(); } else { LF.TurnOffIndicators(); } if (LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle != 0) { if (!LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().IsAttachedTo(LF)) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(null); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, 0); } } if (DoesEntityExist(GetEntityAttachedTo(LF.Handle)) && LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle == 0) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(GetEntityAttachedTo(LF.Handle)); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, GetEntityAttachedTo(LF.Handle)); } if (PP.IsInVehicle()) //Player is in vehicle { //Detach towing vehicle if player is inside towing vehicle if (PP.CurrentVehicle == LF.CurrentTowingVehicle()) { if (LV.IsVehicleFacingFlatbed(LF)) { await LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().DetachToFix(false); } else { await LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().DetachToFix(true); } LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().IsPersistent = false; LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(null); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, 0); } //Load vehicle while player is pressing hookkey on bed if (LV.IsAlive && LV.Position.DistanceTo(LF.AttachDummyPos()) <= 2f) { if (!LV.IsThisFlatbed3() && LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle == 0 && AC.Contains(LV.ClassType)) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HOOK", "Press {0} to load {1}."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon(), PP.CurrentVehicle.LocalizedName)); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(PP.CurrentVehicle); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, PP.CurrentVehicle.Handle); PP.CurrentVehicle.IsEngineRunning = false; PP.CurrentVehicle.IsPersistent = true; if (PP.CurrentVehicle == LF.CurrentTowingVehicle()) { PP.Task.LeaveVehicle(LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(), true); } await Delay(3000); if (LV.IsVehicleFacingFlatbed(LF)) { LV.AttachToFix(LF, LF.AttachDummyIndex(), LV.AttachCoords(), Vector3.Zero); } else { LV.AttachToFix(LF, LF.AttachDummyIndex(), LV.AttachCoords(), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 180f)); } } } } //Load vehicle while player is pressing hookkey on attach marker if (LF.AttachPosition().IsAnyVehicleNearAttachPosition(2f)) { if (!LV.IsThisFlatbed3() && LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle == 0 && LF.IsFlatbedDropped() && AC.Contains(LV.ClassType)) { if (LV.Model != LF.Model) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HOOK", "Press {0} to load {1}."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon(), LV.LocalizedName)); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(LV); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, LV.Handle); LV.IsPersistent = true; if (DecorGetFloat(LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle, gHeightDecor) == 0f && LV.IsOnAllWheels) { DecorSetFloat(LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle, gHeightDecor, LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().HeightAboveGround); } FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, true); if (PP.CurrentVehicle == LV) { PP.Task.LeaveVehicle(); } if (LV.IsVehicleFacingFlatbed(LF)) { do { PP.Task.GoTo(LV.GetRopeHook()); await Delay(100); } while (!(PP.Position.DistanceTo(LV.GetRopeHook()) <= 1.5f)); } else { do { PP.Task.GoTo(LV.GetRopeHookRear()); await Delay(100); } while (!(PP.Position.DistanceTo(LV.GetRopeHookRear()) <= 1.5f)); } PP.Task.ClearAll(); //Vehicle heading is almost same as Flatbed if (LV.IsVehicleFacingFlatbed(LF)) { TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:AddRope", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, LV.Handle); ES = false; Rope rope = World.AddRope((RopeType)6, LF.WinchDummyPos(), Vector3.Zero, LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(LV.GetRopeHook()), 0.1f, false); rope.AttachEntities(LF, LF.WinchDummyPos(), LV, LV.GetRopeHook(), LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(LV.GetRopeHook())); rope.ActivatePhysics(); do { if (ES == true) { ES = false; rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(LV); rope.Delete(); return; } if (!LV.IsAnyPedBlockingVehicle(LF)) { rope.StartWinding(); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); } await Delay(5); } while (!(rope.Length <= 1.9f)); rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(LV); rope.Delete(); FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, false); LV.AttachToFix(LF, LF.AttachDummyIndex(), LV.AttachCoords(), Vector3.Zero); } //Vehicle heading is the opposite of Flatbed else { TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:AddRope", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, LV.Handle); ES = false; Rope rope = World.AddRope((RopeType)6, LF.WinchDummyPos(), Vector3.Zero, LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(LV.GetRopeHookRear()), 0.1f, false); rope.AttachEntities(LF, LF.WinchDummyPos(), LV, LV.GetRopeHookRear(), LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(LV.GetRopeHookRear())); rope.ActivatePhysics(); do { if (ES == true) { ES = false; rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(LV); rope.Delete(); return; } if (!LV.IsAnyPedBlockingVehicle(LF)) { rope.StartWinding(); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); } await Delay(5); } while (!(rope.Length <= 1.9f)); rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(LV); rope.Delete(); FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, false); LV.AttachToFix(LF, LF.AttachDummyIndex(), LV.AttachCoords(), Vector3.Zero); } } } } } } else //Player is not in vehicle { //Unload vehicle while flatbed is lowered if (LF.IsFlatbedDropped() && PP.Position.DistanceTo(LF.AttachDummyPos()) <= 3f) { if (World.GetDistance(LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Position, PP.Position) <= 3f) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_UNHOOK", "Press {0} to unload {1}."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon(), LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().LocalizedName)); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { Vehicle towVeh = LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(); FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, true); towVeh.SteeringScale = 0f; if (towVeh.IsVehicleFacingFlatbed(LF)) { await towVeh.DetachToFix(false); } else { await towVeh.DetachToFix(true); } await Delay(1000); if (towVeh.IsDriveable2()) { PP.Task.EnterVehicle(towVeh, VehicleSeat.Driver, 5000, 1f); do { Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); await Delay(5); } while (!(towVeh.Position.DistanceTo(LF.AttachPosition()) <= 2f)); } else { do { if (towVeh.IsVehicleFacingFlatbed(LF)) { towVeh.PushVehicleBack(); } else { towVeh.PushVehicleForward(); } Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); await Delay(5); } while (!(towVeh.Position.DistanceTo(LF.AttachPosition()) <= 2f)); } FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, false); towVeh.IsPersistent = false; LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(null); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, 0); } } } if (LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Handle == 0 && LF.IsFlatbedDropped() && LF.AttachPosition().IsAnyVehicleNearAttachPosition(2f)) { Vehicle thatVehicle = PP.Position.WorldGetClosestVehicle(); //Vehicle heading is almost same as Flatbed if (thatVehicle.Model != LF.Model && AC.Contains(thatVehicle.ClassType) && PP.Position.DistanceTo(thatVehicle.GetRopeHook()) <= 1.5f) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HOOK", "Press {0} to load {1}."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon(), thatVehicle.LocalizedName)); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(thatVehicle); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, thatVehicle.Handle); thatVehicle.IsPersistent = true; if (thatVehicle.IsOnAllWheels) { if (DecorGetFloat(thatVehicle.Handle, gHeightDecor) == 0f) { DecorSetFloat(thatVehicle.Handle, gHeightDecor, thatVehicle.HeightAboveGround); } } FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, true); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:AddRope", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, LV.Handle); ES = false; Rope rope = World.AddRope((RopeType)6, LF.WinchDummyPos(), Vector3.Zero, LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(thatVehicle.GetRopeHook()), 0.1f, false); rope.AttachEntities(LF, LF.WinchDummyPos(), thatVehicle, thatVehicle.GetRopeHook(), LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(thatVehicle.GetRopeHook())); rope.ActivatePhysics(); do { if (ES == true) { ES = false; rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(thatVehicle); rope.Delete(); return; } if (!thatVehicle.IsAnyPedBlockingVehicle(LF)) { rope.StartWinding(); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); } await Delay(5); } while (!(rope.Length <= 1.9f)); rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(thatVehicle); rope.Delete(); FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, false); thatVehicle.AttachToFix(LF, LF.GetBoneIndex("misc_a"), thatVehicle.AttachCoords(), Vector3.Zero); } } //Vehicle heading is the opposite of Flatbed if (thatVehicle.Model != LF.Model && AC.Contains(thatVehicle.ClassType) && PP.Position.DistanceTo(thatVehicle.GetRopeHookRear()) <= 1.5f) { DisplayHelpTextThisFrame(String.Format(GetLangEntry("INM_FB_HOOK", "Press {0} to load {1}."), hookKey.GetButtonIcon(), thatVehicle.LocalizedName)); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, hookKey)) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(thatVehicle); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, thatVehicle.Handle); thatVehicle.IsPersistent = true; if (thatVehicle.IsOnAllWheels) { if (DecorGetFloat(thatVehicle.Handle, gHeightDecor) == 0f) { DecorSetFloat(thatVehicle.Handle, gHeightDecor, thatVehicle.HeightAboveGround); } } FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, true); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:AddRope", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, LV.Handle); ES = false; Rope rope = World.AddRope((RopeType)6, LF.WinchDummyPos(), Vector3.Zero, LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(thatVehicle.GetRopeHookRear()), 0.1f, false); rope.AttachEntities(LF, LF.WinchDummyPos(), thatVehicle, thatVehicle.GetRopeHookRear(), LF.WinchDummyPos().DistanceTo(thatVehicle.GetRopeHookRear())); rope.ActivatePhysics(); do { if (ES == true) { ES = false; rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(thatVehicle); rope.Delete(); return; } if (!thatVehicle.IsAnyPedBlockingVehicle(LF)) { rope.StartWinding(); Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, Control.VehicleMoveUpDown); } await Delay(5); } while (!(rope.Length <= 1.9f)); rope.StopWinding(); rope.DetachEntity(LF); rope.DetachEntity(thatVehicle); rope.Delete(); FreezeEntityPosition(LF.Handle, false); thatVehicle.AttachToFix(LF, LF.GetBoneIndex("misc_a"), thatVehicle.AttachCoords(), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 180f)); } } } } if (World.GetDistance(LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().Position, LF.Position) >= 20f) { LF.CurrentTowingVehicle().IsPersistent = false; LF.CurrentTowingVehicle(null); TriggerServerEvent("flatbed:SetTowingVehicle", PP.Handle, LF.Handle, 0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"{ex.Message}{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
internal override bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { bool result = Left.Evaluate(entry); switch (Conjunction) { case LogicalConjunction.AND: if (result) result = Right.Evaluate(entry); break; case LogicalConjunction.OR: if (!result) result = Right.Evaluate(entry); break; case LogicalConjunction.XOR: result ^= Right.Evaluate(entry); break; } return result; }
internal override bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { FileAttributes fileAttrs = entry.Attributes; return _Evaluate(fileAttrs); }
internal override bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { bool result = (ObjectType == 'D') ? entry.IsDirectory : !entry.IsDirectory; if (Operator != ComparisonOperator.EqualTo) result = !result; return result; }
internal override bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { DateTime x; switch (Which) { case WhichTime.atime: x = entry.AccessedTime; break; case WhichTime.mtime: x = entry.ModifiedTime; break; case WhichTime.ctime: x = entry.CreationTime; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("??time"); } return _Evaluate(x); }
internal override bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { return _Evaluate(entry.UncompressedSize); }
internal override bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { // swap forward slashes in the entry.FileName for backslashes string transformedFileName = entry.FileName.Replace("/", "\\"); return _Evaluate(transformedFileName); }
internal abstract bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry);
public void Add_TwoByteArrays_FirstNull() { byte[] array1 = null; array1 = array1.Add(LF); ShouldEqualWithDiff(array1.ToUTF8(), LF.ToUTF8()); }
public static void WriteLine(LF e, string stFormat) { GetStream(e).WriteLine(stFormat); }
private bool Evaluate(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry entry) { bool result = _Criterion.Evaluate(entry); return result; }
public HSSFEvaluationCell(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICell cell, IEvaluationSheet evalSheet) { _cell = cell; _evalSheet = evalSheet; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve the ZipEntry items in the ZipFile that conform to the specified criteria. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// /// <para> /// This method applies the criteria set in the FileSelector instance (as described in /// the <see cref="FileSelector.SelectionCriteria"/>) to the specified ZipFile. Using this /// method, for example, you can retrieve all entries from the given ZipFile that /// have filenames ending in .txt. /// </para> /// /// <para> /// Normally, applications would not call this method directly. This method is used /// by the ZipFile class. /// </para> /// /// <para> /// Using the appropriate SelectionCriteria, you can retrieve entries based on size, /// time, and attributes. See <see cref="FileSelector.SelectionCriteria"/> for a /// description of the syntax of the SelectionCriteria string. /// </para> /// /// </remarks> /// /// <param name="zip">The ZipFile from which to retrieve entries.</param> /// /// <returns>a collection of ZipEntry objects that conform to the criteria.</returns> public ICollection<LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry> SelectEntries(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zip) { if (zip == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("zip"); var list = new List<LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry>(); foreach (LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry e in zip) { if (this.Evaluate(e)) list.Add(e); } return list; }
public ArrayRecord(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Formula formula, CellRangeAddress8Bit range):base(range) { _options = 0; //YK: Excel 2007 leaves this field unset _field3notUsed = 0; _formula = formula; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve the ZipEntry items in the ZipFile that conform to the specified criteria. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// /// <para> /// This method applies the criteria set in the FileSelector instance (as described in /// the <see cref="FileSelector.SelectionCriteria"/>) to the specified ZipFile. Using this /// method, for example, you can retrieve all entries from the given ZipFile that /// have filenames ending in .txt. /// </para> /// /// <para> /// Normally, applications would not call this method directly. This method is used /// by the ZipFile class. /// </para> /// /// <para> /// This overload allows the selection of ZipEntry instances from the ZipFile to be restricted /// to entries contained within a particular directory in the ZipFile. /// </para> /// /// <para> /// Using the appropriate SelectionCriteria, you can retrieve entries based on size, /// time, and attributes. See <see cref="FileSelector.SelectionCriteria"/> for a /// description of the syntax of the SelectionCriteria string. /// </para> /// /// </remarks> /// /// <param name="zip">The ZipFile from which to retrieve entries.</param> /// /// <param name="directoryPathInArchive"> /// the directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then /// all directories in the archive are used. /// </param> /// /// <returns>a collection of ZipEntry objects that conform to the criteria.</returns> public ICollection<LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry> SelectEntries(LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zip, string directoryPathInArchive) { if (zip == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("zip"); var list = new List<LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry>(); // workitem 8559 string slashSwapped = (directoryPathInArchive == null) ? null : directoryPathInArchive.Replace("/", "\\"); // workitem 9174 if (slashSwapped != null) { while (slashSwapped.EndsWith("\\")) slashSwapped = slashSwapped.Substring(0, slashSwapped.Length - 1); } foreach (LF.Utils.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry e in zip) { if (directoryPathInArchive == null || (Path.GetDirectoryName(e.FileName) == directoryPathInArchive) || (Path.GetDirectoryName(e.FileName) == slashSwapped)) // workitem 8559 if (this.Evaluate(e)) list.Add(e); } return list; }
//[Obsolete] //public static void SetBorderTop(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellBorderType border, Region region, HSSFSheet sheet, // HSSFWorkbook workbook) //{ // SetBorderTop(border, toCRA(region), sheet, workbook); //} /// <summary> /// Sets the borderBottom attribute of the HSSFRegionUtil object /// </summary> /// <param name="border">The new border</param> /// <param name="region">The region that should have the border</param> /// <param name="sheet">The sheet that the region is on.</param> /// <param name="workbook">The workbook that the region is on.</param> public static void SetBorderTop(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle border, CellRangeAddress region, HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFWorkbook workbook) { int colStart = region.FirstColumn; int colEnd = region.LastColumn; int rowIndex = region.FirstRow; CellPropertySetter cps = new CellPropertySetter(workbook, HSSFCellUtil.BORDER_TOP, (int)border); LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow row = HSSFCellUtil.GetRow(rowIndex, sheet); for (int i = colStart; i <= colEnd; i++) { cps.SetProperty(row, i); } }
public void Add_IgnoringNonStringNonByteArray() { byte[] array = LF.Add(TEXT_DATA, 1, CR, DateTime.Now, 10.5, 785m, new UnitTest(), FF); ShouldEqualWithDiff(array.ToUTF8(), $"{LF.ToUTF8()}{TEXT_DATA}{CR.ToUTF8()}{FF.ToUTF8()}"); }
public void Add_FourByteArrays() { byte[] array = LF.Add(HT, CR, FF); ShouldEqualWithDiff(array.ToUTF8(), $"{LF.ToUTF8()}{HT.ToUTF8()}{CR.ToUTF8()}{FF.ToUTF8()}"); }
public override void Serialize(LF.Utils.NPOI.Util.ILittleEndianOutput out1) { }
public override void Serialize(LF.Utils.NPOI.Util.ILittleEndianOutput out1) { out1.WriteShort(field_1_cEntries); }
/// <summary> /// Extracts the header footer. /// </summary> /// <param name="hf">The header or footer</param> /// <returns></returns> private String ExtractHeaderFooter(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.IHeaderFooter hf) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); if (hf.Left != null) { text.Append(hf.Left); } if (hf.Center != null) { if (text.Length > 0) text.Append("\t"); text.Append(hf.Center); } if (hf.Right != null) { if (text.Length > 0) text.Append("\t"); text.Append(hf.Right); } if (text.Length > 0) text.Append("\n"); return text.ToString(); }
internal ExcelNumberFormat(ExcelStyles styles, LF.Utils.EPPlus.XmlHelper.ChangedEventHandler ChangedEvent, int PositionID, string Address, int index) : base(styles, ChangedEvent, PositionID, Address) { Index = index; }
public void Add_ThreeByteArraysAndTwoStrings() { byte[] array = LF.Add(TEXT_DATA, CR, TEXT_DATA, FF); ShouldEqualWithDiff(array.ToUTF8(), $"{LF.ToUTF8()}{TEXT_DATA}{CR.ToUTF8()}{TEXT_DATA}{FF.ToUTF8()}"); }
static System.IO.TextWriter GetStream(LF e) { return(m_out[(int)e]); }
public static string readOthersData(string[,] masterInventorList) { String lineOfFile; // this is the file of others' document data. { //string temp = masterInventorList[0, 0]; // this works! Can see mIL. //var fileName = string.Format("{0}\\goodotherdata100-short.csv", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); var fileName = string.Format("{0}\\goodotherdata100-fake.csv", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); string patentNumber, patentDate11, inventorNames, assignee, patentTitle, APD, CPCcodes; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName)) { string currentLine; // currentLine will be null when the StreamReader reaches the end of file string[,] masterRiskList = new string[10000, 24]; // store others' docouments of concern int concernedEntryCounter = 0; string docPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); //fileOut = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out1.txt"); while ((currentLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { (patentNumber, patentDate11, inventorNames, assignee, patentTitle, APD, CPCcodes) = getOthersFields(currentLine); //return (patentNumber, patentDate11, inventorNames, assignee, patentTitle, APD, CPCcodes); // iterate over inventor names // create other versions of names // split "inventors" into as many full names as there are inventors string[] inventorsFullNames; int numberInventors; inventorsFullNames = inventorNames.Split(';'); numberInventors = inventorsFullNames.Length; bool somethingToWrite = false; for (int i = 1; i < numberInventors + 1; i++) { string fullName = inventorsFullNames[i - 1]; string lastName, firstName, middleName; // // delete addresses (in parentheses) // delete quote and commas // string regex = "(\\[.*\\])|(\".*\")|('.*')|(\\(.*\\))"; string fullName_cleaned = Regex.Replace(fullName, regex, ""); fullName_cleaned = Regex.Replace(fullName_cleaned, @",", ""); // remove commas fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.Trim('"'); // delete quotes fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.Replace(".", string.Empty); // delete periods fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.Replace("-", string.Empty); // delete hyphens fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.ToUpper(); // convert to upper string[] inventorNameFragments; inventorNameFragments = fullName_cleaned.Split(' '); int numberOfNameFragments = inventorNameFragments.Length; lastName = inventorNameFragments[0]; try { firstName = inventorNameFragments[1]; } catch { firstName = ""; } try { middleName = inventorNameFragments[2]; } catch { middleName = ""; } // DETERMINE NAME OPTIONS FOR THIS "OTHER" DOCUMENT. string space = Convert.ToString(' '); string LFM, LF, LF1; // LFM = Last, First, Middle, LF = last first, LF1 = last and first letter of first. string LFM1, LF1M1; // LFM1 = last first middle initial, LF1M1 = last and first initial and middle initial LFM = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName, space, middleName); LF = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName); try { LF1 = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName.Substring(0, 1)); } catch { LF1 = lastName; } try { LFM1 = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName, space, middleName.Substring(0, 1)); } catch { LFM1 = ""; } try { LF1M1 = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName.Substring(0, 1), space, middleName.Substring(0, 1)); } catch { LF1M1 = ""; } // Is this inventor (an "other" inventor) named in masterInventorList in any way? // Putting it another way: // 1. earlier, we read a group of "our" patent documents // 2. from "our" list, we created masterInventorList[i, j] // 3. mIL contains various spellings of our inventor names, and bibliographic data from their patents // 4. the comments below show where this info is located in mIL (LF1 - e.g., means Last name + Initial of first name.) // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 0] = LFM; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 1] = LF; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 2] = LF1; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 3] = LFM1; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 4] = LF1M1; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 5] = patentNo; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 6] = title; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 7] = date1; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 8] = date2; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 9] = assignee; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 10] = inventorString; // masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 11] = CPCcodes; // // 5. At this point (in the instant method -- readOthersData -- we have one row of a record of others' // patent publications in a relevant time period and CPC group. // 6. What we want to determine now -- DO ANY OF "OUR" INVENTORS NAMES "MATCH" THE NAME OF THE PRESENT (OTHER) PUBLICATION? // IF YES, THEN FLAG THIS OTHER RECORD AS A POSSIBLE THEFT FROM US. // // Iterate through masterInventorList, looking for matches. suspicionLevel thisSuspicion; thisSuspicion = suspicionLevel.Low; for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) // to do -- need to set "1000" correctly { string temp1 = masterInventorList[1, 0]; string ourName, concerningName; ourName = LFM.Trim(); concerningName = masterInventorList[j, 0]; try { concerningName = concerningName.Trim(); } catch { concerningName = "nooneMatchesThis"; } if (ourName == concerningName) { // match of complete name -- classify as highly suspicous thisSuspicion = suspicionLevel.High; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 0] = thisSuspicion.ToString(); masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 1] = patentNumber; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 2] = patentDate11; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 3] = inventorNames; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 4] = assignee; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 5] = patentTitle; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 6] = APD; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 7] = CPCcodes; //to do - there are many more fields to store } else if (thisSuspicion != suspicionLevel.High && ((LF.Trim() == masterInventorList[j, 1])) || (LF1.Trim() == masterInventorList[j, 2])) { // match of last and first names -- classify as moderately suspicous thisSuspicion = suspicionLevel.Medium; masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 1] = thisSuspicion.ToString(); //to do - there are many more fields to store } } if (thisSuspicion.ToString() != suspicionLevel.Low.ToString()) // have we logged this "other" publication? { // we have stored this publication as suspicious, so // increment the pointer for that table // if there is something to write, write it. string vertBar = Convert.ToString('|'); string lineToWrite; string a, b, d, c, e, f, g, h; a = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 0]; b = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 1]; c = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 2]; d = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 3]; e = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 4]; f = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 5]; g = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 6]; h = masterRiskList[concernedEntryCounter, 7]; lineToWrite = String.Concat(a, vertBar, b, vertBar, c, vertBar, d, vertBar, e, vertBar, f, vertBar, g, vertBar, h); using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(docPath, "out2.txt"), true)) { outputFile.WriteLine(lineToWrite); } concernedEntryCounter += 1; } } } // end of while loop. } } lineOfFile = "test"; return(lineOfFile); // return the data. }
/// <summary> Initialize the logging system. </summary> /// <param name="stArgs">The command line arguments.</param> /// <remarks> /// Do a prelim sweep of command line args to set streams. /// We can't use the ErrorHandling subsystem or the Options Subsystem because /// logging is a more fundamental subsystem that the others depend on. /// <para>Activate via: /// '-l:XXXXX' where XXXXX is {Codegen, Verbose, Parser, Resolve } /// Can specify multiple switches</para> /// </remarks> public static void InitLogging(string [] stArgs) { //m_out = new System.IO.StreamWriter("blue.log"); // Set all streams to null by default m_out = new System.IO.TextWriter[((int)LF.All) + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < m_out.Length; i++) { m_out[i] = System.IO.TextWriter.Null; } // Check command line switches for (int i = 0; i < stArgs.Length; i++) { string st = stArgs[i]; if (st.Length < 3) { continue; } if (st[0] != '-' && st[0] != '/') { continue; } if (st[1] != 'l') { continue; } if (st[2] != ':') { continue; } string stSub = st.Substring(3); LF lf = LF.Invalid; if (stSub == "Codegen") { lf = LF.CodeGen; } else if (stSub == "Verbose") { lf = LF.Verbose; } else if (stSub == "Parser") { lf = LF.Parser; } else if (stSub == "Resolve") { lf = LF.Resolve; } if (lf != LF.Invalid) { SetStream(lf, Console.Out); } // Clear option so that it doesn't get confused with a real option stArgs[i] = ""; } //SetStream(LF.Verbose, Console.Out); //SetStream(LF.CodeGen, Console.Out); CreateAllStream(); WriteLine(LF.All, "Logging services initialized"); }
internal void FinishOutputStream(Stream s, CountingStream entryCounter, Stream encryptor, Stream compressor, LF.Utils.Ionic.Crc.CrcCalculatorStream output) { if (output == null) return; output.Close(); // by calling Close() on the deflate stream, we write the footer bytes, as necessary. if ((compressor as LF.Utils.Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream) != null) compressor.Close(); #if BZIP else if ((compressor as LF.Utils.Ionic.BZip2.BZip2OutputStream) != null) compressor.Close(); #if !NETCF else if ((compressor as LF.Utils.Ionic.BZip2.ParallelBZip2OutputStream) != null) compressor.Close(); #endif #endif #if !NETCF else if ((compressor as LF.Utils.Ionic.Zlib.ParallelDeflateOutputStream) != null) compressor.Close(); #endif encryptor.Flush(); encryptor.Close(); _LengthOfTrailer = 0; _UncompressedSize = output.TotalBytesSlurped; #if AESCRYPTO WinZipAesCipherStream wzacs = encryptor as WinZipAesCipherStream; if (wzacs != null && _UncompressedSize > 0) { s.Write(wzacs.FinalAuthentication, 0, 10); _LengthOfTrailer += 10; } #endif _CompressedFileDataSize = entryCounter.BytesWritten; _CompressedSize = _CompressedFileDataSize; // may be adjusted _Crc32 = output.Crc; // Set _RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader now, to allow for re-streaming StoreRelativeOffset(); }
public static void WriteLine(LF e, string stFormat, params object [] arg) { GetStream(e).WriteLine(stFormat, arg); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare the given stream for output - wrap it in a CountingStream, and /// then in a CRC stream, and an encryptor and deflator as appropriate. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// Previously this was used in ZipEntry.Write(), but in an effort to /// introduce some efficiencies in that method I've refactored to put the /// code inline. This method still gets called by ZipOutputStream. /// </para> /// </remarks> internal void PrepOutputStream(Stream s, long streamLength, out CountingStream outputCounter, out Stream encryptor, out Stream compressor, out LF.Utils.Ionic.Crc.CrcCalculatorStream output) { TraceWriteLine("PrepOutputStream: e({0}) comp({1}) crypto({2}) zf({3})", FileName, CompressionLevel, Encryption, _container.Name); // Wrap a counting stream around the raw output stream: // This is the last thing that happens before the bits go to the // application-provided stream. outputCounter = new CountingStream(s); // Sometimes the incoming "raw" output stream is already a CountingStream. // Doesn't matter. Wrap it with a counter anyway. We need to count at both // levels. if (streamLength != 0L) { // Maybe wrap an encrypting stream around that: // This will happen BEFORE output counting, and AFTER deflation, if encryption // is used. encryptor = MaybeApplyEncryption(outputCounter); // Maybe wrap a compressing Stream around that. // This will happen BEFORE encryption (if any) as we write data out. compressor = MaybeApplyCompression(encryptor, streamLength); } else { encryptor = compressor = outputCounter; } // Wrap a CrcCalculatorStream around that. // This will happen BEFORE compression (if any) as we write data out. output = new LF.Utils.Ionic.Crc.CrcCalculatorStream(compressor, true); }
internal ExcelGradientFill(ExcelStyles styles, LF.Utils.EPPlus.XmlHelper.ChangedEventHandler ChangedEvent, int PositionID, string address, int index) : base(styles, ChangedEvent, PositionID, address) { Index = index; }
public static void processRecord(string record1, ref int presentRowNumber, string[,] masterInventorList) // this is processRecord(string record1) { String patentNo, lastName, firstName, middleName, title, date1, date2, assignee, inventorString, CPCcodes; int numberInventors; string LFM, LF, LF1; // LFM = Last, First, Middle, LF = last first, LF1 = last and first letter of first. string LFM1, LF1M1; // LFM1 = last first middle initial, LF1M1 = last and first initial and middle initial LFM = ""; LF = ""; LF1 = ""; LFM1 = ""; LF1M1 = ""; // there should be five/six "|" in here. // no -> error // yes -> split into fields (patentNo, title, date1, date2, assignee, inventorString, CPCcodes) = findFields(record1); // split "inventors" into as many full names as there are inventors string[] inventorsFullNames; inventorsFullNames = inventorString.Split(';'); numberInventors = inventorsFullNames.Length; // create other versions of names for (int i = 1; i < numberInventors + 1; i++) { string fullName = inventorsFullNames[i - 1]; // // delete addresses (in parentheses) // delete quote and commas // string regex = "(\\[.*\\])|(\".*\")|('.*')|(\\(.*\\))"; string fullName_cleaned = Regex.Replace(fullName, regex, ""); fullName_cleaned = Regex.Replace(fullName_cleaned, @",", ""); // remove commas fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.Trim('"'); // delete quotes fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.Replace(".", string.Empty); // delete periods fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.Replace("-", string.Empty); // delete hyphens fullName_cleaned = fullName_cleaned.ToUpper(); // convert to upper string[] inventorNameFragments; inventorNameFragments = fullName_cleaned.Split(' '); int numberOfNameFragments = inventorNameFragments.Length; lastName = inventorNameFragments[0]; firstName = inventorNameFragments[1]; middleName = inventorNameFragments[2]; // save flattened list of documents and names string space = Convert.ToString(' '); LFM = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName, space, middleName); LF = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName); LF1 = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName.Substring(0, 1)); try { LFM1 = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName, space, middleName.Substring(0, 1)); } catch { LFM1 = ""; } try { LF1M1 = String.Concat(lastName, space, firstName.Substring(0, 1), space, middleName.Substring(0, 1)); } catch { LF1M1 = ""; } // here we have all the info for one line of the masterInventorTable //--------all the name versions for one intentor //--------all the info. on one patent publicaiton. // try { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 0] = LFM.Trim(); } catch { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 0] = LFM; } try { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 1] = LF.Trim(); } catch { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 1] = LF; } try { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 2] = LF1.Trim(); } catch { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 2] = LF1; } try { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 3] = LFM1.Trim(); } catch { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 3] = LFM1; } try { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 4] = LF1M1.Trim(); } catch { masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 4] = LF1M1; } ; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 5] = patentNo; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 6] = title; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 7] = date1; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 8] = date2; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 9] = assignee; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 10] = inventorString; masterInventorList[presentRowNumber, 11] = CPCcodes; presentRowNumber += 1; } return; }