/// <summary>
        /// If the prefab is instantiated from LBLandscapeTerrain.PopulateLandscapeWithGroups(..)
        /// it doesn't know about editor-only classes like LBGroupDesigner. That's because it can be
        /// called at runtime. This method can be called to add the GroupDesigner reference to itself.
        /// </summary>
        public void FindGroupDesigner()
            // Get the parent of this object which should be gameobject beginning with [DESIGNER]
            Transform tfm = this.transform.parent;

            if (tfm != null && tfm.name.StartsWith("[DESIGNER]"))
                Transform landscapeTfrm = tfm.parent;
                if (landscapeTfrm != null)
                    // Get the first (and hopefully only) LBGroupDesigner
                    lbGroupDesigner = landscapeTfrm.GetComponentInChildren <LBGroupDesigner>();
            // SubGroup "items" appear directly below the lanscape.
            else if (this.name.StartsWith("[DESIGNER]"))
                Transform landscapeTfrm = this.transform.parent;
                if (landscapeTfrm != null)
                    // Get the first (and hopefully only) LBGroupDesigner
                    lbGroupDesigner = landscapeTfrm.GetComponentInChildren <LBGroupDesigner>();
        // Draw gizmos whenever the designer is being shown in the scene
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            if (isInitialised && lbGroup != null)
                // Show the clearing location as a 2D circle
                UnityEditor.Handles.color = Color.blue;
                Vector3 locPos = transform.position;
                UnityEditor.Handles.DrawWireDisc(locPos, Vector3.up, lbGroup.maxClearingRadius);

                //Vector3 arcPosition = this.transform.position;
                //UnityEditor.Handles.DrawWireArc(arcPosition, Vector3.up, this.transform.forward, 360, lbGroup.maxClearingRadius);

                // Show the zones
                using (new UnityEditor.Handles.DrawingScope(Color.cyan))
                    Vector3 areaPos = new Vector3(0f, locPos.y, 0f);

                    if (zoneLabelStyle == null)
                        zoneLabelStyle                     = new GUIStyle("Box");
                        zoneLabelStyle.fontSize            = 14;
                        zoneLabelStyle.border              = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2);
                        GUI.skin.box.normal.textColor      = zoneLabelColour;
                        zoneLabelStyle.onFocused.textColor = zoneLabelColour;

                    // Show zones in scene for the current manual clearing location
                    for (int zoneIdx = 0; zoneIdx < numZones; zoneIdx++)
                        LBGroupZone lbGroupZone = lbGroup.zoneList[zoneIdx];

                        if (lbGroupZone.showInScene)
                            areaPos.x = (lbGroupZone.centrePointX * lbGroup.maxClearingRadius) + locPos.x;
                            areaPos.z = (lbGroupZone.centrePointZ * lbGroup.maxClearingRadius) + locPos.z;

                            LBGroupDesigner.DrawZone(lbGroupZone, areaPos, locPos, lbGroup.maxClearingRadius, areaPos.y, rotationY, false, zoneLabelStyle);
        private void CloseGroupDesigner()
            LBLandscape landscape = lbGroupDesignerItem.lbGroupDesigner.transform.GetComponentInParent <LBLandscape>();

            if (landscape != null && lbGroupDesignerItem != null && lbGroupDesignerItem.lbGroupDesigner != null)
                lbGroupDesignerItem.lbGroupDesigner.lbGroup.showGroupDesigner = !LBGroupDesigner.ShowGroupDesigner(landscape, ref lbGroupDesignerItem.lbGroupDesigner, lbGroupDesignerItem.lbGroupDesigner.lbGroup, false);

                // Save the scene after attempting to close the Designer
                if (!EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
                    if (lbGroupDesignerItem.lbGroupDesigner.autoSaveEnabled)