public static bool SaveTemplate ( LBLandscape landscape, string LBEditorVersion, string landscapeTemplateName, ref bool isSceneSaveRequired, bool createTemplatePackage, bool addMapTexturesToTemplatePackage, bool addLayerHeightmapTexturesToTemplatePackage, bool addLBLightingToTemplate, bool addPathsToTemplate, bool addStencilsToTemplate, bool addPathMeshMaterialsToTemplate ) { bool isSuccessful = false; string landscapeName =; // Create a new gameobject in the scene hierarchy that we can turn into a prefab GameObject newTemplateObj = new GameObject(landscapeName + " template"); if (newTemplateObj == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Landscape Builder - could not create temporary gameobject for " + landscapeName + " template"); } else { LBTemplate lbTemplate = newTemplateObj.AddComponent <LBTemplate>(); if (lbTemplate == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Landscape Builder - could not add LBTemplate component " + landscapeName + " template"); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(newTemplateObj); } else { // This is the installed version of LB when the template was created lbTemplate.LBVersion = LBEditorVersion; // This is the version of the landscape when the template was created lbTemplate.LastUpdatedVersion = landscape.LastUpdatedVersion; // The version of Unity that created this template lbTemplate.templateUnityVersion = Application.unityVersion; lbTemplate.useLegacyNoiseOffset = landscape.useLegacyNoiseOffset; // Name of the landscape game object lbTemplate.landscapeName = landscapeName; lbTemplate.size = landscape.size; lbTemplate.start = landscape.start; // Landscape terrain settings Vector3 terrainSize3D = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainSize(); lbTemplate.heightmapResolution = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainHeightmapResolution(); lbTemplate.terrainWidth = terrainSize3D.x; lbTemplate.terrainHeight = terrainSize3D.y; lbTemplate.pixelError = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainPixelError(); lbTemplate.baseMapDistance = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainBaseMapDist(); lbTemplate.alphaMapResolution = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainAlphaMapResolution(); lbTemplate.baseTextureResolution = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainBaseTextureResolution(); lbTemplate.treeDistance = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainTreeDistance(); lbTemplate.treeBillboardDistance = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainTreeBillboardStart(); lbTemplate.detailDistance = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainDetailDistance(); lbTemplate.detailDensity = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainDetailDensity(); lbTemplate.detailResolution = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainDetailResolution(); lbTemplate.treeFadeDistance = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainTreeFadeLength(); lbTemplate.grassWindSpeed = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainGrassWindSpeed(); lbTemplate.grassWindRippleSize = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainGrassWindRippleSize(); lbTemplate.grassWindBending = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainGrassWindBending(); lbTemplate.grassWindTint = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainGrassWindTint(); lbTemplate.terrainLegacySpecular = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainLegacySpecular(); lbTemplate.terrainLegacyShininess = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainLegacyShininess(); lbTemplate.useTerrainDrawInstanced = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainDrawInstanced(); lbTemplate.useTerrainPerPixelNormals = GetTerrainPerPixelNormals(landscape); lbTemplate.terrainGroupingID = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainGroupingID(); lbTemplate.terrainAutoConnect = landscape.GetLandscapeTerrainAutoConnect(); // Synchronize with a duplicate enum in lbTemplate lbTemplate.terrainMaterialType = (LBTemplate.TerrainMaterialType)landscape.GetTerrainMaterialType(); // Check if any lists are null if (landscape.topographyLayersList == null) { landscape.topographyLayersList = new List <LBLayer>(); } if (landscape.terrainTexturesList == null) { landscape.terrainTexturesList = new List <LBTerrainTexture>(); } if (landscape.terrainTreesList == null) { landscape.terrainTreesList = new List <LBTerrainTree>(); } if (landscape.terrainGrassList == null) { landscape.terrainGrassList = new List <LBTerrainGrass>(); } if (landscape.lbGroupList == null) { landscape.lbGroupList = new List <LBGroup>(); } if (landscape.landscapeMeshList == null) { landscape.landscapeMeshList = new List <LBLandscapeMesh>(); } if (landscape.landscapeWaterList == null) { landscape.landscapeWaterList = new List <LBWater>(); } // Update texture names to help detect missing textures when importing templates into another project for (int txIdx = 0; txIdx < landscape.terrainTexturesList.Count; txIdx++) { // Only attempt to update the textureName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing texture if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx].textureName)) { if (landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx].texture != null) { landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx].textureName = landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } // Only attempt to update the normalMapName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing normalMap if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx].normalMapName)) { if (landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx].normalMap != null) { landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx].normalMapName = landscape.terrainTexturesList[txIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } } // Update Grass texture names to help detect missing textures when importing templates into another project for (int grIdx = 0; grIdx < landscape.terrainGrassList.Count; grIdx++) { // Only attempt to update the grass textureName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing grass texture if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx].textureName)) { if (landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx].texture != null) { landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx].textureName = landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } // Only attempt to update the grass meshPrefName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing grass mesh prefab if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx].meshPrefabName)) { if (landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx].meshPrefab != null) { landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx].meshPrefabName = landscape.terrainGrassList[grIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } } // Update Tree prefab names to help detect missing prefabs when importing templates into another project for (int trIdx = 0; trIdx < landscape.terrainTreesList.Count; trIdx++) { // Only attempt to update the tree prefabName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing tree prefab if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(landscape.terrainTreesList[trIdx].prefabName)) { if (landscape.terrainTreesList[trIdx].prefab != null) { landscape.terrainTreesList[trIdx].prefabName = landscape.terrainTreesList[trIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } } // Update Mesh prefab names to help detect missing prefabs when importing templates into another project for (int meshIdx = 0; meshIdx < landscape.landscapeMeshList.Count; meshIdx++) { // Only attempt to update the mesh prefabName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing mesh prefab if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(landscape.landscapeMeshList[meshIdx].prefabName)) { if (landscape.landscapeMeshList[meshIdx].prefab != null) { landscape.landscapeMeshList[meshIdx].prefabName = landscape.landscapeMeshList[meshIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } } int numGroups = landscape.lbGroupList == null ? 0 : landscape.lbGroupList.Count; // Update Group Member prefab names to help detect missing prefabs when importing templates into another project for (int grpIdx = 0; grpIdx < numGroups; grpIdx++) { if (landscape.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList != null) { List <LBGroupMember> groupMemberList = landscape.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList; for (int grpMbrIdx = 0; grpMbrIdx < groupMemberList.Count; grpMbrIdx++) { // Only attempt to update the prefab prefabName if it is null or an empty string. // This avoids loosing details about an already missing prefab if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx].prefabName)) { if (groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx].prefab != null) { groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx].prefabName = groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx]; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } } } } } // Landscape class lists - perform deep copy (#SMS 2.0.6 Beta 6f) // Attempts to avoid issue where a template prefab is created (and later deleted) which could delete data // from the landscape meta-data in the scene. lbTemplate.topographyLayersList = landscape.topographyLayersList.ConvertAll(lyr => new LBLayer(lyr)); lbTemplate.terrainTexturesList = landscape.terrainTexturesList.ConvertAll(tt => new LBTerrainTexture(tt)); lbTemplate.terrainTreesList = landscape.terrainTreesList.ConvertAll(tt => new LBTerrainTree(tt)); lbTemplate.terrainGrassList = landscape.terrainGrassList.ConvertAll(tg => new LBTerrainGrass(tg)); lbTemplate.lbGroupList = landscape.lbGroupList.ConvertAll(grp => new LBGroup(grp)); lbTemplate.landscapeMeshList = landscape.landscapeMeshList.ConvertAll(msh => new LBLandscapeMesh(msh)); lbTemplate.landscapeWaterList = landscape.landscapeWaterList.ConvertAll(wtr => new LBWater(wtr, false)); // Check for surface and/or base mesh materials in Group Object Paths for (int grpIdx = 0; grpIdx < numGroups; grpIdx++) { int numGrpMembers = landscape.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList == null ? 0 : landscape.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList.Count; for (int grpMbrIdx = 0; grpMbrIdx < numGrpMembers; grpMbrIdx++) { LBGroupMember _lbGroupMember = landscape.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx]; // A deep copy will attempt create a new instance of the material using our LBGroupMember clone constructor // In this case we need to reference the actual material in the project folder. // If the Object Path was a duplicate of an existing Object Path, then this may also fail. if (_lbGroupMember != null && _lbGroupMember.lbMemberType == LBGroupMember.LBMemberType.ObjPath && _lbGroupMember.lbObjPath != null) { lbTemplate.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx].lbObjPath.surfaceMeshMaterial = _lbGroupMember.lbObjPath.surfaceMeshMaterial; lbTemplate.lbGroupList[grpIdx].groupMemberList[grpMbrIdx].lbObjPath.baseMeshMaterial = _lbGroupMember.lbObjPath.baseMeshMaterial; } } } // Final Pass varibles lbTemplate.useFinalPassSmoothing = landscape.useFinalPassSmoothing; lbTemplate.finalPassSmoothingIterations = landscape.finalPassSmoothingIterations; lbTemplate.finalPassPixelRange = landscape.finalPassPixelRange; lbTemplate.fPassSmoothStencilGUID = landscape.fPassSmoothStencilGUID; lbTemplate.fPassSmoothStencilLayerGUID = landscape.fPassSmoothStencilLayerGUID; lbTemplate.fPassSmoothFilterMode = landscape.fPassSmoothFilterMode; lbTemplate.thermalErosionPreset = landscape.thermalErosionPreset; lbTemplate.useThermalErosion = landscape.useThermalErosion; lbTemplate.thermalErosionIterations = landscape.thermalErosionIterations; lbTemplate.thermalErosionTalusAngle = landscape.thermalErosionTalusAngle; lbTemplate.thermalErosionStrength = landscape.thermalErosionStrength; lbTemplate.fPassThErosionStencilGUID = landscape.fPassThErosionStencilGUID; lbTemplate.fPassThErosionStencilLayerGUID = landscape.fPassThErosionStencilLayerGUID; lbTemplate.fPassThErosionFilterMode = landscape.fPassThErosionFilterMode; // Group Settings lbTemplate.autoRefreshGroupDesigner = landscape.autoRefreshGroupDesigner; // Vegetation Integration variables lbTemplate.useVegetationSystem = landscape.useVegetationSystem; lbTemplate.useVegetationSystemTextures = landscape.useVegetationSystemTextures; // Landscape Extension lbTemplate.useLandscapeExtension = landscape.useLandscapeExtension; if (landscape.lbLandscapeExtension != null) { lbTemplate.lbLandscapeExtension = new LBLandscapeExtension(landscape.lbLandscapeExtension); } else { lbTemplate.lbLandscapeExtension = new LBLandscapeExtension(); } // GPU acceleration lbTemplate.useGPUTexturing = landscape.useGPUTexturing; lbTemplate.useGPUTopography = landscape.useGPUTopography; lbTemplate.useGPUGrass = landscape.useGPUGrass; lbTemplate.useGPUPath = landscape.useGPUPath; // Undo override lbTemplate.isUndoTopographyDisabled = landscape.isUndoTopographyDisabled; // Topography Mask - there is one per landscape lbTemplate.topographyMaskMode = (LBTemplate.MaskMode)landscape.topographyMaskMode; lbTemplate.distanceToCentreMask = landscape.distanceToCentreMask; lbTemplate.maskWarpAmount = landscape.maskWarpAmount; lbTemplate.maskNoiseTileSize = landscape.maskNoiseTileSize; lbTemplate.maskNoiseOffsetX = landscape.maskNoiseOffsetX; lbTemplate.maskNoiseOffsetY = landscape.maskNoiseOffsetY; lbTemplate.maskNoiseCurveModifier = landscape.maskNoiseCurveModifier; // Does user wish to include LBLighting? if (addLBLightingToTemplate) { // Only include LBLighting if it is in the scene LBLighting lbLighting = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LBLighting>(); if (lbLighting == null) { lbTemplate.isLBLightingIncluded = false; Debug.LogWarning("Landscape Builder - Export Template - No LBLighting found in the scene"); } else { lbTemplate.isLBLightingIncluded = true; lbTemplate.AddLBLightingSettings(lbLighting); } } else { lbTemplate.isLBLightingIncluded = false; } // Create an empty list of Asset Paths for the mesh materials List <string> lbMapPathMaterialAssetPathList = new List <string>(); if (addPathsToTemplate) { // Find any Camera Paths in this landscape (changed from all in scene in 1.3.2 Beta 9b) List <LBCameraPath> lbCameraPathList = LBCameraPath.GetCameraPathsInLandscape(landscape); if (lbCameraPathList != null) { // Get the LBPath from each LBCameraPath and add it to the LBTemplate instance foreach (LBCameraPath lbCameraPath in lbCameraPathList) { if (lbCameraPath.lbPath != null) { // Update the path name before adding to the template if (lbCameraPath.gameObject != null) { lbCameraPath.lbPath.pathName =; isSceneSaveRequired = true; } lbTemplate.lbPathList.Add(lbCameraPath.lbPath); } } } // Find all MapPaths in the this landscape List <LBMapPath> lbMapPathList = LBMapPath.GetMapPathsInLandscape(landscape); if (lbMapPathList != null) { // Get the LBPath from each LBMapPath and add it to the LBTemplate instance foreach (LBMapPath lbMapPath in lbMapPathList) { if (lbMapPath.lbPath != null) { // Update the path name before adding to the template if (lbMapPath.gameObject != null) { lbMapPath.lbPath.pathName =; // Check for a mesh if (lbMapPath.lbPath.lbMesh != null && addPathMeshMaterialsToTemplate) { lbMapPath.lbPath.meshTempMaterial = lbMapPath.meshMaterial; // If also creating a package, remember the asset path for this mesh material if (createTemplatePackage) { string mapPathMatAssetPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(lbMapPath.meshMaterial); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapPathMatAssetPath)) { lbMapPathMaterialAssetPathList.Add(mapPathMatAssetPath); } } } else { lbMapPath.lbPath.meshTempMaterial = null; } isSceneSaveRequired = true; } lbTemplate.lbPathList.Add(lbMapPath.lbPath); } } } } if (addStencilsToTemplate) { List <LBStencil> lbStencilList = LBStencil.GetStencilsInLandscape(landscape, true); if (lbTemplate.lbTemplateStencilList == null) { lbTemplate.lbTemplateStencilList = new List <LBTemplateStencil>(); } if (lbTemplate.lbTemplateStencilList != null && lbStencilList != null) { // Create a LBTemplateStencil for each Stencil in the landscape, and add it to the Template. // NOTE Does not copy the USHORT layerArray or render textures in the Stencil Layers as we want to keep // the Template as small as possible. foreach (LBStencil lbStencil in lbStencilList) { if (lbStencil != null) { LBTemplateStencil lbTemplateStencil = new LBTemplateStencil(lbStencil); if (lbTemplateStencil != null) { lbTemplate.lbTemplateStencilList.Add(lbTemplateStencil); } } } } } // Create template folders if they don't already exist LBEditorHelper.CheckFolder("Assets/LandscapeBuilder/Templates"); if (!Directory.Exists("LandscapeBuilder/TemplatePackages")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("LandscapeBuilder/TemplatePackages"); } // Create a prefab bool continueToSave = false; string templateFullPath = Application.dataPath + "/LandscapeBuilder/Templates/" + landscapeTemplateName + ".prefab"; string templateAssetPath = "Assets/LandscapeBuilder/Templates/" + landscapeTemplateName + ".prefab"; if (File.Exists(templateFullPath)) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Template Already Exists", "Are you sure you want to save the template? The currently existing" + " template will be lost.", "Overwrite", "Cancel")) { if (!AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(templateAssetPath)) { Debug.LogWarning("Landscape Builder - could not overwrite Assets/LandscapeBuilder/Templates/" + landscapeTemplateName + " for " + landscapeName + " template"); } else { continueToSave = true; } } } else { continueToSave = true; } if (continueToSave) { #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER GameObject templatePrefabGO = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(newTemplateObj, templateAssetPath); #else GameObject templatePrefabGO = PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(templateAssetPath, newTemplateObj); #endif if (templatePrefabGO != null && createTemplatePackage) { // Always include the template prefab (this is meta-data only) List <string> templateAssetPaths = new List <string>(); templateAssetPaths.Add(templateAssetPath); // Although technically users could include 3rd party textures in a LBMap texture, they are MUCH more likely to use // map textures generated from within Landscape Builder. if (addMapTexturesToTemplatePackage) { List <string> uniqueMapTexPaths = LBLandscapeOperations.GetMapTextureAssetPathsFromLandscape(landscape, true); if (uniqueMapTexPaths != null) { if (uniqueMapTexPaths.Count > 0) { templateAssetPaths.AddRange(uniqueMapTexPaths); } } } if (addLayerHeightmapTexturesToTemplatePackage) { // Get a list of the image-based topography layers with a heightmap texture List <LBLayer> layerList = landscape.topographyLayersList.FindAll(lyr => lyr.heightmapImage != null && (lyr.type == LBLayer.LayerType.ImageBase || lyr.type == LBLayer.LayerType.ImageAdditive || lyr.type == LBLayer.LayerType.ImageSubtractive || lyr.type == LBLayer.LayerType.ImageDetail)); if (layerList != null) { //Debug.Log("Save Template found " + layerList.Count + " image layers with a heightmap"); for (int lyrIdx = 0; lyrIdx < layerList.Count; lyrIdx++) { // Get the path in the asset db to the image-based layer heightmap texture string heightmapPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(layerList[lyrIdx].heightmapImage); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(heightmapPath)) { templateAssetPaths.Add(heightmapPath); } } } } // Add the list of map path mesh materials we add earlier. if (addPathMeshMaterialsToTemplate && lbMapPathMaterialAssetPathList.Count > 0) { templateAssetPaths.AddRange(lbMapPathMaterialAssetPathList); } AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(templateAssetPaths.ToArray(), "LandscapeBuilder/TemplatePackages/" + landscapeTemplateName + ".unitypackage", ExportPackageOptions.Interactive); } LBEditorHelper.HighlightItemInProjectWindow(templateAssetPath); } // Cleanup scene hierarchy GameObject.DestroyImmediate(newTemplateObj); } } return(isSuccessful); }