        public void AreNotEqual()
            var color1 = new L16(12345);
            var color2 = new L16(54321);

            Assert.NotEqual(color1, color2);
        public void AreEqual()
            var color1 = new L16(3000);
            var color2 = new L16(3000);

            Assert.Equal(color1, color2);
 public static TPixel ColorFromL16 <TPixel>(L16 l16, ushort intensity, TPixel color)
     where TPixel : unmanaged, IPixel <TPixel>
     l16.PackedValue = intensity;
        public void WriteImagePixels_SingleImage()
            using var image = new Image <L16>(256, 256);
            this.ProcessPixelRowsImpl(image, accessor =>
                for (int y = 0; y < accessor.Height; y++)
                    Span <L16> row = accessor.GetRowSpan(y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < row.Length; x++)
                        row[x] = new L16((ushort)(x * y));

            Buffer2D <L16> buffer = image.Frames.RootFrame.PixelBuffer;

            for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
                Span <L16> row = buffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);
                for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
                    int actual = row[x].PackedValue;
                    Assert.Equal(x * y, actual);
        public void L16_FromVector4()
            // Arrange
            L16          gray     = default;
            const ushort expected = 32767;
            var          vector   = new L16(expected).ToVector4();

            // Act
            ushort actual = gray.PackedValue;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void L16_FromRgba32()
            // Arrange
            L16        gray      = default;
            const byte rgb       = 128;
            ushort     scaledRgb = ImageMaths.UpscaleFrom8BitTo16Bit(rgb);
            ushort     expected  = ImageMaths.Get16BitBT709Luminance(scaledRgb, scaledRgb, scaledRgb);

            // Act
            gray.FromRgba32(new Rgba32(rgb, rgb, rgb));
            ushort actual = gray.PackedValue;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void L16_ToVector4(ushort input)
            // Arrange
            var gray = new L16(input);

            // Act
            var actual = gray.ToVector4();

            // Assert
            float vectorInput = input / 65535F;

            Assert.Equal(vectorInput, actual.X);
            Assert.Equal(vectorInput, actual.Y);
            Assert.Equal(vectorInput, actual.Z);
            Assert.Equal(1F, actual.W);
        public void L16_ToRgba32(ushort input)
            // Arrange
            ushort expected = ImageMaths.DownScaleFrom16BitTo8Bit(input);
            var    gray     = new L16(input);

            // Act
            Rgba32 actual = default;

            gray.ToRgba32(ref actual);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual.R);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual.G);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual.B);
            Assert.Equal(byte.MaxValue, actual.A);
        public void WriteImagePixels_MultiImage3()
            using var img1 = new Image <L16>(256, 256);
            Buffer2D <L16> buffer2 = img1.Frames.RootFrame.PixelBuffer;

            for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
                Span <L16> row = buffer2.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);
                for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
                    row[x] = new L16((ushort)(x * y));

            using var img2 = new Image <L16>(256, 256);
            using var img3 = new Image <L16>(256, 256);

            this.ProcessPixelRowsImpl(img1, img2, img3, (accessor1, accessor2, accessor3) =>
                for (int y = 0; y < accessor1.Height; y++)
                    Span <L16> row1 = accessor1.GetRowSpan(y);
                    Span <L16> row2 = accessor2.GetRowSpan(accessor2.Height - y - 1);
                    Span <L16> row3 = accessor3.GetRowSpan(y);

            buffer2 = img2.Frames.RootFrame.PixelBuffer;
            Buffer2D <L16> buffer3 = img3.Frames.RootFrame.PixelBuffer;

            for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
                Span <L16> row2 = buffer2.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);
                Span <L16> row3 = buffer3.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);
                for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
                    int actual2 = row2[x].PackedValue;
                    int actual3 = row3[x].PackedValue;
                    Assert.Equal(x * (256 - y - 1), actual2);
                    Assert.Equal(x * y, actual3);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Decode(ReadOnlySpan <byte> data, Buffer2D <TPixel> pixels, int left, int top, int width, int height)
            // Note: due to an issue with netcore 2.1 and default values and unpredictable behavior with those,
            // we define our own defaults as a workaround. See: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/55623
            L16 l16   = TiffUtils.L16Default;
            var color = default(TPixel);


            int offset = 0;

            for (int y = top; y < top + height; y++)
                Span <TPixel> pixelRow = pixels.DangerousGetRowSpan(y).Slice(left, width);
                if (this.isBigEndian)
                    for (int x = 0; x < pixelRow.Length; x++)
                        ushort intensity = TiffUtils.ConvertToUShortBigEndian(data.Slice(offset, 2));
                        offset += 2;

                        pixelRow[x] = TiffUtils.ColorFromL16(l16, intensity, color);
                    int byteCount = pixelRow.Length * 2;
                    PixelOperations <TPixel> .Instance.FromL16Bytes(
                        data.Slice(offset, byteCount),

                    offset += byteCount;
 public void FromL16(L16 source)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string basePath = "NoiseTextures";


            int   seed    = 1234;
            float offsetX = 0;

            if (true)
                WriteAll(basePath, 1024, 1024, seed, offsetX);

            if (true)
                string tileableBasePath = "TileableNoiseTextures";

                string path = Path.Combine(tileableBasePath, "CellularValue_{0}");

                WriteTileable <
                    Vector256 <float>, Vector256 <int>,
                    CellularValue <Vector256 <int>, Vector256 <float>, Vector256 <int>, Avx2Functions,
                                   DistanceEuclidean <Vector256 <int>, Vector256 <float>, Vector256 <int>, Avx2Functions> > >(
                    generator: new(),

                WriteTileable <
                    Vector128 <float>, Vector128 <int>,
                    CellularValue <Vector128 <int>, Vector128 <float>, Vector128 <int>, Sse2Functions,
                                   DistanceEuclidean <Vector128 <int>, Vector128 <float>, Vector128 <int>, Sse2Functions> > >(
                    generator: new(),

                WriteTileable <
                    float, int,
                    CellularValue <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions,
                                   DistanceEuclidean <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions> > >(
                    generator: new(),

            if (false)
                using var img = new Image <L16>(256, 256);

                float dx = 8;
                float dy = 8;

                float pi    = MathF.PI;
                var   noise = new CellularValue <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions,
                                                 DistanceEuclidean <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions> >();

                for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
                        float s = x / 256f;
                        float t = y / 256f;

                        float nx = Utils <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions> .Cos_f32(s * 2 *pi) * dx / (2 * pi);

                        float ny = Utils <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions> .Cos_f32(t * 2 *pi) * dy / (2 * pi);

                        float nz = Utils <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions> .Sin_f32(s * 2 *pi) * dx / (2 * pi);

                        float nw = Utils <int, float, int, ScalarFunctions> .Sin_f32(t * 2 *pi) * dy / (2 * pi);

                        img[x, y] = new L16((ushort)((noise.Gen(nx, ny, nz, nw, 1234) + 1f) * 0.5f * ushort.MaxValue));

 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void FromL16(L16 source)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        static internal unsafe void Start(string[] args)
            string sourceDirectory = "/media/nikolaev_ov/CEFE3C54FE3C36D5/DICOM/Fluorography/favorite/invalid-window";

            // using var readStream = new FileStream("/media/nikolaev_ov/CEFE3C54FE3C36D5/DICOM/Mammography/favorite/presentation-lut-shape-inverse/sources/MG_1.", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                using var readStream = new FileStream(System.IO.Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, fileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                var decodedDicomImage = DicomDatasetExtensions.DecodeImage(readStream, out _);

                // var decodedDicomImage = file.Dataset.ReadPixelData();

                // var image = DicomPixelData.Create(file.Dataset, false);

                // var decodedDicomImage = new DecodedDicomImageModel()
                // {
                //  PixelData = image.GetFrame(0).Data,
                //  ChannelSize = (uint)(file.Dataset.GetSingleValue<ushort>(DicomTag.BitsAllocated) >> 3),
                //  Signed = file.Dataset.GetSingleValue<ushort>(DicomTag.PixelRepresentation) == 1,
                //  ChannelCount = file.Dataset.GetSingleValue<ushort>(DicomTag.SamplesPerPixel),
                //  Width = file.Dataset.GetSingleValue<ushort>(DicomTag.Columns),
                //  Height = file.Dataset.GetSingleValue<ushort>(DicomTag.Rows),
                // };
                // decodedDicomImage.PixelCount = decodedDicomImage.Width * decodedDicomImage.Height;
                fixed(byte *p = &decodedDicomImage.PixelData[0])
                    var pixelData = new Span <L16>(p, (int)(decodedDicomImage.PixelData.Length / decodedDicomImage.ChannelSize));
                    var min       = ushort.MaxValue;
                    var max       = ushort.MinValue;

                    foreach (var pixel in pixelData)
                        if (pixel.PackedValue < min)
                            min = pixel.PackedValue;
                        if (pixel.PackedValue > max)
                            max = pixel.PackedValue;
                    for (int pixelIndex = 0; pixelIndex != pixelData.Length; pixelIndex++)
                        pixelData[pixelIndex] = new L16(checked ((ushort)(pixelData[pixelIndex].PackedValue * 64)));
                    var img = Image.LoadPixelData <L16>(pixelData, (int)decodedDicomImage.Width, (int)decodedDicomImage.Height);

                    // img.Mutate(a =>
                    // {
                    //  // Color whiteColor = new Color(new Rgba64(ushort.MaxValue & 0x0FFF, ushort.MaxValue & 0x0FFF, ushort.MaxValue & 0x0FFF, ushort.MaxValue & 0x0FFF));
                    //  Color whiteColor = new Color(new Rgba64(ushort.MaxValue, ushort.MaxValue, ushort.MaxValue, ushort.MaxValue));
                    //  Color blackColor = new Color(new Rgba64(ushort.MinValue, ushort.MinValue, ushort.MinValue, ushort.MinValue));
                    //  a.Draw(Pens.Solid(whiteColor, 10), new EllipsePolygon(new PointF(image.Width * 0.5F, image.Height * 0.5F), 200F));
                    //  FontCollection fontCollection = new FontCollection();
                    //  fontCollection.Install(System.IO.Path.Combine(fontDirectory, "fonts/TIMES.TTF"));
                    //  string text = "ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИХ ЦЕЛЕЙ";
                    //  Font font = new Font(fontCollection.Families.First(), 64, FontStyle.Regular);
                    //  FontRectangle fontRectangle = TextMeasurer.Measure(text, new RendererOptions(font));
                    //  PointF textPoint = new PointF(image.Width * 0.5F - fontRectangle.Width * 0.5F, image.Height * 0.5F - 200F - fontRectangle.Height);
                    //  a.DrawText(text, font, blackColor, new PointF(textPoint.X + 5, textPoint.Y + 5));
                    //  a.DrawText(text, font, whiteColor, textPoint);
                    // });
                    using var writeStream = new FileStream(System.IO.Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".jpg"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
                    img.Save(writeStream, new JpegEncoder()
                        Quality = 100, Subsample = JpegSubsample.Ratio444
                    for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++)
                        Span <L16> span = img.GetPixelRowSpan(y);

                        fixed(L16 *p2 = &span[0])
                        Buffer.MemoryCopy(p2, p + y * img.Width * decodedDicomImage.ChannelSize, img.Width * decodedDicomImage.ChannelSize, img.Width * decodedDicomImage.ChannelSize);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        NowCursorState = tmpCursor.GetComponent <AnimatedCursor>().tmpCursorState;

        PlaceBtnState  = PlaceButton.GetComponent <ButtonInteraction>().NowButtonState;
        DeleteBtnState = DeleteButton.GetComponent <ButtonInteraction>().NowButtonState;
        CancelBtnState = CancelButton.GetComponent <ButtonInteraction>().NowButtonState;

        lineRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        //Debug.Log("Cursor Position: " + tmpCursor.transform.position);

        //Vector3 CursorPosition = tmpCursor.GetComponent<Transform>().position;

        if ((ButtonInteraction.PosState == PosButtonType.PLACE) && (NowCursorState == CursorStateEnum.Release) &&
            (PlaceBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Targeted) && (PlaceBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Pressed) &&
            (DeleteBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Observation) && (CancelBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Observation))
            if (SizeButtonCollection.SizeButtonState == SizeButtonType.MEDIUM)
                offset = 6.0f;
            else if (SizeButtonCollection.SizeButtonState == SizeButtonType.LARGE)
                offset = 8.0f;
            else if (SizeButtonCollection.SizeButtonState == SizeButtonType.SMALL)
                offset = 5.0f;

            Vector3 FinalPos = tmpCursor.transform.position - new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.1f) * offset;
            Instantiate(PlaneObject, FinalPos, transform.rotation, this.transform);   //Genarate the drone

            ChildCount = this.transform.childCount;

            /*Use to process the three Red Light*/

            if (ChildCount > 1)
                Vector3 pos1, pos2;                                                                          //the position of two way point(drone)
                Vector3 p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18; //Red light initial position
                pos1 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.position;
                pos2 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).transform.position;

                p0  = (pos1 * 1 + pos2 * 19) / 20;
                p1  = (pos1 * 2 + pos2 * 18) / 20;
                p2  = (pos1 * 3 + pos2 * 17) / 20;
                p3  = (pos1 * 4 + pos2 * 16) / 20;
                p4  = (pos1 * 5 + pos2 * 15) / 20;
                p5  = (pos1 * 6 + pos2 * 14) / 20;
                p6  = (pos1 * 7 + pos2 * 13) / 20;
                p7  = (pos1 * 8 + pos2 * 12) / 20;
                p8  = (pos1 * 9 + pos2 * 11) / 20;
                p9  = (pos1 * 10 + pos2 * 10) / 20;
                p10 = (pos1 * 11 + pos2 * 9) / 20;
                p11 = (pos1 * 12 + pos2 * 8) / 20;
                p12 = (pos1 * 13 + pos2 * 7) / 20;
                p13 = (pos1 * 14 + pos2 * 6) / 20;
                p14 = (pos1 * 15 + pos2 * 5) / 20;

                p15 = (pos1 * 16 + pos2 * 4) / 20;
                p16 = (pos1 * 17 + pos2 * 3) / 20;
                p17 = (pos1 * 18 + pos2 * 2) / 20;
                p18 = (pos1 * 19 + pos2 * 1) / 20;

                L0 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_0, p0, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L0.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L0.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L0.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L1 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_1, p1, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L1.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L1.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L1.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L2 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_2, p2, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L2.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L2.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L2.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L3 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_3, p3, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L3.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L3.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L3.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L4 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_4, p4, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L4.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L4.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L4.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L5 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_5, p5, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L5.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L5.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L5.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L6 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_6, p6, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L6.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L6.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L6.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L7 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_7, p7, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L7.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L7.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L7.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L8 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_8, p8, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L8.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L8.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L8.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L9 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_9, p9, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L9.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L9.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L9.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L10 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_10, p10, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L10.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L10.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L10.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L11 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_11, p11, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L11.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L11.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L11.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L12 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_12, p12, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L12.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L12.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L12.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L13 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_13, p13, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L13.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L13.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L13.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L14 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_14, p14, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L14.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L14.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L14.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L15 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_15, p15, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L15.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L15.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L15.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L16 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_16, p16, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L16.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L16.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L16.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L17 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_17, p17, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L17.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L17.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L17.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L18 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_18, p18, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L18.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L18.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L18.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;


        /* Line Process*/
        ChildCount = this.transform.childCount;

        if (ChildCount > 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < ChildCount; i++)
                tmp = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, tmp.transform.position);

            /*Obstacle Detect*/
            for (int i = 0; i < ChildCount - 1; i++)
                Obj1 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                Obj2 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i + 1).gameObject;
                Ray        ray = new Ray(Obj1.transform.position, Obj2.transform.position - Obj1.transform.position);
                RaycastHit hit;

                //Debug.Log( i + " -> " + (i+1) + " distance : " + Vector3.Distance(Obj1.transform.position, Obj2.transform.position));
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(Obj1.transform.position, Obj2.transform.position) - 0.1f;

                Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, distance, mask);

                //When collision is NOT NULL, there is obstacles
                if (hit.transform != null)
                    lineRenderer.material = LineMat2; // if collision the line become red

                    //LineCollision = false;   // Let Other Script Know Collision State
                    //LineCollisionNum = i + 1;

                    Debug.Log("Blocked by : " + hit.transform.name);
                //If is NULL -> No Obstacles
                else if (hit.transform == null)
                    lineRenderer.material = LineMat1;
                    //LineCollision = true;
                    //LineCollisionNum = -1;

                //Debug.Log("Line color : " + lineRenderer.material);

        //if(ChildCount == 2) lineRenderer.SetPosition(2, new Vector3(0,0,1));
 public void FromL16(L16 source) => this.FromScaledVector4(source.ToScaledVector4());
 public Color(L16 pixel)
     this.data = new Rgba64(pixel.PackedValue, pixel.PackedValue, pixel.PackedValue, ushort.MaxValue);
     this.boxedHighPrecisionPixel = null;